Joseph Ben Geloun


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Elementary methods for splitting representations of Rook monoids: a gentle introduction to groupoids 2024 Gérard Duchamp
Joseph Ben Geloun
Christophe Tollu
+ Counting $$U(N)^{\otimes r}\otimes O(N)^{\otimes q}$$ invariants and tensor model observables 2024 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Reiko Toriumi
+ PDF Chat Counting of surfaces and computational complexity in column sums of symmetric group character tables 2024 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat Counting $U(N)^{\otimes r}\otimes O(N)^{\otimes q}$ invariants and tensor model observables 2024 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Reiko Toriumi
+ HDBSCAN for 3-rd order tensor 2024 Dina Faneva Andriantsiory
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mustapha Lebbah
+ PDF Chat One-loop beta-functions of quartic enhanced tensor field theories 2023 Joseph Ben Geloun
Reiko Toriumi
+ PDF Chat Kronecker coefficients from algebras of bi-partite ribbon graphs 2023 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat The quantum detection of projectors in finite-dimensional algebras and holography 2023 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanics of bipartite ribbon graphs: Integrality, Lattices and Kronecker coefficients 2023 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ DBSCAN of Multi-Slice Clustering for Third-Order Tensors 2023 Dina Faneva Andriantsiory
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mustapha Lebbah
+ Multiway clustering of 3-order tensor via affinity matrix 2023 Dina Faneva Andriantsiory
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mustapha Lebbah
+ One-loop beta-functions of quartic enhanced tensor field theories 2023 Joseph Ben Geloun
Reiko Toriumi
+ The quantum detection of projectors in finite-dimensional algebras and holography 2023 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ QFT with Tensorial and Local Degrees of Freedom: Phase Structure from Functional Renormalization 2023 Joseph Ben Geloun
Andreas G. A. Pithis
Johannes Thürigen
+ Parallel Computation of Multi-Slice Clustering of Third-Order Tensors 2023 Dina Faneva Andriantsiory
Camille Coti
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mustapha Lebbah
+ PDF Chat Universality for polynomial invariants for ribbon graphs with half-ribbons 2022 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat All-orders asymptotics of tensor model observables from symmetries of restricted partitions 2022 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ Kronecker coefficients from algebras of bi-partite ribbon graphs 2022 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ Multi-Slice Clustering for 3-order Tensor 2021 Dina Faneva Andriantsiory
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mustapha Lebbah
+ PDF Chat Extending the Tutte and Bollobás–Riordan polynomials to rank 3 weakly coloured stranded graphs 2021 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ Multi-Slice Clustering for 3-order Tensor Data 2021 Andriantsiory Dina Faneva
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mustapha Lebbah
+ All-orders asymptotics of tensor model observables from symmetries of restricted partitions 2021 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat On the counting tensor model observables as U(N) and O(N) classical invariants 2020 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ PDF Chat On-the-fly Optimization of Parallel Computation of Symbolic Symplectic Invariants 2020 Joseph Ben Geloun
Camille Coti
Allen D. Malony
+ On the counting tensor model observables as $U(N)$ and $O(N)$ classical invariants 2020 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ PDF Chat On the counting of $O(N)$ tensor invariants 2020 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Nicolas Dub
+ Quantum mechanics of bipartite ribbon graphs: Integrality, Lattices and Kronecker coefficients 2020 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ On the counting tensor model observables as $U(N)$ and $O(N)$ classical invariants 2020 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ On-the-fly Optimization of Parallel Computation of Symbolic Symplectic Invariants 2020 Joseph Ben Geloun
Camille Coti
Allen D. Malony
+ PDF Chat On the counting of $O(N)$ tensor invariants 2019 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Nicolas Dub
+ PDF Chat Minimizers of the dynamical Boulatov model 2018 Joseph Ben Geloun
Alexander Kegeles
Andreas G. A. Pithis
+ PDF Chat Renormalizable enhanced tensor field theory: The quartic melonic case 2018 Joseph Ben Geloun
Reiko Toriumi
+ PDF Chat A Renormalizable SYK-Type Tensor Field Theory 2018 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Functional renormalization group analysis of rank-3 tensorial group field theory: The full quartic invariant truncation 2018 Joseph Ben Geloun
Tim Koslowski
Daniele Oriti
Antônio D. Pereira
+ PDF Chat Tensor models, Kronecker coefficients and permutation centralizer algebras 2017 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat On an Ordering-Dependent Generalization of the Tutte Polynomial 2017 Joseph Ben Geloun
Francesco Caravelli
+ Embedding Half-Edge Graphs in Punctured Surfaces 2017 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat Functional renormalization group analysis of tensorial group field theories on<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math> 2016 Joseph Ben Geloun
Riccardo Martini
Daniele Oriti
+ Renormalizable Tensor Field Theories 2016 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ Nontrivial UV behavior of rank-4 tensor field models for quantum gravity 2016 Joseph Ben Geloun
Tim Koslowski
+ Renormalizable Tensor Field Theories 2016 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ PDF Chat Functional Renormalization Group analysis of a Tensorial Group Field Theory on $\mathbb{R}^3$ 2015 Joseph Ben Geloun
Riccardo Martini
Daniele Oriti
+ PDF Chat Parametric representation of rank <i>d</i> tensorial group field theory: Abelian models with kinetic term ∑sps+μ 2015 Joseph Ben Geloun
Reiko Toriumi
+ PDF Chat Functional renormalisation group approach for tensorial group field theory: a rank-3 model 2015 Dario Benedetti
Joseph Ben Geloun
Daniele Oriti
+ A power counting theorem for a $p^{2a}ϕ^4$ tensorial group field theory 2015 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ Recipe theorems for polynomial invariants on ribbon graphs with half-edges 2014 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat The finite and large-<i>N</i> behaviors of independent-value matrix models 2014 Joseph Ben Geloun
John R. Klauder
+ PDF Chat Counting tensor model observables and branched covers of the 2-sphere 2014 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ Recipe theorems for polynomial invariants on ribbon graphs with half-edges 2014 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ Universality for polynomial invariants on ribbon graphs with flags 2013 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat On the finite amplitudes for open graphs in Abelian dynamical colored Boulatov–Ooguri models 2013 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ On terminal forms for topological polynomials for ribbon graphs: The<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si33.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-petal flower 2013 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Etera R. Livine
+ PDF Chat Some classes of renormalizable tensor models 2013 Joseph Ben Geloun
Etera R. Livine
+ PDF Chat Addendum to: A Renormalizable 4-Dimensional Tensor Field Theory 2013 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Enhanced quantization on the circle 2013 Joseph Ben Geloun
John R. Klauder
+ A Polynomial Invariant for Rank 3 Weakly-Colored Stranded Graphs 2013 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ Extending Tutte and Bollob\'as-Riordan Polynomials to Rank 3 Weakly-Colored Stranded Graphs 2013 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ Renormalizable Models in Rank $d\geq 2$ Tensorial Group Field Theory 2013 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ Universality for polynomial invariants on ribbon graphs with half-ribbons 2013 Rémi Cocou Avohou
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat Two- and four-loop β-functions of rank-4 renormalizable tensor field theories 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ PDF Chat A Renormalizable 4-Dimensional Tensor Field Theory 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Coherent states for continuous spectrum operators with non-normalizable fiducial states 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
Jeff Hnybida
John R. Klauder
+ PDF Chat Classical group field theory 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ Topos Analogues of the KMS State 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
Cecilia Flori
+ Enhanced Quantization: The particle on the circle 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ 3D Tensor Field Theory: Renormalization and One-loop $β$-functions 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
Dine Ousmane Samary
+ Asymptotic Freedom of Rank 4 Tensor Group Field Theory 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ 3D Tensor Field Theory: Renormalization and One-loop $\beta$-functions 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
Dine Ousmane Samary
+ A Renormalizable 4-Dimensional Tensor Field Theory 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Ward–Takahashi identities for the colored Boulatov model 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ PDF Chat Radiative Corrections in the Boulatov-Ooguri Tensor Model: The 2-Point Function 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
Valentin Bonzom
+ PDF Chat Asymptotes in SU(2) Recoupling Theory: Wigner Matrices, 3j Symbols, and Character Localization 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
Razvan Gurău
+ Deepening the vector coherent state analysis: Revisiting the harmonic oscillator 2011 Isiaka Aremua
Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ A Renormalizable 4-Dimensional Tensor Field Theory 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat EPRL/FK group field theory 2010 Joseph Ben Geloun
Razvan Gurău
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Bosonic colored group field theory 2010 Joseph Ben Geloun
J. Le Magnen
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Linearized group field theory and power-counting theorems 2010 Joseph Ben Geloun
Thomas Krajewski
J. Le Magnen
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat q -graded Heisenberg algebras and deformed supersymmetries 2010 Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat The {\cal N}=1 supersymmetric Landau problem and its supersymmetric Landau level projections: the {\cal N}=1 supersymmetric Moyal–Voros superplane 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
Jan Govaerts
F. G. Scholtz
+ PDF Chat Ladder operators and coherent states for continuous spectra 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
John R. Klauder
+ PDF Chat New classes of nonlinear vector coherent states of generalized spin–orbit Hamiltonians 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat Harmonic oscillator in a background magnetic field in noncommutative quantum phase-space 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sunandan Gangopadhyay
F. G. Scholtz
+ PDF Chat Coherent states in noncommutative quantum mechanics 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
F. G. Scholtz
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry breaking in noncommutative quantum mechanics 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
F. G. Scholtz
+ Multi-indicial symmetric functions 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ New classes of nonlinear vector coherent states of generalized spin-orbit Hamiltonians 2009 Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ Noncommutative supersymmetric quantum mechanics 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
F. G. Scholtz
+ PDF Chat Color Grosse–Wulkenhaar models: one-loop β-functions 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat One-Loop β Functions of a Translation-Invariant Renormalizable Noncommutative Scalar Model 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
Adrian Tanasă
+ Classes of f-Deformed Landau Operators: Nonlinear Noncommutative Coordinates from Algebraic Representations 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
Jan Govaerts
+ Classes of f-Deformed Landau Operators: Nonlinear Noncommutative Coordinates from Algebraic Representations 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
Jan Govaerts
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ Color Grosse-Wulkenhaar models: One-loop $β$-functions 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Moyal algebra: relevant properties, projective limits and applications in noncommutative field theory 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
Fortuné Massamba
+ Vanishing beta function for Grosse-Wulkenhaar model in a magnetic field 2008 Joseph Ben Geloun
Razvan Gurău
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat A (p, q)-deformed Landau problem in a spherical harmonic well: Spectrum and noncommuting coordinates 2007 Joseph Ben Geloun
Jan Govaerts
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ PDF Chat ( p , q ) deformations and (p,q)-vector coherent states of the Jaynes-Cummings model in the rotating wave approximation 2007 Joseph Ben Geloun
Jan Govaerts
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
+ Noncommutative Noether theorem 2007 Joseph Ben Geloun
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
Piotr Kielanowski
Anatol Odzijewicz
Martin Schlichenmeier
Theodore Voronov
J Govaerts
Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Colored Group Field Theory 2011 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of colored tensor models in the large N limit 2011 Valentin Bonzom
Razvan Gurău
Aldo Riello
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat 2D gravity and random matrices 1995 Philippe Di Francesco
Paul Ginsparg
Jean Zinn‐Justin
+ PDF Chat The Complete 1/N Expansion of Colored Tensor Models in Arbitrary Dimension 2011 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat Colored Tensor Models - a Review 2012 Razvan Gurău
James P. Ryan
+ PDF Chat The 1/N Expansion of Colored Tensor Models 2011 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat Lost in translation: topological singularities in group field theory 2010 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat A Renormalizable 4-Dimensional Tensor Field Theory 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat The group field theory approach to Quantum Gravity 2009 Daniele Oriti
+ PDF Chat Topological Graph Polynomials in Colored Group Field Theory 2010 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat Bosonic colored group field theory 2010 Joseph Ben Geloun
J. Le Magnen
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat The 1/N expansion of colored tensor models in arbitrary dimension 2011 Razvan Gurău
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Random tensor models in the large<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>limit: Uncoloring the colored tensor models 2012 Valentin Bonzom
Razvan Gurău
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Group Field Theory: An Overview 2005 Laurent Freidel
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the Virasoro algebra to arbitrary dimensions 2011 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat Radiative Corrections in the Boulatov-Ooguri Tensor Model: The 2-Point Function 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
Valentin Bonzom
+ PDF Chat Renormalisation of ?4-Theory on Noncommutative ?4 in the Matrix Base 2005 Harald Grosse
Raimar Wulkenhaar
+ PDF Chat Melons are Branched Polymers 2013 Razvan Gurău
James P. Ryan
+ From Perturbative to Constructive Renormalization 1991 Vincent Rivasseau
+ 3D Tensor Field Theory: Renormalization and One-loop $\beta$-functions 2011 Joseph Ben Geloun
Dine Ousmane Samary
+ PDF Chat Just Renormalizable TGFT’s on U(1) d with Gauge Invariance 2014 Dine Ousmane Samary
Fabien Vignes-Tourneret
+ PDF Chat Addendum to: A Renormalizable 4-Dimensional Tensor Field Theory 2013 Joseph Ben Geloun
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat The Schwinger Dyson equations and the algebra of constraints of random tensor models at all orders 2012 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of Tensorial Group Field Theories: Abelian U(1) Models in Four Dimensions 2014 Sylvain Carrozza
Daniele Oriti
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Linearized group field theory and power-counting theorems 2010 Joseph Ben Geloun
Thomas Krajewski
J. Le Magnen
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Tensor models, Kronecker coefficients and permutation centralizer algebras 2017 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat Two- and four-loop β-functions of rank-4 renormalizable tensor field theories 2012 Joseph Ben Geloun
+ Universality for Random Tensors 2011 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat The Ising model on random lattices in arbitrary dimensions 2012 Valentin Bonzom
Razvan Gurău
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Some classes of renormalizable tensor models 2013 Joseph Ben Geloun
Etera R. Livine
+ PDF Chat Counting tensor model observables and branched covers of the 2-sphere 2014 Joseph Ben Geloun
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat The tensor track, III 2013 Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Discrete renormalization group for SU(2) tensorial group field theory 2015 Sylvain Carrozza
+ PDF Chat Double scaling limit in arbitrary dimensions: A toy model 2011 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat EPRL/FK group field theory 2010 Joseph Ben Geloun
Razvan Gurău
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Continuum limit in matrix models for quantum gravity from the functional renormalization group 2013 Astrid Eichhorn
Tim Koslowski
+ PDF Chat Universality for random tensors 2014 Razvan Gurău
+ PDF Chat Scaling behavior of three-dimensional group field theory 2009 J. Le Magnen
Karim Noui
Vincent Rivasseau
Matteo Smerlak
+ PDF Chat Group field theory renormalization in the 3D case: Power counting of divergences 2009 Laurent Freidel
Razvan Gurău
Daniele Oriti
+ PDF Chat Permutation centralizer algebras and multimatrix invariants 2016 Paolo Mattioli
Sanjaye Ramgoolam
+ PDF Chat Tensorial Methods and Renormalization in Group Field Theories 2014 Sylvain Carrozza
+ None 2002 Béla Bollobás
Oliver Riordan
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of a SU(2) Tensorial Group Field Theory in Three Dimensions 2014 Sylvain Carrozza
Daniele Oriti
Vincent Rivasseau
+ PDF Chat Functional renormalisation group approach for tensorial group field theory: a rank-3 model 2015 Dario Benedetti
Joseph Ben Geloun
Daniele Oriti
+ Towards Renormalizing Group Field Theory 2011 Vincent Rivasseau
+ Non-Commutative Renormalization 2006 Vincent Rivasseau
Fabien Vignes-Tourneret
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal bases of invariants in tensor models 2018 Pablo Díaz
Soo-Jong Rey
+ PDF Chat Phase transition in dually weighted colored tensor models 2011 Dario Benedetti
Razvan Gurău