Ciprian Demeter


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Maximal $\Lambda(p)$-subsets of manifolds 2024 Ciprian Demeter
Hongki Jung
Donggeun Ryou
+ PDF Chat Szemer\'edi-Trotter bounds for tubes and applications 2024 Ciprian Demeter
Hong Wang
+ <i>L</i><sup>2</sup> to <i>L<sup>p</sup></i> bounds for spectral projectors on the Euclidean two-dimensional torus 2024 Ciprian Demeter
Pierre Germain
+ PDF Chat On the $N$-set occupancy problem 2024 Ciprian Demeter
Ruixiang Zhang
+ PDF Chat Beyond canonical decoupling 2024 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat Level set estimates for the periodic Schr\"odinger maximal function on $\mathbb{T}^1$ 2024 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat Fourier decay for curved Frostman measures 2023 S. P. Venkata Dasu
Ciprian Demeter
+ $L^2$ to $L^p$ bounds for spectral projectors on the Euclidean two-dimensional torus 2023 Ciprian Demeter
Pierre Germain
+ On 𝐿¹² square root cancellation for exponential sums associated with nondegenerate curves in ℝ⁴ 2022 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat On restriction of exponential sums to hypersurfaces with zero curvature 2022 Ciprian Demeter
+ The Failure of the Fractal Uncertainty Principle for the Walsh–Fourier Transform 2022 Ciprian Demeter
+ Fourier decay for curved Frostman measures 2022 S. P. Venkata Dasu
Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Restriction of Exponential Sums to Hypersurfaces 2021 Ciprian Demeter
Bartosz Langowski
+ Restriction of exponential sums to hypersurfaces 2021 Ciprian Demeter
Bartosz Langowski
+ PDF Bourgain’s work in Fourier restriction 2021 Ciprian Demeter
+ Sharp $$\ell ^p$$-Improving Estimates for the Discrete Paraboloid 2021 Shival Dasu
Ciprian Demeter
Bartosz Langowski
+ On $L^{12}$ square root cancellation for exponential sums associated with nondegenerate curves in ${\mathbb R}^4$ 2021 Ciprian Demeter
+ On restriction of exponential sums to hypersurfaces with zero curvature 2021 Ciprian Demeter
+ Restriction of exponential sums to hypersurfaces 2021 Ciprian Demeter
Bartosz Langowski
+ PDF Small cap decouplings 2020 Ciprian Demeter
Larry Guth
Hong Wang
+ Fourier Restriction, Decoupling, and Applications 2020 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat Three Applications of the Siegel Mass Formula 2020 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat Decouplings for Real Analytic Surfaces of Revolution 2020 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Dóminique Kemp
+ On the refined Strichartz estimates 2020 Ciprian Demeter
+ Sharp $l^p$-improving estimates for the discrete paraboloid 2020 Shival Dasu
Ciprian Demeter
Bartosz Langowski
+ The failure of the fractal uncertainty principle for the Walsh--Fourier transform 2020 Ciprian Demeter
+ Decoupling for the Moment Curve 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Applications of Decoupling 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Parabolic Rescaling and a Bilinear-to-Linear Reduction 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ The Polynomial Method 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Bilinear Restriction Theory 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Multilinear Kakeya and Restriction Inequalities 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Decouplings for Other Manifolds 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Kakeya and Square Function Estimates 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Decoupling for the Elliptic Paraboloid 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ An Introduction to Decoupling 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ The Bourgain–Guth Method 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Fourier Restriction, Decoupling, and Applications 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Wave Packets 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Linear Restriction Theory 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Small cap decouplings 2019 Ciprian Demeter
Larry Guth
Sheng Wang
+ PDF Chat Sharp decouplings for three dimensional manifolds in $\mathbb R^5$ 2019 Ciprian Demeter
Shaoming Guo
Fangye Shi
+ PDF Chat On the restriction theorem for the paraboloid in ${\mathbb R}^4$ 2019 Ciprian Demeter
+ Decouplings for Real Analytic Surfaces of Revolution 2019 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Dóminique Kemp
+ Small cap decouplings 2019 Ciprian Demeter
Larry Guth
Sheng Wang
+ A decoupling for Cantor-like sets 2018 Ciprian Demeter
+ On the number of $k$th powers inside arithmetic progressions 2018 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Three applications of the Siegel mass formula 2018 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Sharp bounds for the cubic Parsell–Vinogradov system in two dimensions 2017 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Shaoming Guo
+ PDF Chat Decouplings for curves and hypersurfaces with nonzero Gaussian curvature 2017 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ A few thoughts on the polynomial method 2017 Ciprian Demeter
+ On the restriction theorem for paraboloid in $\mathbb R^4$ 2017 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat A study guide for the l 2 decoupling theorem 2017 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ On the restriction theorem for paraboloid in $\mathbb R^4$ 2017 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat Mean value estimates for Weyl sums in two dimensions 2016 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Proof of the main conjecture in Vinogradov's Mean Value Theorem \break for degrees higher than three 2016 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Larry Guth
+ A study guide for the $l^2$ Decoupling Theorem 2016 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Sharp bounds for the cubic Parsell-Vinogradov system in two dimensions 2016 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Shaoming Guo
+ Schrödinger maximal function estimates via the pseudoconformal transformation 2016 Ciprian Demeter
Shaoming Guo
+ Sharp decouplings for three dimensional manifolds in $\mathbb{R}^5$ 2016 Ciprian Demeter
Shaoming Guo
Fangye Shi
+ A study guide for the $l^2$ Decoupling Theorem 2016 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Decouplings for surfaces in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">R</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math> 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Mean value estimates for Weyl sums in two dimensions 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF The proof of the l^2 Decoupling Conjecture 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ A guide to Carleson's theorem 2015 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Some new light on a few classical results 2015 Ciprian Demeter
Prabath Silva
+ Decouplings for surfaces in R^4 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Optimal mean value estimates for the quadratic Weyl sums in two dimensions 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Proof of the main conjecture in Vinogradov's mean value theorem for degrees higher than three 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Larry Guth
+ Mean value estimates for Weyl sums in two dimensions 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Decouplings for curves and hypersurfaces with nonzero Gaussian curvature 2014 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ $l^p$ decouplings for hypersurfaces with nonzero Gaussian curvature 2014 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ The proof of the $l^2$ Decoupling Conjecture 2014 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Incidence theory and restriction estimates 2014 Ciprian Demeter
+ The proof of the $l^2$ Decoupling Conjecture 2014 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ $l^p$ decouplings for hypersurfaces with nonzero Gaussian curvature 2014 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Decouplings for curves and hypersurfaces with nonzero Gaussian curvature 2014 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Some new light on a few classical results 2013 Ciprian Demeter
Prabath Silva
+ PDF Chat Endpoint Bounds for the Quartile Operator 2013 Ciprian Demeter
Francesco Di Plinio
+ New bounds for the discrete Fourier restriction to the sphere in four and five dimensions 2013 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ On the number of non-congruent lattice tetrahedra 2013 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Improved estimates for the discrete Fourier restriction to the higher dimensional sphere 2013 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Some new light on a few classical results 2013 Ciprian Demeter
Prabath Silva
+ On the finite linear independence of lattice Gabor systems 2012 Ciprian Demeter
Sarita Gautam
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic L p Bounds for Maximal Directional Singular Integrals in the Plane 2012 Ciprian Demeter
Francesco Di Plinio
+ A guide to Carleson's Theorem 2012 Ciprian Demeter
+ Endpoint bounds for the quartile operator 2012 Ciprian Demeter
Francesco Di Plinio
+ PDF Chat Bilinear Fourier Restriction Theorems 2012 Ciprian Demeter
S. Zubin Gautam
+ Improved estimates for the discrete Fourier restriction to the higher dimensional sphere 2012 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Logarithmic L^p bounds for maximal directional singular integrals in the plane 2012 Ciprian Demeter
Francesco Di Plinio
+ PDF Chat <i>L</i> <sup>2</sup> bounds for a Kakeya-type maximal operator in ℝ<sup>3</sup> 2012 Ciprian Demeter
+ Bilinear Fourier restriction theorems 2012 Ciprian Demeter
S. Zubin Gautam
+ Bilinear Fourier restriction theorems 2012 Ciprian Demeter
S. Zubin Gautam
+ Logarithmic L^p bounds for maximal directional singular integrals in the plane 2012 Ciprian Demeter
Francesco Di Plinio
+ Endpoint bounds for the quartile operator 2012 Ciprian Demeter
Francesco Di Plinio
+ Improved estimates for the discrete Fourier restriction to the higher dimensional sphere 2012 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ A guide to Carleson's Theorem 2012 Ciprian Demeter
+ Proof of the HRT conjecture for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:math> configurations 2011 Ciprian Demeter
Alexandru Zaharescu
+ PDF Improved Range in the Return Times Theorem 2011 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF On some maximal multipliers in $L^p$ 2010 Ciprian Demeter
+ On the finite linear independence of lattice Gabor systems 2010 Ciprian Demeter
S. Zubin Gautam
+ Singular integrals along 𝑁 directions in ℝ² 2010 Ciprian Demeter
+ Proof of the HRT conjecture for (2,2) configurations 2010 Ciprian Demeter
Alexandru Zaharescu
+ Linear independence of time frequency translates for special configurations 2010 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Multilinear singular operators with fractional rank 2010 Ciprian Demeter
Malabika Pramanik
Christoph Thiele
+ On the two-dimensional bilinear Hilbert transform 2010 Ciprian Demeter
Christoph Thiele
+ Singular Integrals Along N Directions in R^2 2010 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Linear independence of time frequency translates for special configurations 2010 Ciprian Demeter
+ On the finite linear independence of lattice Gabor systems 2010 Ciprian Demeter
S. Zubin Gautam
+ Linear independence of time frequency translates for special configurations 2010 Ciprian Demeter
+ Proof of the HRT conjecture for (2,2) configurations 2010 Ciprian Demeter
Alexandru Zaharescu
+ PDF Modulation invariant bilinear T(1) theorem 2009 Árpád Bényi
Ciprian Demeter
Andrea R. Nahmod
Christoph Thiele
Rodolfo H. Torres
Paco Villarroya
+ Multilinear singular operators with fractional rank 2009 Ciprian Demeter
Malabika Pramanik
Christoph Thiele
+ On some maximal multipliers in $L^p$ 2009 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF The Walsh model for $M_2^*$ Carleson 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Chat Divergence of combinatorial averages and the unboundedness of the trilinear Hilbert transform 2008 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF Chat Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Maximal multilinear operators 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ {Spaces of Infinite Measure and Pointwise Convergence of the Bilinear Hilbert and Ergodic Averages Defined by $L^{p}$-Isometries 2008 Earl Berkson
Ciprian Demeter
+ On the two dimensional Bilinear Hilbert Transform 2008 Ciprian Demeter
Christoph Thiele
+ The Walsh model for $M_2^{*}$ Carleson 2007 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Pointwise convergence of the ergodic bilinear Hilbert transform 2007 Ciprian Demeter
+ Divergence of combinatorial averages and the unboundedness of the trilinear Hilbert transform 2007 Ciprian Demeter
+ Modulation invariant bilinear T(1) theorem 2007 Árpád Bényi
Ciprian Demeter
Andrea R. Nahmod
Christoph Thiele
Rodolfo H. Torres
Paco Villarroya
+ The Walsh model for $M_2^{*}$ Carleson 2007 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Randomly weighted series of iid's in $L^1$ 2006 Ciprian Demeter
+ Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2006 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ Pointwise convergence of the ergodic bilinear Hilbert transform 2006 Ciprian Demeter
+ Breaking the duality in the return times theorem 2006 Ciprian Demeter
Michael T. Lacey
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF Almost everywhere convergence of series in $L^1$ 2005 Ciprian Demeter
+ Maximal multilinear operators 2005 Ciprian Demeter
Terence Tao
Christoph Thiele
+ PDF The Best Constants Associated with some Weak Maximal Inequalities in Ergodic Theory 2004 Ciprian Demeter
+ Weak-L 1 estimates and ergodic theorems 2004 Ciprian Demeter
Anthony Quas
+ Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Weighted Ergodic Theorems 2004 Ciprian Demeter
+ Besicovitch weights and the necessity of duality restrictions in the weighted ergodic theorem 2004 Ciprian Demeter
R. W. L. Jones
+ Another Collinearity Result for Triangles: 10845 2002 Ciprian Demeter
Li Zhou
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Bounds on Oscillatory Integral Operators Based on Multilinear Estimates 2011 Jean Bourgain
Larry Guth
+ PDF Chat Moment inequalities for trigonometric polynomials with spectrum in curved hypersurfaces 2012 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF On the multilinear restriction and Kakeya conjectures 2006 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Terence Tao
+ PDF Local smoothing type estimates on Lp for large p 2000 Thomas Wolff
+ PDF Volumes of tubular neighbourhoods of real algebraic varieties 1993 Richard Wongkew
+ The cubic case of the main conjecture in Vinogradov's mean value theorem 2016 Trevor D. Wooley
+ PDF Chat Mean value estimates for Weyl sums in two dimensions 2016 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ New Bounds for the Discrete Fourier Restriction to the Sphere in 4D and 5D 2014 Jean Bourgain
C.P. Demeter
+ PDF Chat Decouplings for curves and hypersurfaces with nonzero Gaussian curvature 2017 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF L p regularity of averages over curves and bounds for associated maximal operators 2007 Malabika Pramanik
Andreas Seeger
+ PDF Chat A short proof of the multilinear Kakeya inequality 2014 Larry Guth
+ PDF A Problem on Sums of Two Squares 2014 Enrico Bombieri
Jean Bourgain
+ PDF The proof of the l^2 Decoupling Conjecture 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Fourier transform restriction phenomena for certain lattice subsets and applications to nonlinear evolution equations 1993 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Chat Stability of the Brascamp-Lieb constant and applications 2018 Jonathan Bennett
Neal Bez
Taryn C. Flock
Sanghyuk Lee
+ PDF Lattice points on circles, squares in arithmetic progressions and sumsets of squares 2007 Javier Cilleruelo
Andrew Granville
+ PDF A Littlewood-Paley Inequality for Arbitrary Intervals 1985 José L. Rubio de Francia
+ Representations of Integers as Sums of Squares 1985 Emil Grosswald
+ None 1993 Jean Bourgain
+ PDF Improved estimates for the discrete Fourier restriction to the higher dimensional sphere 2013 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF On plate decompositions of cone multipliers 2009 Gustavo Garrigós
Andreas Seeger
+ Besicovitch type maximal operators and applications to fourier analysis 1991 Jean Bourgain
+ Additive Combinatorics 2006 Terence Tao
Van H. Vu
+ A restriction estimate using polynomial partitioning 2015 Larry Guth
+ PDF Chat Average decay estimates for Fourier transforms of measures supported on curves 2007 Luca Brandolini
Giacomo Gigante
Allan Greenleaf
Alex Iosevich
Andreas Seeger
Giancarlo Travaglini
+ PDF Sharp bounds for the cubic Parsell–Vinogradov system in two dimensions 2017 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Shaoming Guo
+ PDF An improved bound for Kakeya type maximal functions 1995 Thomas Wolff
+ PDF A restriction theorem for the Fourier transform 1975 Peter A. Tomas
+ Translation invariance, exponential sums, and Waring's problem 2014 Trevor D. Wooley
+ PDF Chat The multilinear restriction estimate: a short proof and a refinement 2017 Ioan Bejenaru
+ The optimal trilinear restriction estimate for a class of hypersurfaces with curvature 2016 Ioan Bejenaru
+ The proof of the $l^2$ Decoupling Conjecture 2014 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
+ Concerning the Lp norm of spectral clusters for second-order elliptic operators on compact manifolds 1988 Christopher D. Sogge
+ Trigonometric Sums in Number Theory and Analysis 2004 Gennady I. Arkhipov
В. Н. Чубариков
Anatoly A. Karatsuba
+ The Kakeya Maximal Function and the Spherical Summation Multipliers 1977 Antonio Córdoba
+ Propagation of singularities and maximal functions in the plane 1991 Christopher D. Sogge
+ Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics 2016 Larry Guth
+ Restrictions of Fourier transforms to quadratic surfaces and decay of solutions of wave equations 1977 Robert S. Strichartz
+ PDF Nested efficient congruencing and relatives of Vinogradov's mean value theorem 2018 Trevor D. Wooley
+ PDF Trigonometric Series with Gaps 1960 Walter Rudin
+ Proof of the main conjecture in Vinogradov's mean value theorem for degrees higher than three 2015 Jean Bourgain
Ciprian Demeter
Larry Guth
+ A decoupling for Cantor-like sets 2018 Ciprian Demeter
+ PDF A non-linear generalisation of the Loomis-Whitney inequality andapplications 2005 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
James Wright
+ The number of integer points on Vinogradov’s quadric 2008 Valentin Blomer
Jörg Brüdern
+ PDF On the restriction of the Fourier transform to curves: endpoint results and the degenerate case 1985 Michael Christ
+ PDF The Brascamp–Lieb Inequalities: Finiteness, Structure and Extremals 2007 Jonathan Bennett
Anthony Carbery
Michael Christ
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Aspects of multilinear harmonic analysis related to transversality 2014 Jonathan Bennett
+ Some remarks on the Kakeya problem 1971 Roy O. Davies
+ PDF The endpoint case of the Bennett–Carbery–Tao multilinear Kakeya conjecture 2010 Larry Guth
+ PDF Oscillatory integrals and multipliers on FLp 1973 Lars Hörmander