A. P. Kopylov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Unique determination of conformal type for domains. III 2021 A. P. Kopylov
+ Unique Determination of 3-Connected Plane Domains by Relative Conformal Moduli of Pairs of Boundary Components 2018 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat Problems of unique determination of domains by the relative metrics on their boundaries 2017 A. P. Kopylov
+ On unique determination of conformal type for domains in Euclidean spaces 2017 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: “On unique determination of 3-connected plane domains by relative conformal moduli of pairs of boundary components” 2016 A. P. Kopylov
+ Rigidity Conditions for the Boundaries of Submanifolds in a Riemannian Manifold 2016 A. P. Kopylov
Mikhail V. Korobkov
+ Problems of unique determination of domains by the relative metrics on their boundaries 2016 A. P. Kopylov
+ On unique determination of 3-connected plane domains by relative conformal moduli of pairs of boundary components 2016 A. P. Kopylov
+ Problems of unique determination of domains by the relative metrics on their boundaries 2016 A. P. Kopylov
+ On the Unique Determination of Domains by the Condition of the Local Isometry of the Boundaries in the Relative Metrics 2015 A. P. Kopylov
+ Unique Determination of Polyhedral Domains in $\mathbb R^n$ ($n \ge 4$) and $p$-Moduli of Path Families 2014 A. P. Kopylov
+ Rigidity Conditions for the Boundaries of Submanifolds in a Riemannian Manifold 2014 A. P. Kopylov
Mikhail V. Korobkov
+ Rigidity Conditions for the Boundaries of Submanifolds in a Riemannian Manifold 2014 A. P. Kopylov
Mikhail V. Korobkov
+ Unique Determination of Polyhedral Domains in $\mathbb R^n$ ($n \ge 4$) and $p$-Moduli of Path Families 2014 A. P. Kopylov
+ On Properties of the Intrinsic Geometry of Submanifolds in a Riemannian Manifold 2013 A. P. Kopylov
Mikhail V. Korobkov
+ Unique determination of convex polyhedral domains in three-dimensional Euclidean space by relative conformal moduli of boundary condensers 2011 A. P. Kopylov
+ Uniqueness of polyhedral domains and p-moduli of path families 2011 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat “Unique Determination of Domains by the Condition of Local Isometry of Boundaries in the Relative Metrics” 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat Unique determination of domains by the condition of local isometry of boundaries in the relative metrics 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat On unique determination of domains in Euclidean spaces 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ Unique determination of domains 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat A rigidity condition for the boundary of a submanifold in a Riemannian manifold 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ Unique determination of convex polyhedral domains by relative conformal moduli of boundary condensers 2006 A. P. Kopylov
+ Properties of the Mappings That Are Close to the Harmonic Mappings. II 2004 A. P. Kopylov
+ None 2003 A. P. Kopylov
Mikhail V. Korobkov
S. P. Ponomarëv
+ None 2003 A. P. Kopylov
+ None 2002 A. P. Kopylov
+ On regularity of solutions to systems of partial differential equations which are locally close to elliptic systems of linear equations with constant coefficients. I 1999 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability in the C l-norm of classes of solutions to systems of linear partial differential equations of elliptic type 1999 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability in theC 1-norm of sheaves of solutions to elliptic systems of second-order linear partial differential equations 1998 A. P. Kopylov
+ Properties of the mappings that are close to the harmonic mappings 1998 A. P. Kopylov
+ On stability in theC-norm of classes of harmonic mappings 1998 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability in theC 1-norm of classes of harmonic mappings 1998 A. P. Kopylov
+ On stability of classes of conformal mappings. III 1997 A. P. Kopylov
+ On stability of classes of conformal mappings. II 1997 A. P. Kopylov
+ On stability of classes of conformal mappings. I 1995 A. P. Kopylov
+ ?-Stability of classer of mappings and systems of linear partial differential equations 1985 N. S. Dairbekov
A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability of classes of multidimensional holomorphic mappings. III. Properties of mappings that are close to holomorphic mappings 1984 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability of isometric mappings 1984 A. P. Kopylov
+ Boundary values of the mappings of the semispace, close to conformal ones 1984 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability of classes of higher-dimensional holomorphic maps. II. Stability of classes of holomorphic maps 1983 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability of classes of higher-dimensional holomorphic maps. 1. The stability concept. Liouville's theorem 1982 A. P. Kopylov
+ On boundary values of quasiconformal mappings in space 1979 С. К. Водопьянов
Vladimir Mikhailovich Gol'dstein
A. P. Kopylov
+ Mappings of families of cones 1977 A. D. Aleksandrov
A. P. Kopylov
A. V. Kuz′minykh
A. V. Shaidenko
+ The approximation of three-dimensional, nearly conformal quasiconformal mappings by smooth quasiconformal mappings 1972 A. P. Kopylov
+ The degree of smoothness of the boundary of a region homeomorphic to a ball without being the quasiconformal image of a ball 1971 A. P. Kopylov
+ Removability of certain sets in the class of three-dimensional quasiconformal mappings 1970 A. P. Kopylov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Extrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces 1973 А. В. Погорелов
+ PDF Chat Lectures on n-Dimensional Quasiconformal Mappings 1971 Jussi Väısälä
+ Stability Theorems in Geometry and Analysis 1994 Yu. G. Reshetnyak
+ Generalized Analytic Functions 2006 I. Vekua
+ PDF Chat Rings and quasiconformal mappings in space 1962 F. W. Gehring
+ Stability theorems in geometry and analysis 1994 Юрий Григорьевич Решетняк
+ Stability of classes of higher-dimensional holomorphic maps. 1. The stability concept. Liouville's theorem 1982 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat Extremal length and functional completion 1957 Bent Fuglede
+ A criterion for the unique determination of domains in Euclidean spaces by the metrics of their boundaries induced by the intrinsic metrics of the domains 2010 Mikhail V. Korobkov
+ PDF Chat The coefficients of quasiconformality of domains in space 1965 F. W. Gehring
Jussi Väısälä
+ PDF Chat On the existence of certain singular integrals 1952 A. P. Calderón
A. Zygmund
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ On isometry of polygonal domains with boundaries locally isometric in relative metrics 1992 Marina Borovikova
+ Unique determination of domains 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability in theC 1-norm of classes of harmonic mappings 1998 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Mori and the definition of quasiconformality 1957 Lipman Bers
+ PDF Chat A rigidity condition for the boundary of a submanifold in a Riemannian manifold 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ On stability of classes of conformal mappings. III 1997 A. P. Kopylov
+ Stability in Liouville's theorem on conformal mappings of a space for domains with nonsmooth boundary 1976 Yu. G. Reshetnyak
+ Unique determination of convex polyhedral domains by relative conformal moduli of boundary condensers 2006 A. P. Kopylov
+ Uniqueness of polyhedral domains and p-moduli of path families 2011 A. P. Kopylov
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariants and function-theoretic null-sets 1950 Lars V. Ahlfors
Arne Beurling
+ Geometric Integration Theory 1957 Hassler Whitney
+ Stability in the C l-norm of classes of solutions to systems of linear partial differential equations of elliptic type 1999 A. P. Kopylov
+ Remarks on the integrability of the derivatives of quasiconformal mappings 1966 Olli Lehto
+ Stability estimates in Liouville's theorem and the Lp-integrability of the derivatives of quasi-conformal mappings 1977 Yu. G. Reshetnyak
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Necessary and sufficient conditions for the unique determination of plane domains 2007 Mikhail V. Korobkov
+ Complex-analytic manifolds 2006 4
+ PDF Chat “Unique Determination of Domains by the Condition of Local Isometry of Boundaries in the Relative Metrics” 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ Isometry of domains inR n and relative isometry of their boundaries 1985 В. А. Александров
+ PDF Chat On unique determination of domains in Euclidean spaces 2008 A. P. Kopylov
+ Space mappings with bounded distortion 1967 Yu. G. Reshetnyak
+ VI. On a Generalization of Quasi-Conformal Mappings and its Application to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 1955 Louis Nirenberg
+ On regularity of solutions to systems of partial differential equations which are locally close to elliptic systems of linear equations with constant coefficients. I 1999 A. P. Kopylov
+ Quasiregular mappings of severaln-dimensional variables 1993 N. S. Dairbekov
+ Stability of classes of quasiregular mappings in several spatial variables 1995 N. S. Dairbekov
+ <i>ACL</i> and differentiability of the open discrete ring mappings 2009 Ruslan Salimov
Evgeny Sevost’yanov
+ Moduli in Modern Mapping Theory 2008 Олли Мартио
Vladimir Ryazanov
Uri Srebro
Eduard Yakubov
+ Multidimensional Singular Integrals and Integral Equations 1965 Solomon G. Mikhlin
Marvin M. Stark
I. N. Sneddon
Stanislaw M. Ulam
+ 15 Introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable 2022 Vemuri Balakotaiah
Ram R. Ratnakar
+ PDF Chat The Väisälä inequality for mappings with finite length distortion 2009 Evgeny Sevost’yanov
+ Coefficient of injectivity for quasiregular mappings 1976 Jukka Sarvas
+ The Poletskii and Väisälä inequalities for the mappings with (<i>p</i>, <i>q</i>)-distortion 2012 Ruslan Salimov
Evgeny Sevost’yanov
+ On functions of bounded mean oscillation 1961 Franklin John
Louis Nirenberg
+ <i>Introduction to the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable</i> 1954 W. J. Thron
Milton Abramowitz
+ Rigidity Conditions for the Boundaries of Submanifolds in a Riemannian Manifold 2014 A. P. Kopylov
Mikhail V. Korobkov
+ A function‐theoretic approach to elliptic systems of equations in two variables 1953 Avron Douglis
+ Quasiextremal distance domains and extension of quasiconformal mappings 1985 F. W. Gehring
Олли Мартио
+ PDF Chat Quasiisometry from different points of view 2014 Anatoly Golberg