Dmitri Yerchuck


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Photon Concept and the Physics of Quantum Absorption Process 2015 Dmitri Yerchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
Alla Dovlatova
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
F. N. Borovik
+ To Principles of Quantum Theory Construction 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Analytical Solution of Homogeneous Damped Mathieu Equation 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
Yauhen Yerchak
F. N. Borovik
+ To Principles of Quantum Mechanics Development 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
F. N. Borovik
Yauhen Yerchak
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
+ To Principles of Quantum Mechanics Development 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
F. N. Borovik
Yauhen Yerchak
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
+ To Photon Concept and to Physics of Quantum Absorption Process 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
Alla Dovlatova
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
F. N. Borovik
+ PDF Chat Symmetry of Differential Equations and Quantum Theory 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics Concept Based on Maxwell Equations’ Symmetry 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
+ To Photon Concept and to Physics of Quantum Absorption Process 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
Alla Dovlatova
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
F. N. Borovik
+ To Principles of Quantum Mechanics Development 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
F. N. Borovik
Yauhen Yerchak
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
+ Analytical Solution of Mathieu Equation 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
F. N. Borovik
+ PDF Chat Ferromagnetic ordering in carbon nanotubes, incorporated in diamond single crystals 2013 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
Yauhen Yerchak
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Ferrimagnetic Spin Wave Resonance and Superconductivity in Carbon Nanotubes 2013 Dmitri Yerchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Symmetry study of physical differential equations 2013 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Concept of Classical and Quantum Free Acoustic Field 2013 Dmitri Yerchuck
F. N. Borovik
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Ferrimagnetic Spin Wave Resonance and Superconductivity in Carbon Nanotubes 2013 Dmitri Yerchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Alla Dovlatova
A. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Concept of Fully Dually Symmetric Electrodynamics 2012 Alla Dovlatova
Dmitri Yerchuck
+ Ferromagnetic Ordering in Carbon Nanotubes, Incorporated in Diamond Single Crystals 2012 Dmitri Yerchuck
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Alla Dovlatova
Yauhen Yerchak
A. Alexandrov
+ Magnetic Ordering in Carbon Nanotubes 2012 Dmitri Yerchuck
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Ferromagnetic Ordering in Carbon Nanotubes, Incorporated in Diamond Single Crystals 2011 Dmitri Yerchuck
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Alla Dovlatova
Yauhen Yerchak
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Room Temperature Superconductivity in Carbon Nanotubes Incorporated in Diamond Matrix and Ferromagnetic Ordering in Carbon Nanotubes, Incorporated in Diamond Single Crystals 2011 Dmitri Yerchuck
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Alla Dovlatova
Yauhen Yerchak
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Quantum Fermi Liquid Description of 1D Electronic Systems and Topological Spin-Charge Separation Effect 2011 Alla Dovlatova
Dmitri Yerchuck
F. N. Borovik
+ Quantum Field Effects in Stationary Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy 2011 Dmitri Yerchuck
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Yauhen Yerchak
Alla Dovlatova
+ Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics Concept Based on Maxwell Equations' Symmetry 2011 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ Coherent Quantum Optics Phenomena in Carbon Low-Dimensional Systems 2011 Alla Dovlatova
Dmitri Yerchuck
+ Quantum Fermi Liquid Decription of (Quasi)-One-Dimensional Electronic Systems 2011 Alla Dovlatova
Dmitri Yerchuck
F. N. Borovik
+ Quantum Field Effects in Stationary Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy 2011 Dmitri Yerchuck
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
Yauhen Yerchak
Alla Dovlatova
+ Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics Concept Based on Maxwell Equations' Symmetry 2011 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
A. Alexandrov
+ Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics Concept Based on Maxwell Equations' Symmetry 2011 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
A. Alexandrov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat QED model of resonance phenomena in quasionedimensional multichain qubit systems 2011 Alla Dovlatova
D. Yearchuck
+ PDF Chat Concept of Fully Dually Symmetric Electrodynamics 2012 Alla Dovlatova
Dmitri Yerchuck
+ An Undulatory Theory of the Mechanics of Atoms and Molecules 1926 Erwin Schrödinger
+ Die gegenw�rtige Situation in der Quantenmechanik 1935 E. Schr�dinger
+ PDF Chat Pauli's theorem and quantum canonical pairs: the consistency of a bounded, self–adjoint time operator canonically conjugate to a Hamiltonian with non–empty point spectrum 2002 Eric A. Galapon
+ PDF Chat The Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics 2011 Arbab I. Arbab
+ PDF Chat A New Formulation of Electrodynamics 2010 Arbab I. Arbab
Faisal A. Yassein
+ PDF Chat A New Formulation of Quantum Mechanics 2012 Arbab I. Arbab
Faisal A. Yassein
+ Theory and Application of Mathieu Functions 1964 N. W. McLachlan
+ Complements de mathemàtiques 1997 Antonio Hervas Jorge
R.-J. Villanueva
José Joaquín Lorente
+ PDF Chat Geometric view on noneikonal waves 2014 I. Y. Dodin
+ PDF Chat Antiferroelectric spin wave resonance 2008 D. Yearchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
A.F. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Rate of Convergence of Modified Baskakov-Durrmeyer Type Operators for Functions of Bounded Variation 2014 Prashantkumar Patel
Vishnu Narayan Mishra
+ Time-reversal-violating optical gyrotropy 1999 V.G. Baryshevsky
+ PDF Chat Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon 2011 Alexei M. Tyryshkin
S. Tojo
John J. L. Morton
H. Riemann
Nikolai V. Abrosimov
Peter Becker
Hans-Joachim Pohl
T. Schenkel
M. L. W. Thewalt
Kohei M. Itoh
+ To Photon Concept and to Physics of Quantum Absorption Process 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
Alla Dovlatova
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
F. N. Borovik
+ Wahrscheinlichbegriff in der Theorie der Strahlung 1910 P. Debye
+ To Principles of Quantum Mechanics Development 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
F. N. Borovik
Yauhen Yerchak
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
+ Quelques problèmes de mécanique quantique 1930 P. A. M. Dirac
+ Chaos Induced by Quantization 1998 Takaomi Shigehara
Hiroshi Mizoguchi
Taketoshi Mishima
Taksu Cheon
+ PDF Chat Derivation of Dirac, Klein-Gordon, Schrödinger, diffusion and quantum heat transport equations from a universal quantum wave equation 2010 Arbab I. Arbab
+ Homological evolutionary vector fields in Korteweg–de Vries, Liouville, Maxwell, and several other models 2012 Arthemy V. Kiselev
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2017 John M. Stewart
+ Handbook of Ordinary Differential Equations 2017 Andrei D. Polyanin
Valentin F. Zaitsev
+ PDF Chat Measuring the Spectrum of Colored Noise by Dynamical Decoupling 2011 Gonzalo A. Álvarez
Dieter Suter
+ Chaos Induced by Quantization 1998 Takaomi Shigehara
Hiroshi Mizoguchi
Taketoshi Mishima
Taksu Cheon
+ The unified quantum wave equation 2011 Arbab I. Arbab
+ The mathematics of the grand unified theory 2008 E. E. Escultura
+ PDF Chat The Photon Concept and the Physics of Quantum Absorption Process 2015 Dmitri Yerchuck
Yauhen Yerchak
Alla Dovlatova
Vyacheslav Stelmakh
F. N. Borovik
+ Quantum Theory of Dispersion 1932 G. Breit
+ PDF Chat Strong electron-photon coupling in a one-dimensional quantum dot chain: Rabi waves and Rabi wave packets 2010 G. Ya. Slepyan
Yauhen Yerchak
A. Hoffmann
F. G. Bass
+ PDF Chat Spin-charge separation in one-dimensional fermion systems beyond Luttinger liquid theory 2010 Thomas L. Schmidt
Adilet Imambekov
L. I. Glazman
+ PDF Chat Solid-state electronic spin coherence time approaching one second 2013 Nir Bar‐Gill
Linh Pham
Andrey Jarmola
Dmitry Budker
Ronald L. Walsworth
+ PDF Chat Symmetry of Differential Equations and Quantum Theory 2014 Dmitri Yerchuck
Alla Dovlatova
A.F. Alexandrov
+ PDF Chat Enhancing the Coherence of a Spin Qubit by Operating it as a Feedback Loop That Controls its Nuclear Spin Bath 2010 Hendrik Bluhm
Sandra Foletti
D. Mahalu
V. Umansky
Amir Yacoby