Nicola Kistler


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the REM approximation of TAP free energies 2023 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
Giulia Sebastiani
+ PDF Chat On a nonhierarchical generalization of the Perceptron GREM 2023 Nicola Kistler
Giulia Sebastiani
+ PDF Chat High points of a random model of the Riemann-zeta function and Gaussian multiplicative chaos 2022 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Lisa Hartung
Nicola Kistler
+ Undirected Polymers in Random Environment: path properties in the mean field limit. 2022 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
+ PDF Chat TAP equations are repulsive 2022 Stephan Gufler
Jan Lukas Igelbrink
Nicola Kistler
+ On the REM approximation of TAP free energies 2022 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
Giulia Sebastiani
+ Solving spin systems: the Babylonian way. 2021 Nicola Kistler
+ Solvability of spin systems with two body interactions: back to Babylon 2021 Nicola Kistler
+ TAP equations are repulsive 2021 Stephan Gufler
Jan Lukas Igelbrink
Nicola Kistler
+ Solving spin systems: the Babylonian way 2021 Nicola Kistler
+ On a nonhierarchical generalization of the Perceptron GREM 2021 Nicola Kistler
Giulia Sebastiani
+ PDF Chat Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit 2020 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, 2. The extremal process 2020 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Undirected polymers in random environment: path properties in the mean field limit 2020 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
+ PDF Chat The TAP–Plefka Variational Principle for the Spherical SK Model 2019 David Belius
Nicola Kistler
+ From Parisi to Boltzmann 2019 Goetz Kersting
Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ From Parisi to Boltzmann. The replica symmetry phase 2019 Goetz Kersting
Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ High points of a random model of the Riemann-zeta function and Gaussian multiplicative chaos 2019 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Lisa Hartung
Nicola Kistler
+ From Parisi to Boltzmann 2019 Goetz Kersting
Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, 2. The extremal process. 2018 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ High points of branching Brownian motion and McKean’s Martingale in the Bovier-Hartung extremal process 2018 Constantin Glenz
Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ Oriented first passage percolation in the mean field limit, 2. The extremal process 2018 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ First passage percolation in the mean field limit 2018 Nicola Kistler
Adrien Schertzer
Marius A. Schmidt
+ On McKean's martingale in the Bovier-Hartung extremal process 2017 Constantin Glenz
Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat The subleading order of two dimensional cover times 2016 David Belius
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat An ergodic theorem for the extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2015 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ From Derrida's random energy model to branching random walks: from 1 to 3 2015 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ On the replica symmetry phase of the independent set problem 2015 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat From Derrida's random energy model to branching random walks: from 1 to 3 2015 Marius A. Schmidt
Nicola Kistler
+ Derrida’s Random Energy Models 2015 Nicola Kistler
+ From Derrida's random energy model to branching random walks: from 1 to 3 2015 Nicola Kistler
Marius A. Schmidt
+ PDF Chat Microcanonical Analysis of the Random Energy Model in a Random Magnetic Field 2014 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Nicola Kistler
+ The subleading order of two dimensional cover times 2014 David Belius
Nicola Kistler
+ Derrida's random energy models. From spin glasses to the extremes of correlated random fields 2014 Nicola Kistler
+ The subleading order of two dimensional cover times 2014 David Belius
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat An ergodic theorem for the frontier of branching Brownian motion 2013 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat The extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ An ergodic theorem for the extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Poissonian statistics in the extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ An ergodic theorem for the frontier of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ An ergodic theorem for the frontier of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ An ergodic theorem for the extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat A Quenched Large Deviation Principle and a Parisi Formula for a Perceptron Version of the GREM 2011 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ The Extremal Process of Branching Brownian Motion 2011 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ The Extremal Process of Branching Brownian Motion 2011 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ The genealogy of extremal particles of Branching Brownian Motion 2010 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ The genealogy of extremal particles of Branching Brownian Motion 2010 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Small Perturbations of a Spin Glass System 2009 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Nicola Kistler
+ On a nonhierarchical version of the Generalized Random Energy Model, II: Ultrametricity 2008 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Universal structures in some mean field spin glasses and an application 2008 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ On a nonhierarchical version of the Generalized Random Energy Model. II. Ultrametricity 2008 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ On the ultrametricity in spin glass theory : on EB's way 2007 Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat On a nonhierarchical version of the generalized random energy model 2006 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Maximal displacement of branching brownian motion 1978 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Broken Replica Symmetry Bounds in the Mean Field Spin Glass Model 2003 Francesco Guerra
+ PDF Chat Genealogy of extremal particles of branching Brownian motion 2011 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
N. Kistler
+ Derrida's Generalized Random Energy models 2: models with continuous hierarchies 2004 Anton Bovier
+ PDF Chat Polymers on disordered trees, spin glasses, and traveling waves 1988 Bernard Derrida
Herbert Spohn
+ PDF Chat A Conditional Limit Theorem for the Frontier of a Branching Brownian Motion 1987 Steven P. Lalley
T. Sellke
+ Convergence of solutions of the Kolmogorov equation to travelling waves 1983 Maury Bramson
+ PDF Chat Derrida's Generalised Random Energy models 1: models with finitely many hierarchies 2004 Anton Bovier
+ PDF Chat Slowdown for Time Inhomogeneous Branching Brownian Motion 2012 Ming Fang
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat The extremal process of two-speed branching Brownian motion 2014 Anton Bovier
Lisa Hartung
+ PDF Chat Cover times for Brownian motion and random walks in two dimensions 2004 Amir Dembo
Yuval Peres
Jay Rosen
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Statistics at the tip of a branching random walk and the delay of traveling waves 2009 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat Extended variational principle for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model 2003 Michael Aizenman
Robert Sims
Shannon Starr
+ A boundary-crossing result for Brownian motion 1992 Thomas Scheike
+ PDF Chat On a nonhierarchical version of the generalized random energy model 2006 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat A Branching Random Walk Seen from the Tip 2011 Éric Brunet
Bernard Derrida
+ PDF Chat The extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Poissonian statistics in the extremal process of branching Brownian motion 2012 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat The Parisi ultrametricity conjecture 2012 Dmitry Panchenko
+ On a nonhierarchical version of the Generalized Random Energy Model, II: Ultrametricity 2008 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Branching Brownian motion seen from its tip 2012 Élie AĂŻdĂ©kon
Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat Percolation, First-Passage Percolation and Covering Times for Richardson's Model on the $n$-Cube 1993 James Allen Fill
Robin Pemantle
+ PDF Chat Entropic Repulsion and the Maximum of the two-dimensional harmonic 2001 Erwin Bolthausen
Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Giambattista Giacomin
+ PDF Chat On the structure of quasi-stationary competing particle systems 2009 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Michael Aizenman
+ PDF Chat Tightness of the recentered maximum of the two‐dimensional discrete Gaussian free field 2011 Maury Bramson
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Convergence condition of the TAP equation for the infinite-ranged Ising spin glass model 1982 T. Plefka
+ Travelling-waves for the FKPP equation via probabilistic arguments 1999 Simon C. Harris
+ PDF Chat General properties of overlap probability distributions in disordered spin systems. Towards Parisi ultrametricity 1998 Stefano Ghirlanda
Francesco Guerra
+ The Parisi Formula 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat An ergodic theorem for the frontier of branching Brownian motion 2013 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ The genealogy of extremal particles of Branching Brownian Motion 2010 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Anton Bovier
Nicola Kistler
+ Supercritical Branching Brownian Motion and K‐P‐P Equation In the Critical Speed‐Area 1990 B. Chauvin
Alain Rouault
+ PDF Chat Freezing and extreme-value statistics in a random energy model with logarithmically correlated potential 2008 Yan V. Fyodorov
Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
+ The branching Brownian motion seen from its tip 2011 Élie AĂŻdĂ©kon
Julien Berestycki
Éric Brunet
Zhan Shi
+ Simple random covering, disconnection, late and favorite points 2006 Amir Dembo
+ PDF Chat Strong laws of large numbers for weakly correlated random variables. 1988 Russell Lyons
+ PDF Chat The Parisi formula 2006 Michel Talagrand
+ PDF Chat Characterization of invariant measures at the leading edge for competing particle systems 2005 A. A. Ruzmaikina
Michael Aizenman
+ Mean Field Models for Spin Glasses 2011 Michel Talagrand
+ Derrida’s Random Energy Models 2015 Nicola Kistler
+ PDF Chat Maxima of a randomized Riemann zeta function, and branching random walks 2017 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
David Belius
Adam J. Harper
+ PDF Chat Evolution on a smooth landscape 1997 David A. Kessler
Herbert Levine
Douglas Ridgway
Lev S. Tsimring
+ Branching diffusion processes in population genetics 1976 Stanley Sawyer
+ PDF Chat Recursions and tightness for the maximum of the discrete, two dimensional Gaussian Free Field 2011 Erwin Bolthausen
Jean‐Dominique Deuschel
Ofer Zeitouni
+ Gaussian Processes on Trees: From Spin Glasses to Branching Brownian Motion 2016 Anton Bovier
+ Variable Speed Branching Brownian Motion 1. Extremal Processes in the Weak Correlation Regime 2015 Anton Bovier
Lisa Hartung
+ PDF Chat Traveling wave fronts and the transition to saturation 2004 S. Munier
R. Peschanski
+ Multidimensional nonlinear diffusion arising in population genetics 1978 D. G. Aronson
Hans F. Weinberger
+ PDF Chat A Quenched Large Deviation Principle and a Parisi Formula for a Perceptron Version of the GREM 2011 Erwin Bolthausen
Nicola Kistler
+ Martingale convergence in the branching random walk 1977 J. D. Biggins