Erez Lapid


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
Erez Lapid
+ Corrigendum to “Geometric conditions for □-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field” [Adv. Math. 339 (2018) 113–190] 2024 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of zeta functions of prehomogeneous vector spaces 2024 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Classification of irreducible representations of metaplectic covers of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2023 Eyal Kaplan
Erez Lapid
Jiandi Zou
+ PDF None 2023 Eyal Kaplan
Erez Lapid
Jiandi Zou
+ On the meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein series 2022 Joseph Bernstein
Erez Lapid
+ Some perspectives on Eisenstein series 2022 Erez Lapid
+ Classification of irreducible representations of metaplectic covers of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2022 Eyal Kaplan
Erez Lapid
Jiandi Zou
+ PDF Chat On an inequality of Bushnell-Henniart for Rankin-Selberg conductors 2021 Erez Lapid
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of Lusztig's nilpotent varieties {II}: applications and conjectures for representations of $GL_n$ over a non-archimedean local field. 2021 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of Lusztig's nilpotent varieties {I}: definition and properties. 2021 Avraham Aizenbud
Erez Lapid
+ Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondence in the representation theory of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2021 Maxim Gurevich
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat Explicit Plancherel Formula for the Space of Symplectic Forms 2021 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of nilpotent varieties of type $A$ 2021 Avraham Aizenbud
Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat On the remainder term of the Weyl law for congruence subgroups of Chevalley groups 2021 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat Explicit Decomposition of Certain Induced Representations of the General Linear Group 2021 Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat Some combinatorial results on smooth permutations 2021 Shoni Gilboa
Erez Lapid
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of Lusztig's nilpotent varieties {II}: applications and conjectures for representations of $GL_n$ over a non-archimedean local field 2021 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ A binary operation on irreducible components of Lusztig's nilpotent varieties {I}: definition and properties 2021 Avraham Aizenbud
Erez Lapid
+ On an inequality of Bushnell--Henniart for Rankin--Selberg conductors. 2020 Erez Lapid
+ PDF Conjectures and results about parabolic induction of representations of $${\text {GL}}_n(F)$$ 2020 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Local Rankin–Selberg integrals for Speh representations 2020 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Chat Some results on reducibility of parabolic induction for classical groups 2020 Erez Lapid
Marko Tadić
+ On an inequality of Bushnell--Henniart for Rankin--Selberg conductors 2020 Erez Lapid
+ Some combinatorial results on smooth permutations 2019 Shoni Gilboa
Erez Lapid
+ Explicit Plancherel formula for the space of alternating forms 2019 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ Explicit Plancherel formula for the space of symplectic forms 2019 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ PDF Chat On the analytic properties of intertwining operators II: Local degree bounds and limit multiplicities 2019 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat On the support of matrix coefficients of supercuspidal representations of the general linear group over a local non-archimedean field 2019 Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat Representations of Reductive Groups 2019 Avraham Aizenbud
Dmitry Gourevitch
David Kazhdan
Erez Lapid
+ Explicit decomposition of certain induced representations of the general linear group 2019 Erez Lapid
+ On the meromorphic continuation of Eisenstein series 2019 Joseph Bernstein
Erez Lapid
+ Explicit Plancherel formula for the space of symplectic forms 2019 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ A tightness property of relatively smooth permutations 2018 Erez Lapid
+ Geometric conditions for □-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2018 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat An approximation principle for congruence subgroups 2018 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ On the support of matrix coefficients of supercuspidal representations of the general linear group over a local non-archimedean field 2018 Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat Conjectures About Certain Parabolic Kazhdan–Lusztig Polynomials 2018 Erez Lapid
+ On the support of matrix coefficients of supercuspidal representations of the general linear group over a local non-archimedean field 2018 Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat An approximation principle for congruence subgroups II: application to the limit multiplicity problem 2017 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat On the distinguished spectrum of Sp2n with respect to Spn×Spn 2017 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ A conjectural identity for certain parabolic Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials 2017 Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat On an analogue of the Ichino–Ikeda conjecture for Whittaker coefficients on the metaplectic group 2017 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Chat On the formal degrees of square-integrable representations of odd special orthogonal and metaplectic groups 2017 Atsushi Ichino
Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Chat Whittaker-Fourier coefficients of cusp forms on $\widetilde{\rm Sp}_n$: reduction to a Local Statement 2017 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Chat On parabolic induction on inner forms of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Chat On the Continuity of the Geometric Side of the Trace Formula 2016 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ On certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ On $\square$-irreducible representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ On the analytic properties of intertwining operators I: global normalizing factors 2016 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ On the analytic properties of intertwining operators I: global normalizing factors 2016 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat Whittaker rational structures and special values of the Asai 𝐿-function 2016 Harald Grobner
Michael Harris
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Chat On Whittaker–Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on unitary groups: reduction to a local identity 2016 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Chat Model Transition for Representations of Metaplectic Type 2014 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ Whittaker regulators and non-critical values of the Asai $L$-function 2014 Harald Grobner
Michael Harris
Erez Lapid
Erez Lapid
Werner Müller
+ PDF Chat Relation spaces of hyperplane arrangements and modules defined by graphs of fiber zonotopes 2014 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF On a determinantal formula of Tadić 2014 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF On a new functional equation for local integrals 2014 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
Zhengyu Mao
+ THE Sp[n] × Sp[n]-PERIOD OF A PSEUDO-EISENSTEIN SERIES ON Sp₂n (保型表現とその周辺 : RIMS研究集会報告集) 2013 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ THE Sp$_ntimes$ Sp$_n$-PERIOD OF A PSEUDO-EISENSTEIN SERIES ON Sp$_{2n}$ (Automorphic Representations and Related Topics) 2013 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ A conjecture on Whittaker–Fourier coefficients of cusp forms 2013 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Une condition suffisante pour l’irréductibilité d’une induite parabolique de {\rm GL}(m,{\rm D}) 2013 Ioan Badulescu
Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ PDF Truncation of Eisenstein series 2012 Erez Lapid
Keith R. Ouellette
+ PDF On the degrees of matrix coefficients of intertwining operators 2012 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
Werner Müller
+ PDF Jacquet modules of ladder representations 2012 Arno Kret
Erez Lapid
+ Limit multiplicities for principal congruence subgroups of GL(n) 2012 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
Werner Mueller
+ A Bessel identity for the theta correspondence 2012 Ehud Moshe Baruch
Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF On representations distinguished by unitary groups 2012 Brooke Feigon
Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ Stability of Certain Oscillatory Integrals 2012 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ On the Harish-Chandra Schwartz space of G(F)\G(A) 2012 Erez Lapid
+ Stable blow up dynamics for the critical co-rotational wave maps and equivariant Yang-Mills problems . Cohomological Hasse principle and motivic cohomology for arithmetic schemes . On representations distinguished by unitary groups . Existence of log canonical flips and a special LMMP 2012 Pierre Raphaël
Igor Rodnianski
Moritz Kerz
秀司 斎藤
Brooke Feigon
Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
Caucher Birkar
+ PDF On the spectral side of Arthur's trace formula --- combinatorial setup 2011 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF On the spectral side of Arthur's trace formula --- absolute convergence 2011 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
Werner Müller
+ Some Applications of the Trace Formula and the Relative Trace Formula 2011 Erez Lapid
+ PDF On the continuity of Arthur’s trace formula: the semisimple terms 2011 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ PDF On the Arthur–Selberg trace formula for $\mathrm{GL}(2)$ 2011 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
+ The spectral side of Arthur's trace formula 2009 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
Werner Müller
+ Erratum to “On the asymptotics of Whittaker functions” 2009 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ PDF Chat Spectral asymptotics for arithmetic quotients of SL(n,R)/SO(n) 2009 Erez Lapid
Werner Müller
+ On the asymptotics of Whittaker functions 2009 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ Automorphic Forms and 𝐿-functions I 2009 David Ginzburg
Erez Lapid
David Soudry
+ Erratum to "On the asymptotics of Whittaker functions" [Represent. Theory 13 (2009), 348-348] 2009 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ Automorphic forms and L-functions : a workshop in honor of Steve Gelbart on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, May 15-19, 2006, Rehovot and Tel-Aviv, Israel 2009 David Ginzburg
Erez Lapid
David Soudry
+ Automorphic Forms and 𝐿-functions II 2009 David Ginzburg
Erez Lapid
David Soudry
+ On a result of Venkatesh on Clozel’s conjecture 2009 Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ A Remark on Eisenstein Series 2007 Erez Lapid
+ PDF On a Conjecture of Jacquet, Lai, and Rallis: Some Exceptional Cases 2007 David Ginzburg
Erez Lapid
+ PDF Compact unitary periods 2007 Erez Lapid
Omer Offen
+ Lower bounds for L -functions at the edge of the critical strip 2006 Stephen Gelbart
Erez Lapid
+ THE RELATIVE TRACE FORMULA AND ITS APPLICATIONS(Automorphic Forms and Automorphic L-Functions) 2006 Erez Lapid
+ On the local factors of representations of classical groups 2005 Erez Lapid
Stephen Rallis
+ A spectral identity between symmetric spaces 2004 Erez Lapid
Stephen Rallis
+ PDF A new method for lower bounds of L-functions 2004 Stephen Gelbart
Erez Lapid
Peter Sarnak
+ On the nonnegativity of $L(\frac 12,\pi)$ for $SO(2n+1)$ 2004 Erez Lapid
Stephen Rallis
+ PDF On the root number of representations of orthogonal type 2004 Erez Lapid
+ Absolute convergence of the spectral side of the Arthur trace formula for GL n (with appendix by E.M. Lapid) 2004 W. M. M�ller
Brigit Spreh
Erez Lapid
+ None 2004 Erez Lapid
Goran Muić
Marko Tadić
+ On the nonnegativity of $L(\frac 12,π)$ for $SO(2n+1)$ 2004 Erez Lapid
Stephen Rallis
+ Periods of Eisenstein series: The Galois case 2003 Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ On the nonnegativity of $L(\frac{1}{2},\pi)$ for ${\rm SO}_{2n+1}$ 2003 Erez Lapid
Stephen Rallis
+ None 2003 Erez Lapid
+ On the absolute convergence of the spectral side of the Arthur trace formula for GL(n) 2002 Werner Mueller
Birgit Speh
Erez Lapid
+ Positivity of <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>𝐋</mml:mi><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn mathvariant="bold">1</mml:mn> <mml:mn mathvariant="bold">2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> for symplectic representations 2002 Erez Lapid
Stephen Rallis
+ On the absolute convergence of the spectral side of the Arthur trace formula for GL(n) 2002 Werner Mueller
Birgit Speh
Erez Lapid
+ Periods of Eisenstein series 2001 Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ PDF Stabilization of periods of Eisenstein series and Bessel distributions on $GL(3)$ relative to $U(3)$ 2000 Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ Some results on multiplicities for SL(n) 1999 Erez Lapid
+ PDF Periods of automorphic forms 1999 Hervé Jacquet
Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ On twists of cuspidal representations of GL(2) 1998 Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ PDF A note on the global Langlands conjecture. 1998 Erez Lapid
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. I 1977 I. N. Bernstein
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ A trace formula for reductive groups I terms associated to classes in G(Q) 1978 James Arthur
+ PDF Induced representations of reductive ${\germ p}$-adic groups. II. On irreducible representations of ${\rm GL}(n)$ 1980 Andrei Zelevinsky
+ A trace formula for reductive groups. II : applications of a truncation operator 1980 James Arthur
+ On Euler Products and the Classification of Automorphic Representations I 1981 H. Jacquet
J. A. Shalika
+ Spectral Decomposition and Eisenstein Series 1995 Colette Mœglin
J. L. Waldspurger
+ On Certain L-Functions 1981 Freydoon Shahidi
+ A Proof of Langlands' Conjecture on Plancherel Measures; Complementary Series of -adic groups 1990 Freydoon Shahidi
+ Rankin-Selberg Convolutions 1983 H. Jacquet
I. I. Piatetskii-Shapiro
J. A. Shalika
+ PDF On the Functional Equations Satisfied by Eisenstein Series 1976 R. P. Langlands
+ P-invariant distributions on GL(N) and the classification of unitary representations of GL(N) (Non-archimedean case) 1983 Joseph Bernstein
+ The Trace Formula in Invariant Form 1981 James Arthur
+ On a Family of Distributions Obtained from Eisenstein Series II: Explicit Formulas 1982 James Arthur
+ PDF Chat Periods and harmonic analysis on spherical varieties 2018 Yiannis Sakellaridis
Akshay Venkatesh
+ The admissible dual of GL(N) via compact open subgroups 1993 Colin J. Bushnell
Philip Kutzko
+ Geometric conditions for □-irreducibility of certain representations of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2018 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ On Euler Products and the Classification of Automorphic Forms II 1981 H. Jacquet
J. A. Shalika
+ Real Reductive Groups 1988 Nolan R. Wallach
+ Sur l'involution de Zelevinski. 1986 C. Moeglin et J.-L. Waldspurger
+ PDF Classification of unitary representations in irreducible representations of general linear group (non-Archimedean case) 1986 Marko Tadić
+ The Trace Class Conjecture in the Theory of Automorphic Forms 1989 Werner Müller
+ Criterion for smoothness of Schubert varieties in Sl(n)/B 1990 V. Lakshmibai
B Sandhya
+ PDF A measure on the Unipotent Variety 1985 James Arthur
+ The unramified principal series of $p$-adic groups. II. The Whittaker function 1980 W. Casselman
J. A. Shalika
+ PDF Periods of automorphic forms 1999 Hervé Jacquet
Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ Factorization of Period Integrals 2001 Hervé Jacquet
+ PDF On the spectral side of Arthur's trace formula --- absolute convergence 2011 Tobias Finis
Erez Lapid
Werner Müller
+ Periods of Eisenstein series: The Galois case 2003 Erez Lapid
Jonathan David Rogawski
+ Intertwining operators and residues I. Weighted characters 1989 James Arthur
+ PDF Chat Generalized Harish-Chandra descent, Gelfand pairs, and an Archimedean analog of Jacquet-Rallis's theorem 2009 Avraham Aizenbud
Dmitry Gourevitch
Eitan Sayag
+ Sur les valeurs de certaines fonctions $L$ automorphes en leur centre de symétrie 1985 J. L. Waldspurger
+ PDF Le spectre résiduel de ${\rm GL}(n)$ 1989 Colette Mœglin
J. L. Waldspurger
+ PDF Chat On parabolic induction on inner forms of the general linear group over a non-archimedean local field 2016 Erez Lapid
Alberto Mínguez
+ On the asymptotics of Whittaker functions 2009 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ On the absolute convergence of the spectral side of the Arthur trace formula for GL(n) 2002 Werner Mueller
Birgit Speh
Erez Lapid
+ Twisted endoscopy and reducibility of induced representations for p-adic groups 1992 Freydoon Shahidi
+ On a Family of Distributions Obtained from Eisenstein Series I: Application of the Paley-Wiener Theorem 1982 James Arthur
+ PDF Chat Imaginary vectors in the dual canonical basis of U q(n) 2003 Bernard Leclerc
+ PDF Jacquet modules of ladder representations 2012 Arno Kret
Erez Lapid
+ PDF On a Family of Distributions obtained from Orbits 1986 James Arthur
+ PDF Zeta Functions of Simple Algebras 1972 Roger Godement
Hervé Jacquet
+ Fourier Transforms of Intertwining Operators and Plancherel Measures for GL(n) 1984 Freydoon Shahidi
+ A conjecture on Whittaker–Fourier coefficients of cusp forms 2013 Erez Lapid
Zhengyu Mao
+ Simple Algebras, Base Change, and the Advanced Theory of the Trace Formula. (AM-120), Volume 120 2016 James Arthur
Laurent Clozel
+ Harmonic Analysis and Discontinuous Groups in Weakly Symmetric Riemannian Spaces With Applications to Dirichlet Series 1956 Atle Selberg
+ On the singularities of residual intertwining operators 2000 WJ Müller
+ On the inner product of truncated Eisenstein series 1982 James Arthur
+ PDF On the Periods of Automorphic Forms on Special Orthogonal Groups and the Gross–Prasad Conjecture 2009 Atsushi Ichino
Tamutsu Ikeda
+ PDF On irreducibility of standard modules for generic representations 1998 W. Casselman
Freydoon Shahidi