Lucian Coroianu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The approximation capabilities of Durrmeyer-type neural network operators 2024 Lucian Coroianu
Danilo Costarellı
Mariarosaria Natale
Alexandra PantiƟ
+ Bernstein inequalities for quaternionic polynomials in the setting of generalized polynomials 2024 Lucian Coroianu
+ Wasserstein distance for OWA operators 2024 IstvĂĄn Harmati
Lucian Coroianu
Robert C. Fuller
+ Neural network operators of generalized fractional integrals equipped with a vector-valued function 2023 Uğur Kadak
Danilo Costarellı
Lucian Coroianu
+ Integrating multivariate fuzzy neural networks into fuzzy inference system for enhanced decision making 2023 Uğur Kadak
Lucian Coroianu
+ Quantitative Estimates for Neural Network Operators Implied by the Asymptotic Behaviour of the Sigmoidal Activation Functions 2022 Lucian Coroianu
Danilo Costarellı
Uğur Kadak
+ Uniform convergence for sequences of best L p approximation. 2021 Donatella Bongiorno
Lucian Coroianu
+ PDF Chat New approximation properties of the Bernstein max-min operators and Bernstein max-product operators 2021 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ On the inequalities of Turán, Bernstein and ErdƑs–Lax in quaternionic setting 2021 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Connections between the Approximation Orders of Positive Linear Operators and Their Max-Product Counterparts 2021 Lucian Coroianu
Danilo Costarellı
Sorin G. Gal
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Approximation by Max-Product Operators of Kantorovich Type 2021 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Uniform convergence for sequences of best L^{p} approximation 2021 Donatella Bongiorno
Lucian Coroianu
+ Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers using quadratic programs 2020 Lucian Coroianu
+ PDF Chat Approximation by multivariate max-product Kantorovich-type operators and learning rates of least-squares regularized regression 2020 Lucian Coroianu
Danilo Costarellı
Sorin G. Gal
Gianluca Vinti
+ Approximation by max-product sampling Kantorovich operators with generalized kernels 2019 Lucian Coroianu
Danilo Costarellı
Sorin G. Gal
Gianluca Vıntı
+ PDF Chat Approximation by max-product operators of Kantorovich type 2019 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ The max-product generalized sampling operators: convergence and quantitative estimates 2019 Lucian Coroianu
Danilo Costarellı
Sorin G. Gal
Gianluca Vıntı
+ PDF Chat Piecewise linear approximation of fuzzy numbers: algorithms, arithmetic operations and stability of characteristics 2019 Lucian Coroianu
Marek Ga̧golewski
PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Penalty-Based Data Aggregation in Real Normed Vector Spaces 2019 Lucian Coroianu
Marek Ga̧golewski
+ Properties of fuzzy transform obtained from L minimization and a connection with Zadeh’s extension principle 2018 Lucian Coroianu
Luciano Stefanini
+ Approximation by truncated max‐product operators of Kantorovich‐type based on generalized (<i>ϕ</i>,<i>ψ</i>)‐kernels 2018 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Explicit analytical formulae of ranking indices without the requirement of multiplicative compatibility 2018 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Nguyen type theorem for extension principle based on a joint possibility distribution 2018 Lucian Coroianu
Robert C. Fuller
+ PDF Chat $L^p$-approximation by truncated max-product sampling operators of Kantorovich-type based on Fejér kernel 2017 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Feller’s Scheme in Approximation by Nonlinear Possibilistic Integral Operators 2017 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
Bogdan D. Opris
Sorin Trifa
+ Characterization of the level sets for interactive additions 2016 Lucian Coroianu
Robert C. Fuller
+ Best Lipschitz Constants of Solutions of Quadratic Programs 2016 Lucian Coroianu
+ PDF Chat Localization results for the non-truncated max-product sampling operators based on Fejér and sinc-type kernels 2016 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Max-Product Type Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximations by Max-Product Sampling Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Max-Product Bernstein Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Max-Product Meyer–König and Zeller Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Max-Product Favard–Szász–Mirakjan Operators 2016 Barnabás Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Possibilistic Approaches of the Max-Product Type Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Max-Product Interpolation Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Global Smoothness Preservation Properties 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Max-Product Bleimann–Butzer–Hahn Operators 2016 Barnabás Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Max-Product Baskakov Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Introduction and Preliminaries 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ On the convergence of max-product type operators 2015 Lucian Coroianu
+ Symmetric triangular approximations of fuzzy numbers under a general condition and properties 2015 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Ranking of L-R fuzzy numbers 2015 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ A note on fuzzy-transform approximation of fuzzy numbers 2015 Lucian Coroianu
Luciano Stefanini
+ Existence, uniqueness, calculus and properties of triangular approximations of fuzzy numbers under a general condition 2015 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Conditioned weighted L–R approximations of fuzzy numbers 2015 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
A. Khastan
+ General approximation of fuzzy numbers by F-transform 2015 Lucian Coroianu
Luciano Stefanini
+ Fuzzy Numbers : Approximations, Ranking and Applications 2015 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality of the interactive and non-interactive sums of two fuzzy numbers 2014 Lucian Coroianu
+ Saturation and inverse results for the Bernstein max-product operator 2014 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Simplifying the Search for Effective Ranking of Fuzzy Numbers 2014 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Localization results for the Bernstein max-product operator 2014 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Piecewise Linear Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers Preserving the Support and Core 2014 Lucian Coroianu
Marek Ga̧golewski
PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
M. Adabitabar Firozja
Tahereh Houlari
+ Characterization of the Ranking Indices of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers 2014 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ On additivity of the weighted possibilistic mean operator 2013 Lucian Coroianu
Robert C. Fuller
+ On multiplication of interactive fuzzy numbers 2013 Lucian Coroianu
Robert C. Fuller
+ PDF Chat Localization results for the Lagrange max-product interpolation operator based on equidistant knots 2013 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Existence, uniqueness and continuity of trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers under a general condition 2013 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Localization Results for the Meyer-König and Zeller Max-Product Operator 2013 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation of fuzzy numbers by max-product Bernstein operators 2013 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
BarnabĂĄs Bede
+ Nearest piecewise linear approximation of fuzzy numbers 2013 Lucian Coroianu
Marek Ga̧golewski
PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ A fixed-shape fuzzy median of a fuzzy sample 2013 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Nearest interval, triangular and trapezoidal approximation of a fuzzy number preserving ambiguity 2012 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Lipschitz functions and fuzzy number approximations 2012 Lucian Coroianu
+ Metric Properties of the Extended Weighted Semi-trapezoidal Approximations of Fuzzy Numbers and Their Applications 2012 Adrian I. Ban
Alexandru A. Bica
Lucian Coroianu
+ Weighted Semi-trapezoidal Approximation of a Fuzzy Number Preserving the Weighted Ambiguity 2012 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ PDF Chat Saturation Results for the Truncated Max-Product Sampling Operators Based on Sinc and Fejér-Type Kernels 2012 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ PDF Chat Saturation results for the Lagrange max-product interpolation operator based on equidistant knots 2012 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
Lucian Coroianu
+ Discontinuity of the trapezoidal fuzzy number-valued operators preserving core 2011 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ PDF Chat Approximation by Max-Product Sampling Operators Based on Sinc-Type Kernels 2011 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
Sorin G. Gal
+ PDF Chat Approximation by truncated Favard–Szász–Mirakjan operator of max-product kind 2011 Barnabás Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Trapezoidal approximation and aggregation 2011 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Approximations of fuzzy numbers by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers preserving the ambiguity and value 2011 Adrian I. Ban
Adriana BrñndaƟ
Lucian Coroianu
C. NegruĆŁiu
O. Nica
+ Translation invariance and scale invariance of approximations of fuzzy numbers 2011 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Approximation of fuzzy numbers by nonlinear Bernstein operators of max-product kind 2011 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
BarnabĂĄs Bede
+ Approximation and shape preserving properties of the truncated Baskakov operator of max-product kind 2011 BernabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Metric properties of the nearest extended parametric fuzzy number and applications 2010 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Best Lipschitz constant of the trapezoidal approximation operator preserving the expected interval 2010 Lucian Coroianu
+ Approximation and Shape Preserving Properties of the Nonlinear Meyer–König and Zeller Operator of Max-Product Kind 2010 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ PDF Chat Approximation by nonlinear Hermite-Fejer interpolation operators of max-product kind on Chebyshev nodes 2010 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ PDF Chat Approximation and shape preserving properties of the nonlinear Favardsza-SzĂĄsz-Mirakjan operator of max-product kind 2010 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation and shape preserving properties of the nonlinear Bleimann-Butzer-Hahn operators of max-product kind 2010 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Nonlinear Generalized Sampling Operators of Max-Product Kind 2010 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ PDF Chat Approximation and Shape Preserving Properties of the Bernstein Operator of Max‐Product Kind 2009 Barnabás Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Continuity and additivity of the trapezoidal approximation preserving the expected interval operator 2009 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Approximation and Shape Preserving Properties of the Bernstein Operator of Max‐Product Kind 2009 Barnabás Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Metrics and orders in space of fuzzy numbers 1998 PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers 2005 PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
Edyta MrĂłwka
+ Approximation of fuzzy numbers by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers preserving the expected interval 2007 Adrian I. Ban
+ Trapezoidal and triangular approximations preserving the expected interval 2007 Chi-Tsuen Yeh
+ Weighted trapezoidal and triangular approximations of fuzzy numbers 2009 Chi-Tsuen Yeh
+ On a canonical representation of fuzzy numbers 1998 Miguel Delgado
M.A. Vila
William Voxman
+ The mean value of a fuzzy number 1987 Didier Dubois
Henri Prade
+ The expected value of a fuzzy number 1992 StanisƂaw Heilpern
+ On the nearest parametric approximation of a fuzzy number 2007 Efendi Nasıbov
Sinem Peker
+ On improving trapezoidal and triangular approximations of fuzzy numbers 2007 Chi-Tsuen Yeh
+ Approximations of fuzzy numbers by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers preserving the ambiguity and value 2011 Adrian I. Ban
Adriana BrñndaƟ
Lucian Coroianu
C. NegruĆŁiu
O. Nica
+ Weighted triangular approximation of fuzzy numbers 2006 Wenyi Zeng
Hongxing Li
+ A note on trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers 2006 Chi-Tsuen Yeh
+ Weighted semi-trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers 2010 Chi-Tsuen Yeh
+ On the nearest parametric approximation of a fuzzy number—Revisited 2009 Adrian I. Ban
+ Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers—revisited 2006 PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
Edyta MrĂłwka
+ Trapezoidal approximations of fuzzy numbers preserving the expected interval—Algorithms and properties 2007 PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Nearest interval approximation of a fuzzy number 2002 PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ On the interval approximation of a fuzzy number 2001 Stefan Chanas
Sorin G. Gal
+ Best Lipschitz constant of the trapezoidal approximation operator preserving the expected interval 2010 Lucian Coroianu
+ Weighted trapezoidal approximation-preserving cores of a fuzzy number 2010 S. Abbasbandy
Tayebeh Hajjari
+ Max-Product Shepard Approximation Operators 2006 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Hajime Nobuhara
JĂĄnos Fodor
Kaoru Hirota
+ Triangular and parametric approximations of fuzzy numbers—inadvertences and corrections 2009 Adrian I. Ban
+ The nearest trapezoidal form of a generalized left right fuzzy number 2006 S. Abbasbandy
Majid Amirfakhrian
+ The nearest approximation of a fuzzy quantity in parametric form 2005 S. Abbasbandy
Majid Amirfakhrian
+ Metric properties of the nearest extended parametric fuzzy number and applications 2010 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ Nearest piecewise linear approximation of fuzzy numbers 2013 Lucian Coroianu
Marek Ga̧golewski
PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Metric spaces of fuzzy sets 1990 Phil Diamond
Peter E. Kloeden
+ The nearest trapezoidal fuzzy number to a fuzzy quantity 2003 S. Abbasbandy
B. Asady
+ Approximation and Shape Preserving Properties of the Nonlinear Meyer–König and Zeller Operator of Max-Product Kind 2010 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Approximation by Nonlinear Generalized Sampling Operators of Max-Product Kind 2010 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ PDF Chat Approximation by Max-Product Sampling Operators Based on Sinc-Type Kernels 2011 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ Algorithms for Trapezoidal Approximations of Fuzzy Numbers Preserving the Expected Interval 2010 PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
+ Lipschitz functions and fuzzy number approximations 2012 Lucian Coroianu
+ Note on “Trapezoidal approximation of fuzzy numbers” 2006 Tofigh Allahviranloo
M. Adabitabar Firozja
+ PDF Chat Approximation by pseudo-linear operators 2007 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Hajime Nobuhara
Martina Daƈkovå
Antonio Di Nola
+ Nearest interval, triangular and trapezoidal approximation of a fuzzy number preserving ambiguity 2012 Adrian I. Ban
Lucian Coroianu
+ Remarks and corrections to the triangular approximations of fuzzy numbers using α-weighted valuations 2010 Adrian I. Ban
+ Median value and median interval of a fuzzy number 2004 SlĂĄvka BodjanovĂĄ
+ Real and complex analysis, 3rd ed. 1987 Walter Rudin
+ PDF Chat Operations on fuzzy numbers 1978 Didier Dubois
Henri Prade
+ Localization results for the Bernstein max-product operator 2014 Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ The Shannon Sampling Series and the Reconstruction of Signals in Terms of Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Splines 1986 P. L. Butzer
W. Engels
Sigmar Ries
R. L. Stens
+ Bi-symmetrically Weighted Trapezoidal Approximations of Fuzzy Numbers 2009 PrzemysƂaw Grzegorzewski
Karolina Pasternak-Winiarska
+ Approximation error of the Whittaker cardinal series in terms of an averaged modulus of smoothness covering discontinuous signals 2005 Carlo Bardaro
P. L. Butzer
R. L. Stens
Gianluca Vıntı
+ Approximation by Max-Product Type Operators 2016 BarnabĂĄs Bede
Lucian Coroianu
Sorin G. Gal
+ A new approach for ranking of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers 2008 S. Abbasbandy
Tayebeh Hajjari