Masamichi Takesaki


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Noncommutative integration 2013 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Non-Commutative Integration 2012 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Outer actions of a discrete amenable group on approximately finite-dimensional factors, III: The type III<sub>λ</sub>case, 0&lt;λ &lt;1, asymmetrization and examples 2009 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Outer Actions of a Discrete Amenable Group on Approximately Finite Dimensional Factors III, The Type $\text{III}_\lambda$ Case, $\pmb{0<\lambda<1}$, Examples 2009 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Outer Actions of a Discrete Amenable Group on Approximately Finite Dimensional Factors III, The Type $\text{III}_λ$ Case, $\pmb{0 2009 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Entrance to operator algebras 2008 Masamichi Takesaki
+ States and automorphisms of operator algebras standard representations and the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger boundary condition 2007 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Outer actions of a discrete amenable group on approximately finite dimensional factors II, the III$_{\lambda}$-case, $\lambda\neq 0$ 2007 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Outer Actions of a Discrete Amenable Group on Approximately Finite Dimensional Factors II, the III$_\lambda$-Case, $\lambda\neq 0$ 2006 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Outer Actions of a Group on a Factor 2006 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Outer Actions of a Discrete Amenable Group on Approximately Finite Dimensional Factors II, the III$_λ$-Case, $λ\neq 0$ 2006 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Outer actions of a discrete amenable group on approximately finite dimensional factors. I. General theory 2004 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Subfactors of an Approximately Finite Dimensional Factor of Type II1 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Injective von Neumann Algebras 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Non-Commutative Ergodic Theory 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Theory of Operator Algebras II 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Structure of Approximately Finite Dimensional Factors 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Abelian Automorphism Group 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Non-Commutative Integration 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Modular Automorphism Groups 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Nuclear C*-Algebras 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Ergodic Transformation Groups and the Associated von Neumann Algebras 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Outer actions of a countable discrete amenable group on approximately finite dimensional factors I, General Theory 2003 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Weights 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Theory of Operator Algebras III 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Outer actions of a countable discrete amenable group on an AFD factor 2003 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Structure of a von Neumann Algebra of Type III 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Left Hilbert Algebras 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Approximately Finite Dimensional von Neumann Algebras 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ The structure of the automorhpism group of an approximately finite dimensional factor 2001 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ The Non-commutative Flow of Weights on a Von Neumann Algebra 2001 Tony Falcone
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Operator valued weights without structure theory 1999 Tony Falcone
Masamichi Takesaki
+ The characteristic square of a factor and the cocycle conjugacy of discrete group actions on factors 1998 Yoshikazu Katayama
Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat None 1995 Yoshikazu Katayama
Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Twenty-five years in the theory of type 𝐼𝐼𝐼 von Neumann algebras 1994 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat The topological structure of the unitary and automorphism groups of a factor 1993 Sorin Popa
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat An open mapping theorem on homogeneous spaces 1992 Shōzō Koshi
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Compact abelian group actions on injective factors 1992 Yasuyuki Kawahigashi
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Asymptotic Galois correspondence for discrete amenable group actions on factors 1992 Yoshikazu Katayama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat The structure of the automorphism group of an injective factor and the cocycle conjugacy of discrete abelian group actions 1992 Yasuyuki Kawahigashi
Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Actions of discrete amenable groups on injective factors of type III<sub><i>λ</i></sub><i>, λ</i><i>≠</i>1 1989 Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ UK-US Joint Seminar on Operator Algebras Lectures 1989 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Compact Abelian Automorphism Groups of Injective Semi-Finite Factors 1987 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Actions of Discrete Amenable Groups and Groupoids on von Neumann Algebras 1985 Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Actions of compact abelian groups on semifinite injective factors 1984 Vaughan F. R. Jones
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Integration 1983 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Group duality and the Kubo-Martin Schwinger condition. II 1982 Daniel Kastler
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Automorphisms and von Neumann algebras of type III 1982 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Non-Commutative Group Duality and the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger Condition 1980 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Group duality and the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition 1979 Daniel Kastler
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Tensor Products of Operator Algebras and Direct Integrals 1979 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Duality for Crossed Products of von Neumann Algebras 1979 Yoshiomi Nakagami
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Topologies and Density Theorems in Operator Algebras 1979 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Elementary properties of crossed products 1979 Yoshiomi Nakagami
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Relative commutant of crossed products 1979 Yoshiomi Nakagami
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Fundamentals of Banach Algebras and C*-Algebras 1979 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Errata: "The flow of weights on factors of type ${\rm III}$" 1978 Alain Connes
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Extension of KMS states and chemical potential 1977 Huzihiro Araki
Daniel Kastler
Masamichi Takesaki
Rudolf Haag
+ PDF Chat The flow of weights on factors of type ${\rm III}$ 1977 Alain Connes
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Faithful states on a<i>C</i><sup>∗</sup>-algebra 1974 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Local normality in Quantum Statistical Mechanics 1973 Masamichi Takesaki
M. Winnink
+ PDF Chat Duality in crossed products and von Neumann algebras of type 𝐼𝐼𝐼 1973 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Periodic and homogeneous states on a von Neumann algebra. III 1973 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat The Radon-Nikodym theorem for von neumann algebras 1973 Gert K. Pedersen
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Duality for crossed products and the structure of von Neumann algebras of type III 1973 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Periodic and homogeneous states on a von Neumann algebra. II 1973 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Periodic and homogeneous states on a von Neumann algebra. I 1973 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Shorter Notes: The Operator Equation THT = K 1972 Gert K. Pedersen
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Duality and subgroups, II 1972 Masamichi Takesaki
Nobuhiko Tatsuuma
+ Conditional expectations in von Neumann algebras 1972 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat The operator equation $THT=K$ 1972 Gert K. Pedersen
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Duality and von Neumann algebras 1972 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Operator Algebras 1972 Horst Behncke
Herbert Heyer
Horst Leptin
J. R. Ringrose
Teishirô Saitô
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat The quotient algebra of a finite von Neumann algebra 1971 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Duality and Subgroups 1971 Masamichi Takesaki
Nobuhiko Tatsuuma
+ A liminal crossed product of a uniformly hyperfinite C∗-algebra by a compact Abelian automorphism group 1971 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Duality and von Neumann algebras 1971 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Algebraic equivalence of locally normal representations 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat States and automorphism groups of operator algebras 1970 Richard H. Herman
Masamichi Takesaki
+ The commutation theorem for modular Hilbert algebras 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ The standard representation of von Neumann algebras 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ The modular automorphism group and the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger boundary condition 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Modular Hilbert algebras 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ The resolvent of the modular operator Δ 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Self-adjoint subalgebras of generalized Hilbert algebras 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Tensor product and direct sum of modular Hilbert algebras 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Formulation of the modular Hilbert algebra 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Tomita's Theory of Modular Hilbert Algebras and its Applications 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Generalized Hilbert algebras 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ The modular operator Δ 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Semi-finiteness and the modular automorphism group 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ The one-parameter automorphisms defined by the modular operator Δ 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ A Characterization of Group Algebras as a Converse of Tannaka-Stinespring-Tatsuuma Duality Theorem 1969 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the reduction theory of von Neumann algebras 1969 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat A generalized commutation relation for the regular representation 1969 Masamichi Takesaki
+ A Duality in the Representation Theory of C ∗ -Algebras 1967 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Covariant representations of C*-algebras and their locally compact automorphism groups 1967 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Dual spaces of tensor products of $C^{\ast}$-algebras 1966 Takateru Okayasu
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On the cross-norm of the direct product of $C^{\ast}$-algebras 1964 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat A complement to ``On the unitary equivalence among the components of decompositions of representations of involutive Banach algebras and the associated diagonal algebras'' 1964 Masamichi Takesaki
+ On some representation of C*-algebras. 1963 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On some representations of $C^*$-algebras 1963 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On the unitary equivalence among the components of decompositions of representations of involutive Banach algebras and the associated diagonal algebras 1963 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Applications of fibre bundles to the certain class of $C^{\ast}$-algebras 1961 Jun Tomiyama
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On the non-separability of singular representation of operator algebra 1960 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On the Hahn-Banach type theorem and the Jordan decomposition of module linear mapping over some operator algebras 1960 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat A remark on the expectations of operator algebras 1960 Masahiro Nakamura
Masamichi Takesaki
Hisaharu Umegaki
+ PDF Chat On the singularity of a positive linear functional on operator algebra 1959 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat A note on the direct product of operator algebras 1959 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On the direct product of $W^{\ast}$-factors 1958 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On the conjugate space of operator algebra 1958 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat A note on the cross-norm of the direct product of operator algebra 1958 Masamichi Takesaki
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Tomita's Theory of Modular Hilbert Algebras and its Applications 1970 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Outer conjugacy classes of automorphisms of factors 1975 Alain Connes
+ Les C*-algèbres et leurs représentations .. 1964 Jacques Dixmier
+ PDF Chat Actions of Discrete Amenable Groups and Groupoids on von Neumann Algebras 1985 Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Actions of compact abelian groups on semifinite injective factors 1984 Vaughan F. R. Jones
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Almost periodic states and factors of type III1 1974 Alain Connes
+ PDF Chat The structure of the automorphism group of an injective factor and the cocycle conjugacy of discrete abelian group actions 1992 Yasuyuki Kawahigashi
Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Theory of Operator Algebras II 2003 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Actions of discrete amenable groups on factors 1982 Adrian Ocneanu
+ PDF Chat The flow of weights on factors of type ${\rm III}$ 1977 Alain Connes
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Duality for crossed products and the structure of von Neumann algebras of type III 1973 Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat A Borel Parametrlzatlon of Polish Groups 1985 Colin E. Sutherland
+ PDF Chat Actions of discrete amenable groups on injective factors of type III<sub><i>λ</i></sub><i>, λ</i><i>≠</i>1 1989 Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat On the direct product of operator algebras, IV 1956 Takasi Turumaru
+ Theory of Operator Algebras I 1979 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Classification of Injective Factors Cases II 1 , II ∞ , III λ , λ � 1 1976 Alain Connes
+ PDF Chat On the conjugate space of operator algebra 1958 Masamichi Takesaki
+ The characteristic square of a factor and the cocycle conjugacy of discrete group actions on factors 1998 Yoshikazu Katayama
Colin E. Sutherland
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Operator valued weights without structure theory 1999 Tony Falcone
Masamichi Takesaki
+ On Rings of Operators 1936 F. J. Murray
J. v. Neumann
+ PDF Chat Cohomology and Extensions of von Neumann Algebras, I 1980 Colin E. Sutherland
+ Representations of Uniformly Hyperfinite Algebras and Their Associated von Neumann Rings 1967 Robert T. Powers
+ Duality and Subgroups 1971 Masamichi Takesaki
Nobuhiko Tatsuuma
+ PDF Chat L'algèbre de Fourier d'un groupe localement compact 1964 Pierre Eymard
+ PDF Chat On a duality for locally compact groups 1968 Kazuyuki Saitô
+ The Non-commutative Flow of Weights on a Von Neumann Algebra 2001 Tony Falcone
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat States and automorphism groups of operator algebras 1970 Richard H. Herman
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Central Sequences and the Hyperfinite Factor 1970 Dusa McDuff
+ Fourier Analysis on Groups 2006 Walter Rudin
L. Bers
R. Courant
J. J. Stoker
Dagmar Renate Henney
+ PDF Chat On the projection of norm one in $W^ *$-algebras 1957 Jun Tomiyama
+ PDF Chat Conne’s bicentralizer problem and uniqueness of the injective factor of type III1 1987 Uffe Haagerup
+ Algèbres quasi-unitaires 1952 J. Dixmier
+ PDF Chat Actions of discrete amenable groups on von neumann algebras 1985 Adrian Ocneanu
+ PDF Chat Borel structure in groups and their duals 1957 George W. Mackey
+ PDF Chat Covariant representations of C*-algebras and their locally compact automorphism groups 1967 Masamichi Takesaki
+ Ergodic theory and virtual groups 1966 George W. Mackey
+ On the 3-Type of a Complex 1950 Saunders MacLane
J. H. C. Whitehead
+ PDF Chat Ergodic equivalence relations, cohomology, and von Neumann algebras. I 1977 Jacob J. Feldman
Calvin C. Moore
+ PDF Chat Duality for Crossed Products of von Neumann Algebras 1979 Yoshiomi Nakagami
Masamichi Takesaki
+ Induced Representations of Locally Compact Groups I 1952 George W. Mackey
+ A Non-Commutative Extension of Abstract Integration 1953 I. E. Segal
+ Type I C ∗ -Algebras 1961 James Glimm
+ The theory of W[*]-algebras 1962 正一郎 境
+ PDF Chat Inductive limit and infinite direct product of operator algebras 1955 Zirô Takeda
+ PDF Chat Compact abelian group actions on injective factors 1992 Yasuyuki Kawahigashi
Masamichi Takesaki
+ PDF Chat Formes linéaires sur un anneau d'opérateurs 1953 Jacques Dixmier
+ PDF Chat Unitary representations of group extensions. I 1958 George W. Mackey
+ PDF Chat An amenable equivalence relation is generated by a single transformation 1981 Alain Connes
Jacob J. Feldman
Bernard Weiss
+ PDF Chat A duality theorem for locally compact groups 1967 Nobuhiko Tatsuuma