Hans Dieter Dahmen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Lösung der Schrödinger-Gleichung in drei Dimensionen 2015 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Lösung der Schrödinger-Gleichung in einer Dimension 2015 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Quantilbewegung in einer Dimension 2015 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Solution of the Schrödinger Equation in Three Dimensions 2012 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Solution of the Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension 2012 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ PDF Chat Multi-channel Bethe-Salpeter equation 2000 J. Boguszynski
Hans Dieter Dahmen
R. Kretschmer
L. Łukaszuk
+ PDF Chat Quantile motion of electromagnetic waves in wave guides of varying cross section and dispersive media 1998 Hans Dieter Dahmen
Erion Gjonaj
Tilo Stroh
+ PDF Chat Quantile motion and tunneling 1998 S. Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
Erion Gjonaj
Tilo Stroh
+ PDF Chat Quantile motion of electromagnetic waves in wave guides of varying cross section and dispersive media 1998 Hans Dieter Dahmen
Erion Gjonaj
Tilo Stroh
+ Grand Unified Theories in Superstrings in the Free World-Sheet Fermion Formulation 1997 Hans Dieter Dahmen
А. А. Масликов
I. A. Naumov
Tilo Stroh
G.G. Volkov
+ Collinear Asymptotic Dynamics for Massive Particles. Multi-Channel Regge Behaviour 1997 J. Boguszynski
Hans Dieter Dahmen
R. Kretschmer
L. Łukaszuk
+ PDF Chat Topological Yang-Mills theory with two fermionic charges. A superfield approach on Kähler manifolds 1996 Hans Dieter Dahmen
S. Mârculescu
Thomas Portmann
+ WOPPER, Version 1.5: A Monte Carlo Event Generator for e+e- to (W+W-) to 4f + n gamma at LEP2 and beyond 1996 Harald Anlauf
P. Manakos
Thorsten Ohl
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ UNIBAB, Version 2.2: Monte Carlo Event Generation for Large Angle Bhabha Scattering at LEP and SLC Energies 1995 Harald Anlauf
Hans Dieter Dahmen
P. Manakos
Thorsten Ohl
+ Solution of the Schrödinger Equation in Three Dimensions 1995 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ WOPPER, Version 1.3: A Monte Carlo Event Generator for e+ e- -> W+ W- -> 4f + n gamma at LEP2 and beyond 1995 Harald Anlauf
Hans Dieter Dahmen
A. Himmler
P. Manakos
Thorsten Ohl
Thomas Mannel
+ PDF Chat WOPPER, Version 1.1: A Monte Carlo event generator for four Fermion production at LEP-II and beyond 1994 Harald Anlauf
Hans Dieter Dahmen
A. Himmler
P. Manakos
Thomas Mannel
Thorsten Ohl
+ PDF Chat WOPPER: a Monte Carlo event generator for W off-shell pair production including higher order electromagnetic radiative corrections 1994 Harald Anlauf
Jochen Biebel
A. Himmler
P. Manakos
Thomas Mannel
W. Schönau
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Collinear Asymptotic Dynamics for Massive Particles. Reggeization and Eikonalization 1994 J. Boguszynski
Hans Dieter Dahmen
R. Kretschmer
L. Łukaszuk
L. Szymanowski pages in Latex
Si Si
+ Radiative Corrections to $W$ Pair Production at High Energies 1993 Harald Anlauf
Hans Dieter Dahmen
A. Himmler
P. Manakos
Thomas Mannel
+ Unitary approximations in quantum field theory 1989 Hans Dieter Dahmen
Thomas Mannel
Thorsten Ohl
P. Manakos
+ Graph rules for functions of the time-evolution operator 1986 Hans Dieter Dahmen
W. Krzyżanowski
Mary Lu Larsen
+ Relativistische Mechanik 1984 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Elektrostatik in Abwesenheit von Materie 1980 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Transformationen und Bezugssysteme 1977 Siegmund Brandt
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ The method of characteristics for functional-derivative equations 1972 Hans Dieter Dahmen
G. Jona‐Lasinio
Jan Tarski
+ On a covariant formulation of the saturation problem for equal-time commutators 1971 Hans Dieter Dahmen
K. D. Rothe
+ Local approximation to field and current commutators 1971 Hans Dieter Dahmen
K. D. Rothe
Berthold Stech
+ Local Approximation to Field and Current Commutators 1971 Hans Dieter Dahmen
K. D. Rothe
Berthold Stech
+ Convergence properties of the time-dependent perturbation series of a N fermion system 1965 Hans Dieter Dahmen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Geometry of Four-Manifolds 1990 Simon Donaldson
P. B. Kronheimer
+ Algebraic structure of cohomological field theory models and equivariant cohomology 1993 R. Stora
Frank Thuillier
Jean-Christophe Wallet
+ PDF Chat Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory 1994 Nathan Seiberg
Edward Witten
+ → in chiral perturbation theory 1994 Adam F. Falk
Benjaḿın Grinstein
+ The Global color model of QCD for hadronic processes: A Review 1998 Reginald T. Cahill
Susan M. Gunner
+ PDF Chat Non-perturbative chiral approach to S-wave interactions 1998 E. Oset
À. Ramos
+ PDF Chat Superluminal signal velocity 1999 Günter Nimtz
+ 3D-4D interlinkage of B-S amplitudes: unified view of QQ̅ and QQQ dynamics 1999 A. N. Mitra
+ PDF Chat Chiral symmetry amplitudes in the S-wave isoscalar and isovector channels and the σ, f0(980), a0(980) scalar mesons 1997 J. A. Oller
E. Oset
+ Localisation of the Donaldson's invariants along Seiberg-Witten classes 1995 V Ya Pidstrigach
Andrei Tyurin
+ Morphisms between supersymmetric and topological quantum field theories 1990 Roger Brooks
David Kastor
+ PDF Chat Chiral perturbation theory 1995 Gerhard F. Ecker
+ PDF Chat Anomalies in instanton calculus 1995 Damiano Anselmi
+ PDF Chat Chiral dynamics and the low-energy kaon-nucleon interaction 1995 N. Kaiser
P. B. Siegel
W. Weise
+ On the singularities of a generalized Brueckner t-matrix 1959 M. L. Mehta
+ Topological field theory: Zero-modes and renormalization 1990 Stéphane Ouvry
G.E. Thompson
+ PDF Chat The space-time picture of the Wee partons and the AGK cutting rules in perturbative QCD 1997 J. Bartels
M. G. Ryskin
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative Approach to Effective Chiral Lagrangians and Meson Interactions 1998 J. A. Oller
E. Oset
J. R. Peláez
+ PDF Chat BRST model for equivariant cohomology and representatives for the equivariant thom class 1993 Jaap Kalkman
+ PDF Chat Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation for pion-nucleon scattering 1999 A. D. Lahiff
I. R. Afnan
+ PDF Chat Complex Angular Momentum in General Quantum Field Theory 2000 J. Bros
G. A. Viano
+ PDF Chat N=2 topological Yang-Mills theory on compact Kähler surfaces 1994 Jae-Suk Park
+ PDF Chat Bethe-Salpeter approach for meson-meson scattering in chiral perturbation theory 1999 J. Nieves
E. Ruiz Arriola
+ Zum Vielk�rperproblem eines Fermionensystems. I 1960 W. Wild
+ On the Many-Particle Structure of Green's Functions in Quantum Field Theory 1960 K. Symanzik
+ PDF Chat Recurrence relations and asymptotics\\ for four-manifold invariants 1994 P. B. Kronheimer
Tomasz Mrowka
+ N = 2 topological Yang-Mills theories and Donaldson's polynomials 1996 Seungjoon Hyun
Jae Suk Park
+ PDF Chat Holonomy groups, complex structures andD=4 topological Yang-Mills theory 1991 A. Galperin
O. Ogievetsky
+ On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator 1954 Wilhelm Magnus
+ Superspace versions of topological theories 1989 James H. Horne
+ Weil algebra structure and geometrical meaning of BRST transformation in topological quantum field theory 1989 Hiroaki Kanno
+ PDF Chat Three channel model of meson-meson scattering and scalar meson spectroscopy 1997 R. Kamiński
L. Leśniak
B. Loiseau
+ Explicit solution of the continuous Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff problem and a new expression for the phase operator 1969 Iwo Białynicki‐Birula
Bogdan Mielnik
Jerzy Plebański
+ Polynomial invariants for smooth four-manifolds 1990 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat WOPPER: a Monte Carlo event generator for W off-shell pair production including higher order electromagnetic radiative corrections 1994 Harald Anlauf
Jochen Biebel
A. Himmler
P. Manakos
Thomas Mannel
W. Schönau
Hans Dieter Dahmen
+ Dyson-Schwinger equations and their application to hadronic physics 1994 Craig D. Roberts
Anthony G. Williams
+ PDF Chat Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for scalar theories in Minkowski space 1995 K. Kusaka
Anthony G. Williams
+ PDF Chat Scalar mesons and multichannel amplitudes 1999 R. Kamiński
L. Leśniak
B. Loiseau
+ PDF Chat Regge trajectories and quarkonium spectrum from a first principle Salpeter equation 1998 M. Baldicchi
G. M. Prosperi
+ PDF Chat Universality of low-energy scattering in three-dimensional field theory 1999 J. Bros
D. Iagolnitzer
+ PDF Chat Determining the gluonic content of isoscalar mesons 1997 Frank Close
Glennys R. Farrar
Zhenping Li
+ PDF Chat Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for bound states of scalar theories in Minkowski space 1997 K. Kusaka
Ken M. Simpson
Anthony G. Williams
+ PDF Chat Topological field theory and physics 1997 Damiano Anselmi
+ PDF Chat Reaction matrix singularities and the energy gap in an infinite system of Fermions 1960 V. J. Emery
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Yang-Mills theory on compact Kähler manifolds 1994 Jae-Suk Park
+ PDF Chat Understanding the success of nonrelativistic potential models for relativistic quark-antiquark bound states 1998 Gregory Jaczko
Loyal Durand
+ PDF Chat Off-shell W-pair production in e+e−-annihilation. Initial state radiation 1993 D.Y. Bardin
M.S. Bilenky
A. G. Olchevski
T. Riemann
+ PDF Chat The Blowup Formula for Donaldson Invariants 1996 Ronald Fintushel
Ronald J. Stern
+ Notes on Seiberg-Witten Gauge Theory 1995 Matilde Marcolli
+ PDF Chat On the algebraic characterization of witten's topological Yang-Mills theory 1989 Stéphane Ouvry
R. Stora
Pierre van Baal