Andrew J. Coldman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ A Mathematical and Computer-Based Model of Alternating Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in Experimental Neoplasms1 2015 J H Goldie
Andrew J. Coldman
Vincent Y. Ng
Harold A. Hopkins
William B. Looney
+ The effect of heterogeneity on optimal regimens in cancer chemotherapy 2003 John M. Murray
Andrew J. Coldman
+ Estimating cancer prevalence using mixture models for cancer survival 2002 Norman Phillips
Andrew J. Coldman
Mary L. McBride
+ Optimal control for a stochastic model of cancer chemotherapy 2000 Andrew J. Coldman
John M. Murray
+ Drug Resistance in Cancer: Mechanisms and Models 1998 James H. Goldie
Andrew J. Coldman
+ Drug Resistance in Cancer 1998 James H. Goldie
Andrew J. Coldman
+ An Object-Oriented Architecture for Statistical Software 1992 Vincent Ng
Andrew J. Coldman
+ Models for dose intensity 1988 Andrew J. Coldman
C Coppin
James H. Goldie
+ Analyzing the patterns of treatment failure. 1986 J H Goldie
Andrew J. Coldman
+ A stochastic model for the origin and treatment of tumors containing drug-resistant cells 1986 Andrew J. Coldman
J.H. Goldie
+ Application of theoretical models to chemotherapy protocol design. 1986 J H Goldie
Andrew J. Coldman
+ The effect of cellular differentiation on the development of permanent drug resistance 1985 Andrew J. Coldman
James H. Goldie
Vincent Ng
+ Quantitative model for multiple levels of drug resistance in clinical tumors. 1983 J H Goldie
Andrew J. Coldman
+ A model for the resistance of tumor cells to cancer chemotherapeutic agents 1983 Andrew J. Coldman
J.H. Goldie
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A model for the resistance of tumor cells to cancer chemotherapeutic agents 1983 Andrew J. Coldman
J.H. Goldie
+ Treatment sequencing, asymmetry, and uncertainty: protocol strategies for combination chemotherapy. 1986 Roger Day
+ A Stem Cell Model of Human Tumor Growth: Implications for Tumor Cell Clonogenic Assays<xref ref-type="fn" rid="FN2">2</xref> 1983 W.J. Mackillop
Antonio Ciampi
J. E. Till
RN Buick
+ A mathematic model for relating the drug sensitivity of tumors to their spontaneous mutation rate. 1979 Goldie Jh
Coldman Aj
+ The median lethal dose and its estimation 1985 D. J. Finney
+ The effect of cellular differentiation on the development of permanent drug resistance 1985 Andrew J. Coldman
James H. Goldie
Vincent Ng
+ Low-intensity combination chemotherapy maximizes host survival time for tumors containing drug-resistant cells 1992 Rory Martin
Michael E. Fisher
Rodney F. Minchin
Kok Lay Teo
+ Partial Differential Equations 1982 Fritz John
+ Drug Resistance in Cancer 1998 James H. Goldie
Andrew J. Coldman
+ A mathematical model of the effects of drug resistance in cancer chemotherapy 1984 B. G. Birkhead
Walter M. Gregory
+ Mathematical models in cancer research 1988 T. E. Wheldon
+ Growth Kinetics of Tumours 1978 B. I. Lord
+ PDF Chat Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS 1997 W. N. Venables
B. D. Ripley
+ Two Approaches for Estimating Disease Prevalence from Population‐Based Registries of Incidence and Total Mortality 1999 Mitchell H. Gail
Larry G. Kessler
Douglas Midthune
Steven M. Scoppa
+ A generalizedF mixture model for cure rate estimation 1998 Yingwei Peng
Keith Dear
J W Denham
+ Methods for projecting the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases in ageing populations: application to Alzheimer's disease 2000 Ron Brookmeyer
Sarah M. Gray
+ A branching-process model for heterogeneous cell populations 1986 Roger Day
+ Optimal control for a stochastic model of cancer chemotherapy 2000 Andrew J. Coldman
John M. Murray
+ A generalized <i>F</i> mixture model for cure rate estimation 1998 Yingwei Peng
Keith Dear
James W. Denham
+ A Simplex Method for Function Minimization 1965 J. A. Nelder
R. Mead
+ The Statistical Theory of Bacterial Populations Subject to Mutation 1952 P. Armitage
+ Nonpare, a Consultation System for Analysis of Data 1988 III. Dumer
Jennifer Hanratty
Trevor Taylor
Meenakshi.R Vimala.S
+ Partial Differential Equations 2024 Robert Johansson
+ Mixture models in survival analysis: Are they worth the risk? 1986 Vernon T. Farewell
+ A mixture model combining logistic regression with proportional hazards regression 1992 Anthony Y. C. Kuk
Chen‐Hsin Chen
+ PDF Chat Semi-Parametric Estimation in Failure Time Mixture Models 1995 Jeremy M. G. Taylor
+ Growth Curve of an Experimental Solid Tumor Following Radiotherapy 1977 Larry Norton
Richard H. Simon
+ A model for generalized edit and imputation of survey data 1988 Philip Giles