A. F. Pacheco


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Residence time of energy in Earth's atmosphere and in the Sun 2019 Carlos Osácar
M. Membrado
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat One-Way Markov Process Approach to Repeat Times of Large Earthquakes in Faults 2012 Alejandro Tejedor
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Complexity and white-dwarf structure 2009 J. Sañudo
A. F. Pacheco
+ Turbulencelike Behavior of Seismic Time Series 2009 Pouya Manshour
Saeed Saberi
Muhammad Sahimi
Joachim Peinke
A. F. Pacheco
M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
+ More reflectivity for the soil to counteract the global-warming of the Earth 2009 Alejandro Tejedor
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Predictability of the large relaxations in a cellular automaton model 2008 Alejandro Tejedor
Samuel Ambroj
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Venus atmosphere profile from a maximum entropy principle 2007 L.N. Epele
H. Fanchiotti
C. A. Garcı́a Canal
A. F. Pacheco
J. Sañudo
+ PDF Chat Erratum: “The occupation of a box as a toy model for the seismic cycle of a fault” [Am. J. Phys. <b>73</b> (10), 946–952 (2005)] 2007 Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat A way to synchronize models with seismic faults for earthquake forecasting: Insights from a simple stochastic model 2006 Álvaro González
M. Vázquez-Prada
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Awaking and sleeping of a complex network 2006 Ricardo López‐Ruiz
Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
Stefano Boccaletti
Dong‐Uk Hwang
+ PDF Chat Updating seismic hazard at Parkfield 2006 Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ The occupation of a box as a toy model for the seismic cycle of a fault 2005 Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Differential cross-sections with hard targets 2005 Jesús Brun
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Using synchronization to improve the forecasting of large relaxations in a cellular-automaton model 2004 Álvaro González
M. Vázquez-Prada
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators in scale-free networks 2004 Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ Updating Seismic Hazard at Parkfield 2004 Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of rumor spreading in complex networks 2004 Yamir Moreno
Maziar Nekovee
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Fitness for synchronization of network motifs 2004 Yamir Moreno
M. Vázquez-Prada
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Registering seconds with a conic clock 2004 Ricardo López‐Ruiz
A. F. Pacheco
+ Synchronization of Phase Oscillators in Scale-Free Networks 2004 Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ Awaking and Sleeping a Complex Network 2004 Ricardo López‐Ruiz
Yamir Moreno
Stefano Boccaletti
Dong‐Uk Hwang
A. F. Pacheco
+ Updating seismic hazard at Parkfield 2004 Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Epidemic incidence in correlated complex networks 2003 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Error diagrams and temporal correlations in a fracture model with characteristic and power-law distributed avalanches 2003 Yamir Moreno
Miguel V�zquez-prada
J. B. G�mez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Quantifying the forecasting of characteristic-earthquake occurrence in a minimalist model 2003 M. Vázquez-Prada
Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Asymptotic Behavior of a Model of Characteristic Earthquakes and its Implications for Regional Seismicity 2003 Ricardo López‐Ruiz
M. Vázquez-Prada
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Registering Seconds with a Conic Clock 2003 Ricardo López‐Ruiz
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Sliding on the inside of a conical surface 2002 Ricardo L pez-Ruiz
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Instability of scale-free networks under node-breaking avalanches 2002 Yamir Moreno
J. B Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Sliding on the inside of a Conical Surface 2002 Ricardo López‐Ruiz
A. F. Pacheco
+ Scaling of Characteristic Earthquake Return Interval With Normalized Fault Length: Data and A Minimalist Model 2002 Javier B. Gómez
Antonio Gonzàlez
M. Vázquez-Prada
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Exact numerical solution for a time-dependent fibre-bundle model with continuous damage 2001 Leandro del Moral Ituarte
Javier B. Gómez
Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Phase transitions in load transfer models of fracture 2001 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Time dependence of breakdown in a global fiber-bundle model with continuous damage 2001 Leandro del Moral Ituarte
Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat A model for complex aftershock sequences 2001 Yamir Moreno
Antoni M. Correig
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Fracture and Second-Order Phase Transitions 2000 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Modified renormalization strategy for sandpile models 1999 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Self-organized criticality in a fibre-bundle-type model 1999 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Time to failure of hierarchical load-transfer models of fracture 1999 M. Vázquez-Prada
Javier B. Gómez
Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the time to failure of hierarchical systems of fracture 1999 Javier B. Gómez
M. Vázquez-Prada
Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ Stochastic model of growth with an explicit mesoscopic length 1999 Miguel Vázquez-Prada
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic approach to time-dependent load-transfer models of fracture 1998 Javier B. Gómez
Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ A model of aggregate pairs: automation of calculus 1998 M. Vázquez-Prada
A. F. Pacheco
+ A two-dimensional model of pair aggregation 1997 Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Model of pair aggregation on the Bethe lattice 1997 Miguel Vazquez‐Prada Baillet
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ A model of pair aggregation 1996 D. Íñiguez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Free atoms at finite temperature: coherent and incoherent scattering functions 1994 F. Castaño
M. Membrado
A. F. Pacheco
M. A. Sabadell
J. Sañudo
+ A modified jellium model for small metal clusters 1993 Francisco Castaño Casaseca
M. Membrado
A. F. Pacheco
Jaime Sañudo Romeu
+ A new smoothed-step function 1991 M. Membrado
A. F. Pacheco
Jaime Sañudo Romeu
+ Implications of a non-zero cosmological constant on self-gravitating fermionic systems 1986 A. F. Pacheco
J. Sañudo
Mar Seguí‐Crespo
+ Block-spin method for free fermions on a lattice 1981 Jérôme Estève
A. F. Pacheco
Mar Seguí‐Crespo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Network Robustness and Fragility: Percolation on Random Graphs 2000 Duncan S. Callaway
M. E. J. Newman
Steven H. Strogatz
Duncan J. Watts
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
Réka Albert
+ PDF Chat Resilience to damage of graphs with degree correlations 2003 Alexei Vázquez
Yamir Moreno
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic approach to time-dependent load-transfer models of fracture 1998 Javier B. Gómez
Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Time to failure of hierarchical load-transfer models of fracture 1999 M. Vázquez-Prada
Javier B. Gómez
Yamir Moreno
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat First-Order Transition in the Breakdown of Disordered Media 1997 Stefano Zapperi
Purusattam Ray
H. Eugene Stanley
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Fracture and Second-Order Phase Transitions 2000 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Mean-field theory for scale-free random networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
Réka Albert
Hawoong Jeong
+ PDF Chat Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ The occupation of a box as a toy model for the seismic cycle of a fault 2005 Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Forecasting characteristic earthquakes in a minimalist model 2003 M. Vázquez-Prada
Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Damage in fiber bundle models 2000 Ferenc Kun
Stefano Zapperi
H. J. Herrmann
+ PDF Chat A minimalist model of characteristic earthquakes 2002 M. Vázquez-Prada
Álvaro González
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Epidemic outbreaks in complex heterogeneous networks 2002 Yamir Moreno
Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Self-organized criticality in a fibre-bundle-type model 1999 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Epidemic incidence in correlated complex networks 2003 Yamir Moreno
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Resilience of the Internet to Random Breakdowns 2000 Reuven Cohen
Keren Erez
Daniel ben‐Avraham
Shlomo Havlin
+ PDF Chat Handbook of Graphs and Networks 2002 Stefan Bornholdt
Heinz Georg Schuster
+ PDF Chat Large-scale topological and dynamical properties of the Internet 2002 Alexei Vázquez
Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Evolution of networks 2002 S. N. Dorogovt︠s︡ev
J. F. F. Mendes
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1963 T. E. Harris
+ The Asymptotic Theory of Extreme Order Statistics 1990 John E. Angus
János Galambos
+ Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models 1999 Joaquín Marro
Ronald Dickman
+ PDF Chat Spread of epidemic disease on networks 2002 M. E. J. Newman
+ Applications Of Percolation Theory 1994 M Sahini
Muhammad Sahimi
+ PDF Chat Lethality and centrality in protein networks 2001 Hawoong Jeong
S. P. Mason
Albert‐László Barabási
Zoltán N. Oltvai
+ Introduction to Percolation Theory 1987 N. Rivier
+ PDF Chat Complexity and fragility in ecological networks 2001 Ricard V. Solé
José M. Montoya
+ PDF Chat Computational complexity arising from degree correlations in networks 2003 Alexei Vázquez
Martin Weigt
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of complex networks 2002 Réka Albert
Albert‐László Barabási
+ PDF Chat The paradox of the expected time until the next earthquake 1997 Didier Sornette
L. Knopoff
+ A model of pair aggregation 1996 D. Íñiguez
A. F. Pacheco
+ PDF Chat Avalanches in breakdown and fracture processes 1999 Stefano Zapperi
Purusattam Ray
H. Eugene Stanley
Alessandro Vespignani
+ PDF Chat Tricritical Behavior in Rupture Induced by Disorder 1997 Jørgen Vitting Andersen
Didier Sornette
K. M. Leung
+ PDF Chat Synchronization in Small-World Systems 2002 Mauricio Barahona
Louis M. Pecora
+ PDF Chat Burst avalanches in solvable models of fibrous materials 1997 Morten Kloster
Alex Hansen
P. C. Hemmer
+ PDF Chat Scaling with respect to disorder in time-to-failure 1998 Didier Sornette
Jørgen Vitting Andersen
+ PDF Chat Gutenberg-Richter and characteristic earthquake behavior in simple mean-field models of heterogeneous faults 1998 Karin A. Dahmen
Deniz Ertaş
Yehuda Ben‐Zion
+ PDF Chat Self-Organized and Driven Phase Synchronization in Coupled Maps 2003 Sarika Jalan
R. E. Amritkar
+ PDF Chat $CP$, $T$ and/or $CPT$ violations in the $K^0$–$\overline{K^0}$ system - Implications of the KTeV, NA48 and CPLEAR results 2000 Y. Kouchi
Y. Takeuchi
S.-Y. Tsai
+ PDF Chat Dynamical and Correlation Properties of the Internet 2001 Romualdo Pastor‐Satorras
Alexei Vázquez
Alessandro Vespignani
+ Statics of a ‘‘self-organized’’ percolation model 1993 Christopher L. Henley
+ Self-organized critical scaling at surfaces 1995 Attilio L. Stella
Claudio Tebaldi
Guido Caldarelli
+ PDF Chat Burst avalanches in bundles of fibers: Local versus global load-sharing 1994 Alex Hansen
P. C. Hemmer
+ PDF Chat Forest fires and other examples of self-organized criticality 1996 Siegfried Clar
Barbara Drossel
Franz Schwabl
+ Applications of percolation theory 1995 T. Chélidzé
+ PDF Chat Using synchronization to improve the forecasting of large relaxations in a cellular-automaton model 2004 Álvaro González
M. Vázquez-Prada
Javier B. Gómez
A. F. Pacheco
+ Simple models for the restructuring of three-dimensional ballistic aggregates 1989 R. Jullien
Paul Meakin