John Harer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Assessment of Simulated Surveillance Testing and Quarantine in a SARS-CoV-2–Vaccinated Population of Students on a University Campus 2021 Francis C. Motta
Kevin McGoff
Anastasia Deckard
Cameron R. Wolfe
Mattia Bonsignori
M. Anthony Moody
Kyle C. Cavanaugh
Thomas N. Denny
John Harer
Steven B. Haase
+ Benefits of Surveillance Testing and Quarantine in a SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinated Population of Students on a University Campus 2021 Francis C. Motta
Kevin McGoff
Anastasia Deckard
Cameron R. Wolfe
M. Anthony Moody
Kyle C. Cavanaugh
Thomas N. Denny
John Harer
Steven B. Haase
+ PDF Chat Persistent obstruction theory for a model category of measures with applications to data merging 2021 Abraham D. Smith
Paul Bendich
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Implementation of a Pooled Surveillance Testing Program for Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections on a College Campus — Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, August 2–October 11, 2020 2020 Thomas N. Denny
Laura Andrews
Mattia Bonsignori
Kyle C. Cavanaugh
Michael Datto
Anastasia Deckard
C. Todd DeMarco
Nicole DeNaeyer
Carol Epling
Thaddeus C. Gurley
+ Persistent Obstruction Theory for a Model Category of Measures with Applications to Data Merging 2019 Abraham D. Smith
Paul Bendich
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Multi-Scale Geometric Summaries for Similarity-Based Sensor Fusion 2019 Christopher J. Tralie
Paul Bendich
John Harer
+ Persistent Obstruction Theory for a Model Category of Measures with Applications to Data Merging 2019 Abraham D. Smith
Paul Bendich
John Harer
+ Multi-scale Geometric Summaries for Similarity-based Sensor Fusion 2018 Christopher J. Tralie
Paul Bendich
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Geometric cross-modal comparison of heterogeneous sensor data 2018 Christopher J. Tralie
Abraham D. Smith
Nathan Borggren
Jay Hineman
Paul Bendich
Peter Zulch
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Scaffoldings and Spines: Organizing High-Dimensional Data Using Cover Trees, Local Principal Component Analysis, and Persistent Homology 2018 Paul Bendich
Ellen Gasparovic
John Harer
Christopher J. Tralie
+ Multi-scale Geometric Summaries for Similarity-based Sensor Fusion 2018 Christopher J. Tralie
Paul Bendich
John Harer
+ Supervised Learning of Labeled Pointcloud Differences via Cover-Tree Entropy Reduction. 2017 Abraham Smith
Paul Bendich
John Harer
Jay Hineman
+ Supervised Learning of Labeled Pointcloud Differences via Cover-Tree Entropy Reduction 2017 Abraham D. Smith
Paul Bendich
John Harer
Alex Pieloch
Jay Hineman
+ Geometric Cross-Modal Comparison of Heterogeneous Sensor Data 2017 Christopher J. Tralie
Abraham D. Smith
N. Borggren
Jay Hineman
Paul Bendich
Peter Zulch
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Topological and statistical behavior classifiers for tracking applications 2016 Paul Bendich
Sang Chin
Jesse Clark
Jonathan T. DeSena
John Harer
Elizabeth Munch
Andrew Newman
David W. Porter
David Rouse
Nate Strawn
+ Scaffoldings and Spines: Organizing High-Dimensional Data Using Cover Trees, Local Principal Component Analysis, and Persistent Homology 2016 Paul Bendich
Ellen Gasparovic
Christopher J. Tralie
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale local shape analysis and feature selection in machine learning applications 2015 Paul Bendich
Ellen Gasparovic
John Harer
Rauf Izmailov
Linda Ness
+ Feature-aided multiple hypothesis tracking using topological and statistical behavior classifiers 2015 David Rouse
Adam Watkins
David W. Porter
John Harer
Paul Bendich
Nate Strawn
Elizabeth Munch
Jonathan T. DeSena
Jesse Clarke
Jeffrey Gilbert
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Fréchet means for time varying persistence diagrams 2015 Elizabeth Munch
Katharine Turner
Paul Bendich
Sayan Mukherjee
Jonathan C. Mattingly
John Harer
+ Multi-Scale Local Shape Analysis and Feature Selection in Machine Learning Applications 2014 Paul Bendich
Ellen Gasparovic
John Harer
Rauf Izmailov
Linda Ness
+ Topological and Statistical Behavior Classifiers for Tracking Applications 2014 Paul Bendich
Sang Chin
Jesse Clarke
Jonathan T. DeSena
John Harer
Elizabeth Munch
Andrew Newman
David W. Porter
David Rouse
Nate Strawn
+ PDF Chat Sliding Windows and Persistence: An Application of Topological Methods to Signal Analysis 2014 José A. Perea
John Harer
+ Easily repairable networks 2014 Robert S. Farr
John Harer
Thomas Fink
+ Easily repairable networks 2014 Robert S. Farr
John Harer
Thomas Fink
+ Topological and Statistical Behavior Classifiers for Tracking Applications 2014 Paul Bendich
Sang Chin
Jesse Clarke
Jonathan T. DeSena
John Harer
Elizabeth Munch
Andrew Newman
David Porter
David Rouse
Nate Strawn
+ Multi-Scale Local Shape Analysis and Feature Selection in Machine Learning Applications 2014 Paul Bendich
Ellen Gasparovic
John Harer
Rauf Izmailov
Linda Ness
+ Probabilistic Fréchet Means and Statistics on Vineyards. 2013 Elizabeth Munch
Paul Bendich
Katharine Turner
Sayan Mukherjee
Jonathan C. Mattingly
John Harer
+ Sliding Windows and Persistence: An Application of Topological Methods to Signal Analysis 2013 José A. Perea
John Harer
+ echet Means and Statistics on Vineyards 2013 Elizabeth Munch
Paul Bendich
Katharine Turner
Sayan Mukherjee
Jonathan C. Mattingly
John Harer
+ Sliding Windows and Persistence: An Application of Topological Methods to Signal Analysis 2013 José Perea
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Failure filtrations for fenced sensor networks 2012 Elizabeth Munch
Michael Shapiro
John Harer
+ Fr\'echet Means for Distributions of Persistence diagrams 2012 Katharine Turner
Yuriy Mileyko
Sayan Mukherjee
John Harer
+ Fréchet Means for Distributions of Persistence diagrams 2012 Katharine Turner
Yuriy Mileyko
Sayan Mukherjee
John Harer
+ Probability measures on the space of persistence diagrams 2011 Yuriy Mileyko
Sayan Mukherjee
John Harer
+ Persistent Intersection Homology 2010 Paul Bendich
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Euler characteristics of moduli spaces of curves 2010 Gilberto Bini
John Harer
+ Lipschitz Functions Have L p -Stable Persistence 2010 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Yuriy Mileyko
+ PDF Chat Extending Persistence Using PoincarĂ© and Lefschetz Duality 2009 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ Persistent homology for kernels, images, and cokernels 2009 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Dmitriy Morozov
+ PDF Chat Persistent Homology for Kernels, Images, and Cokernels 2009 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Dmitriy Morozov
+ Reeb spaces of piecewise linear mappings 2008 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Amit Patel
+ Extending Persistence Using PoincarĂ© and Lefschetz Duality 2008 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ Versions of Intersection and Local Homology 2008 Paul Bendich
John Harer
Leslie Saper
David Cohen‐Steiner
+ Persistent homology—a survey 2008 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Stability of Persistence Diagrams 2006 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ Stability of persistence diagrams 2005 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ Local and global comparison of continuous functions 2005 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Vijay Natarajan
Valerio Pascucci
+ Euler Characteristics of Moduli Spaces of Curves 2005 Gilberto Bini
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Loops in Reeb Graphs of 2-Manifolds 2004 Kree Cole-McLaughlin
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Vijay Natarajan
Valerio Pascucci
+ Loops in reeb graphs of 2-manifolds 2003 Kree Cole-McLaughlin
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Vijay Natarajan
Valerio Pascucci
+ PDF Chat Morse-smale complexes for piecewise linear 3-manifolds 2003 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Vijay Natarajan
Valerio Pascucci
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Morse--Smale Complexes for Piecewise Linear 2-Manifolds 2003 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Afra Zomorodian
+ PDF Chat Morse-smale complexes for piecewise linear 3-manifolds 2003 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Vijay Natarajan
Valerio Pascucci
+ PDF Chat Loops in reeb graphs of 2-manifolds 2003 Kree Cole-McLaughlin
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Vijay Natarajan
Valerio Pascucci
+ PDF Chat A geometric parametrization for the virtual Euler characteristics of the moduli spaces of real and complex algebraic curves 2001 I. P. Goulden
John Harer
D. M. Jackson
+ Hierarchical morse complexes for piecewise linear 2-manifolds 2001 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Afra Zomorodian
+ Emerging Challenges in Computational Topology 1999 Marshall Bern
David Eppstein
Pankaj K. Agarwal
Nina Amenta
L. Paul Chew
Tamal K. Dey
David Dobkin
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Cindy Grimm
Leonidas Guibas
+ A geometric parametrization for the virtual Euler characteristic for the moduli spaces of real and complex algebriac curves 1999 I. P. Goulden
John Harer
D. M. Jackson
+ The rational Picard group of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces with spin structure 1993 John Harer
+ The third homology group of the moduli space of curves 1991 John Harer
+ PDF Chat Stability of the homology of the moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces with spin structure 1990 John Harer
+ PDF Chat The cohomology of the moduli space of curves 1988 John Harer
+ PDF Chat The Euler characteristic of the moduli space of curves 1986 John Harer
Don Zagier
+ The virtual cohomological dimension of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1986 John Harer
+ Stability of the Homology of the Mapping Class Groups of Orientable Surfaces 1985 John Harer
+ PDF Chat Geometry and Topology 1985 J. C. Alexander
John Harer
+ The homology of the mapping class group and its connection to surface bundles over surfaces 1984 John Harer
+ The second homology group of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1983 John Harer
+ Representing elements of <i>π</i><sub>1</sub><i>M</i><sup>3</sup> by fibred knots 1982 John Harer
+ How to construct all fibered knots and links 1982 John Harer
+ PDF Chat Some homology lens spaces which bound rational homology balls 1981 Andrew Casson
John Harer
+ On handlebody structures for hypersurfaces in ?3 and ?P 3 1978 John Harer
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Stability of Persistence Diagrams 2006 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ Elements of Algebraic Topology 2018 James R. Munkres
+ PDF Chat Proximity of persistence modules and their diagrams 2009 Frédéric Chazal
David Cohen‐Steiner
Marc Glisse
Leonidas Guibas
Steve Oudot
+ ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 1972 Kazimierz Kuratowski
+ Vines and vineyards by updating persistence in linear time 2006 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Dmitriy Morozov
+ Lipschitz Functions Have L p -Stable Persistence 2010 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Yuriy Mileyko
+ PDF Chat Computing Persistent Homology 2004 Afra Zomorodian
Gunnar Carlsson
+ Probability measures on the space of persistence diagrams 2011 Yuriy Mileyko
Sayan Mukherjee
John Harer
+ The virtual cohomological dimension of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1986 John Harer
+ Stratified Morse Theory 1988 Mark Goresky
Robert MacPherson
+ PDF Chat The Euler characteristic of the moduli space of curves 1986 John Harer
Don Zagier
+ The second homology group of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1983 John Harer
+ On quadratic differentials with closed trajectories and second order poles 1967 Kurt Strebel
+ PDF Chat Abelian quotients of the TeichmĂŒller modular group 1967 David Mumford
+ PDF Chat Hierarchical Morse--Smale Complexes for Piecewise Linear 2-Manifolds 2003 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Afra Zomorodian
+ Cohomology of Groups 1982 Kenneth S. Brown
+ Stability of the Homology of the Mapping Class Groups of Orientable Surfaces 1985 John Harer
+ Interface surfaces for protein-protein complexes 2006 Yih‐En Andrew Ban
Herbert Edelsbrunner
Johannes Rudolph
+ PDF Chat Two theorems on the mapping class group of a surface 1978 Jerome Powell
+ Cohomology of Groups 1982 Kenneth S. Brown
+ Morse Theory. (AM-51) 1963 John Milnor
+ Dimensionless score function for multiple hypothesis tracking 2007 Yaakov Bar‐Shalom
Sam Blackman
R.J. Fitzgerald
+ Homological illusions of persistence and stability 2008 Herbert Edelsbrunner
Dmitriy Morozov
+ PDF Chat Testing Expansion in Bounded-Degree Graphs 2007 Artur Czumaj
Christian Sohler
+ PDF Chat Morse-smale complexes for piecewise linear 3-manifolds 2003 Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
Vijay Natarajan
Valerio Pascucci
+ Persistent homology for metric measure spaces, and robust statistics for hypothesis testing and confidence intervals 2012 Andrew J. Blumberg
Itamar Gal
Michael A. Mandell
Matthew Pancia
+ Stability for homology of the general linear group of a local ring 1976 J. B. Wagoner
+ PDF Chat Die Gruppe der Abbildungsklassen: Das arithmetische Feld auf FlÀchen 1938 Max Dehn
+ Homology stability forGL n of a Dedekind domain 1980 Ruth Charney
+ Introduction to Algorithms 1991 V. J. Rayward‐Smith
Thomas H. Cormen
Charles E. Leiserson
Ronald L. Rivest
+ PDF Chat Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Screening Strategies to Permit the Safe Reopening of College Campuses in the United States 2020 A. David Paltiel
Amy Zheng
Rochelle P. Walensky
+ Persistence barcodes for shapes 2004 Gunnar Carlsson
Afra Zomorodian
Anne D. Collins
Leonidas Guibas
+ Optimal rates of convergence for persistence diagrams in Topological Data Analysis 2013 Frédéric Chazal
Marc Glisse
Catherine LabruĂšre
Bertrand Michel
+ PDF Chat Extending Persistence Using PoincarĂ© and Lefschetz Duality 2009 David Cohen‐Steiner
Herbert Edelsbrunner
John Harer
+ PDF Chat Characteristic classes of surface bundles 1984 Shigeyuki Morita
+ PDF Chat Sliding Windows and Persistence: An Application of Topological Methods to Signal Analysis 2014 José A. Perea
John Harer
+ An Introduction to the Bootstrap 1994 Bradley Efron
Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional alpha shapes 1994 Herbert Edelsbrunner
Ernst P. MĂŒcke
+ Computing persistent homology 2004 Afra Zomorodian
Gunnar Carlsson
+ Spherical posets and homology stability for 0n,n 1981 Karen Vogtmann
K. Knudson
+ Corners and arithmetic groups 1973 Armand Borel
J-P. Serre
+ PDF Chat Characteristic classes of surface bundles 1987 Shigeyuki Morita
+ The Topology of Fibre Bundles. 1951 Norman Steenrod
+ An Introduction to Intersection Homology Theory 2006 Frances Kirwan
Jonathan Woolf
+ Weak feature size and persistent homology 2005 Frédéric Chazal
André Lieutier
+ Ergodic Theory via Joinings 2003 Eli Glasner
+ Algebraic Topology: An Introduction. 1968 Barry Mitchell
William S. Massey
+ PDF Chat Stratified fibrations and the intersection homology of the regular neighborhoods of bottom strata 2003 Greg Friedman
+ PDF Chat The homology of the mapping class group 1986 Edward Y. Miller