Jindřich Zapletal


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Two Graph Games 2024 David Chodounský
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Fraenkel--Mostowski models revisited 2024 Jindřich Zapletal
+ On the consistency strength of 𝖬𝖬(𝜔₁) 2023 Natasha Dobrinen
John Krueger
Pedro Marun
Miguel Ángel Mota
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Coloring triangles and rectangles 2023 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Coloring the distance graphs 2023 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Subadditive families of hypergraphs 2023 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Coloring closed Noetherian graphs 2023 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Krull dimension in set theory 2023 Jindřich Zapletal
+ On the Consistency Strength of MM($ω_1$) 2023 Natasha Dobrinen
John Krueger
Pedro Marun
Miguel Ángel Mota
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Triangles and Vitali sets 2023 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Polar forcings and measured extensions 2022 Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Sequential topologies and Dedekind finite sets 2022 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Coloring the distance graphs 2022 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Coloring closed Noetherian graphs 2022 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Sequential topologies and Dedekind finite sets 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Noetherian spaces in choiceless set theory 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Coloring redundant algebraic hypergraphs 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Transcendental pairs of generic extensions 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Coloring the distance graph in three dimensions 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Coloring triangles and rectangles 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Sequential topologies and Dedekind finite sets 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Coloring redundant algebraic hypergraphs 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Noetherian spaces in choiceless set theory 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Transcendental pairs of generic extensions 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Krull dimension in set theory 2021 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Ideals and Their Generic Ultrafilters 2020 David Chodounský
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Preservation theorems for Namba forcing 2020 Osvaldo Guzmán
Michael Hrušák
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Geometric Set Theory 2020 Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Simplicial complex forcings 2020 Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Balanced Suslin forcing 2020 Paul A. Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Hypergraphs and proper forcing 2019 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Separating equivalence classes 2019 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Discontinuous homomorphisms, selectors, and automorphisms of the complex field 2018 Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Cardinal invariants of closed graphs 2018 Francis Adams
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Bounded Namba forcing axiom may fail 2018 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Discontinuous homomorphisms, selectors and automorphisms of the complex field. 2018 Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Discontinuous homomorphisms, selectors and automorphisms of the complex field 2018 Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Hypergraphs and proper forcing 2017 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Bounded Namba forcing axiom may fail 2017 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Cardinal invariants of closed graphs 2017 Francis Adams
Jindřich Zapletal
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Interpreter fr topologists 2017 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Bounded Namba forcing axiom may fail 2017 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Cardinal invariants of closed graphs 2017 Francis Adams
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Hypergraphs and proper forcing 2017 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Ramsey ultrafilters and Countable-to-one Uniformization 2016 Richard Ketchersid
Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Strong measure zero sets in Polish groups 2016 Michael Hrušák
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Why Y-c.c. 2015 David Chodounský
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Interpreter for topologists 2015 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Dimension theory and forcing 2014 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Cofinalities of Borel ideals 2014 Michael Hrušák
Diego Rojas‐Rebolledo
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Analytic equivalence relations and the forcing method 2013 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Canonical Ramsey Theory on Polish Spaces 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Ramsey-type ideals 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Games and the Silver property 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Analytic equivalence relations and models of set theory 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ The countable support iteration ideals 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Product-type ideals 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Preface 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Analytic Equivalence Relations and the Forcing Method 2013 Jindřich Zapletal
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Forcing Properties of Ideals of Closed Sets 2011 Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ More σ-ideals with the Laczkovich–Komjáth property 2011 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Ramsey theorems for product of finite sets with submeasures 2011 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Pinned equivalence relations 2011 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Regular embeddings of the stationary tower and Woodin's maximality theorem 2010 Richard Ketchersid
Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Applications of the ergodic iteration theorem 2010 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Forcing properties of ideals of closed sets 2010 Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Forcing properties of ideals of closed sets 2010 Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Ramsey theorems parametrized by a measure 2009 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Preserving P-points in definable forcing 2009 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Forcing with quotients 2008 Michael Hrušák
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Basics 2008 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Introduction 2008 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Increasing δ<sub>2</sub><sup>1</sup> and Namba-style forcing 2007 Richard Ketchersid
Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat On the structure of stationary sets 2007 Feng Qi
Thomas Jech
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Increasing $\delta {2}^{1}$ and Namba-Style Forcing 2007 Richard Ketchersid
Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Proper forcing and rectangular ramsey theorems 2006 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Four and more 2005 Ilijas Farah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Two preservation theorems 2005 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Potential theory and forcing 2005 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Forcing with quotients 2004 Michael Hrušák
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Descriptive set theory and definable forcing 2004 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Between Maharam’s and von Neumann’s problems 2004 Ilijas Farah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Between Maharam's and von Neumann's problems 2004 Ilijas Farah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Forcing with quotients 2004 Michael Hrušák
Jindřich Zapletal
+ On the structure of stationary sets 2003 Feng Qi
Thomas Jech
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Proper forcing and rectangular Ramsey theorems 2003 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Duality and the pcf theory 2002 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Proper Forcings and Absoluteness in L(\Bbb R) 2002 Paul Larson
Itay Neeman
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Duality and the pcf theory 2002 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Forcing with ideals generated by closed sets 2002 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Duality and the pcf theory 2002 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Games with creatures 2002 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ REVIEWS-Two papers-Proper forcing and L (R) 2002 Itay Neeman
Jindřich Zapletal
Paul Larson
+ Duality Chipped 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Proper forcing and <i>L</i>(ℝ) 2001 Itay Neeman
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Terminal notions in set theory 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Transfinite open-point games☆☆Research partially supported by grant GA ČR 201/97/0216. 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ An interpolation theorem 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Forcing with ideals of closed sets 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Countable Support Iteration Revisited 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Isolating Cardinal Invariants 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Duality Chipped 2001 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Killing ideals and adding reals 2000 Jindřich Zapletal
+ The nonstationary ideal and the other 𝜎-ideals on 𝜔₁ 2000 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Proper forcing and $L({\mathbb R})$ 2000 Itay Neeman
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Terminal Notions 1999 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat On the Alaoglu-Birkhoff equivalence of posets 1999 Stevo Todorčević
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Canonical models for ℵ1-combinatorics 1999 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Preserving σ-ideals 1998 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Canonical models for aleph_1 combinatorics 1998 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Strongly almost disjoint functions 1997 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Semi-Cohen Boolean algebras 1997 Bohuslav Balcar
Thomas Jech
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Embeddings of Cohen Algebras 1997 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Small forcings and Cohen reals 1997 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Splitting number at uncountable cardinals 1997 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Keeping additivity of the null ideal small 1997 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Characterization of the Club Forcing 1996 Jindřich Zapletal
+ More on the cut and choose game 1995 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Semi-Cohen Boolean algebras 1995 Bohuslav Balcar
Thomas Jech
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Embeddings of Cohen algebras 1995 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Semi-Cohen Boolean algebras 1995 Bohuslav Balcar
Thomas Jech
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Embeddings of Cohen algebras 1995 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Small forcings and Cohen reals 1994 Jindřich Zapletal
+ More on the cut and choose game 1994 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Shooting a club with finite conditions 1994 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Semi-Cohen Versus Cohen Algebras 1994 Jindřich Zapletal
+ More on the cut and choose game 1994 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Small forcings and Cohen reals 1994 Jindřich Zapletal
+ A New Proof of Kunen's Inconsistency 1993 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Splitting number and the core model 1992 Jindřich Zapletal
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Proper and Improper Forcing 1998 Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Supercompact cardinals, sets of reals, and weakly homogeneous trees 1988 W. Hugh Woodin
+ Borel Equivalence Relations 2008 Vladimir Kanovei
+ Covering analytic sets by families of closed set 1994 Sławomir Solecki
+ Analytic ideals and their applications 1999 Sławomir Solecki
+ The Axiom of Determinacy, Forcing Axioms, and the Nonstationary Ideal 1999 W. Hugh Woodin
+ PDF Chat Avoidable algebraic subsets of Euclidean space 1999 James H. Schmerl
+ Properness Without Elementaricity 2004 Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Two examples of Borel partially ordered sets with the countable chain condition 1991 Stevo Todorčević
+ Martin's Maximum, Saturated Ideals, and Non-Regular Ultrafilters. Part I 1988 M. Foreman
M. Magidor
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat On the consistency of Borel's conjecture 1976 Richard Laver
+ Descriptive Set Theory and the Structure of Sets of Uniqueness 1987 Alexander S. Kechris
Alain Louveau
+ PDF Chat $F_σ$-ideals and $ω_1 ω^*_1$-gaps in the Boolean algebras Ρ(ω)/I. 1991 Krzysztof Mazur
+ Semiselective coideals 1998 Ilijas Farah
+ PDF Chat <i>n</i>–localization property 2006 Andrzej Rosłanowski
+ Invariant Descriptive Set Theory 2008 Su Gao
+ PDF Chat On a notion of smallness for subsets of the Baire space 1977 Alexander S. Kechris
+ Descriptive set theory and definable forcing 2004 Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Countable decompositions ofR 2 andR 3 1990 Paul Erdős
Péter Komjáth
+ PDF Chat Preserving P-points in definable forcing 2009 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Souslin partitions of products of finite sets 2003 Carlos Augusto Di Prisco
Stevo Todorčević
+ PDF Chat Canonical Ramsey Theory on Polish Spaces 2013 Vladimir Kanovei
Marcin Sabok
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Perfect-Set Properties inL(R)[U] 1998 Carlos Augusto Di Prisco
Stevo Todorčević
+ A very discontinuous Borel function 1993 Juris Steprāns
+ Happy families 1977 A. R. D. Mathias
+ The graph-theoretic approach to descriptive set theory 2012 Benjamin D. Miller
+ Weak Borel chromatic numbers 2011 Stefan Geschke
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Dichotomies in Set Theory 2011 Stevo Todorčević
+ PDF Chat The List-Chromatic Number of Infinite Graphs Defined on Euclidean Spaces 2009 Péter Komjáth
+ Set Theory An Introduction to Independence Proofs 1980 Kenneth Kunen
+ Large cardinals and definable counterexamples to the continuum hypothesis 1995 Matthew Foreman
Menachem Magidor
+ PDF Chat A purely inductive proof of Borel determinacy 1985 Donald A. Martin
+ PDF Chat Cardinal invariants of closed graphs 2018 Francis Adams
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat Norms on possibilities. I. Forcing with trees and creatures 1999 Andrzej Rosłanowski
Saharon Shelah
+ Four and more 2005 Ilijas Farah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Geometric Set Theory 2020 Paul Larson
Jindřich Zapletal
+ PDF Chat The structure of 𝜎-ideals of compact sets 1987 Alexander S. Kechris
Alain Louveau
W. Hugh Woodin
+ On Borel mappings and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi></mml:math>-ideals generated by closed sets 2012 Roman Pol
Piotr Zakrzewski
+ PDF Chat On chromatic number of graphs and set systems 1973 Paul Erdös
A. Hajnal
B. Rothchild
+ Analytic countably splitting families 2004 Otmar Spinas
+ Universally Baire Sets of Reals 1992 Feng Qi
Menachem Magidor
Hugh Woodin
+ Ramsey theorems for product of finite sets with submeasures 2011 Saharon Shelah
Jindřich Zapletal
+ Classification and Orbit Equivalence Relations 1999 Greg Hjorth
+ On non-wellfounded iterations of the perfect set forcing 1999 Vladimir Kanovei
+ PDF Chat Proper forcing and rectangular ramsey theorems 2006 Jindřich Zapletal
+ Products of Infinitely Many Perfect Trees 1984 Richard Laver
+ PDF Chat Dominating and unbounded free sets 1999 Sławomir Solecki
Otmar Spinas
+ Some points in β<i>N</i> 1976 Kenneth Kunen
+ Ramsey and Freeness Properties of Polish Planes 2001 Otmar Spinas
+ Combinatorics on ideals and forcing with trees 1987 Marcia J. Groszek