R. L. Goodstein


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+ NUMBERS UNENDING 1979 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Arithmetic without sets 1976 R. L. Goodstein
+ Arithmetic without Sets: Presidential Address to the Mathematical Association at the Annual Conference, April 1976 1976 R. L. Goodstein
+ Sets and transfinite numbers, by M. M. Zuckerman. Pp xvi, 423. £5·95. 1974. SBN 0 02 432110 9 (Collier-Macmillan) 1975 R. L. Goodstein
+ Hilbert's Tenth Problem and the Independence of Recursive Difference 1975 R. L. Goodstein
+ The importance of being 259 1975 R. L. Goodstein
+ 3359. Cutting squares from rectangles 1974 R. L. Goodstein
+ Set Theory. By C. C. Pinter. Pp. viii, 216. £4·20. 1971. (Addison-Wesley.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. (3rd edition.) By Ivan Niven and Herbert S. Zuckerman. Pp. 288. £4·55. 1972. (Wiley.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ Symposia Mathematica, Vol. VI. Instituto Nazionale di alta Matematica. 1971. (Academic Press.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ Children Discover Arithmetic. By Catherine Stern and Margaret E. Stern. Pp. 412. £3. 1971. (Harrap.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Fundamental Formula in the Algebra of Sets 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ Rara Arithmetica. By D. E. Smith. Pp. 725. $15. 1970. (Chelsea Publishing Co.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ 250 Problems in Elementary Number Theory. By W. Sierpinski. Pp. 124. £4-50. 1970. (Elsevier, New York.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ Fondements des Mathématiques. By M. Combes. Pp. 102. 1971. (Presses Universitaires de France.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ Symposia Mathematica. Vol. 2. Pp. 408. £6-65. 1970. (Academic Press.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elementary Number Theory. By B. A. Venkov. Pp.249. $11·25. 1970. (Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen.) 1972 R. L. Goodstein
+ Dieter Klaua. Berechenbare Analysis. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 2 (1956), pp. 265–303. - Dieter Klaua. Die Prāzisierung des Berechenbarkeitsbegriffes in der-Analysis mit Hilfe rationaler Funktionale. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 5 (1959), pp. 33–96. 1971 R. L. Goodstein
+ Cours D’Arithmétique. By Jean-Pierre Serre. Pp. 188. 1970. (Presses Universitaires de France. Paris) 1971 R. L. Goodstein
+ S. Mazur. Computable analysis, edited by A. Grzegorczyk and H. Rasiowa, Rozprawy matematyczne no. 33, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw1963, 111 pp. 1971 R. L. Goodstein
+ A Generalized Permutation Problem 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Generalized Vandermonde Determinant 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ On Sums of Progressions of Positive Integers 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elements of Quaternions. By W. R. Hamilton. Edited by C. J. Joly. 2 volumes. 1969. (Chelsea, New York.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Studies in Number Theory. Edited by W. J. Le Véque. Pp. 212. $10.00. 1969. (Prentice-Hall, N.J., U.S.A.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Richard Dedekind. Gesammelte mathematische Werke. 2 volumes. Edited by R. Fricke, Emmy Noether and Oystein Ore. 1969. (Chelsea, New York.)Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie. By P. G. Lejeune Dirichlet. Supplemented and revised by R. Dedekind. 1968. (Chelsea, New York.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elements of Number Theory. By I. A. Barnett. Pp. 213. 1969. (Purdle, Weber & Schmidt, Boston, Mass.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Concept of Number. By C. J. Scriba. Pp. 216. 1968. (Hoch-schultaschenbucher-Verlag, Mannheim & Zurich.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Numbers without end. By C. Lanczos. Pp. 164. 1968. (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Numbers without end. By C. Lanczos. Pp. 164. 1968. (Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ On Sums of Progressions of Positive Integers 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Richard Dedekind. Gesammelte mathematische Werke. 2 volumes. Edited by R. Fricke, Emmy Noether and Oystein Ore. 1969. (Chelsea, New York.) - Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie. By P. G. Lejeune Dirichlet. Supplemented and revised by R. Dedekind. 1968. (Chelsea, New York.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Studies in Number Theory. Edited by W. J. Le Véque. Pp. 212. $10.00. 1969. (Prentice-Hall, N.J., U.S.A.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ Contests in Higher Mathematics. Edited by G. Szasz, L. Geher, I. Kovacs and L. Painter. Pp. 260. 84s. 1968. (Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.) 1970 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Lesebuch zur Mathematik. By J. J. Burckhardt. Pp. 80. Fr 13.80. 1968. (Raber Verlag, Luzern.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ Aequationes mathematicae. Vol. 2. No. 1. 40SF. per volume. (University of Waterloo and Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ Set Theory and the Number System. By M. R. Kinsolving. Pp. 154. $5.95. 1967. (International Text Book Co. Scranton, Pennsylvania.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ On invariants and the theory of Numbers. By L. E. Dickson. Pp. 110. 12s. 1967. (Dover, New York, Constable, London.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ Fundamental Boolean Algebra. By J. Kuntzmann. Pp.320. 75s. 1967. (Blackie & Son Ltd. Glasgow.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ Educational Studies in Mathematics. Edited by H. Freudenthal. $22.50 per volume of four issues. (D. Reidel Publishing Company. Utrecht.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ Theory of Arithmetic. By J. A. Peterson and J. Hashisaki. 2nd Ed. pp. 337. 60s. 1967. (Wiley & Sons Ltd., London & New York.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elementary Set Theory. By K. T. Leung and Dobis L. C. Chen. Pp. 135. 37s. 6d. 1967. (Hong Kong University Press. London: Oxford University Press.) 1969 R. L. Goodstein
+ L'Algebre de Boole. By G. Casanova. Pp. 128. 1967. (“ Quesais-je ”, No. 1246. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.) 1968 R. L. Goodstein
+ 3195. The irrationality of the root of a non-square integer 1968 R. L. Goodstein
+ Existence in mathematics 1968 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elementary Methods in the Analytic Theory of Numbers. By A. O. Gelford and Yu. V. Linnik, Pp. 232. 63s. 1966. (Pergamon Press, Oxford.) 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ Eléments de Mathématique. Book I, Chapter IV. By N. Bourbaki. 2nd Edition. Pp. 108. 36 Fr. 1966. (Hermann, Paris.) 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ 3188. On the axiomatic method 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ 3190. The general solution of the equation (n + 1)v<sup>2</sup>-nu<sup>2</sup> = 1 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elementary Methods in Analytic Number Theory. By A. O. Gelford and Yu. V Limnik. Pp. 242. 42s. 1966. (Allen & Unwin, London) 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ The number systems of elementary mathematics. By E. E. Moise. Pp. 246. 33s. 1966. (Addison-Wesley, Mass., U.S.A.) 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik. By E. Schröder. Three volumes, pp. 721, 605, 819. (Chelsea: New York) 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Theory of Sets and Transfinite Numbers. By B. Rotman and G. T. Kneebone. Pp.144. 35s. 1966. (Oldbourne: London) 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ Formulae For Primes 1967 R. L. Goodstein
C. P. Wormell
+ Symbolic Logic and the Real Number System. By A. H. Lightstone. Pp. 225. 1965. (Harper & Row, New York) - Axiomatic Analysis. By R. Katz. Pp. 336. 62s. 1966. (Heath & Co., Boston. Harrop, London) 1967 R. L. Goodstein
+ Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers. By W. Sierpinski. Pp. 491. 1965. (P W N, Warsaw) 1966 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Number System. By B. K. Youse. Pp. 72. 1965. (Dickenson Publishing Co., California). 1966 R. L. Goodstein
+ Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers. By W. Sierpinski. Pp. 491. 1965. (P W N, Warsaw) 1966 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Number System 1966 R. L. Goodstein
B. K. Youse
+ The Theory of Sets and Transfinite Arithmetic. By A. Abian. Pp. 406. 70s. 1965. (W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia and London) 1966 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elements of Mathematical Logic. 1966 Paul A. Young
П. С. Новиков
Leo F. Boron
R. L. Goodstein
+ A Decidable Class of Equations in Recursive Arithmetic 1966 R. L. Goodstein
R. D. Lee
+ Elements of Mathematical Logic. By P. S. Novikov. Pp.296. 1964. 50 (Oliver &amp; Boyd. Edinburgh) - Introduction to Mathematical Logic. By E. Mendelson. Pp. 200. 1964 56s. 6d. (D. Van Nostrand. Princeton) 1965 R. L. Goodstein
+ J. C. Shepherdson. A non-standard model for a free variable fragment of number theory. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques et physiques, vol. 12 (1964), pp. 79–86. 1965 R. L. Goodstein
+ Essays in the philosophy of mathematics 1965 R. L. Goodstein
+ Complex functions : a first course in the theory of functions of a single complex variable 1965 R. L. Goodstein
+ Introduction à la Théorie des Nombres. By C. Chabauty, F. Châte-let, R. Descombes, Ch. Pisot and G. Poitou - Quelques problèmes de la Théorie des Nombres. By Paul Erdös. (Monographies de L’Enseignemant mathématique No. 6. Société Mathématique Suisse.) 1964 R. L. Goodstein
+ Introduction to Model Theory and to the Metamathematics of Algebra. By A. Robinson. Pp. 284. 60s. 1963. (North Holland Publishing Co.) 1964 R. L. Goodstein
+ Complex Numbers and Conformal Mappings. By A. I. Markushevich. Pp. 56. 10s. 1963. (Pergamon Press, Oxford) 1964 R. L. Goodstein
+ Review: H. A. Pogorzelski, Recursive Arithmetic of Skolem 1964 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Diophantine Equations in Recursive Difference. 1964 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat 3. Librarian 1964 R. L. Goodstein
+ Modern Mathematics. Introductory Concepts and Their Implications. By A. B. Evenson. Pp. 206. 1962 (Pitman; London) 1963 R. L. Goodstein
+ Vladeta Vučković. Partially ordered recursive arithmetics. Mathematica Scandinavica, vol. 7 (1959), pp. 305–320. - Vladeta Vučković. Einführung von Σ<sub>ƒ</sub>(x) und Π<sub>ƒ</sub>(x) in der rekursiven Gitterpunktarithmetik. German, with Bulgarian and Russian summaries. B′lgarska Akadémia na Naukité, Izvéstiá na Matématičéskiá Institut, vol. 6 (1962), pp. 15–25. 1963 R. L. Goodstein
+ Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics. 1963 Edward J. Cogan
R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Mathematisches Wörterbuch. By J. Naas and H. L. Schmid. Vol I. A-K. Pp. 1043. Vol 2. L-Z. Pp. 952. £40 the two volumes. 1961. (Pergamon Press, Oxford) 1963 R. L. Goodstein
+ An Introduction to the Elements of Mathematics. By J. N. Fujii Pp. 312. 47s. (Wiley, London and New York). 1963 R. L. Goodstein
+ Topics in Modern Algebra. By C. P. Benner, A. Newhouse, C. B. Rader, and R. L. Yates Pp. 144. $3.75. 1962. (Harper, New York). 1963 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elements of Abstract Algebra. By J. T. Moore. Pp. 203. 49s. 1962. (The Macmillan Co., New York) 1963 R. L. Goodstein
+ Polynomial Generators Over Finitely Generated Rings 1963 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics, edited by Y. Bar Hillel, E. I. J. Poznanski, M. O. Rabin and A. Robinson (North Holland Publishing Co., 1962), 351 pp. 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Calculus. An introductory approach. By I. Niven. Pp. 169. 36s. 1961. (D. van Nostrand, London) 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Calculus. By T. M. Apostol. Vol. I. Pp. 515. $8.50. 1961. (Blaisdell Publishing Co.) 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Theory of Functions of a Real Variable. By I.P. Natanson. Part II. Pp. 265. 56s. 1961. (Constable, London) 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Lattice Theory. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. Vol. 2. Edited by R. P. Dilworth. Pp. 208. $6.30. 1961. (American Mathematical Society). 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Foundations of Mathematics 1962 R. L. Goodstein
И. Лакатос
+ The Foundations of Mathematics. By E. W. Beth. Pp. 741. 100s. 1959. (North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam) 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Numbers Rational and Irrational, By I. Niven. Pp. 136. $1.95 1961. - What is Calculus About? By W. W. Sawyer. Pp. 118. $1.95. 1961 - An Introduction to Inequalities. By E. Beckenbach and R. Bellman Pp. 133. $1.95. 1961. - Geometric Inequalities. By N. D. Kazarinoff. Pp. 132. $1.95 1961. - The Contest Problem Book. Compiled by C. T. Salkind. Pp. 154 $1.95. 1961. - The Lore of Large Numbers. By P. J. Davis. Pp.165. $1.95. 1961. 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Handbuch der Schulmatematik. Edited by G. Wolff. Volume 2, Algebra. Pp. 296. DM 38. (Hermann Schroedel Verlag. Hannover) 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Abstract Set Theory. By A. A. Fraenkel. Second Revised Edition Pp. 295. 60s. 1961. (North-Holland Publishing Company) 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Differential und Integralrechnung. By M. Banner. Part I. Pp. 175. DM 5,80. 1960. (de Gruyter, Berlin) 1962 R. L. Goodstein
+ Symposium: The Foundations of Mathematics 1962 R. L. Goodstein
И. Лакатос
+ The Diffusion of Counting Practices. By A. Seidenberg. Pp. 86. $2.50. 1960. (University of California Press. Cambridge University Press) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. By I. Niven and H. S. Zuckerman. Pp. 250. 50s. 1960. (Wiley, London and New York) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Boolean Algebra and its Applications. By J. E. Whitesitt. Pp. 182. 51s. 1961. (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Introduction to Modern Algebra. By J. L. Kelly. Pp. 338. 21s. 1960. Student Manual. By Roy Dubisch. Pp. 63. 7s. 6d. 1960. (D. Van Nostrand, London and New York) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Einführung in die Funktionen Theorie. By I.I. Privalov Part II Pp. 186. DM 12.90. 1960. (Teubner, Leipzig) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Introduction aux Mathématiques Modernes. By A. Monjalloi Pp. 180. 2000F. 1960. (Vuibert, Paris) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Introduction to Higher Mathematics. By Constance Reid. Pp. 184. 12s. 6d. 1960. (Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Lectures on the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable. By G. Sansone and J. Gerretsen. Vol.1. Pp.488. $12.00 1960 (Noordhoff, Groningen) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematics in the Making. By L. Hogben Pp. 320. 50s. 1960. (Macdonald) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Complex Numbers. By W Ledeemann. Pp. 62. 5s. 1960. - Partial Derivatives. By P. J Hilton. Pp. 54. 5s. 1960. (Routledge and Kegan Paul) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Einführung in die Mathematische Logik. Part I. By G. Asser. Pp. 184. DM. 11.25. 1959. (B. G. Teubner, Leipzig) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Exposé Moderne des Mathématiques Elementaires. By Lucienne Felix. Pp. 421. 2,900 F. 1959. (Dunod, Paris) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Galoissche Theorie. By E. Artin. Pp. 86. DM. 5.30. 1959. (B. G. Teubner, Leipzig) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Solution of Equations in Integers. By A. O. Gelford. Pp. 72. fl. 3,75. 1960. (P Noordhoff. Groningen.) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Logic in Elementary Mathematics. By R. M. Exner and M. F. Rosskopf. Pp. 274. 1959. (McGraw-Hill.) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematics, Education and Industry. The Liverpool Conference Pp. 156. 7s. 6d. 1960. (The Times.) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Reflections of a Mathematician. By L. J. Mordell. Pp. 50. 1959. (Canadian Mathematical Congress.) 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ Polynomial Generators Over Galois Fields 1961 R. L. Goodstein
+ 59. The graphical solution of a quadratic equation with imaginary roots 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ Axiomatic Set Theory. By P Bernays and A. A. Fraenkel. Pp. 226. 1959. (North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ Structures Algébriques et Structures Topologiques. Monographies de L’Enseignement Mathématique, No: 7. Pp. 200. 20 fr.s. 1958. (Institut de Mathématiques, Université, Geneva) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2917. The general solution in integers of the system of equations: <i>ax<sub>r</sub></i> - <i>bx<sub>r</sub></i>+1 = 1 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis. By J. Riordan. Pp. 244. 68s. 1958. (Chapman and Hall) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ Introduction a L’Algèbre Supérieure etau Calcul Numérique Algébrique. By L. Derwidué. Pp. 432. 6,600 Fr. 1957. (Masson, Paris) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ Einführung in die Funktionentheorie. By I. I. Privalow. Part I. Pp. 163. DM. 7. 1958 Part II. Pp. 194. DM. 8. 1959. (Teubner, Leipzig) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ Logique Mathematique Appliquée. By H. Freudenthal. Pp. 57. 1,200 Fr. 1958. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ Foundations of Set Theory. By A. A. Fraenkel and Y. Bar-Hill. Pp. 415. 84s. 1958. (North Holland Publishing Co.) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ A Concrete Approach to Abstract Algebra. By W. W. Sawyer. Pp. 233. 10s. 6d. 1959. (Freeman and Co., U.S.A., Bailey Bros. and Swinfen Ltd., London) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Structure of Arithmetic and Algebra. By M. H. Maria. Pp. 294. 48s. 1958. (Chapman and Hall) 1960 R. L. Goodstein
+ Grundzüge der Algebra, Part II. By. H. Lugowski. and H. J. Weinert Pp. 250. 11 D.M. 1959. (Teubner, Leipzig) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Selections from Modern Abstract Algebra. By R. V. Andree. Pp. 212. 42s. 1959. (Constable) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2856. On the resultant of two quadratic forms 1959 R. L. Goodstein
Max Rumney
+ Middel-algebra. By P Wijdenes. Pp. 419. f. 19. 1957. (Noordhc Groningen). 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Set Theory. By F. Hausdorff. Translated by J. R. Aumann, <i>et</i> Pp. 352. 1957. (Chelsea, New York). 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elementary Number Theory. By E. Landau. Pp.256. $4.95. 1958.(Chelsea, New York) - Functions of Real and Complex Variables. By W. F. Osgood. Pp. 407 + 262. $ 4.95. 1958. (Chelsea, New York) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2856. On the resultant of two quadratic forms 1959 R. L. Goodstein
M. Rumney
+ Elements of Modern Abstract Algebra. By K.S. Miller Pp. 188. 40s. 1958. (Hamish Hamilton) - Grundzüge der Algebra. Part I. Allgemeine Gruppentheorie. By H. Lugowski and H. J. Weinert Pp.234. DM10,00. 1957. (Teubner, Leipzig) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Fantasia Mathematica. Edited by Clifton Fadiman Pp. 298. $4.9 1958. (Simon and Schuster. New York) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Raum und Zahl. By K. Reidemeisterf. Pp. 151. 1957. (Springer, Berlin) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Précis de Mathématiques Spéciales. By H. Gouyon. Pp. ix, 647. 1956. (Vuibert, Paris) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Probability and Scientific Inference. By G. Spencer Brown. Pp. 154. 15s. 1957. (Longmans, Green and Co.) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ Cours de Mathématiques. By J. Bass. Pp. xi, 916. 8,500 fr. (7,800 fr. in paper cover). 1956. (Masson, Paris) 1959 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2804. The systems of equations bx=x1, bx1=x2…, bxn=x 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Techniques of Mathematical Analysis. By C. J. Tranter. Pp. 396. 27s. 6d. 1957. (English Universities Press) 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2804. The system of equations b<sup>x</sup>=x<sub>1</sub>, b<sup>x<sub>1</sub></sup>=x<sub>2</sub>…, b<sup>x<sub>n</sub></sup>=x 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ L’Aspect Moderne des Mathématiques. Par Lucienne Félix. Pp. 163. 800Fr 1957 (Blanchard, Paris). 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematical Analysis. By T. M. Apostol. Pp. 553. 1957. (Addison-Wesley. Reading, U.S.A.) 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Trigonometric Series. By R. L. Jeffery. Canadian Mathematical Congress Lecture Series No. 2. Pp. 39. 20s. 1956. (Toronto University Press. London: Oxford University Press) 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Vorlesungen über höhere Mathematik. Part I. By A. Duschek. 2nd Edition. Pp. 440. 81s. 6d. 1956. (Springer, Vienna) 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Numerical Integration of Differential Equations. By A. A. Bennett, W. E. Milne and H. Bateman. Pp. 108. $1.35. 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Fundamental Concepts of Higher Algebra. By A. A. Albert. Pp. 156. 1956. (University of Chicago Press) 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elements of Algebra. By H. Levi. 2nd edition. Pp. 160. $3.25. 1956 (Chelsea, New York). 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematics, Magic and Mystery. By M. Gardner. Pp. 176. $1.00. 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1958 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Mathematische Formelsammlung. By F. O. Ringleb. Sammlung Gõschen 51/51a. Pp. 278. DM 4,80. 1956. (de Gruyter, Berlin) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Report of a conference on mathematical education in South Asia held in Bombay in February 1956. 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Einfuhrung in die hohere Mathematik. Vol. I. Grundlagen 1957 R. L. Goodstein
K. Strubecker
+ PDF Chat An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry. By Bertrand W. Russell. Pp. 201. $1.50. 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Tutorial Algebra. Vol. II. By W. Briggs and G. H. Bryan. Sixth Ed. Revised and enlarged by G. Walker. Pp. v+725. 24s. 1956. (University Tutorial Press) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematische Formelsammlung. By F. O. Ringleb. Sammlung Gõschen 51/51a. Pp. 278. DM 4,80. 1956. (de Gruyter, Berlin) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Report of a conference on mathematical education in South Asia held in Bombay in February 1956. 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry. By Bertrand W. Russell. Pp. 201. $1.50. 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Tutorial Algebra. Vol. II. By W. Briggs and G. H. Bryan. Sixth Ed. Revised and enlarged by G. Walker. Pp. v+725. 24s. 1956. (University Tutorial Press) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematical Logic. 1957 J. B. Giever
R. L. Goodstein
+ The Definition of Number 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Groups of Finite Order. By R. D. Carmichael. Pp. 447. $2, paper bound, $3.95 cloth. 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Through the mathescope. By C. Stanley Ogilvy. Pp. 162. 24s. 1956. (Oxford University Press) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Infinite sequences and series. By Konrad Knopp, Translated by F. Bagemihl. Pp.186. $1.75. 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Theory of Functions of Real Variables. By L. M. Graves. 2nd Edition. Pp. 375. 56s. 6d. 1956. (McGraw-Hill) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Gesammelte Mathematische Abhandlungen. Ludwig Schläfli, Part III. pp. 402. Fr./DM. 59.30. 1956. (Birkhauser, Basel) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Algebra, II. By B. L. van Dee Waerden, 3rd Edition. Pp. viii + 224. DM. 29.60. 1955. (Springer, Berlin) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Theory of Numbers. By Burton W. Jones. pp. xi + 143. 24s. 1956. (Constable, London) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2695. A generalisation of Taylor’s theorem 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elements de mathématique. By N. Bourbaki I. Book Theorie des ensembles. Chapter III. Ensembles ordonnés. Cardineaux, nombres entiers. pp. 118. 1,500 Fr. 1956. (Actualités Scientifiques, 1243, Paris) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Elementary differential equations. By W. T. Martin and E. Reissner pp. vii+ 260. $5.50. 1956. (Addison-Wesley, Massachusetts) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Number System. By H. A. Thurston pp. vi x 134. 15s. 1 (Blackie) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Calculus Refreshers for Technical Men. By A. A. Klaf. Pp. 431. $1.95. 1956. (Dover Publication, New York) - Trigonometry Refresher for Technical Men. By A. A. Klaf. Pp. 629. $1.95. 1956. (Dover Publication, New York) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematical Interpretation of Formal Systems. By Th. Skolem Hasenjaeger . G. Kreisel A. Robinson Wang Hao. L. Hen J. Loś pp. viii + 113. 24s. 1955. (North Holland Publishing Comp Amsterdam) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Famous problems of elementary geometry. By Felix Klein. Pp. 9 $1.00 paper bound, $1.50 cloth. 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Euclid’s Elements. Translated by Sir T. L. Heath. 3 volumes. $5.8 1956. (Dover Publications, New York) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ L’Existence en Mathématiques. By E. W. Beth. Collection de logique mathématique. Pp. 60. 900 fr. 1956. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Decision Problem 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Mathematical Mind. By M. L. Cartwright. The James Bryce Memorial Lecture. Pp. 27 2s. 6d. 1955. (Oxford University Press) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Calculus : A modern approach. By Karl Menger. Pp. xvii +354. 3rd Ed. 1955. (Ginn &amp; Co.) 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Recursive Number Theory - A Development of Recursive Arithmetic in a Logic-Free Equation Calculus 1957 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mathematical Analysis. By D. A. Quadling. Pp. vi, 264. 25s. 1956. (Oxford University Press) 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ Differential Calculus. By W. L. Ferrar. Pp. x, 296. 27s. 6d. 1956. (Oxford University Press) 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ Théorie Métamathématique des Idéaux. By A. Robinson. Pp. 186. 2,400 fr. 1955. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ Axiomatique intuitionniste sans négation de la géométrie projective. By N. Dequoy. Pp. 108. 1250 fr. 1955. Collection de logique mathématique, 6 (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2599. An inequality for Euler's function ϕ (n) 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Arabic Numerals, Numbers and the Definition of Counting 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ Les fondements logiques des mathematiques. By E. W. Beth. 2nd edition. Pp. xv, 241. 2500 fr. 1955. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2589. A geometrical interpretation of the formula for the derivative of a function of a function 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2591. The expansions of the elementary functions 1956 R. L. Goodstein
+ Applications scientifiques de la Logique Mathématique. Pp. 176. 2200 fr. 1954. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1955 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2454. A problem in linear differential equations 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2437. On functions of the roots of a quartic 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ Pages choisies d’analyse générale. Par M. Fréchet. Pp. 213. 2000 fr. Collection de logique mathématique, A III. 1953. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2425. A note on convergence 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the founding of the theory of transfinite numbers. By Georg Cantor. Translated with an introduction and notes by P. E. B. Jourdain. Pp. vii, 211. Paper $1.25 ; cloth $2.75. 1952. (Dover Publications, New York) 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ Abstract Set Theory. By A.A. Fraenkel. Pp. xii, 479. 76s. 1953. (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam) 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ Les systèmes axiomatiques de la théorie des ensembles. By Hao Wang and R. McNaughton. Pp. 54. 750 fr. 1953. Collection de logique mathématique (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ Sentences undecidable in formalised arithmetic. An exposition of the theory of Kurt Gödel. By A. Mostowski. Pp. Viii, 117 12 fl. 1952. (North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam) 1954 R. L. Goodstein
+ A problem in recursive function theory 1953 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat Eculidean Geometry and the Rigid Motion Group 1953 R. L. Goodstein
C. V. Durell
+ On the metamathematics of algebra. By A. Robinson. Pp. ix, 195. Fl. 18. 1951. (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam) 1953 R. L. Goodstein
+ Euclidean Geometry and the Rigid Motion Group 1953 R. L. Goodstein
+ Outlines of a formalist philosophy of mathematics. By H.B. Curry. Pp. vii, 75. F1. 7.50. 1951. (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam) 1953 R. L. Goodstein
+ Leçons de logique algébrique. By H.B. Curry. Pp. 163. 1952. Collection de logique mathématique, series A. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris) 1953 R. L. Goodstein
+ Axiomatic projective geometry 1953 R. L. Goodstein
E. J. F. Primrose
+ Algèbre des ensembles. By Waclaw Sierpikski. Pp. 205. $4.50. 1951. Monografje Matematyczne, 23 (Warsaw ; Stechert-Hafner, New York) 1952 R. L. Goodstein
+ On the Limit of the Ratio of Sin <i>X</i> to <i>X</i> 1952 R. L. Goodstein
+ Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung. I. By Otto Toeplitz Pp. 180, ix. DM. 19.60: geb. DM. 22.60. 1949. Die Grundhehren der mathematiscllen Wissenschaft, 56. (Springer, Berlin) 1951 R. L. Goodstein
+ Constructive formalism : essays on the foundations of mathematics 1951 R. L. Goodstein
+ The foundations of mathematics : an inaugural lecture delivered at the University College of Leicester, 13th November 1951 1951 R. L. Goodstein
+ Grundzüge der Theoretischen Logik. By D. Hilbert und W. Ackermann. 3rd edition. Pp. 155, viii. DM. 16.50: geb. DM 19.80. 1949. (Springer, Berlin) 1950 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Gauss Test for Relative Convergence 1950 R. L. Goodstein
+ On the Multiplication of Series 1950 R. L. Goodstein
+ Mean Value Theorems in Recursive Function Theory. Part I. Differential Mean Value Theorems 1950 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat The formal structure of a denumerable system 1950 R. L. Goodstein
+ L'Analyse Mathématique by André Delachet 1949 R. L. Goodstein
+ L'Analyse Mathématique by André Delachet 1949 R. L. Goodstein
+ 2038. Simultaneous differential equations 1949 R. L. Goodstein
+ Missing Value Theorems 1949 R. L. Goodstein
+ PDF Chat A necessary and sufficient condition for differentiability 1949 R. L. Goodstein
+ A text-book of mathematical analysis : the uniform calculus and its applications 1949 R. L. Goodstein
+ Theory of Functions. By J. F. Ritt. Revised edition. Pp. x, 181. 16s. 1947 (King’s Crown Press, U.S.A.; Geoffrey Cumberlege, London) 1948 R. L. Goodstein
+ Proof by reductio ad absurdum 1948 R. L. Goodstein
+ Transfinite ordinals in recursive number theory 1947 R. L. Goodstein
+ Differential and Integral Calculus. By F. D. Murnaghan. Pp. x, 502. 1947. (Remsen Press, New York) 1947 R. L. Goodstein
+ Advanced Calculus. By D.V Widder. Pp. xvi, 432. 36s. 1947. (Pren Hall, New York; Constable, London) 1947 R. L. Goodstein
+ Commutative Involutions 1947 R. L. Goodstein
+ The Strong Convergence of the Exponential Function 1947 R. L. Goodstein
+ Some New Theorems on Divisibility 1947 R. L. Goodstein
Max Rumney
+ A Theorem in Uniform Convergence 1946 R. L. Goodstein
+ Function Theory in an Axiom-Free Equation Calculus 1945 R. L. Goodstein
+ On the restricted ordinal theorem 1944 R. L. Goodstein
+ Teaching the Calculus 1941 R. L. Goodstein
+ On Chords of a Conic which touch Another Conic 1940 R. L. Goodstein
+ Rational Triangles 1939 R. L. Goodstein
+ 1353. A Note on Projective Geometry 1939 R. L. Goodstein
+ A Class of Diophantine Equations 1938 R. L. Goodstein
+ Geometry in Modern Dress 1938 R. L. Goodstein
Common Coauthors