文広 佐藤


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Local functional equations associated with decomposable graphs 2013 文広 佐藤
+ Representations of Clifford algebras and local functional equations (New developments in group representation theory and non-commutative harmonic analysis) 2012 文広 佐藤
岳義 小木曽
+ 概均質ベクトル空間の保型超関数と付随するL関数 (Automorphic forms, automorphic representations and related topics) 2010 文広 佐藤
敬太 田村
+ Representations of Clifford algebras and quartic polynomials with local functional equations (Automorphic Representations, Automorphic Forms, L-functions, and Related Topics) 2008 文広 佐藤
岳義 小木曽
+ Automorphic forms and zeta functions : proceedings of the conference in memory of Tsuneo Arakawa 2006 Siegfried Böcherer
知義 伊吹山
昌信 金子
文広 佐藤
+ Report on the convergence of zeta functions associated with prehomogeneous vector spaces(Theory of prehomogeneous vector spaces) 1995 文広 佐藤
+ Hecke-eigenfunctions on the space of rational binary quadratic forms and periods of Maass wave forms(Analytic Number Theory) 1994 文広 佐藤
+ Zeta functions of prehomogeneous vector spaces with coefficients related to periods of automorphic forms(Algebraic Analysis and Number Theory) 1992 文広 佐藤
+ The Maass Zeta Function Attached to Positive Definite Quadratic Forms(Theory of Prehomogeneous vector spaces) 1990 文広 佐藤
+ Zeta functions in several variables associated with prehomogeneous vector spaces = 概均質ベクトル空間に付随する多変数ゼータ関数 1983 文広 佐藤