Andreas Blass


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Exact Exploration 2024 Andreas Blass
Nachum Dershowitz
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat On logic and generative AI 2024 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat What are kets? 2024 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Software science view on quantum circuit algorithms 2023 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ Primal logic of information 2023 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ Cardinal Well-foundedness and Choice 2023 Andreas Blass
Dhruv Kulshreshtha
+ PDF Chat Simple circuit simulations of classical and quantum Turing machines 2022 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Quantum circuits with classical channels and the principle of deferred measurements 2022 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ Wigner's quasidistribution and Dirac's kets 2022 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
Alexander Volberg
+ Software science view on quantum circuit algorithms 2022 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Software Science View on Quantum Circuit Algorithms 2022 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ Quantum circuits computing unitary transformations 2021 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Negative probabilities: what are they for? <sup>*</sup> 2021 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Quantum circuits with classical channels and the principle of deferred measurements 2021 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ Input independence 2021 Yuri Gurevich
Andreas Blass
+ Infinitary Partition Properties of Sums of Selective Ultrafilters 2020 Andreas Blass
+ Negative probabilities: What they are and what they are for 2020 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Who Needs Category Theory? 2020 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Witness algebra and anyon braiding 2020 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Functional Thesauri, Classifying Topoi, Unification, and Flatness 2020 Andreas Blass
+ Circuits: An abstract viewpoint 2020 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Braided distributivity 2019 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Circuit pedantry 2019 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ The rearrangement number 2019 Andreas Blass
Jörg Brendle
Will Brian
Joel David Hamkins
Michael Hardy
Paul Larson
+ Circuit pedantry 2019 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Coherence for braided distributivity. 2018 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Optimal no-go theorem on hidden-variable predictions of effect expectations 2018 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Common Denominator for Value and Expectation No-go Theorems: Extended Abstract 2018 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Who needs category theory 2018 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Who needs category theory? 2018 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Negative probabilities, II: What they are and what they are for 2018 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Common Denominator for Value and Expectation No-Go Theorems 2017 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ The Rearrangement Number 2016 Andreas Blass
Jörg Brendle
Will Brian
Joel David Hamkins
Michael Hardy
Paul Larson
+ Partitions and conservativity 2016 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat On Quantum Computation, Anyons, and Categories 2016 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Finite Embeddability of Sets and Ultrafilters 2016 Andreas Blass
Mauro Di Nasso
Andreas Blass
+ The Rearrangement Number 2016 Andreas Blass
Jörg Brendle
Will Brian
Joel David Hamkins
Michael Hardy
Paul Larson
+ PDF Chat Optimal ancilla-free Pauli+V circuits for axial rotations 2015 Andreas Blass
Alex Bocharov
Yuri Gurevich
+ Partitions and conservativity 2015 Andreas Blass
+ Composants of the Stone–Čech remainder of the reals 2015 Andreas Blass
Natasha Dobrinen
Dilip Raghavan
+ On Quantum Computation, Anyons, and Categories 2015 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Ancilla-approximable quantum state transformations 2015 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Negative probability 2015 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Spekkens's Symmetric No-Go Theorem 2015 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ On quantum computation, anyons, and categories 2015 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Partitions and conservativity 2015 Andreas Blass
+ Negative probability 2015 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Finite Embeddability of Sets and Ultrafilters 2014 Andreas Blass
Mauro Di Nasso
+ Finite Embeddability of Sets and Ultrafilters 2014 Andreas Blass
Mauro Di Nasso
+ The next best thing to a P-point 2013 Andreas Blass
Natasha Dobrinen
Dilip Raghavan
+ PDF Chat On strong $P$-points 2013 Andreas Blass
Michael Hrušák
Jonathan L. Verner
+ The next best thing to a P-point 2013 Andreas Blass
Natasha Dobrinen
Dilip Raghavan
+ Quasi-selective ultrafilters and asymptotic numerosities 2012 Andreas Blass
Mauro Di Nasso
Marco Forti
+ PDF Chat Developments from Ernst Specker’s Work in Set Theory 2012 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Partitions and permutation groups 2011 Andreas Blass
+ Quasi-selective ultrafilters and asymptotic numerosities 2010 Andreas Blass
Mauro Di Nasso
Marco Forti
+ Ultrafilters across Mathematics 2010 Vitaly Bergelson
Andreas Blass
Mauro Di Nasso
Renling Jin
+ Fields of logic and computation: essays dedicated to Yuri Gurevich on the occasion of his 70th birthday 2010 Andreas Blass
Nachum Dershowitz
Wolfgang Reisig
+ Quasi-selective ultrafilters and asymptotic numerosities 2010 Andreas Blass
Mauro Di Nasso
Marco Forti
+ Combinatorial Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum 2009 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat When are Two Algorithms the Same? 2009 Andreas Blass
Nachum Dershowitz
Yuri Gurevich
+ Homogeneous sets from several ultrafilters 2009 Andreas Blass
+ Jagadeesan, Radha, 306 Japaridze, Giorgi, xi 2009 Arnon Avron
Oskar Becker
Johan van Benthem
Andreas Blass
Robert Brandom
L. E. J. Brouwer
Donald Davidson
Michael Dummett
Walter Felscher
+ PDF Chat Basic subgroups and freeness, a counterexample 2008 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ One Useful Logic That Defines Its Own Truth 2008 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Modular difference logic is hard 2008 Nikolaj Bjørner
Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
Madan Musuvathi
+ Generalizing Hartogs' Trichotomy Theorem 2008 David Feldman
Mehmet Orhon
Andreas Blass
+ One useful logic that defines its own truth 2008 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ When are two algorithms the same? 2008 Andreas Blass
Nachum Dershowitz
Yuri Gurevich
+ Two Forms of One Useful Logic: Existential Fixed Point Logic and Liberal Datalog 2008 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Persistent Queries 2008 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Interactive Small-Step Algorithms I: Axiomatization 2007 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
Dean Rosenzweig
Benjamin Rossman
+ PDF Chat Interactive Small-Step Algorithms II: Abstract State Machines and the Characterization Theorem 2007 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
Dean Rosenzweig
Benjamin Rossman
+ PDF Chat Inaccessible cardinals without the axiom of choice 2007 Andreas Blass
Ioanna M. Dimitriou
Benedikt Löwe
+ Basic Subgroups and Freeness, A Counterexample 2007 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ The Number of Near-Coherence Classes of Ultrafilters is Either Finite or $$ 2^\mathfrak{c} $$ 2006 Тарас Банах
Andreas Blass
+ On expander graphs and hypergraphs. 2006 Andreas Blass
Thiradet Jiarasuksakun
Andreas Blass
Paul Howard
+ PDF Chat Random Orders and Gambler's Ruin 2005 Andreas Blass
Gábor Braun
+ PDF Chat Ultrafilters and Partial Products of Infinite Cyclic Groups 2005 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ Special Families of Sets and Baer-Specker Groups 2005 Andreas Blass
J. Irwin
+ Disjoint Non-Free Subgoups of Abelian Groups 2005 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ Explicit Graphs with Extension Properties. 2005 Andreas Blass
Benjamin Rossman
+ PDF Chat Logic and Its Applications 2005 Andreas Blass
Yi Zhang
+ Ultrafilters and partial products of infinite cyclic groups 2005 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ Is There a Core Class for Almost Free Groups of Size ℵ<sub><b>1</b></sub>? 2004 Andreas Blass
J. Irwin
Yuri Gurevich
+ Homotopy and Homology of Finite Lattices 2003 Andreas Blass
+ Simple Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum 2002 Heike Mildenberger
Andreas Blass
Haim Judah
+ PDF Chat On polynomial time computation over unordered structures 2002 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
Saharon Shelah
+ Specker’s theorem for Nöbeling’s group 2001 Andreas Blass
+ Needed reals and recursion in generic reals 2001 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat A note on extensions of asymptotic density 2001 Andreas Blass
Ryszard Frankiewicz
Grzegorz Plebanek
C. Ryll–Nardzewski
J. Irwin
+ On Polynomial Time Computation Over Unordered Structures 2001 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat On the cofinality of ultrapowers 1999 Andreas Blass
Heike Mildenberger
+ Purity and Reid’s theorem 1999 Andreas Blass
J. Irwin
+ Basic subgroups and a freeness criterion for torsion-free abelian groups 1999 Andreas Blass
J. Irwin
+ PDF Chat Characteristic and Ehrhart Polynomials 1998 Andreas Blass
Bruce E. Sagan
+ Characteristic and Ehrhart polynomials 1998 Andreas Blass
Bruce E. Sagan
+ Mobius functions of lattices 1998 Andreas Blass
Bruce E. Sagan
+ Möbius Functions of Lattices 1997 Andreas Blass
Bruce E. Sagan
+ Choiceless polynomial time 1997 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
Saharon Shelah
+ On the cofinality of ultrapowers 1996 Andreas Blass
Heike Mildenberger
+ Baire category for monotone sets 1996 Andreas Blass
+ On a problem of H. N. Gupta 1996 Andreas Blass
Victor Pambuccian
+ PDF Chat Baire Category for Monotone Sets 1996 Andreas Blass
+ Propositional connectives and the set theory of the continuum 1996 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Subgroups of the Baer–Specker group with few endomorphisms but large dual 1996 Andreas Blass
Rüdiger Göbel
+ PDF Chat Reductions between cardinal characteristics of the continuum 1996 Andreas Blass
+ On the cofinality of ultrapowers 1996 Andreas Blass
Heike Mildenberger
+ PDF Chat An induction principle and pigeonhole principles for K-finite sets 1995 Andreas Blass
+ Questions and answers: a category arising in linear logic complexity theory, and set theory 1995 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Varieties, Congruences, and Generalized Dowling Lattices 1995 Andreas Blass
+ Some Abelian Groups with Free Duals 1995 Andreas Blass
J. Irwin
G. Schlitt
+ On exponentiation of G-sets 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Cardinal Characteristics and the Product of Countably Many Infinite Cyclic Groups 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Subgroups of the Baer-Specker Group with Few Endomorphisms but Large Dual 1994 Andreas Blass
Rüdiger Göbel
+ Simple Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Seven Trees in One 1994 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Partition Theorems for Spaces of Variable Words 1994 Vitaly Bergelson
Andreas Blass
Neil Hindman
+ PDF Chat On the divisible parts of quotient groups 1994 Andreas Blass
+ An Induction Principle and Pigeonhole Principles for K-Finite Sets 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Subgroups of the Baer-Specker Group with Few Endomorphisms but Large Dual 1994 Andreas Blass
Rüdiger Göbel
+ Seven Trees in One 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Simple Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Baire Category for Monotone Sets 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Reductions Between Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum 1994 Andreas Blass
+ Questions and answers -- a category arising in linear logic, complexity theory, and set theory 1993 Andreas Blass
+ Ultrafilters: Where topological dynamics = algebra = combinatorics 1993 Andreas Blass
+ Is game semantics necessary? 1993 Andreas Blass
+ Questions and answers -- a category arising in linear logic, complexity theory, and set theory 1993 Andreas Blass
+ On the divisible parts of quotient groups 1993 Andreas Blass
+ Cardinal Characteristics and the Product of Countably Many Infinite Cyclic Groups 1992 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Complete topoi representing models of set theory 1992 Andreas Blass
Andre Scedrov
+ Review: W. Hugh Woodin, A. S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, Y. N. Moschavokis, Ad and the Uniqueness of the Supercompact Measures on $P\omega_1 (\lambda)$; W. Hugh Woodin, Some Consistency Results in ZFC using AD; Alexander S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, J. R. Steel, Subsets of $\aleph_1$ Constructible from a Real 1992 Andreas Blass
+ Diverse homogeneous sets 1992 Andreas Blass
P. Erdős
Alan D. Taylor
+ W. Hugh Woodin. AD and the uniqueness of the supercompact measures on Pω<sub>1</sub> (λ). Cabal seminar 79–81, Proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1979–81, edited by A. S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, and Y. N. Moschavokis, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 1019, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc. 1983, pp. 67–71. - W. Hugh Woodin. Some consistency results in ZFC using AD. Cabal seminar 79–81, Proceedings, Caltech-UCLA Logic Seminar 1979–81, edited by A. S. Kechris, D. A. Martin, and Y. N. Moschavokis… 1992 Andreas Blass
+ Cardinal Characteristics and the Product of Countably Many Infinite Cyclic Groups 1992 Andreas Blass
+ Infinitary combinatorics and modal logic 1990 Andreas Blass
+ Marcia J. Groszek. Applications of iterated perfect set forcing. Annals of pure and applied logic, vol. 39 (1988), pp. 19– 53. 1990 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Groupwise density and related cardinals 1990 Andreas Blass
+ Ultrafilters with small generating sets 1989 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Classifying topoi and the axiom of infinity 1989 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Near coherence of filters. III. A simplified consistency proof. 1989 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, East Lansing, Michigan, 1988 1989 Andreas Blass
Jacob Plotkin
+ Consistency results about filters and the number of inequivalent growth types 1989 Andreas Blass
Claude Laflamme
+ Applications of superperfect forcing and its relatives 1989 Andreas Blass
+ Selective ultrafilters and homogeneity 1988 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat On Strongly Summable Ultrafilters and Union Ultrafilters 1987 Andreas Blass
Neil Hindman
+ Near Coherence of Filters. II: Applications to Operator Ideals, the Stone-Cech Remainder of a Half-Line, Order Ideals of Sequences, and Slenderness of Groups 1987 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Near coherence of filters. II. Applications to operator ideals, the Stone-Čech remainder of a half-line, order ideals of sequences, and slenderness of groups 1987 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Prime ideals yield almost maximal ideals 1987 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat On strongly summable ultrafilters and union ultrafilters 1987 Andreas Blass
Neil Hindman
+ PDF Chat There may be simple Pℵ1 and Pℵ2-points and the Rudin-Keisler ordering may be downward directed 1987 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ There may be simple P[aleph]1 and P[aleph]2-points and the Rudin-Keisler ordering may be downward directed 1987 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ Ultrafilters related to Hindman’s finite-unions theorem and its extensions 1987 Andreas Blass
+ Free subgroups of the homeomorphism group of the reals 1986 Andreas Blass
J. M. Kister
+ PDF Chat On the Egoroff Property of Pointwise Convergent Sequences of Functions 1986 Andreas Blass
Thomas Jech
+ PDF Chat Near coherence of filters. I. Cofinal equivalence of models of arithmetic. 1986 Andreas Blass
+ Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Chicago, 1985 1986 Andreas Blass
Louise Hay
Peter G. Hinman
+ PDF Chat Bijective proofs of two broken circuit theorems 1986 Andreas Blass
Bruce E. Sagan
+ PDF Chat On the Egoroff property of pointwise convergent sequences of functions 1986 Andreas Blass
Thomas Jech
+ Exact functors, local connectedness and measurable cardinals 1985 Murray Adelman
Andreas Blass
+ Kleene degrees of ultrafilters 1985 Andreas Blass
+ Small extensions of models of set theory 1984 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Cohomology Detects Failures of the Axiom of Choice 1983 Andreas Blass
+ Equivalence relations, invariants, and normal forms 1983 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ PDF Chat Classifying topoi and finite forcing 1983 Andreas Blass
Andre Scedrov
+ Boolean classifying topoi 1983 Andreas Blass
Andre Scedrov
+ PDF Chat Cohomology detects failures of the axiom of choice 1983 Andreas Blass
+ About books 1982 Donald G. Saari
Alan Weinstein
Keith Kendig
Andreas Blass
William McGowen Priestley
Maynard Thompson
John L. Friedman
+ PDF Chat Equivalence relations, invariants, and normal functions 1982 Andreas Blass
Yuri Gurevich
+ Paley graphs satisfy all first‐order adjacency axioms 1981 Andreas Blass
Geoffrey Exoo
Frank Harary
+ The model of set theory generated by countably many generic reals 1981 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat A Partition Theorem For Perfect Sets 1981 Andreas Blass
+ Some initial segments of the Rudin-Keisler ordering 1981 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Degree Sequences of Infinite Graphs 1981 Andreas Blass
Frank Harary
+ PDF Chat A partition theorem for perfect sets 1981 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Conservative extensions of models of arithmetic 1980 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Injectivity, Projectivity, and the Axiom of Choice 1979 Andreas Blass
+ Properties of almost all graphs and complexes 1979 Andreas Blass
Frank Harary
+ PDF Chat Natural Endomorphisms of Burnside Rings 1979 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Injectivity, projectivity, and the axiom of choice 1979 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat A Characterization and Sum Decomposition for Operator Ideals 1978 Andreas Blass
Gary M. Weiss
+ Graphs with unique maximal clumpings 1978 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Applied nonstandard analysis 1978 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat A characterization and sum decomposition for operator ideals 1978 Andreas Blass
Gary Weiss
+ PDF Chat Corrections to: “Exact functors and measurable cardinals” 1977 Andreas Blass
+ Ramsey's theorem in the hierarchy of choice principles 1977 Andreas Blass
+ Amalgamation of nonstandard models of arithmetic 1977 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat End extensions, conservative extensions, and the Rudin-Frolík ordering 1977 Andreas Blass
+ W. W. Comfort and S. Negrepontis. The theory of ultrafilters. Springer-Verlag, New York, Heidelberg, and Berlin, 1974, X + 484 pp. 1976 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Exact functors and measurable cardinals 1976 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Partial Mielnik spaces and characterization of uniformly convex spaces 1976 Andreas Blass
Č. V. Stanojević
+ PDF Chat A forcing proof of the Kechris-Moschovakis constructibility theorem 1975 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of two strong forms of determinacy 1975 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat A Forcing Proof of the Kechris-Moschovakis Constructibility Theorem 1975 Andreas Blass
+ Cores of Π<sub>1</sub><sup>1</sup> sets of reals 1974 Andreas Blass
Douglas Cenzer
+ An axiomatic approach to rank in model theory 1974 John T. Baldwin
Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat An application of universal algebra in group theory. 1974 Andreas Blass
Peter Neumann
+ On certain types and models for arithmetic 1974 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Ultrafilter Mappings and Their Dedekind Cuts 1974 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Ultrafilter mappings and their Dedekind cuts 1974 Andreas Blass
+ A ‘natural’ theory without a prime model 1973 John T. Baldwin
Andreas Blass
A. M. W. Glass
David W. Kueker
+ The Rudin-Keisler Ordering of P-Points 1973 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Determinateness and continuity 1973 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat The Rudin-Keisler ordering of 𝑃-points 1973 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Weak partition relations 1972 Andreas Blass
+ Theories without countable models 1972 Andreas Blass
+ On the inadequacy of inner models 1972 Andreas Blass
+ The intersection of nonstandard models of arithmetic 1972 Andreas Blass
+ A Note on Idempotents in Banach Algebras 1971 Andreas Blass
Č. V. Stanojević
+ On the Location of Singularities of Analytic Functions 1970 Andreas Blass
Č. V. Stanojević
+ On Certain Classes of Associative Rings 1968 Andreas Blass
Č. V. Stanojević
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ultrafilters on a countable set 1970 David Booth
+ PDF Chat There may be simple Pℵ1 and Pℵ2-points and the Rudin-Keisler ordering may be downward directed 1987 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ Homogeneity problems in the theory of Čech compactifications 1956 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ The shelahP-point independence theorem 1982 Edward L. Wimmers
+ PDF Chat Near coherence of filters. I. Cofinal equivalence of models of arithmetic. 1986 Andreas Blass
+ The Integers and Topology 1984 Eric K. van Douwen
+ Infinite Abelian groups 1970 L. Fuchs
+ On a Problem of Formal Logic 1930 Frank Plumpton Ramsey
+ Martin's axiom implies the existence of certain slender groups 1980 R�diger G�bel
Burkard Wald
+ PDF Chat Near coherence of filters. II. Applications to operator ideals, the Stone-Čech remainder of a half-line, order ideals of sequences, and slenderness of groups 1987 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Partial orders on the types in $\beta N$ 1971 Mary Ellen Rudin
+ A Model of Set-Theory in Which Every Set of Reals is Lebesgue Measurable 1970 Robert M Solovay
+ Finite sums from sequences within cells of a partition of N 1974 Neil Hindman
+ Every analytic set is Ramsey 1970 Jack Silver
+ PDF Chat The Rudin-Keisler ordering of 𝑃-points 1973 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Additivity of measure implies additivity of category 1984 Tomek Bartoszyński
+ The Rudin-Keisler Ordering of P-Points 1973 Andreas Blass
+ Selective ultrafilters and homogeneity 1988 Andreas Blass
+ Happy families 1977 A. R. D. Mathias
+ Applications of superperfect forcing and its relatives 1989 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Additivity of measure implies dominating reals 1984 Arnold W. Miller
+ Consistency results about filters and the number of inequivalent growth types 1989 Andreas Blass
Claude Laflamme
+ Rings of Continuous Functions 1960 Leonard Gillman
Meyer Jerison
+ PDF Chat Function topologies on abelian groups 1963 Stephen U. Chase
+ Some points in β<i>N</i> 1976 Kenneth Kunen
+ The intersection of nonstandard models of arithmetic 1972 Andreas Blass
+ On MacLane's conditions for coherence of natural associativities, commutativities, etc. 1964 G. M. Kelly
+ PDF Chat On the existence of P-points in the Stone-Čech compactification of integers 1976 Jussi Ketonen
+ Amalgamation of nonstandard models of arithmetic 1977 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Ideals of compact operators on Hilbert space. 1971 Arlen Brown
Carl Pearcy
Norberto Salinas
+ PDF Chat On the combinatorial principle P(c) 1981 Murray Bell
+ Every analytic set is Ramsey 1970 Jack Silver
+ PDF Chat Negativity and Contextuality are Equivalent Notions of Nonclassicality 2008 Robert W. Spekkens
+ Rational perfect set forcing 1984 Arnold W. Miller
+ Ultrafilters and Standard Functions in Non-Standard Arithmetic 1971 Christian Puritz
+ PDF Chat Some properties of measure and category 1981 Arnold W. Miller
+ PDF Chat A characterization and sum decomposition for operator ideals 1978 Andreas Blass
Gary Weiss
+ PDF Chat End extensions, conservative extensions, and the Rudin-Frolík ordering 1977 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Controlled-NOT gate for multiparticle qubits and topological quantum computation based on parity measurements 2008 Oded Zilberberg
Bernd Braunecker
Daniel Loss
+ Combinatorial Cardinal Characteristics of the Continuum 2009 Andreas Blass
+ PDF Chat Near coherence of filters. III. A simplified consistency proof. 1989 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Frame representations of quantum mechanics and the necessity of negativity in quasi-probability representations 2008 Christopher Ferrie
Joseph Emerson
+ PDF Chat Necessity of negativity in quantum theory 2010 Christopher Ferrie
Ryan Morris
Joseph Emerson
+ PDF Chat Fault-tolerant quantum computation by anyons 2003 Alexei Kitaev
+ Omitting types in arithmetic and conservative extensions 1974 R. Phillips
+ Linear decision trees 1992 Anders Björner
László Lovász
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao
+ PDF Chat Linear decision trees, subspace arrangements and Möbius functions 1994 Anders Björner
László Lovász
+ Ultrafilters with small generating sets 1989 Andreas Blass
Saharon Shelah
+ Braided Tensor Categories 1993 André Joyal
Ross Street