Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Blow-up of dynamically restricted critical norms near a potential Navier–Stokes singularity 2023 Tobias Barker
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Christophe Prange
+ Blow-up of dynamically restricted critical norms near a potential Navier-Stokes singularity 2023 Tobias Barker
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Christophe Prange
+ PDF Chat On the Use of the Riesz Transforms to Determine the Pressure Term in the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on the Whole Space 2021 Borys Álvarez-Samaniego
Wilson P. Álvarez-Samaniego
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ PDF Chat Weighted Energy Estimates for the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations and Applications to Axisymmetric Solutions Without Swirl 2021 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ PDF Chat Weighted energy estimates for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and applications to axisymmetric solutions without swirl 2021 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ Study on existence of infinite energy weak solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations 2021 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ Discretely Self-Similar Solutions for 3D MHD Equations and Global Weak Solutions in Weighted $$L^2$$ Spaces 2021 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ Weak-strong uniqueness in weighted L2 spaces and weak suitable solutions in local Morrey spaces for the MHD equations 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ PDF Chat Characterisation of the pressure term in the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ PDF Chat Weak Solutions for Navier–Stokes Equations with Initial Data in Weighted $$L^2$$ Spaces 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ On the use of the Riesz transforms to determine the pressure term in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Borys Álvarez-Samaniego
Wilson P. Álvarez-Samaniego
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ PDF Chat Weak suitable solutions for 3D MHD equations for intermittent initial data 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ Weak-strong uniqueness in weighted $L^2$ spaces and weak suitable solutions in local Morrey spaces for the MHD equations. 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ PDF Chat Characterisation of the pressure term in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ Weak-strong uniqueness in weighted $L^2$ spaces and weak suitable solutions in local Morrey spaces for the MHD equations 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ On the use of the Riesz transforms to determine the pressure term in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Borys Álvarez-Samaniego
Wilson P. Álvarez-Samaniego
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ Characterisation of the pressure term in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ PDF Chat Weak solutions for Navier--Stokes equations with initial data in weighted $L^2$ spaces. 2019 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ Existence of infinite-energy and discretely self-similar global weak solutions for 3D MHD equations 2019 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Weak Solutions for Navier–Stokes Equations with Initial Data in Weighted $$L^2$$ Spaces 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ Recent developments in the Navier-Stokes problem 2002 Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ PDF Chat Existence of Suitable Weak Solutions to the Navier–Stokes Equations for Intermittent Data 2019 Zachary Bradshaw
Igor Kukavica
+ Weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equations satisfying the local energy inequality 2007 Norio Kikuchi
G. Serëgin
+ Existence of discretely self-similar solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations for initial value in \( L_{l o c}^{2}\left(\right.R^{3}\left.\right) \) 2017 Dongho Chae
Jörg Wolf
+ Solutions faibles d'énergie infinie pour les équations de Navier—Stokes dans ℝ3 1999 Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ PDF Chat Local-in-space estimates near initial time for weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations and forward self-similar solutions 2013 Hao Jia
Vladimír Šverák
+ PDF Chat On the local pressure of the Navier-Stokes equations and related systems 2017 Jörg Wolf
+ PDF Chat On the Local Pressure Expansion for the Navier–Stokes Equations 2021 Zachary Bradshaw
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ PDF Chat Discretely self-similar solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations with data in Lloc2 satisfying the local energy inequality 2019 Zachary Bradshaw
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ Homogeneous Statistical Solutions and Local Energy Inequality for 3D Navier-Stokes Equations 2006 Arnaud Basson
+ PDF Chat Characterisation of the pressure term in the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ Partial regularity of suitable weak solutions of the navier‐stokes equations 1982 Luis Caffarelli
Robert V. Kohn
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Forward Discretely Self-similar Solutions of the MHD Equations and the Viscoelastic Navier–Stokes Equations with Damping 2019 Chen‐Chih Lai
+ Existence of infinite-energy and discretely self-similar global weak solutions for 3D MHD equations 2019 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ Modern Fourier Analysis 2008 Loukas Grafakos
+ Solutions statistiques homogènes des systèmes différentiels paraboliques et du système de Navier-Stokes 1977 M I Višik
A. V. Foursikov
+ PDF Chat What is a solution to the Navier–Stokes equations? 2002 Sandrine Dubois
+ Un teorema di unicità per le equazioni di Navier-Stokes 1959 G. A. Prodi
+ PDF Chat The Navier–Stokes equations in the critical Morrey–Campanato space 2007 Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ PDF Chat The Role of the Pressure in the Partial Regularity Theory for Weak Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations 2017 Diego Chamorro
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
Kawther Mayoufi
+ Global existence of discretely self-similar solutions to the generalized MHD system in Besov space 2019 Jingjing Zhang
Ting Zhang
+ PDF Chat Characterisation of the pressure term in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ PDF Chat Existence of global weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in weighted spaces 2022 Zachary Bradshaw
Igor Kukavica
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ On the local pressure expansion for the Navier-Stokes equations 2020 Zachary Bradshaw
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ On the use of the Riesz transforms to determine the pressure term in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space 2020 Borys Álvarez-Samaniego
Wilson P. Álvarez-Samaniego
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ PDF Chat Localized Smoothing for the Navier–Stokes Equations and Concentration of Critical Norms Near Singularities 2020 Tobias Barker
Christophe Prange
+ PDF Chat Global existence, regularity, and uniqueness of infinite energy solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations 2020 Zachary Bradshaw
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ PDF Chat Localised necessary conditions for singularity formation in the Navier-Stokes equations with curved boundary 2020 Dallas Albritton
Tobias Barker
+ PDF Chat Regular sets and an 𝜖-regularity theorem in terms of initial data for the Navier–Stokes equations 2021 Kyungkeun Kang
Hideyuki Miura
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ PDF Chat Partially Regular Weak Solutions of the Navier–Stokes Equations in $$\mathbb {R}^4 \times [0,\infty [$$ 2021 Bian Wu
+ PDF Chat Local regularity of axisymmetric solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations 2020 G. Serëgin
+ Existence of weak solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations with initial data in LP. Addendum 1990 Calixto P. Calderón
+ Weak-strong uniqueness in weighted L2 spaces and weak suitable solutions in local Morrey spaces for the MHD equations 2020 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ Existence of Weak Solutions for the Navier-Stokes Equations with Initial Data in L p 1990 Calixto P. Calderón
+ PDF Chat A Beale–Kato–Majda Criterion with Optimal Frequency and Temporal Localization 2019 Xiaoyutao Luo
+ PDF Chat Lower Bound on the Blow-up Rate of the Axisymmetric Navier–Stokes Equations 2008 Chiun‐Chuan Chen
Robert M. Strain
Horng‐Tzer Yau
Tai‐Peng Tsai
+ PDF Chat A Uniqueness Result for 3D Incompressible Fluid-Rigid Body Interaction Problem 2020 Boris Muha
Šárka Nečasová
Ana Radošević
+ Discretely Self-Similar Solutions for 3D MHD Equations and Global Weak Solutions in Weighted $$L^2$$ Spaces 2021 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Oscar Jarrín
+ PDF Chat The Navier–Stokes–Vlasov–Fokker–Planck System as a Scaling Limit of Particles in a Fluid 2021 Franco Flandoli
Marta Leocata
Cristiano Ricci
+ PDF Chat On the Use of the Riesz Transforms to Determine the Pressure Term in the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on the Whole Space 2021 Borys Álvarez-Samaniego
Wilson P. Álvarez-Samaniego
Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
+ PDF Chat Weak solutions for Navier--Stokes equations with initial data in weighted $L^2$ spaces. 2019 Pedro Gabriel Fernández-Dalgo
Pierre Gilles Lemarié–Rieusset
+ PDF Chat Quantitative bounds for critically bounded solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations 2021 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Control of Solutions to the Axisymmetric Navier-Stokes Equations in Terms of the Weak $$L^3$$ Norm 2023 W. S. Ożański
S. Palasek
+ PDF Chat Localized Quantitative Estimates and Potential Blow-Up Rates for the Navier–Stokes Equations 2023 Tobias Barker
+ Convolution operators and L(p,q) spaces 1963 Richard O’Neil
+ From Concentration to Quantitative Regularity: A Short Survey of Recent Developments for the Navier–Stokes Equations 2023 Tobias Barker
Christophe Prange
+ Harmonic Analysis: Real-variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals 2002 Elias M. Stein
Timothy S Murphy
+ PDF Chat Mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics 1988 M. I. Vishik
A.V. Fursikov
+ PDF Chat A Refinement of the Local Serrin-Type Regularity Criterion for a Suitable Weak Solution to the Navier–Stokes Equations 2014 Jiřı́ Neustupa