Cathy J. Bradley


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Instrumental variable analysis for cost outcome: Application to the effect of primary care visit on medical cost among low‐income adults 2023 Dexiang Gao
Junxiao Hu
Cathy J. Bradley
Fan Yang
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Assessment of Value During High-Cost Cancer Treatment: A Response to American Society of Clinical Oncology and European Society of Medical Oncology 2016 Charles W. Given
Barbara Given
Cathy J. Bradley
John C. Krauss
Alla Sikorskii
Éric Vachon
+ PDF Chat Applying Propensity Score Methods in Medical Research: Pitfalls and Prospects 2010 Zhehui Luo
Joseph C. Gardiner
Cathy J. Bradley
+ PDF Chat Longitudinal analysis of censored medical cost data 2006 O. Başer
Joseph C. Gardiner
Cathy J. Bradley
Hüseyin Yüce
Charles W. Given
+ PDF Chat Estimation from Censored Medical Cost Data 2004 Onur Başer
Joseph C. Gardiner
Cathy J. Bradley
Charles W. Given
+ Testing and Correcting for Non-Random Selection Bias due to Censoring: An Application to Medical Costs 2003 O. Başer
Cathy J. Bradley
Joseph C. Gardiner
Charles W. Given
+ On Parametric Confidence Intervals for the Cost-Effectiveness Ratio 2001 Joseph C. Gardiner
Marianne Huebner
James Jetton
Cathy J. Bradley
+ Power and sample assessments for tests of hypotheses on cost-effectiveness ratios 2000 Joseph C. Gardiner
Marianne Huebner
James Jetton
Cathy J. Bradley
+ A conceptual framework for the economic evaluation of substance abuse interventions 1994 Gary A. Zarkin
Michael T. French
Donald W. Anderson
Cathy J. Bradley
+ Cost analysis of training and employment services in methadone treatment 1994 Michael T. French
Cathy J. Bradley
Brian Calingaert
Michael L. Dennis
Georgia Karuntzos
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Specification Tests in Econometrics 1978 Jerry A. Hausman
+ PDF Chat Linear regression analysis of censored medical costs 2000 D. Y. Lin
+ PDF Chat Estimating log models: to transform or not to transform? 2001 Willard G. Manning
John Mullahy
+ Estimating medical costs with censored data 2000 Heejung Bang
+ Semiparametric Efficiency in Multivariate Regression Models with Missing Data 1995 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
+ Large sample estimation and hypothesis testing 1986 Whitney K. Newey
Daniel McFadden
+ Censoring of outcomes and regressors due to survey nonresponse: Identification and estimation using weights and imputations 1998 Joël L. Horowitz
Charles F. Manski
+ Proportional Means Regression for Censored Medical Costs 2000 D. Y. Lin
+ An introduction to instrumental variables for epidemiologists 2000 Sander Greenland
+ Model-Based Direct Adjustment 1987 Paul R. Rosenbaum
+ Recovery of Information and Adjustment for Dependent Censoring Using Surrogate Markers 1992 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
+ Analysis of Semiparametric Regression Models for Repeated Outcomes in the Presence of Missing Data 1995 James M. Robins
Andrea Rotnitzky
Lue Ping Zhao
+ A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity 1980 Halbert White
+ Chapter 36 Large sample estimation and hypothesis testing 1994 Whitney K. Newey
Daniel McFadden
+ Assessing Sensitivity to an Unobserved Binary Covariate in an Observational Study with Binary Outcome 1983 Peter Rosenbaum
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Properties of Weighted M-estimators for variable probability samples 1999 Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
+ Nonparametric Estimation from Incomplete Observations 1992 Edward L. Kaplan
Paul Meier
+ Principles for modeling propensity scores in medical research: a systematic literature review 2004 Sherry Weitzen
Kate L. Lapane
Alicia Y. Toledano
Anne L. Hume
Vincent Mor
+ PDF Chat Instrumental variable methods for causal inference 2014 Michael Baiocchi
Jing Cheng
Dylan S. Small
+ Cost/effectiveness analysis of alcoholism and drug abuse treatment programs: The relevance of recidivism and resource absorption 1983 Alex Richman
+ Root-N-Consistent Semiparametric Regression 1988 Peter M. Robinson
+ PDF Chat Statistical Inference for Cost-Effectiveness Ratios 1997 Eugene Laska
Morris Meisner
Carole Siegel
+ Likelihood Methods for Treatment Noncompliance and Subsequent Nonresponse in Randomized Trials 2005 A. James O’Malley
Sharon‐Lise T. Normand
+ PDF Chat Estimating the effect of an intensive surveillance program on stage of breast carcinoma at diagnosis 2001 Nandita Mitra
Freya Schnabel
Alfred I. Neugut
Daniel F. Heitjan
+ PDF Chat Toward Causal Inference With Interference 2008 Michael G. Hudgens
M. Elizabeth Halloran
+ PSMATCH2: Stata module to perform full Mahalanobis and propensity score matching, common support graphing, and covariate imbalance testing 2003 Edwin Leuven
Barbara Sianesi
+ PDF Chat Assessing the Sensitivity of Regression Results to Unmeasured Confounders in Observational Studies 1998 D. Y. Lin
Bruce M. Psaty
Richard A. Kronmal
+ PDF Chat Bayesian inference for causal effects in randomized experiments with noncompliance 1997 Guido W. Imbens
Donald B. Rubin
+ Estimating Outcome Distributions for Compliers in Instrumental Variables Models 1997 Guido W. Imbens
Donald B. Rubin
+ Costs, effects and C/E‐ratios alongside a clinical trial 1994 Ben A. van Hout
Maiwenn Al
Gilad S. Gordon
Frans Rutten
+ Sample size and power issues in estimating incremental cost-effectiveness ratios from clinical trials data 1999 Andrew R. Willan
Bernie J. O'Brien
+ Fixed effects, random effects and GEE: What are the differences? 2008 Joseph C. Gardiner
Zhehui Luo
Lee Anne Roman
+ Assessing the Case for Social Experiments 1995 James J. Heckman
Jeffrey A. Smith
+ Causal Proportional Hazards Models and Time-constant Exposure in Randomized Clinical Trials 2005 Tom Loeys
Els Goetghebeur
An Vandebosch
+ PDF Chat Semiparametric Transformation Models for Causal Inference in Time-to-Event Studies with All-or-Nothing Compliance 2014 Wen Yu
Kani Chen
Michael E. Sobel
Zhiliang Ying
+ Covariate-adjusted cost–effectiveness ratios 1999 Joseph C. Gardiner
Margaret Holmes‐Rovner
John H. Goddeeris
David R. Rovner
Joel Kupersmith
+ PDF Chat Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Based on Propensity Scores 2002 Sascha O. Becker
Andrea Ichino
+ Estimation of treatment effects in randomised trials with non-compliance and a dichotomous outcome using structural mean models 2004 James M. Robins
+ PDF Chat Building a Stronger Instrument in an Observational Study of Perinatal Care for Premature Infants 2010 Mike Baiocchi
Dylan S. Small
Scott A. Lorch
Paul R. Rosenbaum
+ Too Much Ado about Propensity Score Models? Comparing Methods of Propensity Score Matching 2006 O. Başer
+ Conditioning on the propensity score can result in biased estimation of common measures of treatment effect: a Monte Carlo study 2006 Peter C. Austin
Paul Grootendorst
Sharon‐Lise T. Normand
Geoffrey M. Anderson
+ The Lagrange Multiplier Test and its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics 1980 Trevor Breusch
A. R. Pagan
+ Regression analysis of incomplete medical cost data 2003 D. Y. Lin
+ Semiparametric estimation of the Type-3 Tobit model 1997 Songnian Chen
+ A note on the estimation of models with sample-selection biases 1993 Kazumitsu Nawata
+ Modeling risk using generalized linear models 1999 David K. Blough
Carolyn W. Madden
Mark C. Hornbrook
+ PDF Chat Confounding and Collapsibility in Causal Inference 1999 Sander Greenland
Judea Pearl
James M. Robins
+ Cost analysis of training and employment services in methadone treatment 1994 Michael T. French
Cathy J. Bradley
Brian Calingaert
Michael L. Dennis
Georgia Karuntzos
+ Discussion: ‘The Scientific Model of Causality’ 2005 Michael E. Sobel
+ PDF Chat A review of the application of propensity score methods yielded increasing use, advantages in specific settings, but not substantially different estimates compared with conventional multivariable methods 2005 Til Stürmer‎
Manisha Joshi
Robert J. Glynn
Jerry Avorn
Kenneth J. Rothman
Sebastian Schneeweiß