Bruno Schapira


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Recurrence and transience of the critical random walk snake in random conductances 2025 Alexandre Legrand
Christophe Sabot
Bruno Schapira
+ Branching random walks and Minkowski sum of random walks 2024 Amine Asselah
Izumi Okada
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ A localisation phase transition for the catalytic branching random walk 2024 Cécile Mailler
Bruno Schapira
+ Time spent in a ball by a critical branching random walk 2024 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Branching capacity of a random walk range 2024 Bruno Schapira
+ Sharp estimates for distinguished random walks on affine buildings of type <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="d1e57" altimg="si3.svg"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>˜</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mspace width="0.7113pt"/><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> 2024 Jean-Philippe Anker
Bruno Schapira
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Catalan percolation 2024 Eleanor Archer
Ivailo Hartarsky
Brett Kolesnik
Sam Olesker-Taylor
Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ PDF Chat Extracting subsets maximizing capacity and folding of random walks 2024 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ On the intersection of critical percolation clusters and other tree-like random graphs 2024 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat On the first and second largest connected component in the percolated random geometric graph 2023 Lyuben Lichev
Bas Lodewijks
Dieter Mitsche
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat On the first and second largest components in the percolated random geometric graph 2023 Lyuben Lichev
Bas Lodewijks
Dieter Mitsche
Bruno Schapira
+ Branching capacity of a random walk range 2023 Bruno Schapira
+ Local times and capacity for transient branching random walks 2023 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Branching random walks and Minkowski sum of random walks 2023 Amine Asselah
Izumi Okada
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ The contact process on dynamic regular graphs: monotonicity and subcritical phase 2023 Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ PDF Chat The contact process on dynamic regular graphs: monotonicity and subcritical phase 2023 Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ Sharp estimates for distinguished random walks on affine buildings of type Ar 2023 Jean-Philippe Anker
Bruno Schapira
Bartosz Trojan
+ PDF Chat Bernoulli percolation on the Random Geometric Graph 2022 Lyuben Lichev
Bas Lodewijks
Dieter Mitsche
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Color-avoiding percolation on the Erdős-Rényi random graph 2022 Lyuben Lichev
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Finding geodesics on graphs using reinforcement learning 2022 Daniel Kious
Cécile Mailler
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations for Intersections of Random Walks 2022 Asselah Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat The trace-reinforced ants process does not find shortest paths 2022 Daniel Kious
Cécile Mailler
Bruno Schapira
+ Diffusive bounds for the critical density of activated random walks 2022 Amine Asselah
Leonardo T. Rolla
Bruno Schapira
+ Time spent in a ball by a critical branching random walk 2022 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ On the first and second largest components in the percolated Random Geometric Graph 2022 Lyuben Lichev
Bas Lodewijks
Dieter Mitsche
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat The trace-reinforced ants process does not find shortest paths 2022 Daniel Kious
Cécile Mailler
Bruno Schapira
+ Color-avoiding percolation on the Erdős-Rényi random graph 2022 Lyuben Lichev
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Exponential rate for the contact process extinction time 2021 Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ Once reinforced random walk on Z×Γ 2021 Daniel Kious
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ Localization on 5 sites for vertex reinforced random walks: Towards a characterization 2021 Bruno Schapira
+ The two regimes of moderate deviations for the range of a transient walk 2021 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat The contact process on random hyperbolic graphs: Metastability and critical exponents 2021 Amitai Linker
Dieter Mitsche
Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ PDF Chat Extracting subsets maximizing capacity and folding of random walks 2021 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ DOWNLOAD PAPER SAVE TO MY LIBRARY Localization on 5 sites for vertex reinforced random walks: Towards a characterization 2021 Bruno Schapira
+ The trace-reinforced ants process does not find shortest paths 2021 Daniel Kious
Cécile Mailler
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Capacity of the range in dimension $5$ 2020 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Capacity of the range in dimension 5 2020 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat On the nature of the Swiss cheese in dimension $3$ 2020 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Deviations for the capacity of the range of a random walk 2020 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Moderate deviations for the range of a transient random walk. II 2019 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Capacity of the range of random walk on $\mathbb{Z}^{4}$ 2019 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Capacity of the range in dimension 5 2019 Bruno Schapira
+ Moderate deviations for the range of a transient random walk. II 2019 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Diffusive bounds for the critical density of activated random walks 2019 Amine Asselah
Leonardo T. Rolla
Bruno Schapira
+ Capacity of the range in dimension 5 2019 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Once reinforced random walk on Z × Γ 2018 Daniel Kious
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ PDF Chat Once reinforced random walk on Z × Γ 2018 Daniel Kious
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ Once reinforced random walk on $\mathbb{Z}\times \Gamma$ 2018 Daniel Kious
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ Deviations for the Capacity of the Range of a Random Walk 2018 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ On the nature of the Swiss cheese in dimension 3. 2018 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Strong law of large numbers for the capacity of the Wiener sausage in dimension four 2018 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Deviations for the Capacity of the Range of a Random Walk 2018 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ On the nature of the Swiss cheese in dimension 3 2018 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Once reinforced random walk on $\mathbb{Z}\times Γ$ 2018 Daniel Kious
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ Capacity of the range of random walk on $\mathbb {Z}^d$ 2017 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Moderate deviations for the range of a transient random walk: path concentration 2017 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Moderate deviations for the range of a transient random walk: path concentration. 2017 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Capacity of the range of random walk on $\mathbb Z^4$ 2016 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ PDF Chat Extinction time for the contact process on general graphs 2016 Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ Martingale defocusing and transience of a self-interacting random walk 2016 Yuval Peres
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ PDF Chat Boundary of the range of transient random walk 2016 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Capacity of the range of random walk on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ 2016 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Boundary of the Range II: Lower Tails 2016 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Capacity of the range of random walk on $\mathbb{Z}^4$ 2016 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Capacity of the range of random walk on $\mathbb{Z}^d$ 2016 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Extinction time for the contact process on general graphs 2015 Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ Boundary of the Range I: Typical Behavior 2015 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Boundary of the Range of Transient Random Walk 2015 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Metastability for the contact process on the configuration model with infinite mean degree 2015 Van Hao Can
Bruno Schapira
+ Boundary of the Range of Transient Random Walk 2015 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Extinction time for the contact process on general graphs 2015 Bruno Schapira
Daniel Valesin
+ On the local time of random processes in random scenery 2014 Fabienne Castell
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Françoise Pène
Bruno Schapira
+ Martingale defocusing and transience of a self-interacting random walk 2014 Yuval Peres
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ Localization on 4 sites for vertex-reinforced random walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ 2014 Anne-Laure Basdevant
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ Metastability for the contact process on the configuration model with infinite mean degree 2014 Van Hao Can
Bruno Schapira
+ Martingale defocusing and transience of a self-interacting random walk 2014 Yuval Peres
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ PDF Chat The quenched limiting distributions of a one-dimensional random walk in random scenery. 2013 Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Yueyun Hu
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Localization of a vertex reinforced random walk on $$\mathbb{Z }$$ with sub-linear weight 2013 Anne-Laure Basdevant
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ PDF Chat The quenched limiting distributions of a one-dimensional random walk in random scenery 2013 Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Yueyun Hu
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat On the one-sided exit problem for stable processes in random scenery 2013 Fabienne Castell
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Françoise Pène
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Strongly Vertex-Reinforced-Random-Walk on a complete graph 2013 Michel Benaı̈m
Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ The quenched limiting distributions of a one-dimensional random walk in random scenery 2013 Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Yueyun Hu
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Localization on $4$ sites for Vertex-reinforced random walks on $\mathbb Z$. 2012 Anne-Laure Basdevant
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ Localization of a vertex reinforced random walks on $\Z$ with sub-linear weights 2012 Anne-Laure Basdevant
Bruno Schapira
Arvind Singh
+ PDF Chat A $0-1$ law for vertex-reinforced random walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ with weight of order $k^\alpha$, $\alpha<1/2$. 2012 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat A $0$-$1$ law for vertex-reinforced random walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ with weight of order $k^\alpha$, $\alpha\in[0,1/2)$ 2012 Bruno Schapira
+ Strongly Vertex-Reinforced-Random-Walk on the complete graph 2012 Michel Benaı̈m
Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat A local limit theorem for random walks in random scenery and on randomly oriented lattices 2011 Fabienne Castell
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Françoise Pène
Bruno Schapira
+ Poisson boundary of GL d (ℚ) 2011 Sara Brofferio
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Excited Brownian motions as limits of excited random walks 2011 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ A 0-1 law for vertex-reinforced random walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ with weight of order $k^\alpha$, $\alpha<1/2$ 2011 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat A balanced excited random walk 2011 Itaı Benjamini
Gady Kozma
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Windings of planar random walks and averaged Dehn function 2011 Bruno Schapira
Robert M. Young
+ PDF Chat Internal DLA generated by cookie random walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ 2011 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ Internal DLA generated by cookie random walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ 2011 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ A Local Limit Theorem for Random Walks on the Chambers of Ã2 Buildings 2011 James Parkinson
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat A local limit theorem for random walks on the chambers of $\tilde A_2$ buildings 2011 James Parkinson
Bruno Schapira
+ Excited Brownian Motions 2010 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat A balanced excited random walk 2010 Itaı Benjamini
Gady Kozma
Bruno Schapira
+ A local limit theorem for random walks in random scenery and on randomly oriented lattices 2010 Fabienne Castell
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Françoise Pène
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Random walks with occasionally modified transition probabilities 2010 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ A local limit theorem for random walks in random scenery and on randomly oriented lattices 2010 Fabienne Castell
Nadine Guillotin‐Plantard
Françoise Pène
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Poisson boundary of $GL_d(\Q)$ 2009 Sara Brofferio
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Poisson boundary of $GL_d(\Q)$ 2009 Sara Brofferio
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Poisson boundary of $GL_d(\Q)$ 2009 Sara Brofferio
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Poisson boundary of $GL_d(\Q)$ 2009 Sara Brofferio
Bruno Schapira
+ Poisson boundary of $GL_d(\Q)$ 2009 Sara Brofferio
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Random walk on a building of type $\tilde{A}_r$ and Brownian motion of the Weyl chamber 2009 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Random walk on a building of type Ãr and Brownian motion of the Weyl chamber 2009 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Bounded Harmonic Functions for the Heckman-Opdam Laplacian 2009 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Poisson boundary of triangular matrices in a number field 2009 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat On some generalized reinforced random walk on integers 2009 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ A local limit theorem for random walks on the chambers of $\tilde{A}_2$ buildings 2009 James Parkinson
Bruno Schapira
+ Poisson boundary of $GL_d(\Q)$ 2009 Sara Brofferio
Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Bounded harmonic functions for the Heckman--Opdam Laplacian 2008 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat The Poisson boundary of triangular matrices in a number field 2008 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the Hypergeometric Function Theory of Heckman and Opdam: Sharp Estimates, Schwartz Space, Heat Kernel 2008 Bruno Schapira
+ A note on multi-type cookie random walk on integers 2008 Bruno Schapira
+ On some generalized reinforced random walks on integers 2008 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ Excited Brownian Motions 2008 Olivier Raimond
Bruno Schapira
+ Marche aléatoire sur un immeuble affine de type $\tilde{A}_r$ et mouvement brownien de la chambre de Weyl 2007 Bruno Schapira
+ Etude analytique et probabiliste de laplaciens associés à des systèmes de racines : laplacien hypergéométrique de Heckman-Opdam et laplacien combinatoire sur les immeubles affines 2006 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat Analytical and probabilistic study of<br />Laplacians associated with root systems: hypergeometric Laplacian<br />of Heckman--Opdam and combinatorial Laplacian on affine buildings 2006 Bruno Schapira
+ PDF Chat The Heckman–Opdam Markov processes 2006 Bruno Schapira
+ The Heckman-Opdam Markov processes 2006 Bruno Schapira
+ Random walk on a building of type $\tilde{A}_r$ and Brownian motion of the Weyl chamber 2006 Bruno Schapira
+ Contributions to the hypergeometric function theory of Heckman and Opdam: sharp estimates, Schwartz space, heat kernel 2006 Bruno Schapira
+ Heat kernel and Green function estimates on affine buildings of type $\tilde{A}_r$ 2006 Jean-Philippe Anker
Bruno Schapira
Bartosz Trojan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random Walk: A Modern Introduction 2010 Gregory F. Lawler
Vlada Limic
+ PDF Chat A survey of random processes with reinforcement 2007 Robin Pemantle
+ PDF Chat Vertex-reinforced random walk on ℤ eventually gets stuck on five points 2004 Pierre Tarrès
+ On the range of random walk 1968 Nishesh Jain
Steven Orey
+ PDF Chat Reinforced random walk 1990 Burgess Davis
+ PDF Chat Some Problems on Random Walk in Space 1951 A Dvoretzky
Péter L. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Excited Random Walk 2003 Itaı Benjamini
David Wilson
+ Localization of reinforced random walks 2011 Pierre Tarrès
+ PDF Chat Positively and negatively excited random walks on integers, with branching processes 2008 Elena Kosygina
Martin Zerner
+ Propriétés d'intersection des marches aléatoires 1986 J. F. Le Gall
+ PDF Chat Vacant set of random interlacements and percolation 2010 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Vertex-Reinforced Random Walk on Z Has Finite Range 1999 Robin Pemantle
Stanislav Volkov
+ PDF Chat Moderate Deviations for the Volume of the Wiener Sausage 2001 M. van den Berg
Erwin Bolthausen
Frank den Hollander
+ Random Walk Intersections: Large Deviations and Related Topics 2010 Xia Chen
+ Spherical functions on a group of p-adic type 1971 I. G. Macdonald
+ PDF Chat Vertex-reinforced random walk 1992 Robin Pemantle
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition in Vertex-Reinforced Random Walks on $${\mathbb{Z}}$$ with Non-linear Reinforcement 2006 Stanislav Volkov
+ Isotropic random walks in a building of type 2004 Donald I. Cartwright
Wolfgang Woess
+ Moderate deviations for the range of a transient random walk: path concentration 2017 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Buildings and Hecke algebras 2005 James Parkinson
+ PDF Chat Some Locally Self-Interacting Walks on the Integers 2011 Anna Erschler
Bálint Tóth
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Multi-excited random walks on integers 2005 Martin Zerner
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Dynamics of vertex-reinforced random walks 2011 Michel Benaı̈m
Pierre Tarrès
+ Spherical Harmonic Analysis on Buildings of Type à n 2001 Donald I. Cartwright
+ PDF Chat Concentration Inequalities and Martingale Inequalities: A Survey 2006 Fan Chung
Linyuan Lü
+ PDF Chat Vertex-reinforced random walk on arbitrary graphs 2001 Stanislav Volkov
+ Intersections of Random Walks 2012 Gregory F. Lawler
+ The inner boundary of random walk range 2016 Izumi Okada
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of stochastic approximation algorithms 1999 Michel Benaı̈m
+ PDF Chat On the volume of the intersection of two Wiener sausages 2004 M. van den Berg
Erwin Bolthausen
Frank den Hollander
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the Hypergeometric Function Theory of Heckman and Opdam: Sharp Estimates, Schwartz Space, Heat Kernel 2008 Bruno Schapira
+ Capacity of the range of random walk on $\mathbb {Z}^d$ 2017 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
Perla Sousi
+ PDF Chat Boundary of the range of transient random walk 2016 Amine Asselah
Bruno Schapira
+ Root systems and hypergeometric functions. I 1988 Gerrit Heckman
Eric Opdam
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis for certain representations of graded Hecke algebras 1995 Eric Opdam
+ PDF Chat A limit theorem related to a new class of self similar processes 1979 Harry Kesten
Frank Spitzer
+ PDF Chat Entropy of random walk range 2010 Itaı Benjamini
Gady Kozma
Ariel Yadin
Amir Yehudayoff
+ Stochastic Interacting Systems: Contact, Voter and Exclusion Processes 1999 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Stuck walks 2011 Anna Erschler
Bálint Tóth
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Capacity of the range of tree-indexed random walk 2022 Tianyi Bai
Yijun Wan
+ Probability: Theory and Examples. 1992 Kathryn Prewitt
Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Recurrence and transience of excited random walks on $Z^d$ and strips 2006 Martin Zerner
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Estimates for Markov Chains and Random Walks on Groups 1993 Waldemar Hebisch
L. Saloff-Coste
+ PDF Chat Heat Kernel and Green Function Estimates on Noncompact Symmetric Spaces 1999 J.-P. Anker
Liang Ji
+ PDF Chat Isotropic random walks on affine buildings 2007 James Parkinson
+ PDF Chat Self-Interacting Random Motions 2001 Bálint Tóth
+ Intersections of Brownian motions 2003 Davar Khoshnevisan
+ PDF Chat Phase Transition in Reinforced Random Walk and RWRE on Trees 1988 Robin Pemantle
+ Groups and Geometric Analysis 2000 Sigurđur Helgason