L. Alexander Betts


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the Chabauty–Kim Locus of Hyperbolic Curves 2024 L. Alexander Betts
David Corwin
Marius Leonhardt
+ PDF Chat Local constancy of pro‐unipotent Kummer maps 2023 L. Alexander Betts
+ PDF Chat Weight filtrations on Selmer schemes and the effective Chabauty–Kim method 2023 L. Alexander Betts
+ Semisimplicity of the Frobenius Action on π1 2022 L. Alexander Betts
Daniel Litt
+ PDF Chat A user's guide to the local arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves 2022 Alex J. Best
L. Alexander Betts
Matthew Bisatt
Raymond van Bommel
Vladimir Dokchitser
Omri Faraggi
Sabrina Kunzweiler
Céline Maistret
Adam Morgan
Simone Muselli
+ PDF Chat Variation of Tamagawa numbers of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves with semistable reduction 2021 L. Alexander Betts
+ Refined Selmer equations for the thrice-punctured line in depth two 2021 Alex J. Best
L. Alexander Betts
Theresa Kumpitsch
Martin Lüdtke
Angus McAndrew
Lie Qian
Elie Studnia
Yujie Xu
+ Semisimplicity and weight-monodromy for fundamental groups 2019 L. Alexander Betts
Daniel Litt
+ Ramification of \'etale path torsors and harmonic analysis on graphs 2019 L. Alexander Betts
Netan Dogra
+ The local theory of unipotent Kummer maps and refined Selmer schemes 2019 L. Alexander Betts
Netan Dogra
+ Variation of Tamagawa numbers of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves with semistable reduction 2018 L. Alexander Betts
+ PDF Chat Variation of Tamagawa numbers of semistable abelian varieties in field extensions 2018 L. Alexander Betts
Vladimir Dokchitser
Vladimir Dokchitser
Adam Morgan
+ Heights via anabelian geometry and local Bloch-Kato Selmer sets 2018 L. Alexander Betts
+ The first-order theory of geometric points of schemes: Chevalley's theorem and quantifier elimination 2015 L. Alexander Betts
+ Finite quotients of Z[C_n]-lattices and Tamagawa numbers of semistable abelian varieties 2014 L. Alexander Betts
Vladimir Dokchitser
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Unipotent Albanese Map and Selmer Varieties for Curves 2009 Minhyong Kim
+ PDF Chat The motivic fundamental group of P1∖{0,1,∞} and the theorem of Siegel 2005 Minhyong Kim
+ Tangential localization for Selmer varieties 2012 Minhyong Kim
+ PDF Chat A non-abelian conjecture of Tate–Shafarevich type for hyperbolic curves 2018 Jennifer S. Balakrishnan
Ishai Dan‐Cohen
Minhyong Kim
Stefan Wewers
+ PDF Chat Local monodromy on the fundamental groups of algebraic curves along a degenerate stable curve 1995 Mamoru Asada
Makoto Matsumoto
Takayuki Oda
+ PDF Chat Regulator constants and the parity conjecture 2009 Tim Dokchitser
Vladimir Dokchitser
+ Hodge Structure on the Fundamental Group and its Application to p-Adic Integration 2003 Vadim Vologodsky
+ Endlichkeitss�tze f�r abelsche Variet�ten �ber Zahlk�rpern 1983 Герд Фалтингс
+ Arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves over local fields 2017 Céline Maistret
Tim Dokchitser
Vladimir Dokchitser
Adam Morgan
+ PDF Chat On the parity conjecture for abelian surfaces 2023 Vladimir Dokchitser
Céline Maistret
+ PDF Chat An effective Chabauty–Kim theorem 2019 Jennifer S. Balakrishnan
Netan Dogra
+ PDF Chat A p-adic nonabelian criterion for good reduction of curves 2015 Fabrizio Andreatta
Adrian Iovită
Minhyong Kim
+ PDF Chat The l-component of the unipotent Albanese map 2007 Minhyong Kim
Akio Tamagawa
+ The Motivic Anabelian Geometry of Local Heights on Abelian Varieties 2024 Laurie Betts
+ PDF Chat Coleman integration using the Tannakian formalism 2002 Amnon Besser
+ PDF Chat Rigidity and a Riemann–Hilbert correspondence for p-adic local systems 2016 Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ Algebraic geometry and arithmetic curves 2003 Qing Liu
+ Motivic fundamental groups and integral points 2011 Majid Hadian
+ The local theory of unipotent Kummer maps and refined Selmer schemes 2019 L. Alexander Betts
Netan Dogra
+ Logarithmic Riemann–Hilbert correspondences for rigid varieties 2022 Hansheng Diao
Kai‐Wen Lan
Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Explicit Chabauty–Kim for the split Cartan modular curve of level 13 2019 Jennifer S. Balakrishnan
Netan Dogra
J. Steffen Müller
Jan Tuitman
Jan Vonk
+ Pencils of quadrics and the arithmetic of hyperelliptic curves 2013 Manjul Bhargava
Benedict H. Gross
Xiaoheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Stacks of cyclic covers of projective spaces 2004 Alessandro Arsie
Angelo Vistoli
+ Crystalline Fundamental Groups I — Isocrystals on Log Crystalline Site and Log Convergent Site 2000 Atsushi Shiho
+ PDF Chat Étale cohomology for non-Archimedean analytic spaces 1993 Vladimir G. Berkovich
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Morphisms and Hyperelliptic Graphs 2009 Mark D. Baker
Serguei Norine
+ L-Functions and Tamagawa Numbers of Motives 2007 Spencer Bloch
Kazuya Katô
+ PDF Chat Mixed Hodge structures on homotopy groups 1986 Richard Hain
+ Le Groupe Fondamental de la Droite Projective Moins Trois Points 1989 P. Deligne
+ Degeneration of Hodge Structures 1986 Eduardo Cattani
Aroldo Kaplan
Wilfried Schmid
+ Spectral Theory and Analytic Geometry over Non-Archimedean Fields 2012 Vladimir G. Berkovich
+ PDF Chat The Bar Construction and Affine Stacks 2016 Martin Olsson
+ Modeles de neron et monodromie 1972 Alexandre Grothendieck
M. Raynaud
+ Semisimplicity and Tensor Products of Group Representations: Converse Theorems 1997 Jean-Pierre Serre
Walter Feit
+ K-th�orie des anneaux d'entiers de corps de nombres et cohomologie �tale 1979 C. Soul�
+ PDF Chat Quadratic Chabauty and rational points, I: p-adic heights 2018 Jennifer S. Balakrishnan
Netan Dogra
+ Towards non–abelian 𝑝–adic Hodge theory in the good reduction case 2010 Martin Olsson
+ PDF Chat The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus 1969 Pierre Deligne
D. Mumford
+ Riemann–Roch and Abel–Jacobi theory on a finite graph 2007 Matthew Baker
Serguei Norine
+ Partial Desingularisations of Quotients of Nonsingular Varieties and their Betti Numbers 1985 Frances Kirwan
+ Parity of ranks for elliptic curves with a cyclic isogeny 2007 Tim Dokchitser
Vladimir Dokchitser
+ La fonction zêta d'une monodromie 1975 Norbert A’Campo
+ PDF Chat Infinitesimal presentations of the Torelli groups 1997 Richard Hain
+ p-adic étale cohomology and crystalline cohomology in the semi-stable reduction case 1999 Takeshi Tsuji
+ On the descending central series of groups with a single defining relation 1970 John Labute
+ On equations inS-units and the Thue-Mahler equation 1984 Jan‐Hendrik Evertse
+ Selmer varieties for curves with CM Jacobians 2010 John Coates
Minhyong Kim
+ Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1994 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Construction des représentations p-adiques semi-stables 2000 Pierre Colmez
Jean-Marc Fontaine
+ PDF Chat Root numbers and parity of ranks of elliptic curves 2011 Tim Dokchitser
Vladimir Dokchitser