A. Pellegrinotti


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Computing a Class of Blow-up Solutions for the Navier-Stokes Equations 2024 C. Boldrighini
S. Frigio
Pierluigi Maponi
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Real and complex Li-Sinai solutions of the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations 2023 C. Boldrighini
Sandro Frigio
Pierluigi Maponi
A. Pellegrinotti
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat An Antisymmetric Solution of the 3D Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations with “Tornado-Like” Behavior 2020 C. Boldrighini
S. Frigio
Pierluigi Maponi
A. Pellegrinotti
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ An antisymmetric solution of the 3D incompressible Navier-Stockes equations 2020 C. Boldrighini
Sandro Frigio
Pierluigi Maponi
A. Pellegrinotti
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ Regular and Singular Continuous Time Random Walk in Dynamic Random Environment 2019 C. Boldrighini
A. Pellegrinotti
Е. А. Zhizhina
+ PDF Chat Robert Adol'fovich Minlos (1931–2018) – His Work and Legacy 2018 C. Boldrighini
Vadim Malyshev
A. Pellegrinotti
Suren Poghosyan
Yakov G. Sinai
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
Е. Г. Жижина
+ Random walk on $\Z$ with one-point inhomogeneity 2012 C.Boldrighini Cboldrighini
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Discrete-time random motion in a continuous random medium 2009 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Asymptotic Decay of Correlations for a Random Walk on the Lattice Zd in Interaction with a Markov Field 2008 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
F. De Nardi
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Random Jumps in Evolving Random Environment 2008 C. Boldrighini
Y. U. G. Kondratiev
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
E. A. Zhizhinza
+ Random walks in random environment with markov dependence on time 2008 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Random walks in a random (fluctuating) environment 2007 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Anderson Parabolic Model for a Quasi-Stationary Medium 2007 C. Boldrighini
Stanislav Molchanov
A. Pellegrinotti
+ PDF Chat Случайные блуждания в случайной (флуктуирующей) среде 2007 Карло Болдригини
C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Asymptotic decay of correlations for a random walk on the lattice $Z^d$ in interaction with a Markov field 2007 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
Francesca R. Nardi
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Computer Simulations for Some One-Dimensional Models of Random Walks in Fluctuating Random Environment 2005 C. Boldrighini
G. Cosimi
S. Frigio
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Asymptotic Decay of Correlations for a Random Walk in Interaction with a Markov Field 2005 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
F. De Nardi
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Directed polymers in Markov random media 2002 C.Boldrighini Cboldrighini
R.A.Minlos Raminlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ None 2002 C. Boldrighini
Leonid Bunimovich
A. Pellegrinotti
+ None 2001 C. Boldrighini
Leonid Bunimovich
G. Cosimi
S. Frigio
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Random walk in a fluctuating random environment with Markov evolution 2000 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Random walk in fluctuating random environment with Markov evolution 2000 C. Boldrghini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Central limit theorem for a random walk in dynamical environment: Integral and local 1999 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ PDF Chat Stationary state and diffusion for a charged particle in a one dimensional medium with lifetimes 1999 A. Pellegrinotti
A. Pellegrinotti
Vladas Sidoravičius
Vladas Sidoravičius
Maria Eulália Vares
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Almost-sure central limit theorem for a model of random walk in fluctuating random environment 1998 Maria Simonetta Bernabei
C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Almost-Sure Central Limit Theorem for Directed Polymers and Random Corrections 1997 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Asymptotic decay of correlations for a fluctuating environment in interaction with a two particle random walk 1996 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Ising-type transitions in coupled map lattices 1995 C. Boldrighini
Leonid Bunimovich
G. Cosimi
S. Frigio
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Central limit theorem for the random walk of one and two particles in a random environment, with mutual interaction 1994 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ PDF Chat Spatial Patterns when Phases Separate in an Interacting Particle System 1994 Anna De Masi
A. Pellegrinotti
E. Presutti
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Interacting random walk in a dynamical random environment. II. Environment from the point of view of the particle 1994 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Nonequilibrium fluctuations in particle systems modelling reaction-diffusion equations 1992 C. Boldrighini
Anna De Masi
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Ergodic systems ofn balls in a billiard table 1992 Leonid Bunimovich
Carlangelo Liverani
A. Pellegrinotti
Yurii Suhov
+ Diffusive energy growth in classical and quantum driven oscillators 1991 Leonid Bunimovich
H. R. Jauslin
Joel L. Lebowitz
A. Pellegrinotti
P. Nielaba
+ Collective phenomena in interacting particle systems 1987 C. Boldrighini
Anna De Masi
A. Pellegrinotti
E. Presutti
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of a semi-infinite one-dimensional system of statistical mechanics 1985 C. Boldrighini
A. Pellegrinotti
E. Presutti
Ya. G. Sinai
M. R. Soloveichik
+ Convergence to stationary states for infinite harmonic systems 1983 C. Boldrighini
A. Pellegrinotti
L. Triolo
+ On the dynamics of infinite anharmonic systems 1981 Carlo Marchioro
A. Pellegrinotti
Mario Pulvirenti
+ Remark on the existence of non-equilibrium dynamics 1981 C.Marchioro Cmarchioro
A. Pellegrinotti
M.Pulvirenti Mpulvirenti
+ PDF Chat Selfadjointness of the Liouville operator for infinite classical systems 1978 Carlo Marchioro
A. Pellegrinotti
Mario Pulvirenti
+ PDF Chat Existence and uniqueness of DLR measures for unbounded spin systems 1978 M. Cassandro
Enzo Olivieri
A. Pellegrinotti
E. Presutti
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random walks in quenched i.i.d. space-time random environment are always a.s. diffusive 2004 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Random walk in dynamic environment with mutual influence 1992 C. Boldrighini
I. A. Ignatyuk
V. A. Malyshev
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Random Walk in Dynamic Markovian Random Environment 2005 Antar Bandyopadhyay
Ofer Zeitouni
+ PDF Chat Criticality of the axially symmetric Navier–Stokes equations 2017 Zhen Lei
Qi Zhang
+ Complex Singular Solutions of the 3-d Navier–Stokes Equations and Related Real Solutions 2017 C. Boldrighini
Dong Li
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat A Certain Necessary Condition of Potential Blow up for Navier-Stokes Equations 2011 G. Serëgin
+ PDF Chat Local Near-Beltrami Structure and Depletion of the Nonlinearity in the 3D Navier–Stokes Flows 2018 Aseel Farhat
Zoran Grujić
+ Central limit theorem for a random walk in dynamical environment: Integral and local 1999 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Central limit theorem for the random walk of one and two particles in a random environment, with mutual interaction 1994 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Interacting random walk in a dynamical random environment. II. Environment from the point of view of the particle 1994 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ On Depletion of the Vortex-Stretching Term in the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations 2004 A. A. Ruzmaikina
Zoran Grujić
+ T-1/4-Noise for Random Walks in Dynamic Environment on Z 2001 C. Boldrighini
A. Pellegrinotti
+ PDF Chat Time evolution of infinite anharmonic systems 1977 Oscar E. Lanford
Joel L. Lebowitz
Élliott H. Lieb
+ Finite time blowup for an averaged three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation 2015 Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Almost-sure central limit theorem for a Markov model of random walk in dynamical random environment 1997 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ The almost sure central limit theorem for one-dimensional nearest-neighbour random walks in a space-time random environment 2004 Jean Bérard
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium dynamics of two-dimensional infinite particle systems with a singular interaction 1977 J. Fritz
R. L. Dobrushin
+ PDF Chat Non-equilibrium dynamics of one-dimensional infinite particle systems with a hard-core interaction 1977 R. L. Dobrushin
J. Fritz
+ PDF Chat Blow-up in finite time for the dyadic model of the Navier-Stokes equations 2008 Alexey Cheskidov
+ PDF Chat An almost sure invariance principle for random walks in a space-time random environment 2005 Firas Rassoul‐Agha
Timo Seppäläinen
+ PDF Chat Anomalous behaviour for the random corrections to the cumulants of random walks in fluctuating random media 2001 Maria Simonetta Bernabei
+ Random walk in a fluctuating random environment with Markov evolution 2000 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ PDF Chat Blow ups of complex solutions of the 3D Navier–Stokes system and renormalization group method 2008 Dong Li
Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat Statistical properties of lorentz gas with periodic configuration of scatterers 1981 Leonid Bunimovich
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ PDF Chat On the blow-up of some complex solutions of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations: theoretical predictions and computer simulations 2017 C. Boldrighini
S. Frigio
Pierluigi Maponi
+ Coupled analytic maps 1995 Jean Bricmont
A. Kupiainen
+ Deterministic limit of the stochastic model of chemical reactions with diffusion 1980 Ludwig Arnold
M. Theodosopulu
+ Part II: Random Walks in Random Environment 2004 Ofer Zeitouni
+ Asymptotic Decay of Correlations for a Random Walk in Interaction with a Markov Field 2005 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
F. De Nardi
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Almost-sure central limit theorem for a model of random walk in fluctuating random environment 1998 Maria Simonetta Bernabei
C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Decay of Correlations 1995 Carlangelo Liverani
+ The emergence of coherent structures in coupled map lattices 1990 Leonid Bunimovich
A. Lambert
Ricardo Lima
+ A cheap Caffarelli--Kohn--Nirenberg inequality for the Navier--Stokes equation with hyper-dissipation 2002 N. Katz
Nataša Pavlović
+ Dynamical systems with elastic reflections 1970 Yakov G. Sinai
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for a random walk in dynamical random environment 1998 Irina Ignatiouk-Robert
+ Blowups of complex-valued solutions for some hydrodynamic models 2010 D. Li
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ Ergodic properties of an ideal gas with an infinite number of degrees of freedom 1971 K. L. Volkovysskii
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ Spacetime chaos in coupled map lattices 1988 Leonid Bunimovich
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ On the Consistency of the Mathematical Models of Chemical Reactions 1980 Ludwig Arnold
+ Almost-Sure Central Limit Theorem for Directed Polymers and Random Corrections 1997 C. Boldrighini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti
+ Rigorous Derivation of Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Fluctuations 1985 Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Reaction-diffusion equations for interacting particle systems 1987 Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of a system in contact with a heat bath: A one dimensional model 1982 Sheldon Goldstein
Joel L. Lebowitz
K. Ravishankar
+ Space-time chaos in chains of weakly interacting hyperbolic mappings 1991 Ya. B. Pesin
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ The Description of a Random Field by Means of Conditional Probabilities and Conditions of Its Regularity 1968 P. L. Dobruschin
+ Independent and stationary sequences of random variables 1971 И. А. Ибрагимов
Ю. В. Ліннік
J. F. C. Kingmán
+ Phase transitions in coupled map lattices 1991 Peter Grassberger
Thomas Schreiber
+ Singularities of complex-valued solutions of the two-dimensional Burgers system 2010 Dong Li
Yakov G. Sinai
+ Random walk in fluctuating random environment with Markov evolution 2000 C. Boldrghini
R. A. Minlos
A. Pellegrinotti