Nikolai V. Ivanov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Boundary triplets and the index of families of self-adjoint elliptic boundary problems 2023 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Non-abelian cohomology and Seifert-Van Kampen theorem 2023 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Group actions on complexes, Kozsul models, presentations, and a theorem of Coxeter 2023 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Scarf's theorems, simplices, and oriented matroids 2022 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Topological categories related to Fredholm operators: II. The analytic index 2021 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Topological categories related to Fredholm operators: I. Classifying spaces 2021 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Topological categories related to Fredholm operators: II. The analytical index 2021 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Topological categories related to Fredholm operators: I. Classifying spaces 2021 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Spectral sections: two proofs of a theorem of Melrose-Piazza 2021 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Simplicial sets, Postnikov systems, and bounded cohomology 2020 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Leray theorems in bounded cohomology theory 2020 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Leray theorems for $l_1$-norms of infinite chains 2020 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Cubes and cubical chains and cochains in combinatorial topology 2020 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Beyond Sperner's lemma 2019 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The lemmas of Alexander and Sperner 2019 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The de Bruijn-Erdös-Hanani theorem 2017 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The conformal dilatation and Beltrami forms over quadratic field extensions 2017 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The geometric meaning of the complex dilatation 2017 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The de Bruijn-Erdös theorem in incidence geometry via Ph. Hall's marriage theorem 2017 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Notes on the bounded cohomology theory 2017 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Elements of Torelli topology: II. The extension problem 2016 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Algebra of linear recurrence relations in arbitrary characteristic 2016 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The Tutte expansion revisited 2016 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Affine planes, ternary rings, and examples of non-Desarguesian planes 2016 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Elements of Torelli topology: I. The rank of abelian subgroups 2016 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Algebra of linear recurrence relations in arbitrary characteristic 2016 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Elements of Torelli topology: II. The extension problem 2016 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The virtual cohomology dimension of Teichm\"uller modular groups: the first results and a road not taken 2015 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The virtual cohomology dimension of Teichmüller modular groups: the first results and a road not taken 2015 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Torelli buildings and their automorphisms 2014 Benson Farb
Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Sperner's Lemma, Brouwer's fixed-point theorem, and cohomology 2009 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Infinite topology of curve complexes and non-Poincare duality of Teichmueller modular groups 2007 Nikolai V. Ivanov
Lizhen Ji
+ PDF Chat Fifteen problems about the mapping class groups 2006 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Fifteen problems about the mapping class groups 2006 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ A Differential Forms Perspective on the Lax Proof of the Change of Variables Formula 2005 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat The Torelli geometry and its applications 2005 Benson Farb
Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Examples of Large Centralizers in the Artin Braid Groups 2004 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Automorphisms of surface braid groups 2003 Elmas Irmak
Nikolai V. Ivanov
John D. McCarthy
+ Examples of centralizers in the Artin braid groups 2003 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The Torelli geometry and its applications 2003 Benson Farb
Nikolai V. Ivanov
Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ A short proof of non-Gromov hyperbolicity of Teichmüller spaces 2002 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Mapping Class Groups 2001 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ A topologist’s view of the Dunford-Schwartz proof of the brouwer fixed-point theorem 2000 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ On injective homomorphisms between Teichmüller modular groups I 1999 Nikolai V. Ivanov
John D. McCarthy
+ None 1997 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Action of Möbius transformations on homeomorphisms: Stability and rigidity 1996 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat On the homology stability for Teichmüller modular groups: closed surfaces and twisted coefficients 1993 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Subgroups of Teichmüller Modular Groups 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Maximal subgroups of infinite index 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The action of pure diffeomorphisms on the Thurston Boundary. I 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ The action of pure diffeomorphisms on the Thurston Boundary. II 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Free and Abelian subgroups 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Subgroups of Teichmuller Modular Groups 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Complexes of curves and Teichm�ller spaces 1991 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Finite approximability of modular Teichm�ller groups 1991 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat Teichm�ller modular groups and arithmetic groups 1990 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Stretching factors of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms 1990 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Second bounded cohomology group 1990 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Rank of Teichm�ller modular groups 1988 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Automorphisms of Teichmüller modular groups 1988 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Foundations of the theory of bounded cohomology 1987 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Nielsen numbers of mappings of surfaces 1984 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Homotopy of spaces of diffeomorphisms of some three-dimensional manifolds 1984 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Improvement of the Nash-Tognoli theorem 1984 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ On the virtual cohomology dimension of the Teichmüller modular group 1984 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Approximation of smooth manifolds by real algebraic sets 1982 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat Diffeomorphism groups of Waldhausen manifolds 1979 Nikolai V. Ivanov
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Benson Farb 3
John D. McCarthy 2
Uller Spaces 1
Lizhen Ji 1
Elmas Irmak 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Automorphisms of Teichmüller modular groups 1988 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Automorphisms of surface mapping class groups. A recent theorem of N. Ivanov 1986 John D. McCarthy
+ Abelian and solvable subgroups of the mapping class groups 1983 Joan S. Birman
Alexander Lubotzky
John E. McCarthy
+ Volume and bounded cohomology 1982 Michael Gromov
+ Boundary Structure of The Modular Group 1981 W. J. Harvey
+ Subgroups of Teichmuller Modular Groups 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Automorphisms of complexes of curves on punctured spheres and on punctured tori 1999 Mustafa Korkmaz
+ The virtual cohomological dimension of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1986 John Harer
+ On the Residual Finiteness of Certain Mapping Class Groups 1974 Edna K. Grossman
+ The second homology group of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1983 John Harer
+ Geometric structure of surface mapping class groups 1979 W. J. Harvey
+ PDF Chat A “Tits-alternative” for subgroups of surface mapping class groups 1985 John E. McCarthy
+ Automorphisms of the complex of curves 2000 Feng Luo
+ Dehn twists and pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms 1987 Albert Fathi
+ Corners and arithmetic groups 1973 Armand Borel
J-P. Serre
+ PDF Chat On the geometry and dynamics of diffeomorphisms of surfaces 1988 William P. Thurston
+ Superrigidity and mapping class groups 1998 Benson Farb
Howard Masur
+ Gromov’s Theory of Multicomplexes with Applications to Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume 2023 Roberto Frigerio
Marco Moraschini
+ PDF Chat Fundamental groups of manifolds of nonpositive curvature 1987 Werner Ballmann
Patrick Eberlein
+ PDF Chat Bounded cohomology of certain groups of homeomorphisms 1985 Shigenori Matsumoto
Shigeyuki Morita
+ PDF Chat Diffeomorphisms of the 2-sphere 1959 Stephen T. Smale
+ None 1997 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat Classifying spaces and spectral sequences 1968 Graeme Segal
+ Neuer beweis für die invarianz der dimensionszahl und des gebietes 1928 Emanuel Sperner
+ The Automorphism Groups of the Braid Groups 1981 Joan L. Dyer
Edna K. Grossman
+ PDF Chat Die Gruppe der Abbildungsklassen: Das arithmetische Feld auf Flächen 1938 Max Dehn
+ Cartan Subgroups and Lattices in Semi-Simple Groups 1972 Gopal Prasad
M. S. Raghunathan
+ Stability of the Homology of the Mapping Class Groups of Orientable Surfaces 1985 John Harer
+ Notes on the bounded cohomology theory 2017 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Mapping Class Groups 2001 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Singular Homology Theory 1944 Samuel Eilenberg
+ Groups with homological duality 1973 Robert Bieri
Beno Eckmann
+ PDF Chat A fibre bundle description of Teichmüller theory 1969 Clifford J. Earle
James Eells
+ Torelli Groups and Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Curves 1994 Richard Hain
+ The Structure of the Torelli Group I: A Finite Set of Generators for J 1983 Dennis L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Homeomorphisms of a surface which act trivially on homology 1979 Dennis L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat Cohomologie des groupes discrets 1971 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Diffeomorphism groups of Waldhausen manifolds 1979 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Cohomology of Groups 1982 Kenneth S. Brown
+ PDF Chat Families of Dirac operators, boundaries and the $b$-calculus 1997 Richard Melrose
Paolo Piazza
+ On non-separating simple closed curves in a compact surface 1997 Feng Luo
+ Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups 1974 Joan S. Birman
+ Rank-1 phenomena for mapping class groups 2001 Benson Farb
Alexander Lubotzky
Yair N. Minsky
+ Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 1968 John Milnor
+ The Poisson boundary of the mapping class group 1996 Vadim A. Kaimanovich
Howard Masur
+ Complexes of curves and the Teichmüller modular group 1987 N. V. Ivanov
+ Automorphisms of groups and of schemes of finite type 1983 Hyman Bass
Alexander Lubotzky
+ A note on the normal subgroups of mapping class groups 1986 D. D. Long
+ PDF Chat Surfaces and Planar Discontinuous Groups 1980 Heiner Zieschang
Elmar Vogt
Hans-Dieter Coldewey
+ On injective homomorphisms between Teichmüller modular groups I 1999 Nikolai V. Ivanov
John D. McCarthy