Asad Naqvi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Statistical predictions from anarchic field theory landscapes 2009 Vijay Balasubramanian
Jan de Boer
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat A non-supersymmetric large-<i>N</i>3D CFT and its gravity dual 2008 Adi Armoni
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat đ’© = 4 SYM on<i>S</i><sup>3</sup>with near critical chemical potentials 2008 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Asad Naqvi
Philip Wild
+ PDF Chat Confinement, screening and the center on<i>S</i><sup>3</sup>×<i>S</i><sup>1</sup> 2008 Carlos Hoyos
Biagio Lucini
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat The Topological G&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; String 2008 Jan de Boer
Asad Naqvi
Assaf Shomer
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions of orientifold gauge theories at large<i>N</i>in finite volume 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Giants and loops in ÎČ-deformed theories 2007 Emiliano Imeroni
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Instabilities of the small black hole: a view from<b>Script N = 4</b>SYM 2007 Timothy J. Hollowood
S. Prem Kumar
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Some aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence 2005 Jan de Boer
Liat Maoz
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Topological <i>G</i><sub>2</sub> strings 2005 Jan de Boer
Asad Naqvi
Assaf Shomer
+ PDF Chat String Scattering from Decaying Branes 2005 Vijay Balasubramanian
Esko Keski-Vakkuri
Per Kraus
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Towards a Topological $$ \mathcal{G}_2$$ String 2005 Jan de Boer
Asad Naqvi
Assaf Shomer
+ PDF Chat A Multi-Boundary AdS Orbifold and DLCQ Holography: A universal holographic description of extremal black hole horizons 2004 Vijay Balasubramanian
Asad Naqvi
Joan SimĂłn
+ Some Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence 2004 Jan de Boer
Liat Maoz
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Remark on multiple vacua, particle production, and the time-dependent AdS/CFT correspondence 2004 Vijay Balasubramanian
Thomas S Levi
Asad Naqvi
+ Some Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence 2004 Jan de Boer
Liat Maoz
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Phases of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with flavors 2003 Vijay Balasubramanian
Bo Feng
Min-xin Huang
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Multi-Trace Superpotentials vs. Matrix Models 2003 Vijay Balasubramanian
Jan de Boer
Bo Feng
Yang‐Hui He
Min-xin Huang
Vishnu Jejjala
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Rolling tachyons and decaying branes 2003 Finn Larsen
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Space-time orbifold: A toy model for a cosmological singularity 2003 Vijay Balasubramanian
S. F. Hassan
Esko Keski-Vakkuri
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Brane resolution and gravitational Chern Simons terms 2002 F. A. Brito
Mirjam Cvetič
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Nonperturbative tests of the parent/orbifold correspondence in supersymmetric gauge theories 2002 Joshua Erlich
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Open Strings from Script N = 4 Super Yang-Mills 2002 Vijay Balasubramanian
Min-xin Huang
Thomas S Levi
Asad Naqvi
+ Singularity Resolution and Gravitational Chern-Simons terms 2002 F. A. Brito
Mirjam Cvetič
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Giant Gravitons in Conformal Field Theory 2002 Vijay Balasubramanian
Micha Berkooz
Asad Naqvi
Matthew J. Strassler
+ Giant gravitons and a correspondence principle 2002 Vijay Balasubramanian
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat On marginal deformations in superstring field theory 2001 Amer Iqbal
Asad Naqvi
+ Tachyon Condensation on a non-BPS D-brane 2000 Amer Iqbal
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Propagators for massive symmetric tensor and <i>p</i>-forms in <i>AdS</i><sub><i>d</i>+1</sub> 1999 Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Marginal deformations from branes 1999 Joshua Erlich
Amihay Hanany
Asad Naqvi
+ PDF Chat Coulomb branch of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:math>supersymmetric product group theories from branes 1998 Joshua Erlich
Asad Naqvi
Lisa Randall
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity 1999 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat The large $N$ limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Anti de Sitter space and holography 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory correlators from non-critical string theory 1998 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ Anti-de Sitter space, thermal phase transition, and confinement in gauge theories 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat 4D Conformal Field Theories and Strings on Orbifolds 1998 Shamit Kachru
Eva Silverstein
+ PDF Chat Mass, entropy, and holography in asymptotically de Sitter spaces 2002 Vijay Balasubramanian
Jan de Boer
Djordje Minić
+ The Hagedorn/Deconfinement Phase Transition in Weakly Coupled Large N Gauge Theories 2004 Ofer Aharony
Joseph Marsano
Shiraz Minwalla
Kyriakos Papadodimas
Mark Van Raamsdonk
+ PDF Chat The dual of nothing 2002 Vijay Balasubramanian
Simon F. Ross
+ PDF Chat The large N limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1999 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat The dS/CFT correspondence 2001 Andrew Strominger
+ Large branes in AdS and their field theory dual 2000 Akikazu Hashimoto
Shinji Hirano
Nissan Itzhaki
+ PDF Chat First order deconfinement transition in large<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>Yang-Mills theory on a small<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math> 2005 Ofer Aharony
Joseph Marsano
Shiraz Minwalla
Kyriakos Papadodimas
Mark Van Raamsdonk
+ PDF Chat SUSY and Goliath 2000 Marcus T. Grisaru
Robert C. Myers
Øyvind Tafjord
+ PDF Chat Superconformal field theory on threebranes at a Calabi-Yau singularity 1998 Igor R. Klebanov
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Invasion of the giant gravitons from anti-de Sitter space 2000 John McGreevy
Leonard Susskind
Nicolaos Toumbas
+ PDF Chat Eternal black holes in anti-de Sitter 2003 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Bulk versus boundary dynamics in anti–de Sitter spacetime 1999 Vijay Balasubramanian
Per Kraus
Albion Lawrence
+ PDF Chat Phases of R-charged black holes, spinning branes and strongly coupled gauge theories 1999 Mirjam Cvetič
Steven S. Gubser
+ PDF Chat Dielectric-branes 1999 Robert C. Myers
+ PDF Chat Topological amplitudes in string theory 1994 Ignatios Antoniadis
E. Gava
K.S. Narain
Tomasz R. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Mirror manifolds and topological field theory 1998 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the 2+1 black hole 1993 Måximo Bañados
Marc Henneaux
Claudio Teitelboim
Jorge Zanelli
+ N=2 strings and the twistorial Calabi-Yau 2004 Andrew Neitzke
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Extended superconformal algebras associated with manifolds of exceptional holonomy 1997 JosĂ© Figueroa-O’Farrill
+ Nutty Bubbles 2002 A. M. Ghezelbash
Robert B. Mann
+ PDF Chat The AdS/CFT correspondence and topological censorship 2001 Gregory J. Galloway
Kristin Schleich
Donald Witt
Eric Woolgar
+ PDF Chat On the quantum moduli space of vacua of N = 2 supersymmetric SU(Nc) gauge theories 1995 Amihay Hanany
Yaron Oz
+ PDF Chat Giant Gravitons in Conformal Field Theory 2002 Vijay Balasubramanian
Micha Berkooz
Asad Naqvi
Matthew J. Strassler
+ PDF Chat On topological F-theory 2005 Lilia Anguelova
Paul de Medeiros
AnnamĂĄria Sinkovics
+ PDF Chat Holographic probes of anti–de Sitter spacetimes 1999 Vijay Balasubramanian
Per Kraus
Albion Lawrence
Sandip P. Trivedi
+ PDF Chat Chern-Simons gauge theory as a string theory 1995 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Rational conformal field theories with <i>G</i><sub>2</sub> holonomy 2001 Radu Roiban
Johannes Walcher
+ PDF Chat S-duality and Topological Strings 2004 Nikita Nekrasov
Hirosi Ooguri
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Topological M-theory from pure spinor formalism 2005 Pietro Antonio Grassi
Pierre Vanhove
+ PDF Chat Topological M-theory as unification of form theories of gravity 2005 Robbert Dijkgraaf
Sergei Gukov
Andrew Neitzke
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory 1994 Nathan Seiberg
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Charged AdS black holes and catastrophic holography 1999 Andrew Chamblin
Roberto Emparan
Clifford V. Johnson
Robert C. Myers
+ N=1 M-theory-Heterotic Duality in Three Dimensions and Joyce Manifolds 1996 B. S. Acharya
+ PDF Chat Stable forms and special metrics 2001 Nigel Hitchin
+ PDF Chat Discrete torsion in singular $G_2$-manifolds and real LG 2002 Radu Roiban
Christian Römelsberger
Johannes Walcher
+ The geometry of three-forms in six and seven dimensions 2000 Nigel Hitchin
+ PDF Chat Superconformal field theories for compact <i>G</i><sub>2</sub> manifolds 2001 Ralph Blumenhagen
Volker Braun
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>M</mml:mi></mml:math>theory as a matrix model: A conjecture 1997 T. Banks
Willy Fischler
Stephen H. Shenker
Lawrence Susskind
+ BRST approach to minimal models 1989 Giovanni Felder
+ PDF Chat On mirror symmetry for manifolds of exceptional holonomy 1998 B. S. Acharya
+ PDF Chat Generalised discrete torsion and mirror symmetry for G<sub>2</sub>manifolds 2004 Matthias R. Gaberdiel
Peter Kaste
+ PDF Chat Inside the horizon with AdS/CFT 2003 Per Kraus
Hirosi Ooguri
Stephen H. Shenker
+ PDF Chat Coset construction of noncompact Spin(7) and G2 CFTs 2002 Katsuyuki Sugiyama
Satoshi Yamaguchi
+ PDF Chat Coulomb Phase of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">N</mml:mi><mml:mspace /><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mspace /><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:math>Supersymmetric QCD 1995 Philip C. Argyres
M. Ronen Plesser
Alfred D. Shapere