G. R. Nash


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The 2024 Active Metamaterials Roadmap 2024 Simon Pope
Diane J. Roth
Aakash Bansal
Mostafa Mousa
Ashkan Rezanejad
Antonio Elia Forte
G. R. Nash
Lawrence Singleton
F. Langfeldt
Jordan Cheer
+ PDF Chat The Acoustophotoelectric Effect: Efficient Phonon–Photon–Electron Coupling in Zero-Voltage-Biased 2D SnS<sub>2</sub> for Broad-Band Photodetection 2023 Hossein Alijani
Philipp Reineck
Robert Komljenovic
Salvy P. Russo
Mei Xian Low
Sivacarendran Balendhran
Kenneth B. Crozier
Sumeet Walia
G. R. Nash
Leslie Y. Yeo
+ The Acoustophotoelectric Effect: Efficient Phonon-Photon-Electron Coupling in Zero-Voltage-Biased 2D SnS$_2$ for Broadband Photodetection 2023 Hossein Alijani
Philipp Reineck
Robert Komljenovic
Salvy P. Russo
Mei Xian Low
Sivacarendran Balendhran
Kenneth B. Crozier
Sumeet Walia
G. R. Nash
Leslie Y. Yeo
+ PDF Chat Highly tunable hybrid metamaterials employing split-ring resonators strongly coupled to graphene surface plasmons 2015 Peter Q. Liu
I. J. Luxmoore
S. A. Mikhaǐlov
N. A. Savostianova
Federico Valmorra
JĂ©rĂŽme Faist
G. R. Nash
+ PDF Chat Strong Coupling in the Far-Infrared between Graphene Plasmons and the Surface Optical Phonons of Silicon Dioxide 2014 I. J. Luxmoore
Choon How Gan
Peter Q. Liu
Federico Valmorra
Penglei Li
JĂ©rĂŽme Faist
G. R. Nash
+ PDF Chat Broadband and efficient plasmonic control in the near-infrared and visible via strong interference of surface plasmon polaritons 2013 C. H. Gan
G. R. Nash
+ Broadband and efficient plasmonic control in the near-infrared and visible via strong interference of surface plasmon polaritons 2013 Choon How Gan
G. R. Nash
+ Broadband and efficient plasmonic control in the near-infrared and visible via strong interference of surface plasmon polaritons 2013 Choon How Gan
G. R. Nash
+ PDF Chat Single lateral mode mid-infrared laser diode using wavelength-scale modulation of the facet reflectivity 2012 G. R. Nash
J.L. Stokes
J. R. Pugh
S. J. B. Przeslak
P.J. Heard
John Rarity
M. Cryan
+ PDF Chat Plasmonic Beam Shaping in the Mid-infrared 2011 J. R. Pugh
Jamie Stokes
G. R. Nash
Craig D. Stacey
Martin J. Cryan
+ Plasmonic Beam Shaping in the Mid-infrared 2011 J. R. Pugh
Jamie Stokes
G. R. Nash
Craig D. Stacey
Martin J. Cryan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear acoustoelectric transport in a two-dimensional electron system 2000 A. O. Govorov
A. V. Kalameitsev
M. Rotter
A. Wixforth
J. P. Kotthaus
K. H. Hoffmann
Nikolai D. Botkin
+ PDF Chat Damping pathways of mid-infrared plasmons in graphene nanostructures 2013 Hugen Yan
Tony Low
Wenjuan Zhu
Yanqing Wu
Marcus Freitag
Xuesong Li
F. Guinea
Phaedon Avouris
Fengnian Xia
+ PDF Chat Photocurrent in graphene harnessed by tunable intrinsic plasmons 2013 Marcus Freitag
Tony Low
Wenjuan Zhu
Hugen Yan
Fengnian Xia
Phaedon Avouris
+ PDF Chat Tunable infrared plasmonic devices using graphene/insulator stacks 2012 Hugen Yan
Xuesong Li
Bhupesh Chandra
George S. Tulevski
Yanqing Wu
Marcus Freitag
Wenjuan Zhu
Phaedon Avouris
Fengnian Xia
+ PDF Chat Gate-tuning of graphene plasmons revealed by infrared nano-imaging 2012 Zhe Fei
Aleksandr Rodin
Gregory Andreev
Wenzhong Bao
Alexander McLeod
Martin Wagner
L. M. Zhang
Zhenyu Zhao
M. H. Thiemens
G. Dominguez
+ PDF Chat Acoustoelectric current transport through single-walled carbon nanotubes 2004 J. Ebbecke
Christoph Strobl
A. Wixforth
+ PDF Chat Optical nano-imaging of gate-tunable graphene plasmons 2012 Jianing Chen
Michela Badioli
Pablo Alonso‐González
Sukosin Thongrattanasiri
Florian Huth
Johann Osmond
Marko Spasenović
Alba Centeno
Amaia Pesquera
Philippe Godignon
+ PDF Chat Acoustically Driven Storage of Light in a Quantum Well 1997 C. Rocke
Sven Zimmermann
A. Wixforth
J. P. Kotthaus
G. Böhm
G. Weimann
+ PDF Chat Directional and Dynamic Modulation of the Optical Emission of an Individual GaAs Nanowire Using Surface Acoustic Waves 2011 Jörg B. Kinzel
Daniel Rudolph
M. Bichler
G. Abstreiter
Jonathan J. Finley
Gregor KoblmĂŒller
A. Wixforth
Hubert J. Krenner
+ PDF Chat Flip-chip gate-tunable acoustoelectric effect in graphene 2018 J. R. Lane
Linpeng Zhang
Mazin A. Khasawneh
Bowen Zhou
Erik Henriksen
J. Pollanen
+ PDF Chat Substrate-limited electron dynamics in graphene 2008 S. Fratini
F. Guinea
+ PDF Chat Dielectric function, screening, and plasmons in two-dimensional graphene 2007 E. H. Hwang
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Long-range transport of 2D excitons with acoustic waves 2022 Ruoming Peng
Adina Ripin
Yusen Ye
Jiayi Zhu
Changming Wu
Seokhyeong Lee
Huan Li
Takashi Taniguchi
Kenji Watanabe
Ting Cao
+ PDF Chat Acoustically Induced Giant Synthetic Hall Voltages in Graphene 2022 Pai Zhao
Chithra H. Sharma
Renrong Liang
Christian Glasenapp
Lev Mourokh
V. M. Kovalev
Patrick Huber
Marta Prada
L. Tiemann
Robert H. Blick
+ PDF Chat Impact of disorder on Dirac plasmon losses 2013 Alessandro Principi
Giovanni Vignale
Matteo Carrega
Marco Polini
+ PDF Chat Graphene Plasmonics for Terahertz to Mid-Infrared Applications 2014 Tony Low
Phaedon Avouris
+ PDF Chat Cavity QED of the Graphene Cyclotron Transition 2012 David HagenmĂŒller
Cristiano Ciuti
+ PDF Chat Electronic and plasmonic phenomena at graphene grain boundaries 2013 Zhe Fei
Aleksandr Rodin
Will Gannett
Siyuan Dai
William Regan
Markus R. Wagner
M. K. Liu
Alexander McLeod
G. DomĂ­nguez
M. H. Thiemens
+ PDF Chat Quantum theory of third-harmonic generation in graphene 2014 S. A. Mikhaǐlov
+ PDF Chat Strong light–matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic crystals 2014 Xiaoze Liu
Tal Galfsky
Zheng Sun
Fengnian Xia
Erh‐Chen Lin
Yi‐Hsien Lee
StĂ©phane KĂ©na‐Cohen
Vinod M. Menon
+ PDF Chat Active plasmonics: Controlling signals in Au/Ga waveguide using nanoscale structural transformations 2004 Alexey V. Krasavin
Nikolay I. Zheludev
+ PDF Chat Energy Band-Gap Engineering of Graphene Nanoribbons 2007 Melinda Han
Barbaros Özyilmaz
Yuanbo Zhang
Philip Kim
+ PDF Chat Switching terahertz waves with gate-controlled active graphene metamaterials 2012 Seung Hoon Lee
Muhan Choi
Teun Teun Kim
Seungwoo Lee
Ming Liu
Xiaobo Yin
Hong Kyw Choi
Seung S. Lee
Choon Gi Choi
Sung‐Yool Choi
+ PDF Chat Ultrafast active plasmonics 2008 Kevin F. MacDonald
Z.L. SĂĄmson
Mark I. Stockman
Nikolay I. Zheludev
+ PDF Chat Highly confined low-loss plasmons in graphene–boron nitride heterostructures 2014 Achim Woessner
Mark B. Lundeberg
Yuanda Gao
Alessandro Principi
Pablo Alonso‐González
Matteo Carrega
Kenji Watanabe
Takashi Taniguchi
Giovanni Vignale
Marco Polini
+ PDF Chat Infrared Nanoscopy of Dirac Plasmons at the Graphene–SiO<sub>2</sub> Interface 2011 Zhe Fei
Gregory Andreev
Wenzhong Bao
Lingfeng M. Zhang
Alexander McLeod
Chen Wang
M. K. Stewart
Zeng Zhao
G. DomĂ­nguez
M. H. Thiemens
+ PDF Chat Mechanism for graphene-based optoelectronic switches by tuning surface plasmon-polaritons in monolayer graphene 2010 Yu. V. Bludov
M. I. Vasilevskiy
N. M. R. Peres
+ PDF Chat Broadband Photovoltaic Detectors Based on an Atomically Thin Heterostructure 2016 Mingsheng Long
Erfu Liu
Peng Wang
Anyuan Gao
Hui Xia
Wei Luo
Baigeng Wang
Junwen Zeng
Yajun Fu
Kang Xu
+ PDF Chat Surface acoustic wave regulated single photon emission from a coupled quantum dot–nanocavity system 2016 Matthias Weiß
Stephan Kapfinger
T. Reichert
Jonathan J. Finley
A. Wixforth
M. Kaniber
Hubert J. Krenner
+ PDF Chat Layer-dependent properties of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="bold">SnS</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="bold">SnSe</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>two-dimensional materials 2016 Joseph M. Gonzalez
Ivan Oleynik
+ PDF Chat Electronic modulation of infrared radiation in graphene plasmonic resonators 2015 Victor W. Brar
Michelle C. Sherrott
Min Seok Jang
Seyoon Kim
Laura Kim
Mansoo Choi
Luke A. Sweatlock
Harry A. Atwater
+ PDF Chat Graphene plasmonics 2012 A. N. Grigorenko
Marco Polini
Kostya S. Novoselov
+ PDF Chat Memory Metamaterials 2009 Tom Driscoll
Hyun-Tak Kim
Byung Gyu Chae
Bong-Jun Kim
Yong-Wook Lee
N.M. Jokerst
Sabarni Palit
D. R. Smith
Massimiliano Di Ventra
D. N. Basov
+ PDF Chat Plasmonics of coupled graphene micro-structures 2012 Hugen Yan
Fengnian Xia
Zhiqiang Li
Phaedon Avouris
+ A microscopic view of the electromagnetic properties of sub-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si103.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>λ</mml:mi></mml:math> metallic surfaces 2009 Philippe Lalanne
Jean‐Paul Hugonin
H.T. Liu
Bing Wang
+ PDF Chat Mobility and saturation velocity in graphene on SiO2 2010 Vincent E. Dorgan
Myung‐Ho Bae
Eric Pop
+ PDF Chat Enhanced Sequential Carrier Capture into Individual Quantum Dots and Quantum Posts Controlled by Surface Acoustic Waves 2010 Stefan Völk
Florian J. R. SchĂŒlein
Florian Knall
D. Reuter
Andreas D. Wieck
Tuan Anh Truong
Hyochul Kim
Pierre M. Petroff
A. Wixforth
Hubert J. Krenner
+ PDF Chat Fast and Broadband Photoresponse of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus Field-Effect Transistors 2014 Michele Buscema
Dirk J. Groenendijk
Sofya I. Blanter
Gary A. Steele
Herre S. J. van der Zant
Andrés Castellanos-Gómez
+ PDF Chat Active plasmonic switching at mid-infrared wavelengths with graphene ribbon arrays 2013 Hong‐Son Chu
Choon How Gan
+ PDF Chat Graphene photodetectors for high-speed optical communications 2010 Thomas Mueller
Fengnian Xia
Phaedon Avouris
+ PDF Chat New Electromagnetic Mode in Graphene 2007 S. A. Mikhaǐlov
K. Ziegler
+ PDF Chat Sensitive room-temperature terahertz detection via the photothermoelectric effect in graphene 2014 Xinghan Cai
A. B. Sushkov
Ryan J. Suess
Mohsen Jadidi
Gregory S. Jenkins
Luke O. Nyakiti
Rachael L. Myers‐Ward
Shanshan Li
Jun Yan
D. Kurt Gaskill
+ PDF Chat Strong Coupling in the Far-Infrared between Graphene Plasmons and the Surface Optical Phonons of Silicon Dioxide 2014 I. J. Luxmoore
Choon How Gan
Peter Q. Liu
Federico Valmorra
Penglei Li
JĂ©rĂŽme Faist
G. R. Nash
+ PDF Chat Microwave response of a two-dimensional electron stripe 2005 S. A. Mikhaǐlov
N. A. Savostianova
+ PDF Chat Anomalous reflection phase of graphene plasmons and its influence on resonators 2014 Alexey Y. Nikitin
Tony Low
L. Martı́n-Moreno
+ PDF Chat Structure-Dependent Fano Resonances in the Infrared Spectra of Phonons in Few-Layer Graphene 2012 Zhiqiang Li
Chun Hung Lui
E. Cappelluti
Lara Benfatto
Kin Fai Mak
G. L. Carr
Jie Shan
Tony F. Heinz
+ PDF Chat Plasmon-phonon coupling in graphene 2010 E. H. Hwang
Rajdeep Sensarma
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Plasmonics in graphene at infrared frequencies 2009 Marinko Jablan
Hrvoje Buljan
Marin Soljačić
+ PDF Chat Analysis of surface plasmon excitation at terahertz frequencies with highly doped graphene sheets via attenuated total reflection 2012 Choon How Gan
+ PDF Chat Ultrastrong coupling in the near field of complementary split-ring resonators 2014 Curdin Maissen
Giacomo Scalari
Federico Valmorra
Mattias Beck
JĂ©rĂŽme Faist
Sara Cibella
R. Leoni
Christian Reichl
Christophe Charpentier
W. Wegscheider