Joseph L. Taylor


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Foundations Of Analysis 2012 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Several Complex Variables with Connections to Algebraic Geometry and Lie Groups 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Algebraic vs. analytic—Serre’s theorems 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Local rings and varieties 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Fréchet sheaves—Cartan’s theorems 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Lie groups and their representations 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Sheaves and sheaf cohomology 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Coherent algebraic sheaves 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Holomorphic functions of several variables 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Projective varieties 2002 Joseph L. Taylor
+ An analytic Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for semi-simple Lie groups 2000 Laura Smithies
Joseph L. Taylor
+ A Remark on Casselman’s Comparison Theorem 1998 Henryk Hecht
Joseph L. Taylor
+ A comparison theorem for $\mathfrak {n}$-homology 1993 Henryk Hecht
Joseph L. Taylor
+ Analytic localization of group representations 1990 Henryk Hecht
Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The bigger Brauer group and étale cohomology 1985 Iain Raeburn
Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Continuous trace <i>C</i>*-algebras with given Dixmer-Douady class 1985 Iain Raeburn
Joseph L. Taylor
+ Automorphisms of Azumaya Algebras Over a Commutative Banach Algebra 1983 I. G. Craw
Iain Raeburn
Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat A bigger Brauer group 1982 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Automorphisms of certain C*-Algebras and Torsion in Second Cech Cohomology 1982 John Phillips
Iain Raeburn
Joseph L. Taylor
+ Hochschild cohomology and perturbations of Banach algebras 1977 Iain Raeburn
Joseph L. Taylor
+ Twisted products of Banach algebras and third Čech cohomology 1977 Joseph L. Taylor
+ On algebras of holomorphic functions on finite pseudoconvex manifolds 1977 Hugo Rossi
Joseph L. Taylor
+ Topological invariants of the maximal ideal space of a Banach algebra 1976 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Cohomology theories for compact abelian groups 1975 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat A counterexample in shape theory 1975 Joseph L. Taylor
+ On the spectrum of a measure 1974 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Convolution measure algebras 1973 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Functions of several noncommuting variables 1973 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Homology and cohomology for topological algebras 1972 Joseph L. Taylor
+ A general framework for a multi-operator functional calculus 1972 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Inverses, logarithms, and idempotents in $M(G)$ 1972 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The cohomology of the spectrum of a measure algebra 1971 Joseph L. Taylor
+ A joint spectrum for several commuting operators 1970 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Measures which are convolution exponentials 1970 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The analytic-functional calculus for several commuting operators 1970 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat 𝐿-subalgebras of 𝑀(𝐺) 1969 Joseph L. Taylor
+ L-Subalgebras of M(G) 1969 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Ideal theory and laplace transforms for a class of measure algebras on a group 1968 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Convolution Measure Algebras with Group Maximal Ideal Spaces 1967 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Convolution measure algebras with group maximal ideal spaces 1967 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The Shilov boundary of the algebra of measures on a group 1965 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The Shilov Boundary of the Algebra of Measures on a Group 1965 Joseph L. Taylor
+ The Structure of Convolution Measure Algebras 1965 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The structure of convolution measure algebras 1965 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The Tomita Decomposition of Rings of Operators 1964 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The Tomita decomposition of rings of operators 1964 Joseph L. Taylor
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The structure of convolution measure algebras 1965 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables. 1968 J. W. Gray
Robert C. Gunning
Hugo Rossi
+ Fourier Analysis on Groups 2006 Walter Rudin
L. Bers
R. Courant
J. J. Stoker
Dagmar Renate Henney
+ The Structure of Convolution Measure Algebras 1965 Joseph L. Taylor
+ The structure of maximal ideals in rings of measures with convolution 1953 Yu. A. Šreĭder
+ Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables 2005 Volker Scheidemann
+ The group of invertible elements of a commutative Banach algebra 1963 Richard Arens
+ General Theory of Banach Algebras. 1961 E. H. Batho
C. E. Rickart
+ A joint spectrum for several commuting operators 1970 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Topological Vector Spaces. 1967 M. S. Ramanujan
Helmut Schaefer
+ Fourier analysis on groups 1963 Ye.A. Gorin
+ Analytic Functions of Several Banach Algebra Elements 1955 Richard Arens
A. P. Calderón
+ PDF Chat Function algebras 1963 H. L. Royden
+ Homology and cohomology for topological algebras 1972 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Convolution measure algebras with group maximal ideal spaces 1967 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat The analytic-functional calculus for several commuting operators 1970 Joseph L. Taylor
+ On the decomposition of a commutative normed ring into a direct sum of ideals 1955 G. E. Šilov
+ PDF Chat Champs continus d'espaces hilbertiens et de $C^*$-algèbres 1963 Jacques Dixmier
Adrien Douady
+ PDF Chat Ideal theory and laplace transforms for a class of measure algebras on a group 1968 Joseph L. Taylor
+ The relationship between a commutative Banach algebra and its maximal ideal space 1977 Iain Raeburn
+ PDF Chat 𝐿-subalgebras of 𝑀(𝐺) 1969 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Topological vector spaces, distributions and kernels 2006 François Trèves
+ Algebraic K-theory 1968 Hyman Bass
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of operator algebras: I. Type I von Neumann algebras 1971 Richard V. Kadison
J. R. Ringrose
+ PDF Chat Homologie et cohomologie des algèbres de Lie 1950 Jean-Louis Koszul
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Convolution of Regular Measures. 1959 Karl Stromberg
+ The $n$ -cohomology of representations with an infinitesimal character 1975 W. Casselman
M. Scott Osborne
+ PDF Chat Two Embedding Theorems with Applications to Weak Convergence and Compactness in Spaces of Additive Type Functions 1960 Pasquale Porcelli
+ Produits Tensoriels Topologiques Et Espaces Nucleaires 1966 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ A general framework for a multi-operator functional calculus 1972 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Studies in harmonic analysis 1964 N. Th. Varopoulos
+ On a Conjecture of Littlewood and Idempotent Measures 1960 Paul J. Cohen
+ PDF Chat The abstract theorem of Cauchy-Weil 1962 Andrew M. Gleason
+ PDF Chat Generalized analytic functions 1956 Richard Arens
I. M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Measures which are convolution exponentials 1970 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat A characterization of commutative group algebras and measure algebras 1963 Marc A. Rieffel
+ PDF Chat The cohomology of the spectrum of a measure algebra 1971 Joseph L. Taylor
+ PDF Chat A class of multiplicative linear functionals on the measure algebra of a locally compact Abelian group 1960 Edwin Hewitt
Shizuo Kakutani
+ PDF Chat The Shilov boundary of the algebra of measures on a group 1965 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Certain homotopical invariants of spaces of maximal ideals 1967 M E Novodvorskiĭ
+ PDF Chat The analytic-functional calculus in commutative topological algebras 1961 Richard Arens
+ PDF Chat A characterization of commutative group algebras and measure algebras 1965 Marc A. Rieffel
+ PDF Chat A bigger Brauer group 1982 Joseph L. Taylor
+ Locally multiplicatively-convex topological algebras 1952 Ernest A. Michael
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of separable algebras 1961 Alex Rosenberg
Daniel Zelinsky
+ PDF Chat The orbits of affine symmetric spaces under the action of minimal parabolic subgroups 1979 Toshihiko Matsuki
+ PDF Chat Measure algebras on abelian groups 1959 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat On the representations of operator algebras 1954 Zirô Takeda
+ Quasi-Equivariant D-Modules, Equivariant Derived Category, and Representations of Reductive Lie Groups 1994 Masaki Kashiwara
Wilfried Schmid
+ PDF Chat Symmetry in measure algebras 1960 A. Simón