Igor Wigman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Around the Gauss circle problem: Hardy's conjecture and the distribution of lattice points near circles 2024 Stephen Lester
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat The giant component of excursions sets of spherical Gaussian ensembles: existence, uniqueness, and volume concentration 2024 Stephen Muirhead
Igor Wigman
+ On the Central Limit Theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics on random surfaces of large genus 2023 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ PDF On the nodal structures of random fields: a decade of results 2023 Igor Wigman
+ On the Central Limit Theorem for linear eigenvalue statistics on random surfaces of large genus 2023 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ Almost sure GOE fluctuations of energy levels for hyperbolic surfaces of high genus 2023 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ Around the Gauss circle problem: Hardy's conjecture and the distribution of lattice points near circles 2023 Stephen Lester
Igor Wigman
+ Eigenvalue clusters for the hemisphere Laplacian with variable Robin condition 2023 Alexander Pushnitski
Igor Wigman
+ PDF The expected nodal volume of non-Gaussian random band-limited functions, and their doubling index 2023 Andrea Sartori
Igor Wigman
+ On the Robin spectrum for the equilateral triangle* 2022 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ On the nodal structures of random fields -- a decade of results 2022 Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of lattice points on hyperbolic circles 2021 Dimitrios Chatzakos
PƤr Kurlberg
Stephen Lester
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Differences Between Robin and Neumann Eigenvalues 2021 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ PDF Chat The Robin problem on rectangles 2021 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Russoā€“Seymourā€“Welsh estimates for the Kostlan ensemble of random polynomials 2021 D. Beliaev
Stephen Muirhead
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the expected Betti numbers of the nodal set of random fields 2021 Igor Wigman
+ The defect of toral Laplace eigenfunctions and arithmetic random waves 2021 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ The Robin problem on rectangles 2021 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ On the distribution of lattice points on hyperbolic circles 2021 Dimitrios Chatzakos
PƤr Kurlberg
Stephen Lester
Igor Wigman
+ Expected nodal volume for non-Gaussian random band-limited functions. 2021 Zakhar Kabluchko
Andrea Sartori
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Nodal deficiency of random spherical harmonics in presence of boundary 2021 Valentina Cammarota
Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the Robin spectrum for the hemisphere 2021 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ Expected nodal volume for non-Gaussian random band-limited functions 2021 Zakhar Kabluchko
Andrea Sartori
Igor Wigman
+ Mean conservation of nodal volume and connectivity measures for Gaussian ensembles 2020 Dmitry Beliaev
Stephen Muirhead
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Points on nodal lines with given direction 2020 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ On the Robin spectrum for the hemisphere 2020 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ Differences between Robin and Neumann eigenvalues 2020 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ PDF Chat Planck-scale distribution of nodal length of arithmetic random waves 2020 Jacques Benatar
Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for the Expected Number of Nodal Components for Random Lemniscates 2020 Zakhar Kabluchko
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Boundary Effect on the Nodal Length for Arithmetic Random Waves, and Spectral Semi-correlations 2020 Valentina Cammarota
Oleksiy Klurman
Igor Wigman
+ Direction distribution for nodal components of random band-limited functions on surfaces 2020 Suresh Eswarathasan
Igor Wigman
+ PDF The asymptotic equivalence of the sample trispectrum and the nodal length for random spherical harmonics 2020 Domenico Marinucci
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ No repulsion between critical points for planar Gaussian random fields 2020 Dmitry Beliaev
Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ On the Robin spectrum for the hemisphere 2020 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ On the distribution of lattice points on hyperbolic circles 2020 Dimitrios Chatzakos
PƤr Kurlberg
Stephen Lester
Igor Wigman
+ No repulsion between critical points for planar Gaussian random fields 2019 Dmitry Beliaev
Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ Asymptotics for the expected number of nodal components for random lemniscates 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Igor Wigman
+ Mean conservation of nodal volume and connectivity measures for Gaussian ensembles 2019 Dmitry Beliaev
Stephen Muirhead
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ No repulsion between critical points for planar Gaussian random fields 2019 Dmitry Beliaev
Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ Asymptotics for the expected number of nodal components for random lemniscates 2019 Zakhar Kabluchko
Igor Wigman
+ Mean conservation of nodal volume and connectivity measures for Gaussian ensembles 2019 Dmitry Beliaev
Stephen Muirhead
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Topologies of Nodal Sets of Random Bandā€Limited Functions 2018 Peter Sarnak
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic distribution of nodal intersections for arithmetic random waves 2018 Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Variation of the Nazarovā€“Sodin constant for random plane waves and arithmetic random waves 2018 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Points on nodal lines with given direction. 2018 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ Points on nodal lines with given direction 2018 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ CLT for mass distribution of toral Laplace eigenfunctions 2017 Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ PDF Volume distribution of nodal domains of random band-limited functions 2017 Dmitry Beliaev
Igor Wigman
+ Planck-scale distribution of nodal length of arithmetic random waves 2017 Jacques Benatar
Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ Russo-Seymour-Welsh estimates for the Kostlan ensemble of random polynomials 2017 Dmitry Beliaev
Stephen Muirhead
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Two Point Function for Critical Points of a Random Plane Wave 2017 Dmitry Beliaev
Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Planck-Scale Mass Equidistribution of Toral Laplace Eigenfunctions 2017 Andrew Granville
Igor Wigman
+ Variation of the Nazarov-Sodin constant for random plane waves and arithmetic random waves 2017 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ The Asymptotic Equivalence of the Sample Trispectrum and the Nodal Length for Random Spherical Harmonics 2017 Domenico Marinucci
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ Two point function for critical points of a random plane wave 2017 Dmitry Beliaev
Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ Fluctuations of the total number of critical points of random spherical harmonics 2017 Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ The Asymptotic Equivalence of the Sample Trispectrum and the Nodal Length for Random Spherical Harmonics 2017 Domenico Marinucci
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ Russo-Seymour-Welsh estimates for the Kostlan ensemble of random polynomials 2017 Dmitry Beliaev
Stephen Muirhead
Igor Wigman
+ Two point function for critical points of a random plane wave 2017 Dmitry Beliaev
Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ Planck-scale distribution of nodal length of arithmetic random waves 2017 Jacques Benatar
Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ Variation of the Nazarov-Sodin constant for random plane waves and arithmetic random waves 2017 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Fluctuations of the Euler-PoincarƩ characteristic for random spherical harmonics 2016 Valentina Cammarota
Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ Volume distribution of nodal domains of random band-limited functions 2016 Dmitry Beliaev
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Non-Universality of Nodal Length Distribution for Arithmetic Random Waves 2016 Domenico Marinucci
Giovanni Peccati
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ PDF On probability measures arising from lattice points on circles 2016 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Nodal Domains of Toral Eigenfunctions 2016 Jeremiah Buckley
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functions 2016 Peter Sarnak
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Nodal intersections for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2016 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Nodal intersections for random waves on the 3-dimensional torus 2016 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ Volume distribution of nodal domains of random band-limited functions 2016 Dmitry Beliaev
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of the Critical Values of Random Spherical Harmonics 2015 Valentina Cammarota
Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functions. 2015 Peter Sarnak
Igor Wigman
+ Non-Universality of Nodal Length Distribution for Arithmetic Random Waves 2015 Domenico Marinucci
Giovanni Peccati
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ Nodal intersections for random waves on the 3-dimensional torus 2015 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ On probability measures arising from lattice points on circles 2015 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Nodal intersections for random waves on the 3-dimensional torus 2015 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
Nadav Yesha
+ On probability measures arising from lattice points on circles 2015 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Non-Universality of Nodal Length Distribution for Arithmetic Random Waves 2015 Domenico Marinucci
Giovanni Peccati
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functions 2015 Peter Sarnak
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Non-universality of the Nazarovā€“Sodin constant 2014 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On Nonlinear Functionals of Random Spherical Eigenfunctions 2014 Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ Nodal intersections for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2014 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ Nodal intersections for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2014 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Scalar Curvature and Q-Curvature of Random Metrics 2013 Yaiza Canzani
Dmitry Jakobson
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Nodal length fluctuations for arithmetic random waves 2013 Manjunath Krishnapur
PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Topologies of nodal sets of random band limited functions 2013 Peter Sarnak
Igor Wigman
+ On the nodal lines of random and deterministic Laplace eigenfunctions 2012 Igor Wigman
+ Nodal length fluctuations for arithmetic random waves 2011 Manjunath Krishnapur
PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the area of excursion sets of spherical Gaussian eigenfunctions 2011 Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat The defect variance of random spherical harmonics 2011 Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ The distribution of the zeros of random trigonometric polynomials 2011 Andrew Granville
Igor Wigman
+ Nodal length fluctuations for arithmetic random waves 2011 Manjunath Krishnapur
PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ On the nodal lines of random and deterministic Laplace eigenfunctions 2011 Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Point Count Statistics for Families of Curves Over a Fixed Finite Field 2010 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Scalar curvature and $Q$-curvature of random metrics 2010 Igor Wigman
Dmitry Jakobson
Yaiza Canzani
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of the Nodal Length of Random Spherical Harmonics 2010 Igor Wigman
+ Gaussian point count statistics for families of curves Gaussian point count statistics for families of curves over a fixed finite field 2010 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Gaussian point count statistics for families of curves over a fixed finite field 2010 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Scalar curvature and $Q$-curvature of random metrics 2010 Yaiza Canzani
Dmitry Jakobson
Igor Wigman
+ Scalar curvature and $Q$-curvature of random metrics 2010 Yaiza Canzani
Dmitry Jakobson
Igor Wigman
+ Gaussian point count statistics for families of curves over a fixed finite field 2010 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ Fluctuations of the nodal length of random spherical harmonics 2009 Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Counting Open Nodal Lines of Random Waves on Planar Domains 2009 Juraj TĆ³th
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the nodal sets of random spherical harmonics 2009 Igor Wigman
+ PDF On the Volume of Nodal Sets for Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the Torus 2008 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ PDF The Leray measure of nodal sets for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2008 Ferenc Oravecz
ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ The distribution of the zeroes of random trigonometric polynomials 2008 Andrew Granville
Igor Wigman
+ Counting open nodal lines of random waves on planar domains 2008 John A. Toth
Igor Wigman
+ Erratum (Statistics of lattice points in thin annuli for generic lattices vol 11, pg 1, 2005) 2007 Igor Wigman
+ Nodal sets for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2006 Ferenc Oravecz
ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ The Leray measure of nodal sets for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2006 Ferenc Oravecz
ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Statistics of lattice points in thin annuli for generic lattices 2006 Igor Wigman
+ Statistics of lattice points in thin annuli for generic lattices 2005 Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Counting Singular Matrices with Primitive Row Vectors 2004 Igor Wigman
+ The distribution of lattice points in elliptic annuli 2004 Igor Wigman
+ Counting Singular Matrices with Primitive Row Vectors 2003 Igor Wigman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the number of nodal domains of random spherical harmonics 2009 FĆ«dor Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF On the Volume of Nodal Sets for Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the Torus 2008 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ The Distribution of the Lattice Points On Circles 1993 Javier Cilleruelo
+ PDF Nodal length fluctuations for arithmetic random waves 2013 Manjunath Krishnapur
PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Fluctuations of the Nodal Length of Random Spherical Harmonics 2010 Igor Wigman
+ Nodal sets of eigenfunctions on Reimannian manifolds 1988 Harold Donnelly
Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Percolation Model for Nodal Domains of Chaotic Wave Functions 2002 E. Bogomolny
C. Schmit
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Laws for the Spatial Distribution and the Number of Connected Components of Zero Sets of Gaussian Random Functions 2016 F. Nazarov
Mikhail Sodin
+ PDF Chat On the Distribution of the Critical Values of Random Spherical Harmonics 2015 Valentina Cammarota
Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ PDF On probability measures arising from lattice points on circles 2016 PƤr Kurlberg
Igor Wigman
+ PDF The Leray measure of nodal sets for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2008 Ferenc Oravecz
ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ Random Fields and Geometry 2007 Robert J. Adler
Jonathan Taylor
+ PDF Chat Lattice points on circles and discrete velocity models for the Boltzmann equation 2006 Laura Fainsilber
PƤr Kurlberg
Bernt Wennberg
+ PDF Topologies of Nodal Sets of Random Bandā€Limited Functions 2018 Peter Sarnak
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the nodal sets of random spherical harmonics 2009 Igor Wigman
+ PDF Nodal intersections for random eigenfunctions on the torus 2016 ZeƩv Rudnick
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat On the area of excursion sets of spherical Gaussian eigenfunctions 2011 Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ On the nodal lines of random and deterministic Laplace eigenfunctions 2012 Igor Wigman
+ PDF Non-Universality of Nodal Length Distribution for Arithmetic Random Waves 2016 Domenico Marinucci
Giovanni Peccati
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ On the angular distribution of Gaussian integers with fixed norm 1999 PĆ©ter L. Erdős
R. R. Hall
+ PDF The spectral function of an elliptic operator 1968 Lars Hƶrmander
+ ļæ½ber Knoten von Eigenfunktionen des Laplace-Beltrami-Operators 1978 Jochen Brļæ½ning
+ Random Fields on the Sphere: Representation, Limit Theorems and Cosmological Applications 2011 Domenico Marinucci
Giovanni Peccati
+ Fluctuations of the total number of critical points of random spherical harmonics 2017 Valentina Cammarota
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Lower estimates for the expected Betti numbers of random real hypersurfaces 2014 Damien Gayet
Jean-Yves Welschinger
+ PDF Real and complex zeros of Riemannian random waves 2009 Steve Zelditch
+ Asymptotic solutions of oscillatory initial value problems 1957 Peter D. Lax
+ Eigenfunctions and nodal sets 1976 Shiuā€Yuen Cheng
+ PDF A Problem on Sums of Two Squares 2014 Enrico Bombieri
Jean Bourgain
+ PDF On the average number of real roots of a random algebraic equation 1943 Mark Kac
+ PDF Chat Nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions: polynomial upper estimates of the Hausdorff measure 2017 Alexander Logunov
+ PDF Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 6
+ PDF Chat On toral eigenfunctions and the random wave model 2014 Jean Bourgain
+ Nodal Sets of Laplace Eigenfunctions: Estimates of the Hausdorff Measure in Dimensions Two and Three 2018 Alexander Logunov
Eugenia Malinnikova
+ Variance of number of lattice points in random narrow elliptic strip 1995 Pavel Bleher
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF The asymptotic equivalence of the sample trispectrum and the nodal length for random spherical harmonics 2020 Domenico Marinucci
Maurizia Rossi
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Volume distribution of nodal domains of random band-limited functions 2017 Dmitry Beliaev
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions: proof of Nadirashvili's conjecture and of the lower bound in Yau's conjecture 2017 Alexander Logunov
+ PDF Chat The Number of Nodal Components of Arithmetic Random Waves 2016 Yoni Rozenshein
+ PDF Chat Nodal Domains Statistics: A Criterion for Quantum Chaos 2002 Galya Blum
Sven Gnutzmannāˆ„
Uzy Smilansky
+ PDF Counting nodal lines which touch the boundary of an analytic domain 2009 John A. Toth
Steve Zelditch
+ None 2001 Marie Kratz
JosĆ© R. LeĆ³n
+ PDF Chat On Nonlinear Functionals of Random Spherical Eigenfunctions 2014 Domenico Marinucci
Igor Wigman
+ PDF Chat Restriction of toral eigenfunctions to hypersurfaces and nodal sets 2012 Jean Bourgain
ZeƩv Rudnick
+ PDF Chat Correlations between zeros of a random polynomial 1997 Pavel Bleher
Xiaojun Di
+ Asymptotic formulae for point lattices of bounded determinant and subspaces of bounded height 1968 Wolfgang M. Schmidt
+ Steinā€“Malliavin approximations for nonlinear functionals of random eigenfunctions on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2015 Domenico Marinucci
Maurizia Rossi
+ PDF Percolation of random nodal lines 2017 Vincent Beffara
Damien Gayet
+ PDF Chat Random complex zeroes, I. Asymptotic normality 2004 Mikhail Sodin
Boris Tsirelson
+ PDF On the Geometry of the Nodal Lines of Eigenfunctions of the Two-Dimensional Torus 2011 Jean Bourgain
ZeƩv Rudnick