Katherine H. Canobi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The role of number words in preschoolersā€™ addition concepts and problemā€solving procedures 2010 Pooja Patel
Katherine H. Canobi
+ Children's patterns of reasoning about reading and addition concepts 2009 Lee Farringtonā€Flint
Katherine H. Canobi
Clare Wood
Dorothy Faulkner
+ Conceptā€“procedure interactions in childrenā€™s addition and subtraction 2008 Katherine H. Canobi
+ Number words in young childrenā€™s conceptual and procedural knowledge of addition, subtraction and inversion 2008 Katherine H. Canobi
Narelle E. Bethune
+ The role of relational reasoning in children's addition concepts 2007 Lee Farringtonā€Flint
Katherine H. Canobi
Clare Wood
Dorothy Faulkner
+ Childrenā€™s profiles of addition and subtraction understanding 2005 Katherine H. Canobi
+ Patterns of analogical reasoning among beginning readers 2004 Lee Farringtonā€Flint
Clare Wood
Katherine H. Canobi
Dorothy Faulkner
+ Individual differences in childrenā€™s addition and subtraction knowledge 2003 Katherine H. Canobi
+ Patterns of knowledge in children's addition. 2003 Katherine H. Canobi
Robert A. Reeve
Philippa Pattison
+ Young Children's Understanding of Addition Concepts 2002 Katherine H. Canobi
Robert A. Reeve
Philippa Pattison
+ The role of conceptual understanding in children's addition problem solving. 1998 Katherine H. Canobi
Robert A. Reeve
Philippa Pattison
+ The role of conceptual understanding in children's addition problem solving. 1998 Katherine H. Canobi
Robert A. Reeve
Philippa Pattison
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The role of conceptual understanding in children's addition problem solving. 1998 Katherine H. Canobi
Robert A. Reeve
Philippa Pattison
+ The perils of averaging data over strategies: An example from children's addition. 1987 Robert S. Siegler
+ Young Children's Understanding of Addition Concepts 2002 Katherine H. Canobi
Robert A. Reeve
Philippa Pattison
+ The Development of the Commutativity Principle and Economical Addition Strategies 1984 Arthur J. Baroody
Kathleen E. Gannon
+ Chapter 3 Understanding Elementary Mathematics 1992 Jeffrey Bisanz
Joā€Anne LeFevre
+ From Protoquantities to Operators: building mathematical competence on a Foundation of Everyday Knowledge 2020 Lauren Ī’. Resnick
+ Patterns of knowledge in children's addition. 2003 Katherine H. Canobi
Robert A. Reeve
Philippa Pattison
+ Children's Use of Mathematical Structure 1983 Arthur J. Baroody
Herbert P. Ginsburg
Barbara Frey Waxman
+ The Child's Understanding of Number 1979 U. A. Easley
Rochel Gelman
C. H. Galistell
+ Developing conceptual understanding and procedural skill in mathematics: An iterative process. 2001 Bethany Rittleā€Johnson
Robert S. Siegler
Martha W. Alibali
+ Individual differences in childrenā€™s addition and subtraction knowledge 2003 Katherine H. Canobi
+ Children's Use of Mathematical Structure 1983 Arthur J. Baroody
Herbert P. Ginsburg
Barbara Frey Waxman
+ Conceptual and procedural knowledge of mathematics: Does one lead to the other? 1999 Bethany Rittleā€Johnson
Martha W. Alibali
+ Individual differences in extended practice functions and solution strategies for basic addition facts. 1989 Susan R. Goldman
Davis L. Mertz
James W. Pellegrino
+ The relationship between initial meaningful and mechanical knowledge of arithmetic 1986 Arthur J. Baroody
Herbert P. Ginsburg
+ Analysis of Arithmetic for Mathematics Teaching 2020 Gaea Leinhardt
Ralph T. Putnam
Rosemary A. Hattrup
+ The Development of Mathematical Skills 1998 Chris Donlan
+ Can preschool children invent addition algorithms? 1977 Guy J. Groen
Lauren Ī’. Resnick
+ Cognitive addition: A short longitudinal study of strategy choice and speed-of-processing differences in normal and mathematically disabled children. 1991 David C. Geary
Sam C. Brown
V. A. Samaranayake
+ Cognitive addition: Strategy choice and speed-of-processing differences in gifted, normal, and mathematically disabled children. 1991 David C. Geary
Sam C. Brown
+ Hazards of mental chronometry: An example from children's subtraction. 1989 Robert S. Siegler
+ The Child's Understanding of Number 1979 Karen C. Fuson
Rochel Gelman
C. R. Gallistel
+ Childrenā€™s profiles of addition and subtraction understanding 2005 Katherine H. Canobi
+ Extended Practice of Basic Addition Facts: Strategy Changes in Learning-Disabled Students 1988 Susan R. Goldman
James W. Pellegrino
Davis L. Mertz
+ The Nature and Origins of Mathematical Skills 1992 Jamie I. D. Campbell
+ Instruction, Understanding, and Skill in Multidigit Addition and Subtraction 1996 James Hiebert
Diana Wearne
+ Young children's representations and strategies for addition 1994 Gillian M. Boultonā€Lewis
Kathleen Tait
+ The relation between conceptual and procedural knowledge in learning mathematics: A review 2021 Bethany Rittleā€Johnson
Robert S. Siegler
+ The Effectiveness of Instruction in Cognitive Strategies in Developing Proficiency in Single-Digit Addition 1991 Carol A. Christensen
Tom Cooper
+ Role of conceptual knowledge in mathematical procedural learning. 1991 James P. Byrnes
Barbara A. Wasik
+ Individual Differences in Strategy Choices: Good Students, Not-So-Good Students, and Perfectionists 1988 Robert S. Siegler
+ Use of the mathematical principle of inversion in young children 2003 Carmen Rasmussen
Elaine Ho
Jeffrey Bisanz
+ Instruction on Derived Facts Strategies in Addition and Subtraction 1985 Ruth Steinberg
+ Relational and Representational Aspects of Early Number Development 1995 Catherine Sophian
Heidi E. Harley
Constance S. Manos Martin
+ The Acquisition of Addition and Subtraction Concepts in Grades One through Three 1984 Thomas P. Carpenter
James M. Moser
+ The Child's Conception of Number 1953 E. A. Peel
J. Piaget
+ The conceptual basis of procedural learning 1992 James P. Byrnes
+ Mental addition in third, fourth, and sixth graders 1982 Mark H. Ashcraft
Bennett A Fierman
+ Conscious and unconscious strategy discoveries: A microgenetic analysis. 1998 Robert S. Siegler
Elsbeth Stern
+ Preschoolers doing arithmetic: The concepts are willing but the working memory is weak. 2000 Juliette S. Klein
Jeffrey Bisanz
+ The Emergence of Additive Composition of Number 1998 AntĆ³nio Martins-MourĆ£o
Richard Cowan
+ An Analysis of the Relationships among Computation-Related Skills Using a Hierarchical-Clustering Technique 1986 John S. Close
Fionn Murtagh
+ Beyond competence: The significance of performance for conceptual development 1997 Catherine Sophian
+ Children's Arithmetic: How They Learn It and How You Teach It 1989 Herbert P. Ginsburg
+ Development of calculation abilities in young children 1992 Susan C. Levine
Nancy C. Jordan
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ The Development of Numerical Understandings 1982 Robert S. Siegler
Mitchell B. Robinson
+ Young children's representations and strategies for subtraction 1993 Gillian M. Boultonā€Lewis
+ Children's Relational Knowledge of Addition and Subtraction 1999 Arthur J. Baroody
+ Constraints On Learning in Nonprivileged Domains 1994 Robert S. Siegler
Kevin Crowley
+ Nonparametric and Distribution-Free Methods for the Social Sciences. 1978 John F. Bassler
Leonard A. Marascuilo
Maryellen McSweeney