Wolfgang Tutschke


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Distinguishing Boundary for Monogenic Functions of Clifford Analysis 2014 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Boundary value problems for elliptic equations - real and complex methods in comparison 2013 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Multi-monogenic functions in different dimensions 2011 Wolfgang Tutschke
Le Hung Son
+ General Algebraic Structures of Clifford Type and Cauchy-Pompeiu Formulae for Some Piecewise Constant Structure Relations 2011 Wolfgang Tutschke
Carmen Judith Vanegas
+ A boundary value problem for monogenic functions in parameter-depending Clifford algebras 2010 Wolfgang Tutschke
Carmen Judith Vanegas
+ Some comments on associated operators for potential vector fields 2010 Wolfgang Tutschke
Hung Son Le
+ A new concept of separately holomorphic and separately monogenic functions 2010 Wolfgang Tutschke
Hung Son Le
+ Reduction of boundary value problems to fixed-point problems using real and complex fundamental solutions 2010 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Algebraic structures in partial differential equations related to complex and clifford analysis 2010 Le Hung Son
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Clifford Algebras Depending on Parameters and Their Applications to Partial Differential Equations 2008 Wolfgang Tutschke
Carmen Judith Vanegas
+ Associated spaces - A new tool of real and complex analysis 2008 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Some Topics on Value Distribution and Differentiability in Complex and P-adic Analysis 2008 Alain Escassut
Wolfgang Tutschke
Chung Chun Yang
+ Function Spaces in Complex and Clifford Analysis 2008 Hung Son Le
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Generalized Analytic Functions in Higher Dimensions 2007 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Interior estimates in the sup-norm for generalized monogenic functions satisfying a differential equation with an anti-monogenic right-hand side 2007 Wolfgang Tutschke
Nguyen Thanh Van
+ PDF Chat Solution of a Goursat Problem in Optimal Domains 2007 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Associated Spaces Defined by Ordinary Differential Equations 2006 Le Thu Hoai
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Conservation laws in co-associated spaces 2006 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Complex analysis within the framework of analytical methods for partial differential equations 2006 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Optimal balls for the application of the Schauder Fixed-Point Theorem 2005 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Complex methods in higher dimensions – recent trends for solving boundary value and initial value problems 2005 Le Hung Son
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ The Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem —Old and new 2005 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ An introduction to complex analysis: classical and modern approaches 2005 Wolfgang Tutschke
Harkrishan Lal Vasudeva
+ An Introduction to Complex Analysis 2004 Wolfgang Tutschke
Harkrishan Lal Vasudeva
+ Interactions between partial differential equations and generalized analytic functions 2004 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ A complex method for solving boundary value problems with boundary data piecewise belonging to fractional order spaces 2004 G. Manjavidze
Wolfgang Tutschke
Harkrishan Lal Vasudeva
+ Methods of Complex and Clifford Analysis 2004 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution to Fuchsian Equations Involving Generalized Analytic Functions 2004 Wolfgang Tutschke
Jose Ernie C. Lope
+ Generalized Analytic Functions and their Contributions to the Development of Mathematical Analysis 2004 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Methods of complex and Clifford analysis : Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Applied Mathematics 2004 Le Hung Son
Wolfgang Tutschke
Sapna Jain
+ First Order Differential Operators Associated to the Cauchy—Riemann Operator in the Plane 2003 Le Hung Son
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat An Extended Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Problem and its Solution in Associated Spaces 2002 Kiyoshi Asano
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Another Approach to Hölder Estimates for the ∂¯-Operator on Polycylinders - Some Comments to P.W. Darko's Paper 2002 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Linear Generalized Analytic Functions 2002 Wolfgang Tutschke
Harkrishan Lal Vasudeva
+ Real and Complex Fundamental Solutions: A Way for Unifying Mathematical Analysis 2002 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Functional-Analytic And Complex Methods, Their Interactions, And Applications To Partial Differential Equations 2001 H. Florian
Wolfgang Tutschke
Norbert Ortner
Franz Schnitzer
+ Singular partial complex differential equations as conditions for initial functions 2000 Wolfgang Tutschke
З. Д. Усманов
+ PDF Chat Identity Surfaces 2000 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ A Separation Lemma for the Construction of Finite Sums Decompositions 2000 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ A short note on hartogs type continuation theorems 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Solution of initial value problems for first order systems using matrix notation 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Generalized Monogenic Functions Satisfying Differential Equations with Anti-Monogenic Right-Hand Sides 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
Ü. Yüksel
+ Complex Methods in the Theory of Initial Value Problems 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Complex Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Optimal Balls for Solving Fixed-Point Problems in Banach Spaces 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Generalized analytic functions in mathematical analysis 1998 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Generalized Analytic Functions. Theory and Applications to Mechanics 1998 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Generalized Analytic Functions in Mathematical Analysis 1998 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Matrix differential transformations 1997 H. Florian
Jürgen Püngel
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ A variational principle for generalized analytic functions 1997 Wolfgang Tutschke
Harkrishan Lal Vasudeva
+ Fatou and Lusin-Privalov-type theorems for polyanalytic functions of two variables in bicylinders 1997 Wolfgang Tutschke
M. B. Balk
V. Vassilenko
+ PDF Chat Compactness of an Integro-Differential Operator of Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Theory 1996 Wolfgang Tutschke
Harkrishan Lal Vasudeva
+ On integration and differentiation of generalized analytic functions 1996 Wolfgang Tutschke
Claudio Withalm
+ Functional Analytic Methods in Complex Analysis and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1995 Wolfgang Tutschke
Ali Seif Mshimba
+ PDF Chat On Associated and Co-Associated Complex Differential Operators 1995 Rudolf Heersink
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Stone-weierstrass approximations by solutions of elliptic differential equations 1995 Rudolf Heersink
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Solution of Initial Value Problems in Associated Spaces 1995 Wolfgang Tutschke
Rudolf Heersink
+ An elementary approach to Clifford analysis 1995 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Results and problems in the theory of generalized analytic functions and its influence on the present development of mathematical analysis 1995 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ New aspects in teaching mathematical analysis 1995 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Proceedings of the functional analytic methods in complex analysis and applications to partial differential equations, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 25-29 January 1993 1995 Wolfgang Tutschke
Ali Seif Mshimba
+ A decomposition theorem for solving initial value problems in associated spaces 1994 Rudolf Heersink
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Boundary Theorems of the Gehring-Lohwater and Plessner Type for Polyanalytic Functions 1992 M. B. Balk
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Smoothing Methods of Cousin Type and their Applications to Global Factorizations of Generalized Analytic Functions in Several Complex Variables 1992 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain whose solutions satisfy a partial differential equation of second order 1992 Rudolf Heersink
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Boundary value and initial value problems in complex analysis 1991 Reiner Kühnau
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Geometric function theory and applications of complex analysis to mechanics 1991 Reiner Kühnau
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Functional Analytic Methods in Complex Analysis and Applications to Partial Differential Equations: Ictp, Trieste, Italy 8-19 February 1988 1990 Ali Seif Mshimba
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Properties of bauer, bergman and bekua operators for elliptic differential equations with complex coefficients 1990 Rudolf Heersink
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Scales of Banach Spaces 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Contraction-Mapping Principles in Scales of Banach Spaces 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ The Classical Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Theorem 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Initial Value Problems with Generalized Analytic Initial Functions 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Solution of Initial Value Problems in Classes of Generalized Analytic Functions 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Further Existence Theorems for Initial Value Problems in Scales of Banach Spaces 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Non‐Holomorphic Solutions to Ordinary Differential Equations in the Complex Domain 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
Claudio Withalm
+ Initial Value Problems with Generalized Analytic Initial Functions on R<scp>IEMANN</scp> Surfaces 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Solution of Initial Value Problems in Scales of Banach Spaces 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Initial Value Problems in Banach Spaces 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Solution of initial value problems in classes of generalized analytic functions : the method of scales of Banach spaces 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Basic Properties of Generalized Analytic Functions 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ On the Construction of Potential Vectors and Generalized Potential Vectors Depending on Time by a Contraction Principle 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Große Sätze und schöne Beweise der Mathematik 1988 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ First-order differential operators in the three-dimensional euclidean space being associated to the differential operator rot 1987 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Große Sätze und schöne Beweise der Mathematik 1986 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat On an Abstract Nonlinear Cauchy-Kowalewski Theorem – a Variant of L. Nirenberg’s and T. Nishida’s Proof 1986 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Peripetierechnung 1985 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat On the approximation of continuous functions by solutions to partial complex differential equations 1985 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Holomorphic extensions of functions on submanifolds: A generalization of H, lewy's example 1985 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Some estimates of the norms of derivatives of holomorphic functions, and their application to initial value problems (in Russian) 1984 G.F. Mandzhavidze
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ The cauchy–Kovalevska theorem for pseudoholomorphic functions in the sense of L. Bers 1983 Wolfgang Tutschke
Claudio Withalm
+ Cauchy problems with monogenic initial values 1983 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Complex methods in non-linear analysis 1983 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Partielle Differentialgleichungen : klassische, funktionalanalytische und komplexe Methoden 1983 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Solutions with prescribed periods on the boundary components on non-linear elliptic systems of first order in multiply connected domains in the plane 1983 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Relations between the boundary values and periods for generalized analytic functions in $R^n$ 1983 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ A general method for approximate solving of mixed problems in the theory of partial differential equations 1982 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Elliptic Evolution Processes 1981 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Analyticity of the set of all zeros of solutions for implicit non‐linear systems of partial differential equations 1981 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Boundary value problems for generalized analytic functions of several complex variables 1981 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Geel, R., Singular Perturbations of Hyperbolic Type. Mathematical Centre Tracts 98. Amsterdam, Mathematisch Centrum 1978. 184 S., Dfl. 23.–. ISBN 90‐6196‐166‐1 1980 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Reduction of the problem of linear conjugation for first order nonlinear elliptic systems in the plane to an analogous problem for holomorphic functions 1980 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ On the error in the approximate solution of boundary value problems of nonlinear first order differential equations in the plane 1978 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Konstruktion von Lösungen gewisser spezieller elliptischer Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung (in der Ebene) durch Zurückführung auf die inhomogene C<scp>AUCHY</scp>‐R<scp>IEMANN</scp>sche Differentialgleichung 1978 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Partielle komplexe Differentialgleichungen in einer und in mehreren komplexen Variablen 1977 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Die neuen Methoden der komplexen Analysis und ihre Anwendung auf nichtlineare Differentialgleichungssysteme 1976 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Über die globale Lösung der konjugiert‐komplexen BELTRAMIschen Differentialgleichung mittels der NEUMANNschen Reihe 1976 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Komplexe Analysis und ihr Allgemeinheitsgrad 1976 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Lösung nichtlinearer partieller Differentialgleichungssysteme erster Ordnung in der Ebene durch Verwendung einer komplexen Normalform 1976 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Eine Erweiterung des Hartogsschen Stetigkeitssatzes 1976 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Faktorisierung von Lösungen partieller komplexer Differentialungleichungen mit Hilfe eines holomorphen und eines von Null verschiedenen Faktors 1975 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Lösungen partieller komplexer Differentialgleichungen in mehreren komplexen Variablen mit vorgeschriebenem Hauptteil 1974 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Neue Fragestellungen der ein- und mehrdimensionalen komplexen Analysis und geometrische Anwendungen 1973 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Neue Fragestellungen der ein- und mehrdimensionalen komplexen Analysis und geometrische Anwendungen 1973 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Konstruktion von globalen Lösungen mit vorgeschriebenen Singularitäten bei partiellen komplexen Differentialgleichungssystemen 1972 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Die CAUCHYsche Integralformel für morphe Funktionen mehrerer komplexer Variabler 1972 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Die Methode der Variation der Konstanten bei Systemen linearer partieller komplexer Differentialgleichungen 1972 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ WEIERSTRASS‐Darstellungen und τ‐Isotropie 1971 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Optimale Fehlerschranken für die Lösung von Differentialgleichungssystemen erster Ordnung bei Verwendung von Funktionstafeln 1971 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Kurze Mitteilung von neuen Ergebnissen über morphe Differentialgeometrie 1970 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
Siegfried Gähler
Werner Gähler
Ralf Komin
Gert Kneis
+ Globale Konstruktion von Stammfunktionen im verallgemeinerten Sinn zu komplexwertigen Funktionen 1970 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ II Über komplexe Krümmung und Windung für Flächen 1970 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Über die Fortsetzung von Funktionen mehrerer Variabler ins Komplexe 1970 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Über eine spezielle Form des Maximumprinzips für holomorphe Funktionen in Zusammenhang mit einem Satz von Rossberg 1970 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Geometrie und komplexe Differentiationen II. Modelle komplexer Differentialgeometrien 1969 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Geometrie und komplexe Differentiationen I. Verallgemeinerungen holomorpher Strukturen, insbesondere auf den Sphären <i>S</i><sup>2<i>n</i></sup> 1969 Johanna Nääs
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Zusammenhänge der Funktionentheorie mit der Topologie 1967 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Geometrische Eigenschaften Regulärer Funktionen 1967 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Ausblick auf Weitere Fragestellungen der Funktionentheorie 1967 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Grundlagen der Funktionentheorie 1967 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Komplexwertige Funktionen 1967 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Die Riemannsche Zahlenkugel 1967 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Über eine Verschärfung der Aussage des Satzes von Rouché 1966 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Zur Theorie der parameterabh�ngigen Differentialformen 1966 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Über einen Stetigkeitsbegriff für Kurven 1966 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Über ein Randwertproblem für die Richtungen der Niveaulinien harmonischer Funktionen 1963 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Eine Bemerkung zu einer Abschätzung von O. ZAUBEK für die Nullstellen von Polynomen 1963 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Über periodische Lösungen nicht notwendig selbstadjungierter elliptischer Differentialgleichungssysteme in mehrfach‐zusammenhängenden Gebieten 1963 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Eine Verallgemeinerung der Betragsfunktion im Zusammenhang mit einer Klasse von Differentialoperatoren auf Riemannschen Flächen 1962 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Potentialfunktionen und verwandte Funktionen auf berandeten RIEMANNschen Flächen 1960 Wolfgang Tutschke
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Solution of Initial Value Problems in Classes of Generalized Analytic Functions 1989 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Generalized Analytic Functions 2006 I. Vekua
+ Theory of pseudo-analytic functions 1953 Lipman Bers
+ An Elementary Proof of the Cauchy-Kowalevsky Theorem 1985 Wolfgang Walter
+ An Elementary Proof of the Cauchy-Kowalevsky Theorem 1985 Wolfgang Walter
+ Partielle komplexe Differentialgleichungen in einer und in mehreren komplexen Variablen 1977 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Über das Anfangswertproblem Partieller Differentialgleichungen 1941 Mitio Nagumo
+ PDF Chat Constructive Methods for Elliptic Equations 1974 Robert P. Gilbert
+ Topics in Nonlinear Functional Analysis 2001 Louis Nirenberg
+ Basic Linear Partial Differential Equations 1975 François Trèves
+ Functional-Analytic And Complex Methods, Their Interactions, And Applications To Partial Differential Equations 2001 H. Florian
Wolfgang Tutschke
Norbert Ortner
Franz Schnitzer
+ An Example of a Smooth Linear Partial Differential Equation Without Solution 1957 Hans Lewy
+ Interior estimates for elliptic systems of partial differential equations 1955 Avron Douglis
Louis Nirenberg
+ Erratum: An Example of a Smooth Linear Partial Differential Equation Without Solution 1958 Hans Lewy
+ Complex Analytic Coordinates in Almost Complex Manifolds 1957 August Newlander
Louis Nirenberg
+ A note on a theorem of Nirenberg 1977 Takaaki Nishida
+ Generalized Analytic Functions. 1964 Avner Friedman
I. N. Vekua
+ Complex Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Partial Differential Equations 1982 Fritz John
+ An elementary approach to Clifford analysis 1995 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Partial Differential Equations in Clifford Analysis 1999 Elena Obolashvili
+ A function‐theoretic approach to elliptic systems of equations in two variables 1953 Avron Douglis
+ PDF Chat Similarity principle of the generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations for several complex variables 1971 Akira Koohara
+ Generalized Analytic Functions 1988 Yu. L. Rodin
+ Boundary value problems for elliptic equations and systems 1990 Wen Guo
Heinrich Begehr
+ First Order Elliptic Systems - A Function Theoretic Approach 1983 Robert P. Gilbert
James L. Buchanan
+ Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables 2005 Volker Scheidemann
+ Clifford Algebras Depending on Parameters and Their Applications to Partial Differential Equations 2008 Wolfgang Tutschke
Carmen Judith Vanegas
+ The cauchy–Kovalevska theorem for pseudoholomorphic functions in the sense of L. Bers 1983 Wolfgang Tutschke
Claudio Withalm
+ Solution of initial value problems for first order systems using matrix notation 1999 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ A decomposition theorem for solving initial value problems in associated spaces 1994 Rudolf Heersink
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ PDF Chat Compactness of an Integro-Differential Operator of Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Theory 1996 Wolfgang Tutschke
Harkrishan Lal Vasudeva
+ Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. I 1959 Shmuel Agmon
Avron Douglis
Louis Nirenberg
+ Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type 1970 Carlo Miranda
+ PDF Chat An abstract form of the nonlinear Cauchy-Kowalewski theorem 1972 Louis Nirenberg
+ Functional Analytic Methods in Complex Analysis and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1995 3
+ Overdetermined Systems of Second Order Elliptic Equations in Several Complex Variables 1998 Heinrich Begehr
Abduhamid Džhuraev
+ First Order Differential Operators Associated to the Cauchy—Riemann Operator in the Plane 2003 Le Hung Son
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ Integral equations and their applications 2008 Witold Pogorzelski
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Functionals of Finite Riemann Surfaces 1955 M. Schiffer
D. C. Spencer
+ Elliptic systems in the plane 1979 Wolfgang L. Wendland
+ On the Optimization of the Set of Definition of Operators in Applications of the Contraction-Mapping Principle to Differential Equations 1998 S. Graubner
+ Geometrie und komplexe Differentiationen II. Modelle komplexer Differentialgeometrien 1969 Josef Naas
Wolfgang Tutschke
+ On integration and differentiation of generalized analytic functions 1996 Wolfgang Tutschke
Claudio Withalm
+ Lösung nichtlinearer partieller Differentialgleichungssysteme erster Ordnung in der Ebene durch Verwendung einer komplexen Normalform 1976 Wolfgang Tutschke
+ On the Local Behavior of Solutions of Non-Parabolic Partial Differential Equations: II. The Uniqueness of the Green Singularity 1954 Philip Hartman
Aurel Wintner
+ Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1990 Klaus Gürlebeck
Wolfgang Sprößig