Janko Latschev


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat BV bialgebra structures in Floer theory and string topology 2024 Janko Latschev
Alexandru Oancea
+ Remarks on the rational SFT formalism 2022 Janko Latschev
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra related to surfaces with boundary 2020 Kai Cieliebak
Kenji Fukaya
Janko Latschev
+ PDF Chat Knot contact homology, string topology, and the cord algebra 2017 Kai Cieliebak
Tobias Ekholm
Janko Latschev
Lenhard Ng
+ Knot contact homology, string topology, and the cord algebra 2016 Kai Cieliebak
Tobias Ekholm
Janko Latschev
Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Fukaya’s work on Lagrangian embeddings 2015 Janko Latschev
+ Free Loop Spaces in Geometry and Topology 2015 Janko Latschev
Alexandru Oancea
Mohammed Abouzaid
+ Homological algebra related to surfaces with boundary 2015 Kai Cieliebak
Kenji Fukaya
Janko Latschev
+ Fukaya's work on Lagrangian embeddings 2014 Janko Latschev
+ PDF Chat The Gromov width of 4–dimensional tori 2013 Janko Latschev
Dusa McDuff
Felix Schlenk
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Torsion in Contact Manifolds 2011 Janko Latschev
Chris Wendl
Michael Hutchings
+ PDF Chat Compactness for holomorphic curves with switching Lagrangian boundary conditions 2010 Kai Cieliebak
Tobias Ekholm
Janko Latschev
+ PDF Chat The role of string topology in symplectic field theory 2009 Kai Cieliebak
Janko Latschev
+ Compactness for holomorphic curves with switching Lagrangian boundary conditions 2009 Kai Cieliebak
Tobias Ekholm
Janko Latschev
+ PDF Chat Quantitative symplectic geometry 2007 Kai Cieliebak
Helmut Hofer
Janko Latschev
Felix Schlenk
+ The role of string topology in symplectic field theory 2007 Kai Cieliebak
Janko Latschev
+ Closed forms transverse to singular foliations 2006 Janko Latschev
+ Coherent measures and the existence of smooth Lyapunov 1-forms for flows 2006 Janko Latschev
+ J-holomorphic curves in symplectic geometry 2006 Janko Latschev
+ Quantitative symplectic geometry 2005 Kai Cieliebak
Helmut Hofer
Janko Latschev
Felix Schlenk
+ Counting solutions of perturbed harmonic map equations 2005 Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
+ Quantitative symplectic geometry 2005 Kai Cieliebak
Helmut Hofer
Janko Latschev
Felix Schlenk
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov 1-forms for flows 2004 Michael FĂ€rber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Relative structure cycles and the existence of smooth Lyapunov 1-forms for flows 2004 Janko Latschev
+ None 2003 Janko Latschev
+ Smooth Lyapunov 1-forms 2003 M. Farber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Smooth Lyapunov 1-forms 2003 M. Farber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Smooth Lyapunov 1-forms 2003 Michael FĂ€rber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Lyapunov 1-forms for flows 2002 Michael FĂ€rber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Lyapunov 1-forms for flows 2002 Michael FĂ€rber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Lyapunov 1-forms for flows 2002 Michael FĂ€rber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Vietoris-Rips complexes of metric spaces near a closed Riemannian manifold 2001 Janko Latschev
+ Gradient flows of Morse-Bott functions 2000 Janko Latschev
+ A generalization of the morse complex 1998 H. Blaine Lawson
Janko Latschev
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Introduction to Symplectic Field Theory 2000 Yakov Eliashberg
A. Glvental
Helmut Hofer
+ J-Holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology 2004 Dusa McDuff
Dietmar Salamon
+ PDF Chat Compactness results in Symplectic Field Theory 2003 Frédéric Bourgeois
Yakov Eliashberg
Helmut Hofer
Kris Wysocki
Eduard Zehnder
+ Pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectizations with applications to the Weinstein conjecture in dimension three 1993 Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat Zeros of closed 1-forms, homoclinic orbits and Lusternik-Schnirelman theory 2002 Michael FĂ€rber
+ PDF Chat Introduction to symplectic topology 2006 Dusa McDuff
+ Isolated Invariant Sets and the Morse Index 1978 Charles C. Conley
+ PDF Chat Novikov-Morse theory for dynamical systems 2003 Heng Fan
JĂŒrgen Jost
+ PDF Chat The contact homology of Legendrian submanifolds in R2n+1 2005 Tobias Ekholm
John B. Etnyre
Michael G. Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Coherent orientations in symplectic field theory 2004 Frïżœdïżœric Bourgeois
Klaus Mohnke
+ String Topology 1999 Moira Chas
Dennis Sullivan
+ None 2003 Janko Latschev
+ PDF Chat Lusternik-Schnirelman theory and dynamics 2002 Michael FĂ€rber
+ Global Stability of Dynamical Systems 1987 Michael Shub
+ Cycles for the dynamical study of foliated manifolds and complex manifolds 1976 Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Symplectic invariants and Hamiltonian dynamics 1995 Helmut Hofer
Eduard Zehnder
+ PDF Chat The role of string topology in symplectic field theory 2009 Kai Cieliebak
Janko Latschev
+ Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds 1985 M. Gromov
+ Isolated invariant sets in compact metric spaces 1972 Richard C. Churchill
+ PDF Chat Compactness for punctured holomorphic curves 2005 Kai Cieliebak
Klaus Mohnke
+ Floer homology of cotangent bundles and the loop product 2008 Alberto Abbondandolo
Matthias Schwarz
+ Lagrangian Intersection Floer Theory: Anomaly and Obstruction 2009 èłąæČ» 深谷
Yong‐Geun Oh
Hiroshi Ohta
Kaoru Ono
+ PDF Chat Hofer–Zehnder capacity and length minimizing Hamiltonian paths 2001 Dusa McDuff
Jennifer Slimowitz
+ Symplectic embeddings from <i>R<sup>2n</sup></i> into some manifolds 2000 Mei Jiang
+ Finite energy surfaces and the chord problem 1999 Casim Abbas
+ PDF Chat Geometric Invariants of the Hofer Norm 2001 Dusa McDuff
+ PDF Chat Symplectic packing constructions 1995 Lisa Traynor
+ Kritische Mannigfaltigkeiten in Hilbertmannigfaltigkeiten 1967 Wolfgang Meyer
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov maps, simplicial complexes and the Stone functor 1992 Joel W. Robbin
Dietmar Salamon
+ Symplectic field theory and its applications 2007 Yakov Eliashberg
+ Symplectic packings and algebraic geometry 1994 Dusa McDuff
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Symplectic Packing in Dimension 4 1997 Paul Biran
+ PDF Chat Symplectic topology and Hamiltonian dynamics 1989 Ivar Ekeland
Helmut Hofer
+ PDF Chat Equivariant moduli problems, branched manifolds, and the Euler class 2002 Kai Cieliebak
Ignasi Mundet i Riera
Dietmar Salamon
+ PDF Chat Embedding Problems in Symplectic Geometry 2005 Felix Schlenk
+ A stability property of symplectic packing 1999 Paul Biran
+ Blow ups and symplectic embeddings in dimension 4 1991 Dusa McDuff
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ PDF Chat Compactness for holomorphic curves with switching Lagrangian boundary conditions 2010 Kai Cieliebak
Tobias Ekholm
Janko Latschev
+ Smooth Lyapunov 1-forms 2003 M. Farber
Thomas Kappeler
Janko Latschev
Eduard Zehnder
+ Moduli of J-Holomorphic Curves with Lagrangian Boundary Conditions and Open Gromov-Witten Invariants for an $S^1$-Equivariant Pair 2002 Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
+ Legendrian contact homology in 𝑃×ℝ 2007 Tobias Ekholm
John Etnyre
Michael Sullivan
+ Closed String Operators in Topology Leading to Lie Bialgebras and Higher String Algebra 2004 Moira Chas
Dennis Sullivan
+ PDF Chat Symplectic topology on subcritical manifolds 2001 Paul Biran
Kai Cieliebak
+ PDF Chat Framed knot contact homology 2008 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat Transverse string topology and the cord algebra 2015 Somnath Basu
Jason Frederick McGibbon
Dennis Sullivan
Michael G. Sullivan
+ Combinatorial Lie bialgebras of curves on surfaces 2003 Moira Chas
+ PDF Chat Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections 1988 Andreas Floer
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Symplectic Energy 1995 François Lalonde
Dusa McDuff
+ Asymptotic Cycles 1957 Sol Schwartzman