Romain Dujardin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Some rigidity results for polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2024 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Holomorphically conjugate polynomial automorphisms of C2$\mathbb {C}^2$ are polynomially conjugate 2024 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Holomorphically conjugate polynomial automorphisms of C^2 are polynomially conjugate 2024 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Geometric methods in holomorphic dynamics 2023 Romain Dujardin
+ Finite orbits for large groups of automorphisms of projective surfaces 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Random dynamics on real and complex projective surfaces 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Invariant Measures for Large Automorphism Groups of Projective Surfaces 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Degenerate homoclinic bifurcations in complex dimension 2 2023 Romain Dujardin
+ Structure of hyperbolic polynomial automorphisms of C^2 with disconnected Julia sets 2023 Romain Dujardin
Mikhail Lyubich
+ Dynamics of automorphism groups of projective surfaces: classification, examples and outlook 2023 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ On the dynamical Manin-Mumford conjecture for plane polynomial maps 2023 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
Matteo Ruggiero
+ When do two rational functions have locally biholomorphic Julia sets? 2022 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
Thomas Gauthier
+ Hyperbolicity for large automorphism groups of projective surfaces 2022 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Topological and geometric hyperbolicity criteria for polynomial automorphisms of 2021 Eric Bedford
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Random dynamics on real and complex projective surfaces 2021 Serge Cantat
Romain Dujardin
+ Geometric methods in holomorphic dynamics 2021 Romain Dujardin
+ Chapter IX: Some Problems of Arithmetic Origin in Rational Dynamics 2020 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat A closing lemma for polynomial automorphisms of C² 2020 Romain Dujardin
+ Topological and geometric hyperbolicity criteria for polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2020 Eric Bedford
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Saddle hyperbolicity implies hyperbolicity for polynomial automorphisms of $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2020 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat A closing lemma for polynomial automorphisms of C² 2020 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Degenerations of $\protect \mathrm{SL}(2, \protect \mathbb{C})$ representations and Lyapunov exponents 2019 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
+ Degenerations of SL(2,C) representations and Lyapunov exponents 2018 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
+ Some problems of arithmetic origin in rational dynamics 2018 Romain Dujardin
+ Saddle hyperbolicity implies hyperbolicity for polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2018 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat The dynamical Manin–Mumford problem for plane polynomial automorphisms 2017 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
+ PDF Chat A closing lemma for polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2017 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Complex projective structures: Lyapunov exponent, degree, and harmonic measure 2017 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Non-density of stability for holomorphic mappings on <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msup><mml:mi>ℙ</mml:mi> <mml:mi>k</mml:mi> </mml:msup></mml:math> 2017 Romain Dujardin
+ R. Dujardin - Some problems of arithmetic origin in complex dynamics and geometry (part3) 2017 Romain Dujardin
Jérémy Magnien
+ R. Dujardin - Some problems of arithmetic origin in complex dynamics and geometry (part2) 2017 Romain Dujardin
Jérémy Magnien
+ R. Dujardin - Some problems of arithmetic origin in complex dynamics and geometry (part1) 2017 Romain Dujardin
Jérémy Magnien
+ PDF Chat On stability and hyperbolicity for polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2017 Pierre Berger
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat A two-dimensional polynomial mapping with a wandering Fatou component 2016 Matthieu Astorg
Xavier Buff
Romain Dujardin
Han Peters
Jasmin Raissy
+ PDF Chat The Dynamical Manin-Mumford Problem for Plane Polynomial Automorphisms 2016 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
+ Non density of stability for holomorphic mappings on P^k 2016 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov Exponents for Surface Group Representations 2015 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents for surface group representations. 2015 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat A non-laminar dynamical Green current 2015 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation currents and equidistribution in parameter space 2014 Romain Dujardin
+ A two-dimensional polynomial mapping with a wandering Fatou component 2014 Matthieu Astorg
Xavier Buff
Romain Dujardin
Han Peters
Jasmin Raissy
+ Stability and bifurcations for dissipative polynomial automorphisms of $${{\mathbb {C}}^2}$$ C 2 2014 Romain Dujardin
Mikhail Lyubich
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation currents and equidistribution in parameter space 2014 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat The supports of higher bifurcation currents 2014 Romain Dujardin
+ A two-dimensional polynomial mapping with a wandering Fatou component 2014 Matthieu Astorg
Xavier Buff
Romain Dujardin
Han Peters
Jasmin Raissy
+ A non-laminar dynamical Green current 2013 Romain Dujardin
+ Lyapunov exponents for surface groups representations I: bifurcation currents 2013 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ Stability and bifurcations for dissipative polynomial automorphisms of C^2 2013 Romain Dujardin
Lyubich Mikhail
+ Lyapunov exponents for surface groups representations 2013 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ A non-laminar dynamical Green current 2013 Romain Dujardin
+ Fatou directions along the Julia set for endomorphisms of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">CP</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2012 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat The supports of higher bifurcation currents 2012 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat The supports of higher bifurcation currents 2012 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Random walks, Kleinian groups, and bifurcation currents 2012 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ A note on the rank of positive closed currents 2012 Romain Dujardin
+ The supports of higher bifurcation currents 2012 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of meromorphic mappings with small topological degree II: Energy and invariant measure 2011 Jeffrey Diller
Romain Dujardin
Vincent Guedj
+ PDF Chat Geometric Properties of Maximal psh Functions 2011 Romain Dujardin
Vincent Guedj
+ Bifurcation currents and equidistribution on parameter space 2011 Romain Dujardin
+ Random walks, Kleinian groups, and bifurcation currents 2010 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Wermer Examples and Currents 2010 Romain Dujardin
+ Fatou directions along the Julia set for endomorphisms of CP^k 2010 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of meromorphic maps with small topological degree III: geometric currents and ergodic theory 2010 Jeffrey Diller
Romain Dujardin
Vincent Guedj
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of meromorphic maps with small topological degree I: from cohomology to currents 2010 Jeffrey Diller
Romain Dujardin
Vincent Guedj
+ Random walks, Kleinian groups, and bifurcation currents 2010 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ Fatou directions along the Julia set for endomorphisms of CP^k 2010 Romain Dujardin
+ Cubic Polynomials 2009 Romain Dujardin
+ Wermer examples and currents 2009 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Distribution of rational maps with a preperiodic critical point 2008 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
+ Dynamics of meromorphic maps with small topological degree II: Energy and invariant measure 2008 Jeffrey Diller
Romain Dujardin
Vincent Guedj
+ PDF Chat Continuity of Lyapunov exponents for polynomial automorphisms of $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2007 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Laminar currents and birational dynamics 2006 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Approximation des fonctions lisses sur certaines laminations 2006 Romain Dujardin
+ Some remarks on the connectivity of Julia sets for 2-dimensional diffeomorphisms 2006 Romain Dujardin
+ Continuity of Lyapunov exponents for polynomial automorphisms of $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2006 Romain Dujardin
+ Distribution of rational maps with a preperiodic critical point 2006 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
+ On the dynamics near infinity of some polynomial mappings in 2005 Tien Cuong Dinh
Romain Dujardin
Nessim Sibony
+ Structure properties of laminar currents on ℙ2 2005 Romain Dujardin
+ Approximation des fonctions lisses sur certaines laminations 2005 Romain Dujardin
+ Hénon-like mappings in [inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="01i" /] 2004 Romain Dujardin
+ Structure properties of laminar currents on $\mathbb{P}^2$ 2004 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Sur l’intersection des courants laminaires 2004 Romain Dujardin
+ Laminar currents and birational dynamics 2004 Romain Dujardin
+ On the dynamics near infinity of some polynomial mappings in $\mathbb{C}^2$ 2004 Tien‐Cuong Dinh
Romain Dujardin
Nessim Sibony
+ Some remarks on the connectivity of Julia sets for 2-dimensional diffeomorphisms 2004 Romain Dujardin
+ Laminar currents in ? 2 2003 Romain Dujardin
+ Sur l'intersection des courants laminaires 2003 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Dynamique d'applications non polynomiales et courants laminaires 2002 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of polynomial Hamiltonian vector fields in C2k 2001 Romain Dujardin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2. IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Distribution of rational maps with a preperiodic critical point 2008 Romain Dujardin
Charles Favre
+ On the dynamics of rational maps 1983 Ricardo Mañé
Paulo Sad
Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Sur l’intersection des courants laminaires 2004 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation currents in holomorphic dynamics on 2007 Giovanni Bassanelli
François Berteloot
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of rational maps: a current on the bifurcation locus 2001 Laura DeMarco
+ Dynamics of rational maps: Lyapunov exponents, bifurcations, and capacity 2003 Laura DeMarco
+ Complex Analytic Sets 1989 E. M. Chirka
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups 2009 Michael Kapovich
+ PDF Chat Distribution of periodic points of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Random walks, Kleinian groups, and bifurcation currents 2012 Bertrand Deroin
Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Noncommuting random products 1963 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Entropy properties of rational endomorphisms of the Riemann sphere 1983 M. Ju. Ljubich
+ PDF Chat Dynamique des automorphismes des surfaces K3 2001 Serge Cantat
+ Laminar currents in ? 2 2003 Romain Dujardin
+ Notions of Convexity 2007 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Sur la laminarité de certains courants 2004 H DETHELIN
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of plane polynomial automorphisms 1989 Shmuel Friedland
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Families of Rational Maps and Iterative Root-Finding Algorithms 1987 Curt McMullen
+ Dynamics of regular polynomial endomorphisms of C k 2000 Eric Bedford
Mattias Jönsson
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: currents, equilibrium measure and hyperbolicity 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat The Hausdorff Dimension of the Boundary of the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets 1998 Mitsuhiro Shishikura
+ Geometry of Discrete Groups 2006 Alan F. Beardon
+ Dynamique des applications d'allure polynomiale 2003 Tien‐Cuong Dinh
Nessim Sibony
+ Some typical properties of the dynamics of rational maps 1983 Mikhail Lyubich
+ PDF Chat Laminar currents and birational dynamics 2006 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Preperiodic points and unlikely intersections 2011 Matthew Baker
Laura DeMarco
+ Hausdorff dimension of subsets of the parameter space for families of rational maps. (A generalization of Shishikura's result) 1998 Lei Tan
+ Potential theory in modern function theory 1959 正次 辻
+ Stability and bifurcations for dissipative polynomial automorphisms of $${{\mathbb {C}}^2}$$ C 2 2014 Romain Dujardin
Mikhail Lyubich
+ Hénon-like mappings in [inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="01i" /] 2004 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Random subgroups of linear groups are free 2011 Richard Aoun
+ Quasiconformal Homeomorphisms and Dynamics I. Solution of the Fatou-Julia Problem on Wandering Domains 1985 Dennis Sullivan
+ Complex Analytic Sets 1989 Евгений Михайлович Чирка
+ The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems 2007 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ Fatou directions along the Julia set for endomorphisms of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">CP</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2012 Romain Dujardin
+ PDF Chat Bifurcation currents and equidistribution in parameter space 2014 Romain Dujardin
+ Theory of iterations of polynomial families in the complex plane 1990 Genadi Levin
+ PDF Chat The iteration of cubic polynomials Part I: The global topology of parameter space 1988 Bodil Branner
John H. Hubbard
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic motions and polynomial hulls 1991 Zbigniew Słodkowski
+ PDF Chat The Mandelbrot set is universal 2000 Chris T. McMullen
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of meromorphic mappings with small topological degree II: Energy and invariant measure 2011 Jeffrey Diller
Romain Dujardin
Vincent Guedj
+ Hausdorff dimension of harmonic measure on the boundary of an attractive basin for a holomorphic map 1985 Feliks Przytycki
+ PDF Chat A new capacity for plurisubharmonic functions 1982 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ The Dimension of the Maximal Measure for a Polynomial Map 1984 Anthony Manning
+ PDF Chat Suites d’Applications Méromorphes Multivaluées et Courants Laminaires 2005 Tien‐Cuong Dinh
+ PDF Chat Positive measure sets of ergodic rational maps 1986 Mary Rees
+ Dynamics of polynomial skew products on ${\bf C}^2$ 1999 Mattias Jönsson
+ PDF Chat Strong bifurcation loci of full Hausdorff dimension 2012 Thomas Gauthier