Nickolas Heerema


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Higher Derivations and Distinguished Subfields 1988 James K. Deveney
Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat On Derivations Induced by <i>p</i>-Adic Fields 1981 Nickolas Heerema
Terry J. Morrison
+ PDF Chat Maximal Separable Intermediate Fields of Large Codegree 1981 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Higher Derivation Galois Theory of Fields 1981 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Maximal separable intermediate fields of large codegree 1981 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Higher derivation Galois theory of fields 1981 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Modular Field Extensions 1975 Nickolas Heerema
David Tucker
+ PDF Chat Modularity vs. Separability for Field Extensions 1975 H. F. Kreimer
Nickolas Heerema
+ A Galois theory for inertial automorphisms of p-adic fields 1975 Nickolas Heerema
James K. Deveney
+ PDF Chat Modular field extensions 1975 Nickolas Heerema
David Tucker
+ The Derivation and Automorphism Ramification Series of Complete Idealadic Rings 1975 Nickolas Heerema
+ Fields of Constants of Integral Derivations on a p-Adic Field 1974 Henry W. Thwing
Nickolas Heerema
+ Galois Theory for Fields K/k Finitely Generated 1974 Nickolas Heerema
James K. Deveney
+ PDF Chat Fields of constants of integral derivations on a $p$-adic field 1974 Henry W. Thwing
Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Galois theory for fields 𝐾/𝑘 finitely generated 1974 Nickolas Heerema
James K. Deveney
+ PDF Chat A Galois Theory for Inseparable Field Extensions 1971 Nickolas Heerema
+ Exponential automorphisms of complete local rings 1971 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat A group of a Lie algebra. 1970 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Higher derivations and automorphisms of complete local rings 1970 Nickolas Heerema
+ Inertial Automorphisms of a Class of Wildly Ramified υ-Rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Convergent Higher Derivations on Local Rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Convergent higher derivations on local rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Inertial automorphisms of a class of wildly ramified 𝑣-rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Inertial Isomorphisms of V-Rings 1967 Nickolas Heerema
+ Equivalence of Tamely Ramified v-Rings 1966 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Equivalence of tamely ramified 𝑣-rings 1966 Nickolas Heerema
+ Derivations and Automorphisms of Complete Regular Local Rings 1966 Nickolas Heerema
+ Embeddings of a p-Adic Field and Its Residue Field in Their Power Series Rings 1963 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of a 𝑝-adic field and its residue field in their power series rings 1963 Nickolas Heerema
+ Derivations on p-Adic Fields 1962 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Derivations on 𝑝-adic fields 1962 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Derivations and embeddings of a field in its power series ring. II. 1961 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Derivations and Embeddings of a Field in Its Power Series Ring 1960 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Derivations and embeddings of a field in its power series ring 1960 Nickolas Heerema
+ On Ramified Complete Discrete Valuation Rings 1959 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat On ramified complete discrete valuation rings 1959 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Sums of normal endomorphisms 1957 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Sums of Normal Endomorphisms 1957 Nickolas Heerema
+ An algebra determined by a binary cubic form 1954 Nickolas Heerema
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Lectures in Abstract Algebra 1964 Nathan Jacobson
+ PDF Chat Derivations on 𝑝̄-adic fields 1965 J. Neggers
+ Subfields and Automorphism Groups of p-Adic Fields 1939 Saunders MacLane
+ Derivations on p-Adic Fields 1962 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Convergent higher derivations on local rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Derivations on 𝑝-adic fields 1962 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat On the Galois theory of purely inseparable field extensions 1970 Murray Gerstenhaber
Avigdor Zaromp
+ PDF Chat Derivations and Embeddings of a Field in Its Power Series Ring 1960 Nickolas Heerema
+ Lectures in Abstract Algebra: Vol. III, Theory of Fields and Galois Theory 1966 Walter Ledermann
Nathan Jacobson
+ PDF Chat Derivations and embeddings of a field in its power series ring. II. 1961 Nickolas Heerema
+ Derivations on $\overline p$-Adic Fields 1965 J. Neggers
+ PDF Chat Derivations and embeddings of a field in its power series ring 1960 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Purely inseparable extensions and higher derivations 1965 Morris Weisfeld
+ PDF Chat On the structure and ideal theory of complete local rings 1946 Ismael Cohen
+ PDF Chat A Galois theory for a class of purely inseparable exponent two field extensions 1969 Rachel Davis
+ PDF Chat On ramified complete discrete valuation rings 1959 Nickolas Heerema
+ Galois Theory for Fields K/k Finitely Generated 1974 Nickolas Heerema
James K. Deveney
+ PDF Chat Convergent Higher Derivations on Local Rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat On the Structure and Ideal Theory of Complete Local Rings 1946 I. S. Cohen
+ Noch eine Begründung der Theorie der höheren Differentialquotienten in einem algebraischen Funktionenkörper einer Unbestimmten. (Nach einer brieflichen Mitteilung von F.K. Schmidt in Jena). 1937 Friedrich Schmidt
Helmut Hasse
+ PDF Chat Galois theory for fields 𝐾/𝑘 finitely generated 1974 Nickolas Heerema
James K. Deveney
+ On the Deformation of Rings and Algebras 1964 Murray Gerstenhaber
+ Exponential automorphisms of complete local rings 1971 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Inertial automorphisms of a class of wildly ramified 𝑣-rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ Derivations and Automorphisms of Complete Regular Local Rings 1966 Nickolas Heerema
+ On Ramified Complete Discrete Valuation Rings 1959 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Iterative higher derivations in fields of prime characteristic. 1968 Fredric Zerla
+ Algebraische Theorie der differentiierbaren Funktionenkörper I. 1927 Reinhold Baer
+ Relatively separated transcendental field extensions 1973 John N. Mordeson
Bernard Vinograde
+ PDF Chat On inseparable Galois theory 1971 Stephen U. Chase
+ PDF Chat The structure of inseparable field extensions 1975 William C. Waterhouse
+ PDF Chat Higher derivations and automorphisms of complete local rings 1970 Nickolas Heerema
+ PDF Chat $p$th powers of distinguished subfields 1976 Nicholas Heerema
+ PDF Chat Pure Subfields of Purely Inseparable Field Extensions 1976 James K. Deveney
+ PDF Chat Subfields and Invariants of Inseparable Field Extensions 1977 James K. Deveney
John N. Mordeson
+ Galois Theory of Purely Inseparable Fields of Exponent One 1944 Nathan Jacobson
+ PDF Chat Modularity vs. Separability for Field Extensions 1975 H. F. Kreimer
Nickolas Heerema
+ Lectures in Abstract Algebra : vol. III, Theory of Fields and Galois Theory. By N. Jacobson. Pp. xi, 323. 76s. (Van Nostrand) 1966 Walter Ledermann
+ PDF Chat Modular Field Extensions 1975 Nickolas Heerema
David Tucker
+ Embeddings of a p-Adic Field and Its Residue Field in Their Power Series Rings 1963 Nickolas Heerema
+ An Intermediate Theory for a Purely Inseparable Galois Theory 1974 James K. Deveney
+ PDF Chat Fields of constants of integral derivations on a $p$-adic field 1974 Henry W. Thwing
Nickolas Heerema
+ The Theory of Fields and Galois Theory 2021 D. J. H. Garling
+ Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions 1967 Emil Artin
+ Commutative Algebra Vol I. 1959 Donald A. Norton
Oscar Zariski
Samuel Pierre
+ PDF Chat Modular field extensions 1975 Nickolas Heerema
David Tucker
+ Theorie der höheren Differentiale in einem algebraischen Funktionenkörper mit vollkommenem Konstantenkörper bei beliebiger Charakteristik. 1936 Helmut Hasse
+ Inertial Automorphisms of a Class of Wildly Ramified υ-Rings 1968 Nickolas Heerema
+ On modular field extensions 1968 Murray Gerstenhaber
+ Strongly convergent derivation automorphisms on a class of wildly ramified υ-rings 1971 Martin N. Heinzer