Matthew de Courcy-Ireland


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Non-planarity of Markoff graphs $\bmod~p$ 2024 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ PDF Chat A central limit theorem for integrals of random waves 2022 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Marius Lemm
+ Six-dimensional sphere packing and linear programming 2022 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Maria Dostert
Maryna Viazovska
+ PDF Chat Effective bounds for monochromatic connectivity measures in two dimensions 2021 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Suresh Eswarathasan
+ Non-planarity of Markoff graphs mod p 2021 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ PDF Chat Kesten–McKay law for the Markoff surface mod <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math> 2021 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Michael Magee
+ Non-planarity of Markoff graphs mod p 2021 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ Effective bounds for monochromatic connectivity measures in two dimensions 2020 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Suresh Eswarathasan
+ PDF Chat Shrinking Scale Equidistribution for Monochromatic Random Waves on Compact Manifolds 2020 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ PDF Chat Experiments with the Markoff Surface 2020 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Seungjae Lee
+ Kesten-McKay law for the Markoff surface mod p. 2020 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Michael Magee
+ Shrinking scale equidistribution for monochromatic random waves on compact manifolds. 2019 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ PDF Chat Hidden multiscale order in the primes 2019 Salvatore Torquato
Ge Zhang
Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ Shrinking scale equidistribution for monochromatic random waves on compact manifolds 2019 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ A central limit theorem for integrals of random waves 2019 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Marius Lemm
+ Experiments with the Markoff surface. 2018 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Seungjae Lee
+ Kesten-McKay law for the Markoff surface mod p 2018 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Michael Magee
+ PDF Chat Uncovering multiscale order in the prime numbers via scattering 2018 Salvatore Torquato
Ge Zhang
Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ PDF Chat The Gaussian core model in high dimensions 2018 Henry Cohn
Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ Experiments with the Markoff surface 2018 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Seungjae Lee
+ Kesten-McKay law for the Markoff surface mod p 2018 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Michael Magee
+ Small-scale equidistribution for random spherical harmonics 2017 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
+ Small-scale equidistribution for random spherical harmonics 2017 Matthew de Courcy-Ireland
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ PDF Chat Sur les formes quadratiques binaires indïżœfinies 1880 A. Markoff
+ PDF Chat Fixed frequency eigenfunction immersions and supremum norms of random waves 2015 Boris Hanin
Yaiza Canzani
+ PDF Chat Scaling limit for the kernel of the spectral projector and remainder estimates in the pointwise Weyl law 2015 Yaiza Canzani
Boris Hanin
+ PDF Chat Injections de Sobolev probabilistes et applications 2013 Nicolas Burq
Gilles Lebeau
+ λ1, Isoperimetric inequalities for graphs, and superconcentrators 1985 Noga Alon
Vitali Milman
+ PDF Chat A Haar component for quantum limits on locally symmetric spaces 2012 Nalini Anantharaman
Lior Silberman
+ PDF Chat The Markoff group of transformations in prime and composite moduli 2018 Chen Meiri
Doron Puder
+ PDF Chat Entropy and the localization of eigenfunctions 2008 Nalini Anantharaman
+ Entropy of Quantum Limits 2003 Jean Bourgain
Elon Lindenstrauss
+ Sieving for mass equidistribution 2010 Roman Holowinsky
+ PDF Chat Invariant measures and arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity 2006 Elon Lindenstrauss
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical measures on hyperbolic surfaces have full support 2018 Semyon Dyatlov
Long Jin
+ Markoff Surfaces and Strong Approximation: 1 2016 Jean Bourgain
Alexander Gamburd
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat The behaviour of eigenstates of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds 1994 Zeév Rudnick
Peter Sarnak
+ PDF Chat Planck-Scale Mass Equidistribution of Toral Laplace Eigenfunctions 2017 Andrew Granville
Igor Wigman
+ Counting Mapping Class group orbits on hyperbolic surfaces 2016 Maryam Mirzakhani
+ PDF Chat On the number of nodal domains of random spherical harmonics 2009 FĂ«dor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ Uniform distribution of eigenfunctions on compact hyperbolic surfaces 1987 Steven Zelditch
+ Introduction to Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory 2015 GĂ©rald Tenenbaum
+ PDF Chat Small Scale Equidistribution of Random Eigenbases 2016 Xiaolong Han
+ PDF Chat Small Scale Equidistribution of Eigenfunctions on the Torus 2016 Stephen Lester
Zeév Rudnick
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of Random Waves on Small Balls 2019 Xiaolong Han
Melissa Tacy
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Laws for the Spatial Distribution and the Number of Connected Components of Zero Sets of Gaussian Random Functions 2016 F. Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ The cycle structure of a Markoff automorphism over finite fields 2019 Alois Cerbu
Elijah Gunther
Michael Magee
Luke Peilen
+ PDF Chat The spectral function of an elliptic operator 1968 Lars Hörmander
+ The Continuous Newton's Method, Inverse Functions, and Nash-Moser 2007 J. W. Neuberger
+ PDF Chat The sphere packing problem in dimension $8$ 2017 Maryna Viazovska
+ Harald Cramér and the distribution of prime numbers 1995 Andrew Granville
+ None 1997 Jeffrey M. VanderKam
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniformity and Phase Separation in Biased Ensembles of Trajectories for Diffusive Systems 2015 Robert L. Jack
Ian R. Thompson
Peter Sollich
+ PDF Chat Optimal simplices and codes in projective spaces 2016 Henry Cohn
Abhinav Kumar
Gregory Minton
+ Ergodicitïżœ et fonctions propres du laplacien 1985 Yves Colin de VerdĂŹĂšre
+ PDF Chat New Conjectural Lower Bounds on the Optimal Density of Sphere Packings 2006 S. Torquato
Frank H. Stillinger
+ Relations between the ‘percolation’ and ‘colouring’ problem and other graph-theoretical problems associated with regular planar lattices: some exact results for the ‘percolation’ problem 1971 H. N. V. Temperley
Élliott H. Lieb
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniformity of quasicrystals 2017 Erdal C. Oğuz
Joshua E. S. Socolar
Paul J. Steinhardt
Salvatore Torquato
+ On the distribution of primes in short intervals 1976 P. X. Gallagher
+ PDF Chat Classical disordered ground states: Super-ideal gases and stealth and equi-luminous materials 2008 Robert D. Batten
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ Designer disordered materials with large, complete photonic band gaps 2009 Marian Florescu
Salvatore Torquato
Paul J. Steinhardt
+ The expected eigenvalue distribution of a large regular graph 1981 Brendan D. McKay
+ PDF Chat Small gaps between primes 2014 James Maynard
+ PDF Chat Unexpected Density Fluctuations in Jammed Disordered Sphere Packings 2005 Aleksandar Donev
Frank H. Stillinger
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Avian photoreceptor patterns represent a disordered hyperuniform solution to a multiscale packing problem 2014 Yang Jiao
Timothy T. Lau
Haralampos Hatzikirou
Michael Meyer‐Hermann
Joseph C. Corbo
Salvatore Torquato
+ PDF Chat Difference equations, isoperimetric inequality and transience of certain random walks 1984 JĂłzef Dodziuk
+ PDF Chat Local density fluctuations, hyperuniformity, and order metrics 2003 Salvatore Torquato
Frank H. Stillinger
+ PDF Chat Hyperuniform Long-Range Correlations are a Signature of Disordered Jammed Hard-Particle Packings 2011 Chase E. Zachary
Yang Jiao
Salvatore Torquato
+ Über eine Eigenschaft der ebenen Komplexe 1937 Klaus W. Wagner
+ Asymptotic solutions of oscillatory initial value problems 1957 Peter D. Lax
+ PDF Chat Some problems of ‘Partitio numerorum’; III: On the expression of a number as a sum of primes 1923 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat Diffraction of limit periodic point sets 2010 Michael Baake
Uwe Grimm