Pritibha Singh


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Incorporating Prior Data in Quantitative Benefit–Risk Assessments: Case Study of a Bayesian Method 2024 Sai Dharmarajan
Žhong Yuan
Yeh‐Fong Chen
Leila G. Lackey
Saurabh Mukhopadhyay
Pritibha Singh
Ram C. Tiwari
+ Platform trials to evaluate the benefit-risk of COVID-19 therapeutics: Successes, learnings, and recommendations for future pandemics 2023 Joan Buenconsejo
Ran Liao
Junjing Lin
Pritibha Singh
Freda Cooner
Samiran Ghosh
Margaret Gamalo
Estelle Russek‐Cohen
Névine Zariffa
+ A New Comprehensive Approach to Assess the Probability of Success of Development Programs Before Pivotal Trials 2021 Lisa V. Hampson
Björn Holzhauer
Björn Bornkamp
Joseph M. Kahn
Markus R. Lange
Wen‐Lin Luo
Pritibha Singh
Steffen Ballerstedt
Giovanni Della Cioppa
+ Bayesian methods in pharmaceutical research 2020 Carl Di Casoli
Yueqin Zhao
Yannis Jemiai
Pritibha Singh
Maria J. Costa
+ PDF Chat Defining Efficacy Estimands in Clinical Trials: Examples Illustrating ICH E9(R1) Guidelines 2020 Bohdana Ratitch
Niti Goel
Craig Mallinckrodt
James Bell
Jonathan Bartlett
Geert Molenberghs
Pritibha Singh
Ilya Lipkovich
Michael O’Kelly
+ Aligning Estimators With Estimands in Clinical Trials: Putting the ICH E9(R1) Guidelines Into Practice 2020 Craig Mallinckrodt
James Bell
G. Liu
Bohdana Ratitch
Michael O’Kelly
Ilya Lipkovich
Pritibha Singh
Linyong Xu
Geert Molenberghs
+ PDF Chat Choosing Estimands in Clinical Trials: Putting the ICH E9(R1) Into Practice 2020 Bohdana Ratitch
James Bell
Craig Mallinckrodt
Jonathan Bartlett
Niti Goel
Geert Molenberghs
Michael O’Kelly
Pritibha Singh
Ilya Lipkovich
+ PDF Chat Defining Efficacy Estimands in Clinical Trials: Examples Illustrating ICH E9(R1) Guidelines 2019 Bohdana Ratitch
Niti Goel
Craig Mallinckrodt
James Bell
Jonathan Bartlett
Geert Molenberghs
Pritibha Singh
Ilya Lipkovich
Michael O’Kelly
+ Aligning Estimators With Estimands in Clinical Trials: Putting the ICH E9(R1) Guidelines Into Practice 2019 Craig Mallinckrodt
James Bell
G. Liu
Bohdana Ratitch
Michael O’Kelly
Ilya Lipkovich
Pritibha Singh
Linyong Xu
Geert Molenberghs
+ PDF Chat Choosing Estimands in Clinical Trials: Putting the ICH E9(R1) Into Practice 2019 Bohdana Ratitch
James Bell
Craig Mallinckrodt
Jonathan Bartlett
Niti Goel
Geert Molenberghs
Michael O’Kelly
Pritibha Singh
Ilya Lipkovich
+ Pooled analysis of two randomized, double-blind trials comparing proposed biosimilar LA-EP2006 with reference pegfilgrastim in breast cancer. 2016 Kimberly Blackwell
Pedro Gascón
C. Michael Jones
Allen Nixon
Roumen Nakov
Pritibha Singh
Andriy Krendyukov
Nadia Harbeck
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Trimmed means for symptom trials with dropouts 2016 Thomas Permutt
Feng Li
+ Estimands in clinical trials – broadening the perspective 2016 Mouna Akacha
Frank Bretz
Stephen J. Ruberg
+ A win ratio approach to comparing continuous non‐normal outcomes in clinical trials 2016 Duolao Wang
Stuart J. Pocock
+ Analysis of Longitudinal Trials with Protocol Deviation: A Framework for Relevant, Accessible Assumptions, and Inference via Multiple Imputation 2013 James R. Carpenter
James Roger
Michael G. Kenward
+ PDF Chat Principal Stratification in Causal Inference 2002 Constantine Frangakis
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Recent Developments in the Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data 2013 Craig Mallinckrodt
James Roger
Christy Chuang‐Stein
Geert Molenberghs
Michael O’Kelly
Bohdana Ratitch
Marcel Janssens
Pierre Bunouf
+ PDF Chat Choosing estimands in clinical trials with missing data 2016 Craig Mallinckrodt
Geert Molenberghs
Suchitrita S. Rathmann
+ PDF Chat A structured approach to choosing estimands and estimators in longitudinal clinical trials 2012 Craig Mallinckrodt
Qun Lin
Ilya Lipkovich
Geert Molenberghs
+ Missing Data: Turning Guidance Into Action 2013 Craig Mallinckrodt
James Roger
Christy Chuang‐Stein
Geert Molenberghs
P. W. Lane
Michael O’Kelly
Bohdana Ratitch
Lei Xu
Steve Gilbert
Devan V. Mehrotra
+ Estimation of Causal Effects via Principal Stratification When Some Outcomes are Truncated by “Death” 2003 Junni L. Zhang
Donald B. Rubin
+ Principal Stratification Approach to Broken Randomized Experiments 2003 John Barnard
Constantine Frangakis
Jennifer Hill
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Problems in dealing with missing data and informative censoring in clinical trials 2002 Weichung Joseph Shih
+ Missing data in clinical trials: from clinical assumptions to statistical analysis using pattern mixture models 2013 Bohdana Ratitch
Michael O’Kelly
Robert Tosiello
+ Recent developments in improving signal detection and reducing placebo response in psychiatric clinical trials 2011 Craig Mallinckrodt
Roy Tamura
Yoko Tanaka
+ More powerful randomization-basedp-values in double-blind trials with non-compliance 1998 Donald B. Rubin
+ Maximum Likelihood Approaches to Variance Component Estimation and to Related Problems 1977 David A. Harville
+ Correcting for non-compliance in randomized trials using rank preserving structural failure time models 1991 James M. Robins
Anastasios A. Tsiatis
+ PDF Chat Ignorability and Coarse Data 1991 Daniel F. Heitjan
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat A Multiple-Imputation-Based Approach to Sensitivity Analyses and Effectiveness Assessments in Longitudinal Clinical Trials 2014 Birhanu Ayele
Ilya Lipkovich
Geert Molenberghs
Craig Mallinckrodt
+ Unbalanced Repeated-Measures Models with Structured Covariance Matrices 1986 Robert I. Jennrich
Mark Schluchter
+ Intent-to-Treat Analysis for Longitudinal Studies with Drop-Outs 1996 Roderick J. A. Little
Linda Yau
+ The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials: An FDA Perspective on the Importance of Dealing With It 2012 Robert T. O’Neill
Robert Temple
+ PDF Chat Addressing Missing Data in Clinical Trials 2011 Thomas R. Fleming
+ Multiple imputation of discrete and continuous data by fully conditional specification 2007 Stef van Buuren
+ Choosing Appropriate Estimands in Clinical Trials 2015 Ann‐Kristin Leuchs
Jörg Zinserling
Andreas Brandt
Dorothee Wirtz
Norbert Benda
+ Randomization-based methods for correcting for treatment changes: examples from the Concorde trial 1999 Ian R. White
A. G. A. G. Babiker
Sarah Walker
Janet Darbyshire
+ Worst-Rank Score Analysis with Informatively Missing Observations in Clinical Trials 1999 John M. Lachin
+ Analysis of Semiparametric Regression Models for Repeated Outcomes in the Presence of Missing Data 1995 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ Estimating causal effects of treatments in randomized and nonrandomized studies. 1974 Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Treatment Regimes 2013 Bibhas Chakraborty
Susan A. Murphy
+ PDF Chat Principal stratification with predictors of compliance for randomized trials with 2 active treatments 2007 Jason Roy
Joseph W. Hogan
Bess H. Marcus
+ Missing data sensitivity analysis for recurrent event data using controlled imputation 2014 Oliver N. Keene
James Roger
Benjamin Hartley
Michael G. Kenward
+ A structured framework for assessing sensitivity to missing data assumptions in longitudinal clinical trials 2012 Craig Mallinckrodt
Qun Lin
Geert Molenberghs
+ A taxonomy of estimands for regulatory clinical trials with discontinuations 2015 Thomas Permutt
+ Estimands: discussion points from the PSI estimands and sensitivity expert group 2016 Alan Phillips
Juan Abellan‐Andres
Andersen Soren
Frank Bretz
Chrissie Fletcher
Lesley France
Andrew Garrett
Raymond Harris
Michael Kjær
Oliver N. Keene
+ Sensitivity to censored‐at‐random assumption in the analysis of time‐to‐event endpoints 2016 Ilya Lipkovich
Bohdana Ratitch
Michael O’Kelly
+ PDF Chat The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Trials 2010 National Research Council
+ On analysis of longitudinal clinical trials with missing data using reference-based imputation 2015 G. Frank Liu
Lei Pang
+ Multiple Imputation and its Application 2012 James R. Carpenter
Michael G. Kenward
+ Disentangling estimands and the intention‐to‐treat principle 2016 Ann‐Kristin Leuchs
Andreas Brandt
Jörg Zinserling
Norbert Benda
+ Missing data in clinical trials: control‐based mean imputation and sensitivity analysis 2017 Devan V. Mehrotra
Fang Liu
Thomas Permutt
+ PDF Chat An evaluation of the trimmed mean approach in clinical trials with dropout 2018 Ming‐Dauh Wang
Jiajun Liu
Geert Molenberghs
Craig Mallinckrodt
+ Points to consider for analyzing efficacy outcomes in long‐term extension clinical trials 2018 Bohdana Ratitch
Ilya Lipkovich
J. Erickson
Lu Zhang
Craig Mallinckrodt
+ Clinical Trials with Missing Data 2014 Michael O’Kelly
Bohdana Ratitch
+ Preventing and Treating Missing Data in Longitudinal Clinical Trials 2013 Craig Mallinckrodt
+ Pooling Data From Individual Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Era 2020 Eva Petkova
Elliott M. Antman
Andrea B. Troxel
+ PDF Chat Optimal designs for phase II/III drug development programs including methods for discounting of phase II results 2020 Stella Erdmann
Marietta Kirchner
Heiko Götte
Meinhard Kieser
+ PDF Chat A mathematical model for maximizing the value of phase 3 drug development portfolios incorporating budget constraints and risk 2013 Nitin R. Patel
Suresh Ankolekar
Zoran Antonijevic
Natasa Rajicic
+ PDF Chat Quantitative Benefit–Risk Assessment: State of the Practice Within Industry 2020 Meredith Y. Smith
Janine A. van Til
Rachael L. DiSantostefano
Brett Hauber
Kevin Marsh
+ Robust meta‐analytic‐predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information 2014 Heinz Schmidli
Sandro Gsteiger
Satrajit Roychoudhury
Anthony O’Hagan
David J. Spiegelhalter
Beat Neuenschwander