Jean‐Paul Doignon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Adjacencies on random ordering polytopes and flow polytopes 2023 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Kota Saito
+ Adjacencies on random ordering polytopes and flow polytopes 2022 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Kota Saito
+ PDF Chat Resolutions of Convex Geometries 2021 Domenico Cantone
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Alfio Giarlotta
Stephen Watson
+ Resolutions of Convex Geometries 2021 Domenico Cantone
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Alfio Giarlotta
Stephen Watson
+ Resolutions of Convex Geometries 2021 Domenico Cantone
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Alfio Giarlotta
Stephen Watson
+ Finding a Maximum-Weight Convex Set in a Chordal Graph 2019 Jean Cardinal
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Keno Merckx
+ PDF Chat Extended formulations for order polytopes through network flows 2018 Clintin P. Davis‐Stober
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
François Glineur
Michel Regenwetter
+ Finding a Maximum-Weight Convex Set in a Chordal Graph 2018 Jean Cardinal
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Keno Merckx
+ Finding a Maximum-Weight Convex Set in a Chordal Graph 2018 Jean Cardinal
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Keno Merckx
+ PDF Chat Any Finite Group is the Group of Some Binary, Convex Polytope 2017 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ Extended Formulations for Order Polytopes through Network Flows 2017 Clintin P. Davis‐Stober
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
François Glineur
Michel Regenwetter
+ Extended Formulations for Order Polytopes through Network Flows 2017 Clintin P. Davis‐Stober
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
François Glineur
Michel Regenwetter
+ PDF Chat On the shelling antimatroids of split graphs 2016 Keno Merckx
Jean Cardinal
Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ A Convex Polytope and an Antimatroid for any Given, Finite Group 2016 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ PDF Chat Primary facets of order polytopes 2016 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Selim Rexhep
+ Any Finite Group is the Group of Some Binary, Convex Polytope 2016 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ Any Finite Group is the Group of Some Binary, Convex Polytope 2016 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ On the shelling antimatroids of split graphs 2015 Jean Cardinal
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Keno Merckx
+ Primary Facets Of Order Polytopes 2015 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Selim Rexhep
+ Primary Facets Of Order Polytopes 2015 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Selim Rexhep
+ Knowledge Spaces and Learning Spaces 2015 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ On the shelling antimatroids of split graphs 2015 Jean Cardinal
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Keno Merckx
+ PDF Chat The representation cone of an interval order 2011 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Christophe Pauwels
+ PDF Chat The Representation Polyhedron of a Semiorder 2011 Barry Balof
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
+ None 2008 Julie Christophe
Sophie Dewez
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Gilles Fasbender
Philippe Grégoire
David Huygens
Martine Labbé
Sourour Elloumi
Hadrien Mélot
Hande Yaman
+ PDF Chat Weighted graphs defining facets: A connection between stable set and linear ordering polytopes 2008 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
+ PDF Chat Linear inequalities among graph invariants: Using <i>GraPHedron</i> to uncover optimal relationships 2008 Julie Christophe
Sophie Dewez
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Gilles Fasbender
Philippe Grégoire
David Huygens
Martine Labbé
Sourour Elloumi
Hadrien Mélot
Hande Yaman
+ Note: Axiomatic Derivation of the Doppler Factor and Related Relativistic Laws 2008 Jean‐Claude Falmagne
Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ Entropy and stability in graphs 2007 Gwenaël Joret
Jean Cardinal
Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ Erratum to “Facets of the linear ordering polytope: A unification for the fence family through weighted graphs” 2007 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
+ PDF Chat The Polytope of<i>m</i>-Subspaces of a Finite Affine Space 2007 Julie Christophe
Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ Le polytope des sous-espaces d'un espace affin fini 2006 Julie Christophe
Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ On a weighted generalization of α-critical graphs 2005 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
+ PDF Chat The facets and the symmetries of the approval-voting polytope 2004 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
+ The facets and the symmetries of the approval-voting polytope 2004 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ PDF Chat The Biorder Polytope 2004 Julie Christophe
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
+ PDF Chat On the Combinatorial Structure of the Approval-Voting Polytope 2002 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Michel Regenwetter
+ Polyhedral combinatorics of order polytopes 2001 Samuel Fiorini
Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ PDF Chat Facets of the Weak Order Polytope Derived from the Induced Partition Projection 2001 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
+ Dimensions of chains of relations 1999 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ Building the Knowledge Structure in Practice 1999 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ Combinatoric and Geometric Aspects of Some Probabilistic Choice Models — A Review 1999 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
Michel Regenwetter
+ Well-graded families of relations 1997 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ Mathematical Psychology 1991 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ Mathematical psychology : current developments 1991 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ On the separation of in vivo relations by a biorder or a semiorder 1987 Jean‐Paul Doignon
André Ducamp
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ Minimum Numbers of Circuits in Affine Sets 1981 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ A Tverberg-type generalization of the Helly number of a convexity space 1981 Jean‐Paul Doignon
John R. Reay
Gerard Sierksma
+ Radon partitions and a new notion of independence in affine and projective spaces 1977 Jean‐Paul Doignon
G Valette
+ Automorphismes et semi-espaces de réseaux cristallographiques 1976 Jean‐Paul Doignon
A. Goovaerts
+ Caractérisations d'espaces de Pasch-Peano 1976 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ Difference measurement and simple scalability with restricted solvability 1974 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ Sur les espaces projectifs topologiques 1971 Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ PDF Chat Knowledge spaces and learning spaces 1920 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Lectures on Polytopes 1994 Günter M. Ziegler
+ Intransitive indifference with unequal indifference intervals 1970 Peter C. Fishburn
+ Polyhedral combinatorics of order polytopes 2001 Samuel Fiorini
Jean‐Paul Doignon
+ The theory of convex geometries 1985 PaulH. Edelman
RobertE. Jamison
+ Determining the automorphism group of the linear ordering polytope 2001 Samuel Fiorini
+ PDF Chat Facets of the Weak Order Polytope Derived from the Induced Partition Projection 2001 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
+ Convexity in Graphs and Hypergraphs 1986 Martin Farber
Robert E. Jamison
+ Well-graded families of relations 1997 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ An algorithmic characterization of antimatroids 1990 Emily Boyd
Ulrich Faigle
+ On Helly's Theorem and the Axioms of Convexity 1951 Fabio Levi
+ PDF Chat Weighted graphs defining facets: A connection between stable set and linear ordering polytopes 2008 Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
Gwenaël Joret
+ On the abstract group of automorphisms 2010 László Babai
+ Minimal representation of a semiorder 1990 Marc Pirlot
+ PDF Chat Polytopes with Preassigned Automorphism Groups 2015 Egon Schulte
Gordon Williams
+ PDF Chat On the Minimum Order of Graphs with Given Group 1974 László Babai
+ Bounds for graph invariants 2005 Isidoro Gitler
Carlos E. Valencia
+ Axiomatiques et propriétés des quasi-ordres 1978 Bernard Monjardet
+ PDF Chat The Biorder Polytope 2004 Julie Christophe
Jean‐Paul Doignon
Samuel Fiorini
+ On certain polytopes associated with graphs 1975 Vašek Chvátal
+ Analysis of multinomial models under inequality constraints: Applications to measurement theory 2008 Clintin P. Davis‐Stober
+ More facets from fences for linear ordering and acyclic subgraph polytopes 1994 Janny Leung
Jon Lee
+ Symmetry groups of vertex-transitive polytopes 1977 László Babai
+ Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs 3 2001 Dragoš Cvetković
Aleksandar Simić
Gilles Caporossi
Pierre Hansen
+ Stability critical graphs and the stable set polytope 1990 Edward C. Sewell
+ Variable Neighborhood Search for Extremal Graphs. 10. Comparison of Irregularity Indices for Chemical Trees 2005 Iván Gutman
Pierre Hansen
Hadrien Mélot
+ A Bayesian approach to testing decision making axioms 2005 Jay I. Myung
George Karabatsos
Geoffrey Iverson
+ PDF Chat A short proof that ‘proper = unit’ 1999 Kenneth P. Bogart
Douglas B. West
+ The affine representation theorem for abstract convex geometries 2004 Kenji Kashiwabara
Masataka Nakamura
Yoshio Okamoto
+ Ultracritical and hypercritical binary structures 2010 Imed Boudabbous
Pierre Ille
+ Critically indecomposable partially ordered sets, graphs, tournaments and other binary relational structures 1993 James H. Schmerl
William T. Trotter
+ On the Automorphism Groups of almost all Cayley Graphs 1982 László Babai
Chris Godsil
+ Facet defining inequalities among graph invariants: The system GraPHedron 2007 Hadrien Mélot
+ Recognition of prime graphs from a prime subgraph 2014 Pierre Ille
Roger Villemaire
+ Prime Orders All of Whose Prime Suborders Are Selfdual 2010 Youssef Boudabbous
Imed Zaguia
Nejib Zaguia
+ PDF Chat Generalized Ramsey theory for graphs 1972 Václav Chvátal
Frank Harary
+ Computers and discovery in algebraic graph theory 2002 Pierre Hansen
Hadrien Mélot
+ PDF Chat Partition numbers for trees and ordered sets 1981 Robert E. Jamison
+ Polyenes with maximum HOMO–LUMO gap 2001 P.W. Fowler
Pierre Hansen
Gilles Caporossi
Alessandro Soncini
+ Norbert Wiener on the theory of measurement 1914 1915 1921 1992 Peter C. Fishburn
Bernard Monjardet
+ PDF Chat Exponential Lower Bounds for Polytopes in Combinatorial Optimization 2015 Samuel Fiorini
Serge Massar
Sebastian Pokutta
Hans Raj Tiwary
Ronald de Wolf
+ PDF Chat A Theorem on <i>k</i>-Saturated Graphs 1965 A. Hajnal
+ PDF Chat All 0–1 polytopes are traveling salesman polytopes 1996 Louis J. Billera
A. Sarangarajan
+ A use for frequently rediscovering a concept 1985 Bernard Monjardet
+ Bayesian nonparametric model selection and model testing 2005 George Karabatsos
+ Choice Functions and Extensive Operators 2009 В. Г. Данилов
Gleb Koshevoy
+ PDF Chat Uncapacitated flow-based extended formulations 2015 Samuel Fiorini
Kanstantsin Pashkovich
+ Radon’s theorem revisited 1979 Jürgen Eckhoff
+ Variable Neighborhood Search for Extremal Graphs. 6. Analyzing Bounds for the Connectivity Index 2002 Pierre Hansen
Hadrien Mélot
+ A representation theorem for finite random scale systems 1978 Jean‐Claude Falmagne
+ Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs 1999 Gilles Caporossi
Iván Gutman
Pierre Hansen