John W. Pepper


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Cancer as an evolutionary and ecological process 2006 Lauren M.F. Merlo
John W. Pepper
Brian J. Reid
Carlo C. Maley
+ The Clonal Evolution of Tumor Cell Populations 1976 Peter C. Nowell̀
+ PDF Chat Cancer Prevention Strategies That Address the Evolutionary Dynamics of Neoplastic Cells: Simulating Benign Cell Boosters and Selection for Chemosensitivity 2004 Carlo C. Maley
Brian J. Reid
Stephanie Forrest
+ PDF Chat Modeling Somatic Evolution in Tumorigenesis 2006 Sabrina L. Spencer
Ryan A Gerety
Kenneth J. Pienta
Stephanie Forrest
+ Metapopulation dynamics and spatial heterogeneity in cancer 2002 Isabel González-Garcı́a
Ricard V. Solé
José Costa
+ The glycolytic phenotype in carcinogenesis and tumor invasion: insights through mathematical models. 2003 Robert A. Gatenby
E. T. Gawlinski
+ PDF Chat Accumulation of driver and passenger mutations during tumor progression 2010 Ivana Božić
Tibor Antal
Hisashi Ohtsuki
Hannah Carter
Dewey Kim
Sining Chen
Rachel Karchin
Kenneth W. Kinzler
Bert Vogelstein
Martin A. Nowak
+ Dynamics of cancer progression 2004 Franziska Michor
Yoh Iwasa
Martin A. Nowak
+ PDF Chat Evolution on distributive lattices 2006 Niko Beerenwinkel
Nicholas Eriksson
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Simulating the Hallmarks of Cancer 2006 Robert G. Abbott
Stephanie Forrest
Kenneth J. Pienta
+ PDF Chat Genetic Progression and the Waiting Time to Cancer 2007 Niko Beerenwinkel
Tibor Antal
David Dingli
Arne Traulsen
Kenneth W. Kinzler
Victor E. Velculescu
Bert Vogelstein
Martin A. Nowak
+ Collective behavior in cancer cell populations 2009 Thomas S. Deisboeck
Iain D. Couzin
+ PDF Chat SYNTHESIS: Cancer research meets evolutionary biology 2009 John W. Pepper
C. Scott Findlay
Rees Kassen
Sabrina L. Spencer
Carlo C. Maley
+ PDF Chat Cellular and genetic diversity in the progression of in situ human breast carcinomas to an invasive phenotype 2010 So Yeon Park
Mithat Gönen
Hee Jung Kim
Franziska Michor
Kornélia Polyák
+ Somatic Evolution of Acquired Drug Resistance in Cancer 2011 John W. Pepper
+ Epithelial tissue architecture protects against cancer 2006 Natalia L. Komarova
Philip C. Myint
+ An evolutionary-game model of tumour–cell interactions: possible relevance to gene therapy 2001 Lars A. Bach
Søren M. Bentzen
Jan Alsner
Feddy B. Christiansen
+ PDF Chat Competition and natural selection in a mathematical model of cancer 2003 J. Nagy
+ PDF Chat Stochastic elimination of cancer cells 2003 Franziska Michor
Martin A. Nowak
Steven A. Frank
Yoh Iwasa
+ PDF Chat Cancer across the tree of life: cooperation and cheating in multicellularity 2015 Athena Aktipis
Amy M. Boddy
Gunther Jansen
Urszula Hibner
Michael Hochberg
Carlo C. Maley
Gerald S. Wilkinson
+ Microenvironment driven invasion: a multiscale multimodel investigation 2008 Alexander R.A. Anderson
Katarzyna A. Rejniak
Philip Gerlee
Vito Quaranta
+ Tumor Morphology and Phenotypic Evolution Driven by Selective Pressure from the Microenvironment 2006 Alexander R.A. Anderson
Alissa M. Weaver
Peter T. Cummings
Vito Quaranta
+ Application of quantitative models from population biology and evolutionary game theory to tumor therapeutic strategies. 2003 Robert A. Gatenby
Thomas L. Vincent
+ PDF Chat Heterogeneity for IGF-II production maintained by public goods dynamics in neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer 2015 Marco Archetti
Daniela A. Ferraro
Gerhard Christofori
+ PDF Chat The linear process of somatic evolution 2003 Martin A. Nowak
Franziska Michor
Yoh Iwasa
+ PDF Chat Evolution of cooperation among tumor cells 2006 Robert Axelrod
David Axelrod
Kenneth J. Pienta
+ Stochastic modeling of drug resistance in cancer 2005 Natalia L. Komarova
+ Game-theory models of interactions between tumour cells 1997 Ian Tomlinson
+ PDF Chat Dispersal Evolution in Neoplasms: The Role of Disregulated Metabolism in the Evolution of Cell Motility 2011 Athena Aktipis
Carlo C. Maley
John W. Pepper
+ A Cellular Automaton Model of Early Tumor Growth and Invasion: The Effects of Native Tissue Vascularity and Increased Anaerobic Tumor Metabolism 2001 Aalpen A. Patel
E. T. Gawlinski
Susan K. Lemieux
Robert A. Gatenby
+ PDF Chat Studying the emergence of invasiveness in tumours using game theory 2008 David Basanta
Haralampos Hatzikirou
Andreas Deutsch
+ PDF Chat An error catastrophe in cancer? 2004 Ricard V. Solé
Thomas S. Deisboeck
+ PDF Chat A Quantitative Theory of Solid Tumor Growth, Metabolic Rate and Vascularization 2011 Alexander Herman
Van M. Savage
Geoffrey B. West