Daniel Monclair


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Locally homogeneous Axiom A flows I: projective Anosov subgroups and exponential mixing 2024 Benjamin Delarue
Daniel Monclair
Andrew Sanders
+ Regularity of limit sets of AdS quasi-Fuchsian groups 2024 Olivier Glorieux
Daniel Monclair
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension of limit sets for projective Anosov representations 2023 Olivier Glorieux
Daniel Monclair
Nicolas Tholozan
+ The Riemannian geometry of the space of compact spacelike Cauchy hypersurfaces 2023 Daniel Monclair
+ Gromov-Thurston manifolds and anti-de Sitter geometry 2023 Daniel Monclair
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
Nicolas Tholozan
+ PDF Chat Critical Exponent and Hausdorff Dimension in Pseudo-Riemannian Hyperbolic Geometry 2019 Olivier Glorieux
Daniel Monclair
+ Regularity of limit sets of AdS quasi-Fuchsian groups 2018 Olivier Glorieux
Daniel Monclair
+ Differentiable conjugacy for groups of area-preserving circle diffeomorphisms 2016 Daniel Monclair
+ Critical exponent and Hausdorff dimension for quasi-Fuchsian AdS manifolds 2016 Olivier Glorieux
Daniel Monclair
+ Critical exponent and Hausdorff dimension in pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic geometry 2016 Olivier Glorieux
Daniel Monclair
+ Attractors in spacetimes and time functions 2016 Daniel Monclair
+ Critical exponent and Hausdorff dimension in pseudo-Riemannian hyperbolic geometry 2016 Olivier Glorieux
Daniel Monclair
+ Attractors in spacetimes and time functions 2016 Daniel Monclair
+ PDF Chat Isometries of Lorentz surfaces and convergence groups 2015 Daniel Monclair
+ PDF Chat Convergence groups and semiconjugacy 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Dynamique lorentzienne et groupes de difféomorphismes du cercle 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Lorentzian dynamics and groups of circle diffeomorphisms 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Convergence groups and semi conjugacy 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Isometries of Lorentz surfaces and convergence groups 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Differentiable conjugacy for groups of area preserving circle diffeomorphisms 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Convergence groups and semi conjugacy 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Isometries of Lorentz surfaces and convergence groups 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Differentiable conjugacy for groups of area preserving circle diffeomorphisms 2014 Daniel Monclair
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Convergence Groups are Fuchsian Groups 1992 David Gabai
+ PDF Chat Flots d'Anosov sur les variétés graphées au sens de Waldhausen 1996 Thierry Barbot
+ PDF Chat Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature 2007 Geoffrey Mess
+ PDF Chat Stable manifolds for hyperbolic sets 1969 Morris W. Hirsch
Charles Pugh
+ Finitely Generated Kleinian Groups 1964 Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ Convergence groups and seifert fibered 3-manifolds 1994 Andrew Casson
Douglas S. Jungreis
+ PDF Chat Sur la Conjugaison Différentiable des Difféomorphismes du Cercle a des Rotations 1979 Michael R. Herman
+ Dynamics and entropies of Hilbert metrics 2011 Mickaël Crampon
+ PDF Chat On Smooth Cauchy Hypersurfaces and Geroch’s Splitting Theorem 2003 Antonio Bernal
Miguel Sánchez
+ The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 1973 S. W. Hawking
George Ellis
+ Entropies of strictly convex projective manifolds 2009 Mickaël Crampon
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and entropy of a Hitchin representation 2017 Rafaël Potrie
Andrés Sambarino
+ Differentiable conjugacy for groups of area preserving circle diffeomorphisms 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ Convex cocompact actions in real projective geometry 2017 Jeffrey Danciger
François Guéritaud
Fanny Kassel
+ On the Question of Ergodicity for Minimal Group Actions on the Circle 2009 Bertrand Deroin
Victor Kleptsyn
Andrés Navas
+ PDF Chat Flots d'Anosov dont les feuilletages stables sont différentiables 1987 Étienne Ghys
+ PDF Chat Automorphic Forms and Poincare Series for Infinitely Generated Fuchsian Groups 1965 Lipman Bers
+ Group Actions of the 2-Sphere 1989 Gaven Martin
Richard Skora
+ PDF Chat Canonical Perturbation Theory of Anosov Systems and Regularity Results for the Livsic Cohomology Equation 1986 Rafael de la Llave
J. M. Marco
Roberto Moriyón
+ Propriétés Asymptotiques des Groupes Linéaires 1997 Yves Benoist
+ PDF Chat Isometry Groups and Geodesic Foliations of Lorentz Manifolds. Part I: Foundations of Lorentz Dynamics 1999 Abdelghani Zeghib
+ Some remarks on foliatedS 1 bundles 1987 Shigenori Matsumoto
+ PDF Chat Lectures on transformation groups: geometry and dynamics 1990 Giuseppina D’Ambra
M. Gromov
+ Uniformization, Moduli, and Kleinian Groups† 1972 Lipman Bers
+ PDF Chat Plane affine geometry and Anosov flows 2001 Thierry Barbot
+ Riemannian Coverings and Isospectral Manifolds 1985 Toshikazu Sunada
+ PDF Chat Lorentzian worldlines and the Schwarzian derivative 2000 Christian Duval
Valentin Ovsienko
+ PDF Chat Volume growth, entropy and the geodesic stretch 1995 Gerhard Knieper
+ PDF Chat Actions de groupes de Kazhdan sur le cercle 2002 Andrés Navas
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynamics II: Structural stability implies hyperbolicity for Kleinian groups 1985 Dennis Sullivan
+ On the critical exponent of a discrete group of hyperbolic isometries 1997 Frédéric Paulin
+ PDF Chat Isometry Groups and Geodesic Foliations of Lorentz Manifolds. Part II: Geometry of Analytic Lorentz Manifolds with Large Isometry Groups 1999 Abdelghani Zeghib
+ The isometry group of a compact Lorentz manifold. I 1997 Scot Adams
Garrett Stuck
+ The Virasoro group and Lorentzian surfaces: the hyperboloid of one sheet 2000 Christian Duval
Laurent Guieu
+ Dynamique lorentzienne et groupes de difféomorphismes du cercle 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ PDF Chat Rigidité différentiable des groupes fuchsiens 1993 Étienne Ghys
+ Compl�tude des m�triques lorentziennes de $$\mathbb{T}^2 $$ et diff�omorphismes du cercle 1994 Yves Carri�re
Luc Rozoy
+ PDF Chat Contact Anosov flows on hyperbolic 3–manifolds 2013 Patrick Foulon
Boris Hasselblatt
+ Whitney regularity for solutions to the coboundary equation on Cantor sets 2007 Matthew Nicol
Andrei Török
+ Convergence groups and semi conjugacy 2014 Daniel Monclair
+ PDF Chat Maximal Representations of Surface Groups: Symplectic Anosov Structures 2005 Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
François Labourie
Anna Wienhard
+ PDF Chat Sur le groupe d'automorphismes des géométries paraboliques de rang 1 2007 Charles Frances
+ Matrix representations and the Teichmüller space of the twice punctured torus 2000 J. O. Button
+ PDF Chat Invariants for smooth conjugacy of hyperbolic dynamical systems II 1987 Rafael de la Llave
+ PDF Chat Anosov flows, surface groups and curves in projective space 2006 François Labourie
+ Geometry of Discrete Groups 2006 Alan F. Beardon
+ PDF Chat The density at infinity of a discrete group of hyperbolic motions 1979 Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Déformations de flots d'Anosov et de groupes fuchsiens 1992 Étienne Ghys
+ PDF Chat Actions de groupes sur les $1$-variétés non séparées et feuilletages de codimension un 1998 Thierry Barbot