Ryszard Kukulski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Storage and retrieval of von Neumann measurements via indefinite causal order structures 2024 Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
+ PDF Chat Shared entanglement for three-party causal order guessing game 2024 Ryszard Kukulski
Paulina Lewandowska
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Quantum-embeddable stochastic matrices 2024 Fereshte Shahbeigi
Christopher T. Chubb
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Kamil Korzekwa
+ PDF Chat Storage and retrieval of von Neumann measurements via indefinite causal order structures 2024 Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
+ The e-Property of Asymptotically Stable Markov Semigroups 2024 Ryszard Kukulski
Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
+ PDF Chat On the Probabilistic Quantum Error Correction 2023 Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Zbigniew Puchała
+ Quantum-embeddable stochastic matrices 2023 Fereshte Shahbeigi
Christopher T. Chubb
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Kamil Korzekwa
+ PDF Chat Storage and retrieval of von Neumann measurements 2022 Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Zbigniew Puchała
+ Storage and retrieval of von Neumann measurements 2022 Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Zbigniew Puchała
+ On the probabilistic quantum error correction 2022 Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Zbigniew Puchała
+ The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov semigroups 2022 Ryszard Kukulski
Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
+ PDF Chat Generating random quantum channels 2021 Ryszard Kukulski
Ion Nechita
Łukasz Pawela
Zbigniew Puchała
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Multiple-shot and unambiguous discrimination of von Neumann measurements 2021 Zbigniew Puchała
Łukasz Pawela
Aleksandra Krawiec
Ryszard Kukulski
Michał Oszmaniec
+ PDF Chat On the optimal certification of von Neumann measurements 2021 Paulina Lewandowska
Aleksandra Krawiec
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Zbigniew Puchała
+ PDF Chat The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov–Feller operators 2021 Ryszard Kukulski
Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
+ Comment to Spatial Search by Quantum Walk is Optimal for Almost all Graphs 2020 Ryszard Kukulski
Adam Glos
+ Certification of quantum measurements 2020 Paulina Lewandowska
Aleksandra Krawiec
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
Zbigniew Puchała
+ Perturbation of the numerical range of unitary matrices 2020 Ryszard Kukulski
Paulina Lewandowska
Łukasz Pawela
+ Optimal representation of quantum channels. 2020 Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
+ The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov-Feller operators 2020 Ryszard Kukulski
Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
+ PDF Chat Optimal Representation of Quantum Channels 2020 Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
+ PDF Chat Perturbation of the Numerical Range of Unitary Matrices 2020 Ryszard Kukulski
Paulina Lewandowska
Łukasz Pawela
+ Comment to Spatial Search by Quantum Walk is Optimal for Almost all Graphs 2020 Ryszard Kukulski
Adam Glos
+ Optimal representation of quantum channels 2020 Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
Łukasz Pawela
+ Perturbation of the numerical range of unitary matrices 2020 Ryszard Kukulski
Paulina Lewandowska
Łukasz Pawela
+ The e-property of asymptotically stable Markov-Feller operators 2020 Ryszard Kukulski
Hanna Wojewódka–Ściążko
+ PDF Chat Quantum Walks on Hypergraphs 2019 Przemysław Sadowski
Łukasz Pawela
Paulina Lewandowska
Ryszard Kukulski
+ PDF Chat Strategies for optimal single-shot discrimination of quantum measurements 2018 Zbigniew Puchała
Łukasz Pawela
Aleksandra Krawiec
Ryszard Kukulski
+ PDF Chat Vertices cannot be hidden from quantum spatial search for almost all random graphs 2018 Adam Glos
Aleksandra Krawiec
Ryszard Kukulski
Zbigniew Puchała
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Theoretical framework for quantum networks 2009 Giulio Chiribella
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Paolo Perinotti
+ Linear transformations which preserve trace and positive semidefiniteness of operators 1972 Andrzej Jamiołkowski
+ Completely positive linear maps on complex matrices 1975 Man-Duen Choi
+ PDF Chat QuantumInformation.jl—A Julia package for numerical computation in quantum information theory 2018 Piotr Gawron
Dariusz Kurzyk
Łukasz Pawela
+ PDF Chat Das algebraische Analogon zu einem Satze von Fej�r 1918 Otto Toeplitz
+ PDF Chat Quantum networks: General theory and applications 2011 Alessandro Bisio
Giulio Chiribella
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Paolo Perinotti
+ PDF Chat Feller processes on nonlocally compact spaces 2006 Tomasz Szarek
+ PDF Chat On stability of velocity vectors for some passive tracer models 2010 Tomasz Szarek
Maciej Ślęczka
Mariusz Urbański
+ PDF Chat On some results on the stability of Markov operators 2017 Stanisław Wędrychowicz
Andrzej Wiśnicki
+ PDF Chat Invariant measures for nonexpansive Markov operators on Polish spaces 2003 Tomasz Szarek
+ PDF Chat Strategies for optimal single-shot discrimination of quantum measurements 2018 Zbigniew Puchała
Łukasz Pawela
Aleksandra Krawiec
Ryszard Kukulski
+ Equicontinuity and Stability Properties of Markov Chains Arising from Iterated Function Systems on Polish Spaces 2013 Dawid Czapla
Katarzyna Horbacz
+ Ergodic measures of Markov semigroups with the e-property 2011 Tomasz Szarek
Daniël Worm
+ PDF Chat Base norms and discrimination of generalized quantum channels 2014 Anna Jenčová
+ A criterion on asymptotic stability for partially equicontinuous Markov operators 2018 Dawid Czapla
+ PDF Chat Existence of a unique invariant measure for a class of equicontinuous Markov operators with application to a stochastic model for an autoregulated gene 2016 Sander C. Hille
Katarzyna Horbacz
Tomasz Z. Szarek
+ PDF Chat On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups 1976 Göran Lindblad
+ Equicontinuous families of Markov operators in view of asymptotic stability 2017 Sander C. Hille
Tomasz Szarek
Maria Ziemlańska
+ PDF Chat Entanglement is Not Necessary for Perfect Discrimination between Unitary Operations 2007 Runyao Duan
Yuan Feng
Mingsheng Ying
+ PDF Chat Perfect Distinguishability of Quantum Operations 2009 Runyao Duan
Yuan Feng
Mingsheng Ying
+ PDF Chat Unambiguous discrimination among quantum operations 2006 Guoming Wang
Mingsheng Ying
+ PDF Chat A universal set of qubit quantum channels 2014 Daniel Braun
Olivier Giraud
Ion Nechita
Clément Pellegrini
Marko Žnidarič
+ Lower bound technique and its applications to function systems and stochastic partial differential equations 2014 Tomasz Szarek
+ PDF Chat Discrimination of Two Channels by Adaptive Methods and Its Application to Quantum System 2009 Masahito Hayashi
+ PDF Chat Coherifying quantum channels 2018 Kamil Korzekwa
Stanisław Czachórski
Zbigniew Puchała
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Parallel distinguishability of quantum operations 2016 Runyao Duan
Cheng Guo
Chi-Kwong Li
Yinan Li
+ PDF Chat Adaptive versus nonadaptive strategies for quantum channel discrimination 2010 Aram W. Harrow
Avinatan Hassidim
Debbie Leung
John Watrous
+ PDF Chat Almost all quantum channels are equidistant 2018 Ion Nechita
Zbigniew Puchała
Łukasz Pawela
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond 2018 John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Memory Effects in Quantum Channel Discrimination 2008 Giulio Chiribella
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Paolo Perinotti
+ PDF Chat Using Entanglement Improves the Precision of Quantum Measurements 2001 Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Paoloplacido Lo Presti
Matteo G. A. Paris
+ PDF Chat A fidelity measure for quantum channels 2001 Maxim Raginsky
+ PDF Chat On Error Exponents in Quantum Hypothesis Testing 2004 Tetsuhiro Ogawa
Masahito Hayashi
+ Optimal Perfect Distinguishability between Unitaries and Quantum Operations 2010 Cheng Lü
Jianxin Chen
Runyao Duan
+ Some Results on the Imbedding Problem for Finite Markov Chains 1974 Søren Johansen
+ <i>q</i>-numerical ranges of normal and convex matrices 1998 Chi-Kwong Li
+ The Logarithm Function for Finite-State Markov Semi-Groups 1973 James R. Cuthbert
+ The imbedding problem for finite Markov chains 1962 J. F. C. Kingmán
+ PDF Chat Random quantum operations 2008 Wojciech Bruzda
Valerio Cappellini
Hans-Jürgen Sommers
Karol Życzkowski
+ PDF Chat Noiseless Subsystems and the Structure of the Commutant in Quantum Error Correction 2003 John Holbrook
David W. Kribs
Raymond Laflamme
+ PDF Chat Quantum simulations of dissipative dynamics: Time dependence instead of size 2015 Benjamin Dive
Florian Mintert
Daniel Burgarth
+ Quantum circuits with mixed states 1998 Dorit Aharonov
Alexei Kitaev
Noam Nisan
+ PDF Chat Spatial search by quantum walk 2004 Andrew M. Childs
Jeffrey Goldstone
+ The constrained bilinear form and the C-numerical range 1984 Nam‐Kiu Tsing
+ PDF Chat On the Spectra of General Random Graphs 2011 Fan Chung
Mary Radcliffe
+ PDF Chat Optimal quantum learning of a unitary transformation 2010 Alessandro Bisio
Giulio Chiribella
Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano
Stefano Facchini
Paolo Perinotti
+ PDF Chat Assessing Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics 2008 Michael M. Wolf
Jens Eisert
Toby S. Cubitt
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Experimental validation of photonic boson sampling 2014 Nicolò Spagnolo
Chiara Vitelli
Marco Bentivegna
Daniel J. Brod
Andrea Crespi
Fulvio Flamini
Sandro Giacomini
Giorgio Milani
Roberta Ramponi
Paolo Mataloni
+ PDF Chat Towards quantifying complexity with quantum mechanics 2014 Ryan Yanqi Tan
Daniel R. Terno
Jayne Thompson
Vlatko Vedral
Mile Gu
+ PDF Chat Quantum mechanics can reduce the complexity of classical models 2012 Mile Gu
Karoline Wiesner
Elisabeth Rieper
Vlatko Vedral