Xuanxuan Xiao


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Large oscillations of the argument of Rankin–Selberg L-functions 2023 Xuanxuan Xiao
Qiyu Yang
+ A NOTE ON LARGE VALUES OF 2021 Xuanxuan Xiao
Qiyu Yang
+ Discrepancy bounds for distribution of automorphic L-functions 2021 Xuanxuan Xiao
Shuai Zhai
+ Second moment of error term of mean value for binary Egyptian fractions 2020 Xuanxuan Xiao
Wenguang Zhai
+ Sums of even ascending powers 2020 Chan Ieong Kuan
Didier Lesesvre
Xuanxuan Xiao
+ PDF Chat Error term of the mean value theorem for binary Egyptian fractions 2020 Xuanxuan Xiao
Wenguang Zhai
+ A large sieve inequality of Elliott–Montgomery–Vaughan type for automorphic forms on GL$_3$ 2019 Xuanxuan Xiao
Zhao Xu
+ Some notes on distribution of Hecke eigenvalues for Maass cusp forms 2017 Yingnan Wang
Xuanxuan Xiao
+ Higher integral moments of automorphic L-functions in short intervals 2016 Xuanxuan Xiao
+ Values of automorphic L-functions with prime power level at the point $$s=1$$ s = 1 2016 Hengcai Tang
Xuanxuan Xiao
+ Distribution of values of symmetric power L-functions at the edge of the critical strip 2016 Xuanxuan Xiao
+ Distribution of values at 1 of symmetric power $L$-functions of Maass cusp forms 2016 Yingnan Wang
Xuanxuan Xiao
+ Integral moments of automorphic L-functions 2015 Hengcai Tang
Xuanxuan Xiao
+ Valeurs centrales et valeurs au bord de la bande critique de fonctions L automorphes 2015 Xuanxuan Xiao
+ PDF Chat Central values and values at the edge of the critical strip of automorphic L-functions 2015 Xuanxuan Xiao
+ Distribution of Values of Symmetric power L-functions at the Edge of the Critical Strip 2015 Xuanxuan Xiao
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A density theorem on automorphic $L$-functions and some applications 2005 Yuk-Kam Lau
Jie Wu
+ PDF Chat Distribution of values of <i>L</i> -functions at the edge of the critical strip 2009 Youness Lamzouri
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the theory of the riemann zeta-function and the theory of the distribution of primes 1916 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Values of symmetric square L-functions at 1 1999 Wenzhi Luo
+ PDF Chat $L$-functions of automorphic forms and combinatorics: Dyck paths 2004 Laurent Habsieger
Emmanuel Royer
+ PDF Chat Special values of symmetric power L-functions and Hecke eigenvalues 2007 Emmanuel Royer
Jie Wu
+ PDF Chat Zeros of families of automorphic L-functions close to 1 2002 Emmanuel Kowalski
Philippe Michel
+ PDF Chat A Large Sieve Inequality of Elliott-Montgomery-Vaughan Type for Automorphic Forms and Two Applications 2008 Yuk-Kam Lau
Jie Wu
+ PDF Chat None 2004 James Cogdell
Philippe Michel
+ Mean-Value Theorems in the Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1928 A. E. Ingham
+ PDF Chat The distribution of values of L(1, χ d ) 2003 Andrew Granville
K. Soundararajan
+ Interprétation combinatoire des moments négatifs des valeurs de fonctions L au bord de la bande critique 2003 Emmanuel Royer
+ PDF Chat Moments of the Riemann zeta function 2009 K. Soundararajan
+ Extreme values of Dirichlet L-functions at 1 1999 Hugh L. Montgomery
R. C. Vaughan
+ PDF Chat Low lying zeros of families of L-functions 2000 Henryk Iwaniec
Wenzhi Luo
Peter Sarnak
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ Moments of products of automorphic L-functions 2014 Micah B. Milinovich
Caroline L. Turnage‐Butterbaugh
+ Fractional moments of automorphic L-functions on GL(m) 2011 Qinghua Pi
+ Topics in Multiplicative Number Theory 1971 Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Chat The square mean of Dirichlet series associated with cusp forms 1982 Anton Good
+ Fractional Moments of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1981 D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ An Upper Bound on Conductors for Pairs 1997 Colin J. Bushnell
Guy Henniart
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ Statistique de la variable al�atoire $L(\mathit{sym}^2f,1)$ 2001 Emmanuel Royer
+ PDF Chat Integral moments of L-functions 2005 J. Brian Conrey
D. W. Farmer
Jonathan P. Keating
MO Rubinstein
N. C. Snaith
+ A problem of Linnik for elliptic curves and mean-value estimates for automorphic representations 2000 William Duke
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ PDF Chat Taille des valeurs de fonctions $L$ de carrés symétriques au bord de la bande critique 2005 Emmanuel Royer
Jie Wu
+ PDF Chat The 4.36th Moment of the Riemann Zeta-Function 2011 Maksym Radziwiłł
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the mean value of the Riemann zeta-function and other Dirichlet series 1 1978 K. Ramachandra
+ Lower Bounds for Least Quadratic Non-Residues 1990 S. W. Graham
C. J. Ringrose
+ Extreme values of the Riemann zeta function 1977 Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Mean value theorems for binary Egyptian fractions II 2012 Jing-Jing Huang
R. C. Vaughan
+ PDF Chat On Fractional Power Moments of L-functions Associated with Certain Cusp Forms 2009 Haiwei Sun
Guangshi Lü
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for the maximum of the Riemann zeta function along vertical lines 2015 Christoph Aistleitner
+ PDF Chat Multiple Dirichlet Series and Moments of Zeta and L-Functions 2003 Adrian Diaconu
Dorian Goldfeld
Jeffrey Hoffstein
+ PDF Chat Fractional moments of automorphic $L$-functions 2011 O. M. Fomenko
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for power moments of L-functions 2011 Amir Akbary
Brandon Fodden
+ PDF Chat Extreme values of zeta and L-functions 2008 K. Soundararajan
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for moments of <i>L</i> -functions 2005 Zeév Rudnick
K. Soundararajan
+ Multiplicative Number Theory 1980 H. Davenport
+ PDF Chat Random Matrix Theory and ζ(1/2+ it) 2000 Jonathan P. Keating
N. C. Snaith
+ Theory of Functions 1945 Konrad Knopp
+ Coefficients of Maass Forms and the Siegel Zero 1994 Jeffrey Hoffstein
Paul Lockhart
+ Hilbert's Inequality 1974 Hugh L. Montgomery
R. C. Vaughan
+ A proof of Selberg's orthogonality for automorphic L-functions 2005 Jianya Liu
Yonghui Wang
Yangbo Ye
+ Some Results Concerning the Integrals of Moduli of Regular Functions Along Certain Curves 1927 R. M. Gabriel
+ Sums of powers of cusp form coefficients. II 1985 R. A. Rankin
+ Functoriality for the exterior square of 𝐺𝐿₄ and the symmetric fourth of 𝐺𝐿₂ 2002 Henry Kim
+ The Fourth Power Moment of the Riemann Zeta Function 1979 D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Chat A Family of Calabi–Yau Varieties and Potential Automorphy II 2011 Tom Barnet-Lamb
David Geraghty
Michael Harris
Richard Taylor