Eduardo Pontón


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Probing the top-Higgs sector with composite Higgs models at present and future hadron colliders 2021 Carlos Palomino Bautista
Leonardo de Lima
R. Matheus
Eduardo Pontón
L. A. F. do Prado
Aurore Savoy-Navarro
+ PDF Chat Electroweak symmetric dark matter balls 2019 Eduardo Pontón
Y. Bai
Bithika Jain
+ PDF Chat Higgs Physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC 2019 M. Cepeda
Stefania Gori
P. Ilten
M. Kado
Francesco Riva
Rabah Abdul Khalek
Amin Aboubrahim
J. Alimena
Simone Alioli
Alexandre Alves
+ Higgs Physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC 2019 M. Cepeda
Hua-Sheng Shao
G. Marchiori
Giuliano Panico
A. Benaglia
Davide Maria Lombardo
A. V. Gritsan
W. Jin
M. Selvaggi
Eleni Vryonidou
+ PDF Chat The global Higgs as a signal for compositeness at the LHC 2017 S. Fichet
Gero von Gersdorff
Eduardo Pontón
R. Rosenfeld
+ The excitation of the global symmetry-breaking vacuum in composite Higgs models 2016 S. Fichet
Gero von Gersdorff
Eduardo Pontón
R. Rosenfeld
+ PDF Chat Dirac gauginos, R symmetry and the 125 GeV Higgs 2015 Enrico Bertuzzo
Claudia Frugiuele
Thomas Grégoire
Eduardo Pontón
+ The Dynamical Composite Higgs 2015 Gero von Gersdorff
Eduardo Pontón
R. Rosenfeld
+ The Dynamical Composite Higgs 2015 Gero von Gersdorff
Eduardo Pontón
R. Rosenfeld
+ PDF Chat Minimal composite Higgs models at the LHC 2014 Marcela Carena
Leandro Da Rold
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Electroweak phase transition, Higgs diphoton rate, and new heavy fermions 2013 Hooman Davoudiasl
Ian Lewis
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat “L = R” - U(1) R lepton number at the LHC 2013 Claudia Frugiuele
Thomas Grégoire
Piyush Kumar
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat “L = R” — U(1) R as the origin of leptonic ‘RPV’ 2013 Claudia Frugiuele
Thomas Grégoire
Piyush Kumar
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Four Lectures on TeV Scale Extra Dimensions 2013 Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Beyond the MSSM Higgs bosons at the 7 TeV LHC 2012 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Zurita
+ PDF Chat Electroweak baryogenesis and dark matter with an approximate R-symmetry 2011 Piyush Kumar
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Phenomenology of non-custodial warped models 2011 Adrián Carmona
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
+ PDF Chat Warped radion dark matter 2011 Aníbal D. Medina
Eduardo Pontón
+ Extraordinary phenomenology from warped flavor triviality 2011 Cédric Delaunay
Oram Gedalia
Seung J. Lee
Gilad Perez
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Ultravisible warped model from flavor triviality and improved naturalness 2011 Cédric Delaunay
Oram Gedalia
Seung J. Lee
Gilad Perez
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Warped universal extra dimensions 2011 Aníbal D. Medina
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat On taming the warped radion with supersymmetry 2010 Hooman Davoudiasl
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Beyond the MSSM Higgs bosons at the Tevatron and the LHC 2010 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Zurita
+ PDF Chat Warped five-dimensional models: phenomenological status and experimental prospects 2010 Hooman Davoudiasl
Shrihari Gopalakrishna
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
+ SUSY Higgs bosons and beyond 2010 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Zurita
+ PDF Chat BMSSM Higgs Bosons at the Tevatron and the LHC 2010 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Zurita
+ PDF Chat Planck scale from top condensation 2010 Y. Bai
Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider 2010 Pran Nath
Brent Nelson
Hooman Davoudiasl
Bhaskar Dutta
Daniel Feldman
Zuowei Liu
Tao Han
Paul Langacker
Rabi Mohapatra
J. W. F. Valle
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric Higgs bosons and beyond 2010 Marcela Carena
Kyoungchul Kong
Eduardo Pontón
José Zurita
+ SUSY Higgs bosons and beyond 2010 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Zurita
+ B-decay signatures of warped top-condensation 2009 Hooman Davoudiasl
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat TeV scale singlet dark matter 2009 Eduardo Pontón
Lisa Randall
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric electroweak symmetry breaking 2009 Puneet Batra
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Dark matter and electroweak symmetry breaking in models with warped extra dimensions 2008 Giuliano Panico
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
Marco Serone
+ PDF Chat Electroweak constraints on warped models with custodial symmetry 2007 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Radiative effects on the chiral square 2006 Eduardo Pontón
Lin Wang
+ PDF Chat Light Kaluza–Klein states in Randall–Sundrum models with custodial <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">SU</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2006 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Resonances from two universal extra dimensions 2006 Gustavo Burdman
Bogdan A. Dobrescu
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Six-dimensional gauge theory on the chiral square 2006 Gustavo Burdman
Bogdan A. Dobrescu
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Six-dimensional gauge theory on the chiral square 2005 Gustavo Burdman
Bogdan A. Dobrescu
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Warped fermions and precision tests 2005 Marcela Carena
A. Delgado
Eduardo Pontón
Tim M. P. Tait
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Bulk gauge fields in warped space and localized supersymmetry breaking 2003 Zackaria Chacko
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Precision electroweak data and unification of couplings in warped extra dimensions 2003 Marcela Carena
A. Delgado
Eduardo Pontón
Tim M. P. Tait
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Opaque branes in warped backgrounds 2003 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
Tim M. P. Tait
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Yukawa deflected gauge mediation 2002 Zackaria Chacko
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Neutrinos vis-à-vis the six-dimensional standard model 2002 Thomas Appelquist
Bogdan A. Dobrescu
Eduardo Pontón
Ho-Ung Yee
+ PDF Chat Proton Stability in Six Dimensions 2001 Thomas Appelquist
Bogdan A. Dobrescu
Eduardo Pontón
Ho-Ung Yee
+ PDF Chat GUT scale and superpartner masses from anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking 2001 Zackaria Chacko
Markus A. Luty
Eduardo Pontón
Yael Shadmi
Yuri Shirman
+ PDF Chat Casimir energy and radius stabilization in five and six dimensional orbifolds 2001 Eduardo Pontón
Erich Poppitz
+ PDF Chat Gravity localization on string-like defects in codimension two and the AdS/CFT correspondence 2001 Eduardo Pontón
Erich Poppitz
+ PDF Chat A critical cosmological constant from millimeter extra dimensions 2000 Jiunn-Wei Chen
Markus A. Luty
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Massive higher dimensional gauge fields as messengers of supersymmetry breaking 2000 Zacharia Chacko
Markus A. Luty
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Realistic anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking 2000 Zacharia Chacko
Markus A. Luty
Ivan Maksymyk
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Gaugino mediated supersymmetry breaking 2000 Zacharia Chacko
Markus A. Luty
Ann E. Nelson
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Dynamical determination of the unification scale by gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking 1999 Zackaria Chacko
Markus A. Luty
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Calculable dynamical supersymmetry breaking on deformed moduli spaces 1998 Zacharia Chacko
Markus A. Luty
Eduardo Pontón
+ PDF Chat Effective Lagrangians and light gravitino phenomenology 1998 Markus A. Luty
Eduardo Pontón
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Large Mass Hierarchy from a Small Extra Dimension 1999 Lisa Randall
Raman Sundrum
+ PDF Chat Bulk fields and supersymmetry in a slice of AdS 2000 Tony Gherghetta
Alex Pomarol
+ PDF Chat Massive higher dimensional gauge fields as messengers of supersymmetry breaking 2000 Zacharia Chacko
Markus A. Luty
Eduardo Pontón
+ Neutrino masses and mixings in non-factorizable geometry 2000 Yuval Grossman
Matthias Neubert
+ PDF Chat Opaque branes in warped backgrounds 2003 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
Tim M. P. Tait
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ A custodial symmetry for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi>b</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:math> 2006 Kaustubh Agashe
Roberto Contino
Leandro Da Rold
Alex Pomarol
+ PDF Chat The minimal composite Higgs model 2005 Kaustubh Agashe
Roberto Contino
Alex Pomarol
+ PDF Chat Brane-localized kinetic terms in the Randall-Sundrum model 2003 Hooman Davoudiasl
JoAnne L. Hewett
Thomas G. Rizzo
+ PDF Chat Flavor structure of warped extra dimension models 2005 Kaustubh Agashe
Gilad Perez
Amarjit Soni
+ PDF Chat Flavor violation and warped geometry 2003 Stephan J. Huber
+ PDF Chat RS1, custodial isospin and precision tests 2003 Kaustubh Agashe
A. Delgado
Michael J. May
Raman Sundrum
+ PDF Chat Precision electroweak data and unification of couplings in warped extra dimensions 2003 Marcela Carena
A. Delgado
Eduardo Pontón
Tim M. P. Tait
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Bounds on universal extra dimensions 2001 Thomas Appelquist
Hsin-Chia Cheng
Bogdan A. Dobrescu
+ PDF Chat Light Kaluza–Klein states in Randall–Sundrum models with custodial <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">SU</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> 2006 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:math>-Factory Signals for a Warped Extra Dimension 2004 Kaustubh Agashe
Gilad Perez
Amarjit Soni
+ Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC 2012 S. Chatrchyan
V. Khachatryan
A. M. Sirunyan
A. Tumasyan
W. Adam
E. Aguiló
T. Bergauer
M. Dragicevic
J. Erö
C. Fabjan
+ PDF Chat Quantum field theory and unification in AdS<sub>5</sub> 2001 Lisa Randall
Matthew D. Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Electroweak constraints on warped models with custodial symmetry 2007 Marcela Carena
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Casimir energy and radius stabilization in five and six dimensional orbifolds 2001 Eduardo Pontón
Erich Poppitz
+ PDF Chat Modulus Stabilization with Bulk Fields 1999 Walter D. Goldberger
Mark B. Wise
+ Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC 2012 G. Aad
T. Abajyan
B. Abbott
J. Abdallah
S. Abdel Khalek
A. A. Abdelalim
O. Abdinov
R. Aben
B. Abi
M. Abolins
+ PDF Chat Comments on the Holographic Picture of the Randall-Sundrum Model 2001 Riccardo Rattazzi
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat Warped fermions and precision tests 2005 Marcela Carena
A. Delgado
Eduardo Pontón
Tim M. P. Tait
Carlos E. M. Wagner
+ PDF Chat Chiral Compactification on a Square 2004 Bogdan A. Dobrescu
Eduardo Pont n
+ PDF Chat Brane couplings from bulk loops 2001 Howard Georgi
Aaron K. Grant
Girma Hailu
+ PDF Chat Radiative corrections to Kaluza-Klein masses 2002 Hsin-Chia Cheng
K. Matchev
Martin Schmaltz
+ PDF Chat Effective theory analysis of precision electroweak data 2005 Zhenyu Han
Witold Skiba
+ PDF Chat Light custodians in natural composite Higgs models 2007 Roberto Contino
Leandro Da Rold
Alex Pomarol
+ PDF Chat Effective Lagrangian in the Randall-Sundrum model and electroweak physics 2002 Csaba Csáki
Joshua Erlich
John Terning
+ PDF Chat Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter 2002 Hsin-Chia Cheng
Jonathan L. Feng
K. Matchev
+ PDF Chat One loop gauge couplings in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">AdS</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2003 Kiwoon Choi
Ian-Woo Kim
+ PDF Chat Radion phenomenology in realistic warped space models 2007 Csaba Csáki
Jay Hubisz
Seung J. Lee
+ PDF Chat Kaluza–Klein excitations of W and Z at the LHC? 2002 Stephan J. Huber
Chin-Aik Lee
Qaisar Shafi
+ PDF Chat Discovering the top partners at the LHC using same-sign dilepton final states 2008 Roberto Contino
Géraldine Servant
+ PDF Chat Is the lightest Kaluza–Klein particle a viable dark matter candidate? 2002 Géraldine Servant
Tim M. P. Tait
+ PDF Chat Higgs as a holographic pseudo-Goldstone boson 2003 Roberto Contino
Yasunori Nomura
Alex Pomarol
+ PDF Chat Electroweak constraints on effective theories with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mi>U</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math>flavor symmetry 2006 Zhenyu Han
+ PDF Chat The minimal composite Higgs model and electroweak precision tests 2006 Kaustubh Agashe
Roberto Contino
+ PDF Chat Number of Fermion Generations Derived from Anomaly Cancellation 2001 Bogdan A. Dobrescu
Erich Poppitz
+ PDF Chat Hierarchies without symmetries from extra dimensions 2000 Nima Arkani–Hamed
Martin Schmaltz
+ PDF Chat Gauge bosons in a five-dimensional theory with localized gravity 2000 Alex Pomarol
+ PDF Chat Graviscalars from higher-dimensional metrics and curvature-Higgs mixing 2001 Gian F. Giudice
Riccardo Rattazzi
James D. Wells
+ PDF Chat CERN LHC signals from warped extra dimensions 2008 Kaustubh Agashe
A. Belyaev
Tadas Krupovnickas
Gilad Perez
Joseph Virzi
+ PDF Chat Effective field theory and unification in AdS backgrounds 2003 Walter D. Goldberger
Ira Z. Rothstein
+ MSSM with dimension-five operators (MSSM5) 2008 I. Antoniadis
Emilian Dudaş
D. M. Ghilencea
P. Tziveloglou
+ PDF Chat Warped five-dimensional models: phenomenological status and experimental prospects 2010 Hooman Davoudiasl
Shrihari Gopalakrishna
Eduardo Pontón
José Santiago
+ PDF Chat Flavor-violation tests of the warped/composite standard model in the two-site approach 2009 Kaustubh Agashe
Aleksandr Azatov
Lijun Zhu
+ PDF Chat Constraints on the bulk standard model in the Randall-Sundrum scenario 2002 Gustavo Burdman
+ PDF Chat A new custodian for a realistic Higgsless model 2007 Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Csaba Csáki
Guido Marandella
John Terning
+ PDF Chat Curing the ills of Higgsless models: The<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:math>parameter and unitarity 2005 Giacomo Cacciapaglia
Csaba Csáki
Christophe Grojean
John Terning