Peter V. Gordon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Octonionic Calabi–Yau Theorem 2024 Semyon Alesker
Peter V. Gordon
+ On dynamics of gasless combustion in slowly varying periodic media 2024 Amanda Matson
Leonid Kagan
Claude-Michel Brauner
Gregory Sivashinsky
Peter V. Gordon
+ PDF Chat On dynamics of gasless combustion in slowly varying periodic media: periodic fronts, their stability and propagation-extinction-diffusion-reignition pattern 2024 Amanda Matson
Leonid Kagan
Claude-Michel Brauner
Gregory Sivashinsky
Peter V. Gordon
+ PDF Chat An elementary model for an advancing autoignition front in laminar reactive co-flow jets injected into supercritical water 2024 Amanda Matson
M. Hicks
Uday Hegde
Peter V. Gordon
+ A Basic Homogenization Problem for the p-Laplacian in $$\mathbb {R}^d$$ Perforated along a Sphere: $$L^\infty $$ Estimates 2024 Peter V. Gordon
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ Uniqueness of traveling fronts in premixed flames with stepwise ignition-temperature kinetics and fractional reaction order 2023 Amanda Matson
Claude-Michel Brauner
Peter V. Gordon
+ Uniqueness of traveling fronts in premixed flames with stepwise ignition-temperature kinetics and fractional reaction order 2023 Amanda Matson
Claude-Michel Brauner
Peter V. Gordon
+ An elementary model for an advancing autoignition front in laminar reactive co-flow jets injected into supercritical water 2023 Amanda Matson
M. Hicks
Uday Hegde
Peter V. Gordon
+ A basic homogenization problem for the $p$-Laplacian in ${\mathbb R}^d$ perforated along a sphere: $L^\infty$ estimates 2022 Peter V. Gordon
Fëdor Nazarov
Yuval Peres
+ Parametric transition from deflagration to detonation in stellar medium 2021 Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ Modeling of thermonuclear fusion flames : transition to detonation 2021 Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ Gelfand-type problem for turbulent jets 2020 Peter V. Gordon
Vitaly Moroz
Fëdor Nazarov
+ Complete blow up for a parabolic system arising in a theory of thermal explosion in porous media 2017 Peter V. Gordon
Thomas Ian Hill
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ PDF Chat Strongly Nonlinear Asymptotic Model of Cellular Instabilities in Premixed Flames with Stepwise Ignition-Temperature Kinetics 2017 Nathan Kilker
Dmitry Golovaty
Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ Strongly nonlinear asymptotic model of cellular instabilities in premixed flames with stepwise ignition temperature kinetics 2016 Nathan Kilker
Dmitry Golovaty
Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ Strongly nonlinear asymptotic model of cellular instabilities in premixed flames with stepwise ignition temperature kinetics 2016 Nathan Kilker
Dmitry Golovaty
Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ PDF Chat Eventual Self-similarity of Solutions for the Diffusion Equation with Nonlinear Absorption and a Point Source 2015 Peter V. Gordon
Cyrill B. Muratov
+ PDF Chat Gelfand-type problem for two-phase porous media 2014 Peter V. Gordon
Vitaly Moroz
+ Multiplicity and uniqueness of positive solutions for elliptic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions arising in a theory of thermal explosion 2013 Peter V. Gordon
Eunkyung Ko
R. Shivaji
+ Convective combustion in porous media: singular limit of high activation energy 2012 Peter V. Gordon
Georg S. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity of supercritical fronts for reaction–diffusion equations in cylinders 2012 Peter V. Gordon
Cyrill B. Muratov
Matteo Novaga
+ PDF Chat Self-similarity and long-time behavior of solutions of the diffusion equation with nonlinear absorption and a boundary source 2012 Peter V. Gordon
Cyrill B. Muratov
+ PDF Chat Self-similar dynamics of morphogen gradients 2011 Cyrill B. Muratov
Peter V. Gordon
Stanislav Y. Shvartsman
+ A minimal model for end-gas autoignition 2011 Leonid Kagan
Peter V. Gordon
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ PDF Chat Local kinetics of morphogen gradients 2011 Peter V. Gordon
Christine Sample
Alexander M. Berezhkovskii
Cyrill B. Muratov
Stanislav Y. Shvartsman
+ On thermal explosion in porous media 2010 Peter V. Gordon
+ Stability of fronts and transient behaviour in KPP systems 2010 Anna Ghazaryan
Peter V. Gordon
Alexander Virodov
+ KPP type flame fronts in porous media 2008 Anna Ghazaryan
Peter V. Gordon
+ PDF Chat A Reduced Model for Flame-Flow Interaction 2007 Peter V. Gordon
Michael L. Frankel
G. Sivashinsky
+ A stretch-temperature model for flame-flow interaction 2006 Michael L. Frankel
Peter V. Gordon
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ The KPP system in a periodic flow with a heat loss 2004 Peter V. Gordon
Lenya Ryzhik
Natalia Vladimirova
+ PDF Chat Fast subsonic combustion as a free-interface problem 2003 Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ Merging and interacting wave fronts for reaction - diffusion equations 1999 Peter V. Gordon
S. A. Vakulenko
+ PDF Chat Распространение и рассеяние кинков в неоднородной нелинейной среде 1997 S. A. Vakulenko
S. A. Vakulenko
Peter V. Gordon
Peter V. Gordon
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Maximum Principles in Differential Equations 1984 Murray H. Protter
Hans F. Weinberger
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Variational problems related to self-similar solutions of the heat equation 1987 Miguel Escobedo
Otared Kavian
+ PDF Chat Singular Solutions of the Heat Equation with Absorption 1985 S. Kamin
L. A. Peletier
+ Travelling wavefronts of reaction-diffusion equations in cylindrical domains 1993 José M. Vega
+ Nonlinear Parabolic Equations Involving Measures as Initial Conditions 1981 Haı̈m Brezis
Avner Friedman
+ PDF Chat The Intersection of Theory and Application in Elucidating Pattern Formation in Developmental Biology 2009 Hans G. Othmer
Kevin J. Painter
David M. Umulis
Chunyan Xue
+ PDF Chat Some problems in the theory of quasilinear equations 1963 I. M. Gel′fand
+ PDF Chat Front propagation in infinite cylinders. I. A variational approach 2008 Cyrill B. Muratov
Matteo Novaga
+ The approach of solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations to travelling front solutions 1977 Paul C. Fife
J. B. McLeod
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat Local kinetics of morphogen gradients 2011 Peter V. Gordon
Christine Sample
Alexander M. Berezhkovskii
Cyrill B. Muratov
Stanislav Y. Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Blow up for $u_t-\Delta u=g(u)$ revisited 1996 Haı̈m Brezis
Thierry Cazenave
Yvan Martel
Arthur Ramiandrisoa
+ Linear vs. nonlinear selection for the propagation speed of the solutions of scalar reaction‐diffusion equations invading an unstable equilibrium 2004 Marcello Lucia
Cyrill B. Muratov
Matteo Novaga
+ Stability of Gasless Combustion Fronts in One-Dimensional Solids 2010 Anna Ghazaryan
Yuri Latushkin
Stephen Schecter
Aparecido J. de Souza
S. P. Kurdyumov
A. A. Samarskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Singular solutions of the heat equation with absorption 1985 S. Kamin
L. A. Peletier
+ PDF Chat A unified mechanism for unconfined deflagration-to-detonation transition in terrestrial chemical systems and type Ia supernovae 2019 Alexei Poludnenko
Jessica Chambers
Kareem A. Ahmed
Vadim N. Gamezo
Brian D. Taylor
+ Gelfand-type problem for turbulent jets 2020 Peter V. Gordon
Vitaly Moroz
Fëdor Nazarov
+ PDF Chat A note on maximal solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with absorption 2011 Лаурент Верон
+ PDF Chat A note on maximal solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with absorption 2011 Лаурент Верон
+ Invariant Manifolds for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations on Unbounded Domains 1997 C. Eugene Wayne
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1966 Donald A. McQuarrie
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous Transition of Turbulent Flames to Detonations in Unconfined Media 2011 Alexei Poludnenko
Thomas Gardiner
Elaine S. Oran
+ Deflagration-to-detonation transition in an unconfined space 2018 Andrey Koksharov
V. Bykov
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ PDF Chat Strongly Nonlinear Asymptotic Model of Cellular Instabilities in Premixed Flames with Stepwise Ignition-Temperature Kinetics 2017 Nathan Kilker
Dmitry Golovaty
Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ Equazioni differenziali nel campo reale 1948 Giovanni Sansone
+ A Study of the Diffusion Equation with Increase in the Amount of Substance, and its Application to a Biological Problem 1991 V. М. Tikhomirov
+ Blow-up in Nonlinear Heat Equations from the Dynamical Systems Point of View 2002 Марек Фила
Hiroshi Matano
+ PDF Chat Reaction–diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions in narrow domains 2008 Mark Freidlin
Konstantinos V. Spiliopoulos
+ An Asymptotic Derivation of Two Models in Flame Theory Associated with the Constant Density Approximation 1979 B. J. Matkowsky
G. I. Sivashinsky
+ A global variational structure and propagation of disturbances in reaction-diffusion systems of gradient type 2004 Cyrill B. Muratov
+ Some continuation and variational methods for positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems 1975 Michael G. Crandall
Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ PDF Chat Stable nongaussian diffusive profiles 1996 Jean Bricmont
A. Kupiainen
+ PDF Chat Reaction-diffusion waves with nonlinear boundary conditions 2013 Narcisa Apreutesei
Vitaly Volpert
+ PDF Chat Self-similar dynamics of morphogen gradients 2011 Cyrill B. Muratov
Peter V. Gordon
Stanislav Y. Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of some semilinear parabolic problems 1999 Luis A. Herraiz
+ A variational approach to travelling waves 2001 Steffen Heinze
+ Positive solutions of convex nonlinear eigenvalue problems 1974 James P. Keener
Herbert B. Keller
+ When are solutions to nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems convex? 1985 Bernhard Kawohl
+ Existence of travelling wave solutions for the heat equation in infinite cylinders with a nonlinear boundary condition 2008 Mads Kyed
+ PDF Chat Fast subsonic combustion as a free-interface problem 2003 Peter V. Gordon
Leonid Kagan
Gregory Sivashinsky
+ On the stability of waves of nonlinear parabolic systems 1976 D. H. Sattinger
+ Large time behavior of solutions of a dissipative semilnear heat equation 1995 Miguel Escobedo
Otared Kavian
Hiroshi Matano
+ On the equation of a curved flame front 1988 Michael L. Frankel
G. Sivashinsky
+ On thermal explosion in porous media 2010 Peter V. Gordon
+ Self-similarity and intermediate asymptotics 2003 Г. И. Баренблатт
+ Some problems in the theory of quasilinear equations 1987 I. M. Gel'fand
+ PDF Chat Fundamental Limits to Position Determination by Concentration Gradients 2007 Filipe Tostevin
Pieter Rein ten Wolde
Martin Howard
+ PDF Chat Bulk Burning Rate in¶Passive–Reactive Diffusion 2000 Peter Constantin
Alexander Kiselev
Adam M. Oberman
Leonid Ryzhik