Lorenzo Sadun


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On the long-range order of the Spectre tilings 2024 Michael Baake
Franz Gähler
Jan Mazáč
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Emergence in graphs with near-extreme constraints 2024 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Existence of a symmetric bipodal phase in the edge-triangle model 2024 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Moderate deviations in cycle count 2023 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Typical large graphs with given edge and triangle densities 2023 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Optimal graphons in the edge-2star model 2023 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Dynamics and topology of the Hat family of tilings 2023 Michael Baake
Franz Gähler
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Topological mixing of random substitutions 2022 Eden Delight Miro
D. M. Rust
Lorenzo Sadun
Gwendolyn S. Tadeo
+ Global solutions with infinitely many blowups in a mean-field neural network 2022 Lorenzo Sadun
Thibaud Taillefumier
+ Existence of a symmetric bipodal phase in the edge-triangle model 2022 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Number of bounded distance equivalence classes in hulls of repetitive Delone sets 2021 Dirk Frettlöh
Alexey Garber
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Rotation Numbers and Rotation Classes on One-Dimensional Tiling Spaces 2021 José Aliste‐Prieto
Betseygail Rand
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Moderate Deviations in Triangle Count. 2021 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Number of bounded distance equivalence classes in hulls of repetitive Delone sets 2021 Dirk Frettlöh
Alexey Garber
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Typical large graphs with given edge and triangle densities 2021 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Topological Mixing of Random Substitutions 2021 Eden Delight Miro
D. M. Rust
Lorenzo Sadun
Gwendolyn S. Tadeo
+ Moderate Deviations in Cycle Count 2021 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Effects of Latency on Estimates of the COVID-19 Replication Number 2020 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Phase Transitions in Finite Random Networks 2020 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Effects of latency on estimates of the COVID-19 replication number 2020 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Pattern Equivariant Mass Transport in Aperiodic Tilings and Cohomology 2020 Michael R. Kelly
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Nucleation during phase transitions in random networks 2019 Joe Neeman
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Pattern Equivariant Mass Transport in Aperiodic Tilings and Cohomology 2018 Michael R. Kelly
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Tiling Deformations, Cohomology, and Orbit Equivalence of Tiling Spaces 2018 Antoine Julien
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Growth Rates in the Quaquaversal Tiling. (arXiv:math-ph/9812018v2 UPDATED) 2018 Brimstone Draco
Lorenzo Sadun
Douglas Van Wieren
+ Isomorphism of Hierarchical Structures. (arXiv:math-ph/9812016v2 UPDATED) 2018 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat A symmetry breaking transition in the edge/triangle network model 2018 Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Pattern Equivariant Mass Transport in Aperiodic Tilings and Cohomology 2018 Michael J. Kelly
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat The phases of large networks with edge and triangle constraints 2017 Richard Kenyon
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Surface effects in dense random graphs with sharp edge constraint 2017 Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Multipodal Structure and Phase Transitions in Large Constrained Graphs 2017 RICHARD L. KENYON
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Small Cocycles, Fine Torus Fibrations, and a $$\varvec{\mathbb {Z}^{2}}$$ Z 2 Subshift with Neither 2017 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Conjugacies of model sets 2017 Johannes Kellendonk
Lorenzo Sadun
+ A Characterization of Rotation Number on One-Dimensional Tiling Spaces 2017 Betseygail Rand
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Surface effects in dense random graphs with sharp edge constraint 2017 Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat What’s Wrong with the Platonic Ideal of Space and Time? 2016 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Bipodal Structure in Oversaturated Random Graphs 2016 Richard Kenyon
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Open Problems and Conjectures Related to the Theory of Mathematical Quasicrystals 2016 Faustin Adiceam
David Damanik
Franz Gähler
Uwe Grimm
Alan Haynes
Antoine Julien
Andrés Navas
Lorenzo Sadun
Barak Weiss
+ A symmetry breaking transition in the edge/triangle network model 2016 Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Gaps problems and frequencies of patches in cut and project sets 2016 Alan Haynes
Henna Koivusalo
James Walton
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Finitely balanced sequences and plasticity of 1-dimensional tilings 2016 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Lecture Notes on Differential Forms 2016 Lorenzo Sadun
+ What's wrong with the Platonic ideal of space and time? 2016 Lorenzo Sadun
+ A symmetry breaking transition in the edge/triangle network model 2016 Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Bipodal structure in oversaturated random graphs 2015 Richard Kenyon
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Tiling deformations, cohomology, and orbit equivalence of tiling spaces 2015 Antoine Julien
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Finitely Balanced Sequences and Plasticity of 1-Dimensional Tilings 2015 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of Hierarchical Tilings 2015 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Bipodal structure in oversaturated random graphs 2015 RICHARD L. KENYON
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Tiling deformations, cohomology, and orbit equivalence of tiling spaces 2015 Antoine Julien
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Finitely Balanced Sequences and Plasticity of 1-Dimensional Tilings 2015 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Small cocycles, fine torus fibrations, and a ${\mathbb Z}^2$ subshift with neither 2015 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Singularities in the Entropy of Asymptotically Large Simple Graphs 2014 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Pattern equivariant cohomology and theorems of Kesten and Oren 2014 Michael R. Kelly
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Conjugacies of model sets 2014 Johannes Kellendonk
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Multipodal Structure and Phase Transitions in Large Constrained Graphs 2014 Richard Kenyon
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat The asymptotics of large constrained graphs 2014 Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Pattern Equivariant Cohomology and a Theorem of Kesten 2014 Michael R. Kelly
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Conjugacies of model sets 2014 Johannes Kellendonk
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Cohomology of Hierarchical Tilings 2014 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Multipodal Structure and Phase Transitions in Large Constrained Graphs 2014 RICHARD L. KENYON
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Linear Algebra and Mathematical Physics 2013 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Meyer sets, topological eigenvalues, and Cantor fiber bundles 2013 Johannes Kellendonk
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Fusion: a general framework for hierarchical tilings of $$\mathbb{R }^d$$ R d 2013 Natalie Priebe Frank
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in a complex network 2013 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ A mean field analysis of the solid/fluid phase transition 2013 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Meyer sets, topological eigenvalues, and Cantor fiber bundles 2012 Johannes Kellendonk
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Simple type is not a boundary phenomenon 2012 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Fusion tilings with infinite local complexity 2012 Natalie Priebe Frank
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Fusion tilings with infinite local complexity 2012 Natalie Priebe Frank
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Meyer sets, topological eigenvalues, and Cantor fiber bundles 2012 Johannes Kellendonk
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Quotient cohomology for tiling spaces 2011 Marcy Barge
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Homological Pisot substitutions and exact regularity 2011 Marcy Barge
Henk Bruin
Leslie B. Jones
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Exact regularity and the cohomology of tiling spaces 2011 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Quotient Cohomology for Tiling Spaces 2011 Marcy Barge
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Fusion: a general framework for hierarchical tilings of $R^d$ 2011 Natalie Priebe Frank
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat An approximation theorem for maps between tiling spaces 2010 Betseygail Rand
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Exact Regularity and the Cohomology of Tiling Spaces 2010 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Homological Pisot Substitutions and Exact Regularity 2010 Marcy Barge
Henk Bruin
Leslie B. Jones
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Homological Pisot Substitutions and Exact Regularity 2010 Marcy Barge
Henk Bruin
Leslie Jones
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Exact Regularity and the Cohomology of Tiling Spaces 2010 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of substitution tiling spaces 2009 Marcy Barge
Beverly Diamond
John Hunton
Lorenzo Sadun
+ An Approximation Theorem for Maps Between Tiling Spaces 2009 Betseygail Rand
Lorenzo Sadun
+ An Approximation Theorem for Maps Between Tiling Spaces 2009 Betseygail Rand
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Topology of some tiling spaces without finite local complexity 2008 Natalie Priebe Frank
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Cohomology of Substitution Tiling Spaces 2008 Marcy Barge
Beverly Diamond
John Hunton
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Pattern-equivariant cohomology 2008 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Cohomology of tilings spaces 2008 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Topology of Tiling Spaces 2008 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Tiling spaces and inverse limits 2008 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Cohomology of Substitution Tiling Spaces 2008 Marcy Barge
Beverly Diamond
John Hunton
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Topology of tiling spaces 2008 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Pattern-equivariant cohomology with integer coefficients 2007 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Topology of (some) tiling spaces without finite local complexity 2007 Natalie Priebe Frank
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Linear Algebra and Mathematical Physics 2006 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Linear Algebra and Mathematical Physics 2006 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Pattern-Equivariant Cohomology with Integer Coefficients 2006 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Tilings, tiling spaces and topology 2006 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat When shape matters: deformations of tiling spaces 2006 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Pattern-Equivariant Cohomology with Integer Coefficients 2006 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Topological mixing for substitutions on two letters 2005 Richard Kenyon
Lorenzo Sadun
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Most stable structure for hard spheres 2005 Hans Koch
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Uniqueness and symmetry in problems of optimally dense packings 2005 Charles Holton
Lewis Bowen
Lorenzo Sadun
Charles Radin
+ PDF Chat Structure of the Hard Sphere Solid 2005 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Topological Methods for Aperiodic Tilings 2005 Johannes Kellendonk
Ian F. Putnam
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Conjugacies for Tiling Dynamical Systems 2004 Charles Holton
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Transport and Dissipation in Quantum Pumps 2004 J. E. Avron
Alexander Elgart
Gian Michele Graf
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Topological mixing for substitutions on two letters 2004 Richard Kenyon
Lorenzo Sadun
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic charge pumping in open quantum systems 2004 J. E. Avron
Alexander Elgart
Gian Michele Graf
Lorenzo Sadun
K. Schnee
+ Topological mixing for substitutions on two letters 2004 RICHARD L. KENYON
Lorenzo Sadun
Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Tiling spaces are inverse limits 2003 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Periodic diffraction patterns for 1D quasicrystals 2003 P. Buczek
Lorenzo Sadun
Janusz Wolny
+ PDF Chat When size matters: subshifts and their related tiling spaces 2003 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ When Shape Matters: Deformations of Tiling Spaces. 2003 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Oort’s conjecture for $A_{g} \otimes {\mathbb {C}}$ 2003 Seán Keel
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Spherically symmetric solutions of a boundary value problem for monopoles 2003 Antonella Marini
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Tiling spaces are Cantor set fiber bundles 2003 Lorenzo Sadun
R. F. Williams
+ Uniqueness and Symmetry in Problems of Optimally Dense Packings 2003 Lewis Bowen
Charles Holton
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Periodic diffraction patterns for 1D quasicrystals 2003 P. Buczek
Lorenzo Sadun
Janusz Wolny
+ When Shape Matters: Deformations of Tiling Spaces 2003 Alex S. Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Time-energy coherent states and adiabatic scattering 2002 J. E. Avron
Alexander Elgart
Gian Michele Graf
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Oort's conjecture for A_g 2002 Seán Keel
Lorenzo Sadun
+ When size matters: subshifts and their related tiling spaces 2002 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Fast and slow blowup in the<i>S</i><sup>2</sup>σ-model and the (4+1)-dimensional Yang-Mills model 2002 Jean Marie Linhart
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Adiabatic charge pumping in open quantum systems 2002 J. E. Avron
Alexander Elgart
Gian Michele Graf
Lorenzo Sadun
K. Schnee
+ When size matters: subshifts and their related tiling spaces 2002 Alex S. Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Oort's conjecture for A_g 2002 Seán Keel
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Optimal Quantum Pumps 2001 J. E. Avron
Alexander Elgart
Gian Michele Graf
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Isomorphism of hierarchical structures 2001 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Parallel connections over symmetric spaces 2001 Luis Guijarro
Lorenzo Sadun
Gerard Walschap
+ Tiling spaces are Cantor set fiber bundles 2001 Lorenzo Sadun
R. F. Williams
+ PDF Chat Fredholm indices and the phase diagram of quantum Hall systems 2001 J. E. Avron
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Simple type and the boundary of moduli space 2000 David Groisser
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Geometry, statistics, and asymptotics of quantum pumps 2000 J. E. Avron
Alexander Elgart
Gian Michele Graf
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Growth Rates in the Quaquaversal Tiling 2000 Brimstone Draco
Lorenzo Sadun
Douglas Van Wieren
+ Generic Jumps of Fredholm Indices and the Quantum Hall Effect 2000 J. E. Avron
Lorenzo Sadun
+ A Homeomorphism Invariant for Substitution Tiling Spaces 2000 Nic Ormes
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat On Angles Whose Squared Trigonometric Functions Are Rational 1999 John H. Conway
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat On 2-Generator Subgroups of SO(3) 1999 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Isomorphism of Hierarchical Structures 1998 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Growth Rates in the Quaquaversal Tiling 1998 Brimstone Draco
Lorenzo Sadun
Douglas Van Wieren
+ None 1998 Lorenzo Sadun
Martin Speight
+ On Angles Whose Squared Trigonometric Functions are Rational 1998 John H. Conway
Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Growth Rates in the Quaquaversal Tiling 1998 Brimstone Draco
Lorenzo Sadun
Douglas Van Wieren
+ Isomorphism of Hierarchical Structures 1998 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Some Generalizations of the Pinwheel Tiling 1997 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Simple Type and the Boundary of Moduli Space 1997 David Groisser
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Parallel Connections Over Symmetric Spaces 1997 Luis Guijarro
Lorenzo Sadun
Gerard Walschap
+ Simple Type is Not a Boundary Phenomenon 1997 Lorenzo Sadun
+ On 2-generator subgroups of SO(3) 1997 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Rotating rationally 1997 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Simple Type is Not a Boundary Phenomenon 1997 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Geodesic incompleteness in the CP^1 model on a compact Riemann surface 1997 Lorenzo Sadun
Martin Speight
+ Simple Type and the Boundary of Moduli Space 1997 David Groisser
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Parallel Connections Over Symmetric Spaces 1997 Luis Guijarro
Lorenzo Sadun
Gerard Walschap
+ An Algebraic Invariant for Substitution Tiling Systems 1997 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Some Generalizations of the Pinwheel Tiling 1997 Lorenzo Sadun
+ On 2-generator subgroups of SO(3) 1997 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Adiabatic curvature and theS-matrix 1996 Lorenzo Sadun
J. E. Avron
+ PDF Chat A simple geometric representative for μ of a point 1996 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Subgroups of SO(3) Associated with Tilings 1996 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat A symmetric family of Yang-Mills fields 1994 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Constructing non-self-dual Yang-Mills connections on 𝑆⁴ with arbitrary Chern number 1993 Lorenzo Sadun
Jan Segert
+ Stationary points of the Yang‐Mills action 1992 Lorenzo Sadun
Jan Segert
+ PDF Chat Non-self-dual Yang-Mills connections with quadrupole symmetry 1992 Lorenzo Sadun
Jan Segert
+ Relativistic dynamics of expanding sources 1991 A. C. Sadun
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Non-self-dual Yang-Mills connections with nonzero Chern number 1991 Lorenzo Sadun
Jan Segert
+ PDF Chat Trapping and cascading of eigenvalues in the large coupling limit 1988 Fritz Gesztesy
David Gurarie
Helge Holden
Martin Klaus
Lorenzo Sadun
Barry Simon
P. Vogl
+ Continuum regularization of quantum field theory 1987 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Continuum Regularized Yang-Mills Theory. 1987 Lorenzo Sadun
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Topological invariants for substitution tilings and their associated $C^\ast$-algebras 1998 Jared E. Anderson
Ian F. Putnam
+ PDF Chat Pattern-equivariant functions and cohomology 2003 Johannes Kellendonk
+ PDF Chat When shape matters: deformations of tiling spaces 2006 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Cohomology in one-dimensional substitution tiling spaces 2008 Marcy Barge
Beverly Diamond
+ The large deviation principle for the Erdős-Rényi random graph 2011 Sourav Chatterjee
S. R. S. Varadhan
+ Topology of tiling spaces 2008 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Estimating and understanding exponential random graph models 2013 Sourav Chatterjee
Persi Diaconis
+ Finitely forcible graphons 2011 László Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
+ PDF Chat When size matters: subshifts and their related tiling spaces 2003 Alex Clark
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in a complex network 2013 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Singularities in the Entropy of Asymptotically Large Simple Graphs 2014 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Large Networks and Graph Limits 2012 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Szemerédi’s Lemma for the Analyst 2007 László Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
+ PDF Chat Tiling spaces are inverse limits 2003 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Limits of dense graph sequences 2006 László Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
+ PDF Chat Moments of Two-Variable Functions and the Uniqueness of Graph Limits 2010 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
László Lovász
+ An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding 2010 Douglas Lind
Brian Marcus
+ PDF Chat Multipodal Structure and Phase Transitions in Large Constrained Graphs 2017 RICHARD L. KENYON
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Pattern-equivariant cohomology with integer coefficients 2007 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Isomorphism of hierarchical structures 2001 Charles Radin
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat The asymptotics of large constrained graphs 2014 Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ The Ruelle-Sullivan map for actions of ℝn 2006 Johannes Kellendonk
Ian F. Putnam
+ Tilings, substitution systems and dynamical systems generated by them 1989 Shahar Mozes
+ PDF Chat Pattern equivariant functions, deformations and equivalence of tiling spaces 2008 Johannes Kellendonk
+ PDF Chat Bipodal Structure in Oversaturated Random Graphs 2016 Richard Kenyon
Charles Radin
Kui Ren
Lorenzo Sadun
+ Topology of Tiling Spaces 2008 Lorenzo Sadun
+ Quaquaversal tilings and rotations 1998 John H. Conway
Charles Radin
+ PDF Chat Convergent sequences of dense graphs I: Subgraph frequencies, metric properties and testing 2008 Christian Borgs
Jennifer Chayes
L. Lovász
Vera T. Sós
K. Vesztergombi
+ PDF Chat Meyer sets, topological eigenvalues, and Cantor fiber bundles 2013 Johannes Kellendonk
Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Tiling spaces are Cantor set fiber bundles 2003 Lorenzo Sadun
R. F. Williams
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in exponential random graphs 2013 Charles Radin
Mei Yin
+ PDF Chat Factor maps between tiling dynamical systems 1999 Karl Petersen
+ Spaces of Tilings, Finite Telescopic Approximations and Gap-Labeling 2005 Jean Bellissard
Riccardo Benedetti
J. M. Gambaudo
+ PDF Chat On replica symmetry of large deviations in random graphs 2014 Eyal Lubetzky
Yufei Zhao
+ On the Dynamics of G-Solenoids. Applications to Delone Sets 2002 Riccardo Benedetti
Jean-Marc Gambaudo
+ Vertex Order in Some Large Constrained Random Graphs 2016 Hans Peter Koch
+ PDF Chat Equivalence classes of codimension-one cut-and-project nets 2014 Alan Haynes
+ On the Minimal Density of Triangles in Graphs 2008 Alexander Razborov
+ Space tilings and local isomorphism 1992 Charles Radin
Mayhew Wolff
+ Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results 1969 David Ruelle
+ Dynamics of self-similar tilings 1997 Boris Solomyak
+ PDF Chat Nonperiodicity implies unique composition for self-similar translationally finite Tilings 1998 Boris Solomyak
+ A simple condition for bounded displacement 2014 Yaar Solomon
+ PDF Chat Topological invariants for projection method patterns 2002 A. H. Forrest
John Hunton
Johannes Kellendonk
+ PDF Chat Substitution tilings and separated nets with similarities to the integer lattice 2011 Yaar Solomon
+ PDF Chat Emergent Structures in Large Networks 2013 David Aristoff
Charles Radin
+ The Geometry of Four-Manifolds 1990 Simon Donaldson
P. B. Kronheimer
+ PDF Chat Exact regularity and the cohomology of tiling spaces 2011 Lorenzo Sadun
+ PDF Chat Mixing properties of substitutions 1978 F. M. Dekking
Michaël Keane