Jürgen Gärtner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Stable limit laws for the parabolic Anderson model between quenched and annealed behaviour 2015 Jürgen Gärtner
Adrian Schnitzler
+ PDF Chat Quenched Lyapunov Exponent for the Parabolic Anderson Model in a Dynamic Random Environment 2011 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
Grégory Maillard
+ PDF Chat Survival Probability of a Random Walk Among a Poisson System of Moving Traps 2011 Alexander Drewitz
Jürgen Gärtner
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
Rongfeng Sun
+ Stable limit laws for the parabolic Anderson model between quenched and annealed behaviour 2011 Jürgen Gärtner
Adrian Schnitzler
+ PDF Chat Time Correlations for the Parabolic Anderson Model 2011 Jürgen Gärtner
Adrian Schnitzler
+ Quenched Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment 2010 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
Grégory Maillard
+ Time correlations for the parabolic Anderson model 2010 Jürgen Gärtner
Adrian Schnitzler
+ PDF Chat Intermittency on catalysts: Voter model 2010 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
G. Maillard
+ Quenched Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment 2010 Jürgen Gärtner
W.Th.F. den Hollander
G. Maillard
+ Intermittency on catalysts 2009 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
Grégory Maillard
+ PDF Chat Intermittency on catalysts 2009 Jürgen Gärtner
den WThF Frank Hollander
G. Maillard
+ PDF Chat Intermittency on catalysts: three-dimensional simple symmetric exclusion 2009 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
Grégory Maillard
+ A quenched limit theorem for the local time of random walks on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">Z</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2008 Jürgen Gärtner
Rongfeng Sun
+ Intermittency on catalysts : three-dimensional simple symmetric exclusion 2008 Jürgen Gärtner
W.Th.F. den Hollander
G. Maillard
+ PDF Chat Geometric characterization of intermittency in the parabolic Anderson model 2007 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Intermittency on catalysts: symmetric exclusion 2007 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
Grégory Maillard
+ A quenched limit theorem for the local time of random walks on \Z^2 2007 Jürgen Gärtner
Rongfeng Sun
+ PDF Chat Intermittency in a catalytic random medium 2006 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
+ Annealed asymptotics for the parabolic Anderson model with a moving catalyst 2006 Jürgen Gärtner
Markus Heydenreich
+ Long-time fluctuations of weakly interacting diffusions 2006 Donald A. Dawson
Jürgen Gärtner
+ The Parabolic Anderson Model 2005 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
+ Diffusion in an annihilating environment 2005 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
S.A. Molchanov
+ Annealed asymptotics for the parabolic Anderson model with a moving catalyst 2005 Jürgen Gärtner
Markus Heydenreich
+ PDF Chat Almost sure asymptotics for the continuous parabolic Anderson model 2000 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Moment asymptotics for the continuous parabolic Anderson model 2000 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
+ PDF Chat Correlation structure of intermittency in the parabolic Anderson model 1999 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
+ PDF Chat Parabolic problems for the Anderson model 1998 Jürgen Gärtner
Stanislav Molchanov
+ Analytic aspects of multilevel large deviations 1998 Donald A. Dawson
Jürgen Gärtner
+ PDF Chat A Schilder Type Theorem for Super-Brownian Motion 1996 Klaus Fleischmann
Jürgen Gärtner
Ingemar Kaj
+ PDF Chat Multilevel large deviations and interacting diffusions 1994 Donald A. Dawson
Jürgen Gärtner
+ Multilevel Models of Interacting Diffusions and Large Deviations 1992 Donald A. Dawson
Jürgen Gärtner
+ A Central Limit Theorem for the Weakly Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process 1991 Peter Dittrich
Jürgen Gärtner
+ Parabolic problems for the Anderson model 1990 Jürgen Gärtner
Stanislav Molchanov
+ Large deviations, free energy functional and quasi-potential for a mean field model of interacting diffusions 1989 Donald A. Dawson
Jürgen Gärtner
+ On the McKean‐Vlasov Limit for Interacting Diffusions 1988 Jürgen Gärtner
+ Large deviations and long-time behavior of stochastic particle systems 1987 Donald A. Dawson
Jürgen Gärtner
+ Large deviations from the mckean-vlasov limit for weakly interacting diffusions 1987 Donald A. Dawsont
Jürgen Gärtner
+ Convergence towards Burger's equation and propagation of chaos for weakly asymmetric exclusion processes 1987 Jürgen Gärtner
+ Bistable Reaction‐Diffusion Equations and Excitable Media 1983 Jürgen Gärtner
+ Asymptotic Expansion for a System of Reaction‐Diffusion Equations 1983 Jürgen Gärtner
+ Location of Wave Fronts for the Multi‐Dimensional K‐P‐P Equation and Brownian First Exit Densities 1982 Jürgen Gärtner
+ On the Asymptotic Behavior of Some Reaction‐Diffusion Processes 1981 H. Gajewski
Jürgen Gärtner
+ On Large Deviations from the Invariant Measure 1977 Jürgen Gärtner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Parabolic Anderson problem and intermittency 1994 René Carmona
Stanislav Molchanov
+ Parabolic problems for the Anderson model 1990 Jürgen Gärtner
Stanislav Molchanov
+ The Parabolic Anderson Model 2005 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
+ PDF Chat Intermittency in a catalytic random medium 2006 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
+ PDF Chat Parabolic problems for the Anderson model 1998 Jürgen Gärtner
Stanislav Molchanov
+ Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic Anderson model in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="bold">R</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math> 2006 M. Cranston
Thomas Mountford
+ PDF Chat Branching Random Walk with Catalysts 2003 Harry Kesten
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Lectures on random media 1994 Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Intermittency on catalysts: symmetric exclusion 2007 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
Grégory Maillard
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Geometric characterization of intermittency in the parabolic Anderson model 2007 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for the almost sure lyapunov exponent for the solution of the parabolic Anderson problem 2001 René Carmona
Leonid Koralov
Stanislav Molchanov
+ Annealed asymptotics for the parabolic Anderson model with a moving catalyst 2006 Jürgen Gärtner
Markus Heydenreich
+ PDF Chat Correlation structure of intermittency in the parabolic Anderson model 1999 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
+ Principles of random walk 1964 Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat The Universality Classes in the Parabolic Anderson Model 2006 Remco van der Hofstad
Wolfgang König
Peter Mörters
+ Large deviations from the mckean-vlasov limit for weakly interacting diffusions 1987 Donald A. Dawsont
Jürgen Gärtner
+ Intermittency on catalysts 2009 Jürgen Gärtner
Frank den Hollander
Grégory Maillard
+ PDF Chat Long-Time Tails in The Parabolic Anderson Model with Bounded Potential 2001 Marek Biskup
Wolfgang König
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic anderson model with lévy noise 2005 M. Cranston
Thomas Mountford
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Almost sure asymptotics for the continuous parabolic Anderson model 2000 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Moment asymptotics for the continuous parabolic Anderson model 2000 Jürgen Gärtner
Wolfgang König
+ Existence and Uniqueness of the Minimizing Solution of Choquard's Nonlinear Equation 1977 Élliott H. Lieb
+ PDF Chat Stationary parabolic Anderson model and intermittency 1995 Ren� Carmona
Stanislav Molchanov
+ PDF Chat Time Correlations for the Parabolic Anderson Model 2011 Jürgen Gärtner
Adrian Schnitzler
+ Scaling Limits of Interacting Particle Systems 1999 C. Kipnis
Cláudio Landim
+ On Large Deviations from the Invariant Measure 1977 Jürgen Gärtner
+ Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Parabolic Type 1969 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
+ PDF Chat Transition from the annealed to the quenched asymptotics for a random walk on random obstacles 2005 Gérard Ben Arous
Stanislav Molchanov
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
+ PDF Chat Survival Probability of a Random Walk Among a Poisson System of Moving Traps 2011 Alexander Drewitz
Jürgen Gärtner
Alejandro F. Ramı́rez
Rongfeng Sun
+ PDF Chat Ageing in the parabolic Anderson model 2011 Peter Mörters
Marcel Ortgiese
Nadia Sidorova
+ PDF Chat Random perturbations of dynamical systems 1997 Michael Blank
+ PDF Chat Constructive proof of localization in the Anderson tight binding model 1985 Jürg Fröhlich
Fabio Martinelli
Elisabetta Scoppola
Thomas Spencer
+ On the McKean‐Vlasov Limit for Interacting Diffusions 1988 Jürgen Gärtner
+ PDF Chat Enlargement of Obstacles for the Simple Random Walk 1995 Peter Antal
+ PDF Chat Annealed vs quenched critical points for a random walk pinning model 2010 Matthias Birkner
Rongfeng Sun
+ PDF Chat Random Perturbations of Dynamical Systems 1984 Mark Freidlin
Alexander D. Wentzell
+ PDF Chat On the Critical Point of the Random Walk Pinning Model in Dimension d=3 2010 Quentin Berger
Fabio Lucio Toninelli
+ PDF Chat Disorder relevance for the random walk pinning model in dimension 3 2011 Matthias Birkner
Rongfeng Sun
+ PDF Chat A Scaling Limit Theorem for the Parabolic Anderson Model with Exponential Potential 2011 Hubert Lacoin
Peter Mörters
+ PDF Chat Quenched to annealed transition in the parabolic Anderson problem 2006 M. Cranston
Stanislav Molchanov
+ Limit Theorems for Certain Diffusion Processes with Interaction 1984 Hiroshi Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions for the long-time behavior of interacting diffusions 2007 Andreas Greven
Frank den Hollander
+ The statistics of Curie-Weiss models 1978 Richard S. Ellis
Charles M. Newman
+ Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type 1968 O. Ladyženskaja
V. A. Solonnikov
N. Ural’ceva
+ Large Deviations and Applications 2012 S. R. S. Varadhan
+ Parabolic Anderson Model with a Finite Number of Moving Catalysts 2011 Fabienne Castell
Onur Gün
Grégory Maillard
+ PDF Chat A Condition for Weak Disorder for Directed Polymers in Random Environment 2004 Matthias Birkner