Jean Régis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Automatic Inference of Sulcus Patterns Using 3D Moment Invariants 2007 Zhenqi Sun
Denis Rivière
Fabrice Poupon
Jean Régis
J.-F. Mangin
+ Classification Based on Cortical Folding Patterns 2007 Édouard Duchesnay
Arnaud Cachia
Alexis Roche
Denis Rivière
Yann Cointepas
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
Mônica Zilbovicius
Jean‐Luc Martinot
Jean Régis
Jean-Fran�ois Mangin
+ PDF Chat A New Cortical Surface Parcellation Model and Its Automatic Implementation 2006 Cédric Clouchoux
Olivier Coulon
Jean‐Luc Anton
Jean‐François Mangin
Jean Régis
+ Brain morphometry using 3D moment invariants 2004 Jean‐François Mangin
Fabrice Poupon
Édouard Duchesnay
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
D. Louis Collins
Alison A. Evans
Jean Régis
+ Object-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex 2004 J.-F. Mangin
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
Édouard Duchesnay
Yann Cointepas
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
D. Louis Collins
Alan C. Evans
Jean Régis
+ A framework to study the cortical folding patterns 2004 Jean‐François Mangin
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
Édouard Duchesnay
Yann Cointepas
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
Paola Scifo
Taku Ochiai
Françis Brunelle
Jean Régis
+ Object-Based Strategy for Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex 2003 Jean‐François Mangin
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
D. Louis Collins
Alan C. Evans
Jean Régis
+ 3D Moment Invariant Based Morphometry 2003 J.-F. Mangin
Fabrice Poupon
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
D. Louis Collins
Alan C. Evans
Jean Régis
+ PDF Chat A Mean Curvature Based Primal Sketch to Study the Cortical Folding Process from Antenatal to Adult Brain 2001 Arnaud Cachia
Jean‐François Mangin
Denis Rivière
Nathalie Boddaert
Alexandre Andrade
Ferath Kherif
P. Sonigo
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
M. Zil bovicius
Jean‐Baptiste Poline
+ Regularization of Diffusion-Based Direction Maps for the Tracking of Brain White Matter Fascicles 2000 Cyril Poupon
Chris A. Clark
Vincent Frouin
Jean Régis
Isabelle Bloch
Denis Le Bihan
Jean‐François Mangin
+ PDF Chat Regularization of MR diffusion tensor maps for tracking brain white matter bundles 1998 Cyril Poupon
Jean‐François Mangin
Vincent Frouin
Jean Régis
Fabrice Poupon
Mathilde Pachot‐Clouard
Denis Le Bihan
Isabelle Bloch
+ Differential features of cortical folds 1997 Anne Manceaux-Demiau
Jean François Mangin
Jean Régis
Olivier Pizzato
Vincent Frouin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Structural Asymmetries in the Human Brain: a Voxel-based Statistical Analysis of 142 MRI Scans 2001 Kate E. Watkins
+ New Approaches in Brain Morphometry 2002 Arthur W. Toga
Paul M. Thompson
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman
+ Automated extraction and variability analysis of sulcal neuroanatomy 1999 Georges Le Goualher
Emmanuel Procyk
D. Louis Collins
Raghu Venugopal
Christian Barillot
Alan C. Evans
+ Mapping brain asymmetry 2003 Arthur W. Toga
Paul M. Thompson
+ Why Does Cerebral Cortex Fissure and Fold? 1990 Wally Welker
+ PDF Chat Voxel-Based Morphometry—The Methods 2000 John Ashburner
Karl Friston
+ Object-Based Strategy for Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex 2003 Jean‐François Mangin
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
D. Louis Collins
Alan C. Evans
Jean Régis
+ Morphometric Analysis of Cortical Sulci Using Parametric Ribbons: A Study of the Central Sulcus 2002 Christos Davatzikos
R. Nick Bryan
+ 3D Moment Invariant Based Morphometry 2003 J.-F. Mangin
Fabrice Poupon
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
D. Louis Collins
Alan C. Evans
Jean Régis
+ PDF Chat Functional and Structural Alterations of the Intraparietal Sulcus in a Developmental Dyscalculia of Genetic Origin 2003 Nicolas Molko
Arnaud Cachia
Denis Rivière
Jean‐François Mangin
Marie Bruandet
Denis Le Bihan
Laurent Cohen
Stanislas Dehaene
+ Cerebral Asymmetry and the Effects of Sex and Handedness on Brain Structure: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Analysis of 465 Normal Adult Human Brains 2001 Catriona D. Good
Ingrid S. Johnsrude
John Ashburner
Richard N. Henson
Karl Friston
R. S. J. Frackowiak
+ The problem of functional localization in the human brain 2002 Thomas Morgan
+ PDF Chat Statistical Sulcal Shape Comparisons: Application to the Detection of Genetic Encoding of the Central Sulcus Shape 2000 Georges Le Goualher
Anne Marie Argenti
M. Duyme
William F.C. Baaré
Hilleke E. Hulshoff Pol
Dorret I. Boomsma
Abderrezak Zouaoui
Christian Barillot
Alan C. Evans
+ Detection and Statistical Analysis of Human Cortical Sulci 1999 Nicolas Royackkers
Michel Desvignes
Houssam Fawal
Marinette Revenu
+ The Geometry of Random Images 1996 Keith J. Worsley
+ Statistical shape analysis of neuroanatomical structures based on medial models 2003 Martin Styner
Guido Gerig
Jeffrey A. Lieberman
Douglas W. Jones
Daniel R. Weinberger
+ High-Resolution Random Mesh Algorithms for Creating a Probabilistic 3D Surface Atlas of the Human Brain 1996 Paul M. Thompson
Craig R. Schwartz
Arthur W. Toga
+ A minimum description length approach to statistical shape modeling 2002 Rhodri Davies
Carole Twining
T.F. Cootes
John C. Waterton
Chris Taylor
+ PDF Chat Mathematical/computational challenges in creating deformable and probabilistic atlases of the human brain 2000 Paul M. Thompson
Roger P. Woods
Michael S. Mega
Arthur W. Toga
+ PDF Chat Shape versus Size: Improved Understanding of the Morphology of Brain Structures 2001 Guido Gerig
Martin Styner
Martha E. Shenton
Jeffrey A. Lieberman
+ Building 3D sulcal models using local geometry 2001 A. Caunce
Chris Taylor
+ Regularization of Diffusion-Based Direction Maps for the Tracking of Brain White Matter Fascicles 2000 Cyril Poupon
Chris A. Clark
Vincent Frouin
Jean Régis
Isabelle Bloch
Denis Le Bihan
Jean‐François Mangin
+ PDF Chat Automatically Parcellating the Human Cerebral Cortex 2003 Bruce Fischl
André van der Kouwe
Christophe Destrieux
Eric Halgren
Florent Ségonne
David H. Salat
Evelina Busa
Larry J. Seidman
Jill M. Goldstein
David N. Kennedy
+ Object-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex 2004 J.-F. Mangin
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
Édouard Duchesnay
Yann Cointepas
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
D. Louis Collins
Alan C. Evans
Jean Régis
+ Geometric atlas: modeling the cortex as an organized surface 2003 Roberto Toro
Yves Burnod
+ Quantitative analysis of sulci in the human cerebral cortex: Development, regional heterogeneity, gender difference, asymmetry, intersubject variability and cortical architecture 1997 Karl Zilles
Axel Schleicher
Christian Langemann
Katrin Amunts
Patricia Morosan
Nicola Palomero‐Gallagher
Thorsten Schormann
Hartmut Mohlberg
U. Bürgel
Helmuth Steinmetz
+ PDF Chat Feature Selection for Shape-Based Classification of Biological Objects 2003 Paul A. Yushkevich
Sarang Joshi
Stephen M. Pizer
John G. Csernansky
Lei Wang
+ Modern Applied Statistics with S 2002 W. N. Venables
B. D. Ripley
+ PDF Chat Regularization of MR diffusion tensor maps for tracking brain white matter bundles 1998 Cyril Poupon
Jean‐François Mangin
Vincent Frouin
Jean Régis
Fabrice Poupon
Mathilde Pachot‐Clouard
Denis Le Bihan
Isabelle Bloch
+ Using Local Geometry to Build 3D Sulcal Models 1999 A. Caunce
Chris Taylor
+ PDF Chat A Mean Curvature Based Primal Sketch to Study the Cortical Folding Process from Antenatal to Adult Brain 2001 Arnaud Cachia
Jean‐François Mangin
Denis Rivière
Nathalie Boddaert
Alexandre Andrade
Ferath Kherif
P. Sonigo
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
M. Zil bovicius
Jean‐Baptiste Poline
+ Why voxel-based morphometric analysis should be used with great caution when characterizing group differences 2004 Christos Davatzikos
+ A scheme for automatically building three-dimensional morphometric anatomical atlases: application to a skull atlas 1998 Gérard Subsol
Jean‐Philippe Thirion
Nicholas Ayache
+ A framework to study the cortical folding patterns 2004 Jean‐François Mangin
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
Édouard Duchesnay
Yann Cointepas
Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos
Paola Scifo
Taku Ochiai
Françis Brunelle
Jean Régis
+ “Voxel-Based Morphometry” Should Not Be Used with Imperfectly Registered Images 2001 Fred L. Bookstein
+ Difference formulas for the surface Laplacian on a triangulated surface 1991 Geertjan Huiskamp
+ Multiresolution elastic matching 1989 Ruzena Bajcsy
S. Kovacic
+ Brain morphometry using 3D moment invariants 2004 Jean‐François Mangin
Fabrice Poupon
Édouard Duchesnay
Denis Rivière
Arnaud Cachia
D. Louis Collins
Alison A. Evans
Jean Régis
+ Robust regression methods for computer vision: A review 1991 Peter Meer
Doron Mintz
Azriel Rosenfeld
Dong Yoon Kim
+ PDF Chat Renormalization for Discrete Optimization 1999 J. Houdayer
Olivier Martin
+ On the Uniform Convergence of Relative Frequencies of Events to Their Probabilities 2015 Vladimir Vapnik
Alexey Chervonenkis
+ Animal: Validation and Applications of Nonlinear Registration-Based Segmentation 1997 D. Louis Collins
Alan C. Evans
+ Why Voxel-Based Morphometry Should Be Used 2001 John Ashburner
Karl Friston
+ PDF Chat Measuring brain variability by extrapolating sparse tensor fields measured on sulcal lines 2006 Pierre Fillard
Vincent Arsigny
Xavier Pennec
Kiralee M. Hayashi
Paul M. Thompson
Nicholas Ayache
+ A geometric model for the cortical folding pattern of simple folded brains 1982 Philip Todd
+ PDF Chat Small Sample Size Learning for Shape Analysis of Anatomical Structures 2000 Polina Golland
W. Eric L. Grimson
Martha E. Shenton
Ron Kikinis
+ PDF Chat Image Processing for Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1999 Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Stephan E. Maier
B. Khidhir
Peter C. Everett
Ferenc A. Jólesz
R. Kikinis
+ Automatic construction of 3-D statistical deformation models of the brain using nonrigid registration 2003 Daniel Rueckert
Alejandro F. Frangi
Julia A. Schnabel
+ PDF Chat A Unified Statistical Approach to Deformation-Based Morphometry 2001 Moo K. Chung
Keith J. Worsley
Tomáš Paus
C. Cherif
D. Louis Collins
Jay N. Giedd
Judith L. Rapoport
Alan C. Evans