Donato Bini


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Conservative binary dynamics beyond order <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math> in electrodynamics 2025 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Scalar waves in a Topological Star spacetime: self-force and radiative losses 2024 Massimo Bianchi
Donato Bini
Giorgio Di Russo
+ PDF Chat Explicit solution of the gravitational two-body problem at the second post-Minkowskian order 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ Scalar perturbations of topological-star spacetimes 2024 Massimo Bianchi
Donato Bini
Giorgio Di Russo
+ PDF Chat Conservative binary dynamics beyond order $\alpha^5$ in electrodynamics 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Gravitational bremsstrahlung waveform at the fourth post-Minkowskian order and the second post-Newtonian level 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Fourth post-Minkowskian local-in-time conservative dynamics of binary systems 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Explicit solution of the gravitational two-body problem at the second post-Minkowskian order 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Scalar perturbations in a Top-Star spacetime 2024 Massimo Bianchi
Donato Bini
Giorgio Di Russo
+ PDF Chat Post-Minkowskian self-force in the low-velocity limit: scalar field scattering 2024 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Chris Kavanagh
Adam Pound
Davide Usseglio
+ PDF Chat Gravitational waveforms: A tale of two formalisms 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Stefano De Angelis
Andrea Geralico
Aidan Herderschee
Radu Roiban
Fei Teng
+ PDF Chat Fourth Post-Minkowskian Local-in-Time Conservative Dynamics of Binary Systems 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Projective path to points at infinity in spherically symmetric spacetimes 2024 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Gravitational Waveform: A Tale of Two Formalisms 2024 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Stefano De Angelis
Andrea Geralico
Aidan Herderschee
Radu Roiban
Fei Teng
+ Projective Infinity with Spherical Symmetry in Space-Time Geometry 2024 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Comparing one-loop gravitational bremsstrahlung amplitudes to the multipolar-post-Minkowskian waveform 2023 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit contribution to radiative losses for spinning binaries with aligned spins 2023 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
P. Rettegno
+ PDF Chat From quantum foam to graviton condensation: The Zel'dovich route 2023 Pablo G. Tello
Sauro Succi
Donato Bini
Stuart Kauffman
+ PDF Chat Wedging spacetime principal null directions 2023 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Radiated momentum and radiation reaction in gravitational two-body scattering including time-asymmetric effects 2023 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ From quantum foam to graviton condensation: the Zel'dovich route 2023 Pablo G. Tello
Sauro Succi
Donato Bini
Stuart Kauffman
+ Spin-orbit contribution to radiative losses for spinning binaries with aligned spins 2023 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
P. Rettegno
+ Comparing One-loop Gravitational Bremsstrahlung Amplitudes to the Multipolar-Post-Minkowskian Waveform 2023 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ Particle motion in a rotating dust spacetime: the Bonnor solution 2023 Davide Astesiano
Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Matteo Luca Ruggiero
+ PDF Chat Radiation-reaction and angular momentum loss at the second post-Minkowskian order 2022 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Estimating today's cosmological constant via the Zel'dovich-holographic connection 2022 Pablo Garcia Tello
Donato Bini
Stuart Kauffman
Sauro Succi
+ PDF Chat Petrov type I spacetime curvature: Principal null vector spanning dimension 2022 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat First post-Minkowskian approach to turbulent gravity 2022 Donato Bini
Stuart Kauffman
Sauro Succi
Pablo Garcia Tello
+ Radiated momentum in gravitational two-body scattering including time-asymmetric effects 2022 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Static and dynamic Melvin universes 2022 Donato Bini
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Multipolar invariants and the eccentricity enhancement function parametrization of gravitational radiation 2022 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Momentum recoil in the relativistic two-body problem: Higher-order tails 2022 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gravitomagnetic helicity 2022 Donato Bini
Bahram Mashhoon
Yuri N. Obukhov
+ First Post-Minkowskian approach to turbulent gravity 2022 Donato Bini
Stuart Kauffman
Sauro Succi
Pablo G. Tello
+ Predicting today's cosmological constant via the Zel'dovich-Holographic connection 2022 Pablo G. Tello
Donato Bini
Stuart Kauffman
Sauro Succi
+ Radiated momentum and radiation-reaction in gravitational two-body scattering including time-asymmetric effects 2022 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ Radiation-reaction and angular momentum loss at the second Post-Minkowskian order 2022 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Higher-order tail contributions to the energy and angular momentum fluxes in a two-body scattering process 2021 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Frequency domain analysis of the gravitational wave energy loss in hyperbolic encounters 2021 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ Strengthening the notion of Petrov type I spacetimes 2021 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Radiative contributions to gravitational scattering 2021 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ Higher-order tail contributions to the energy and angular momentum fluxes in a two-body scattering process 2021 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ Frequency domain analysis of the gravitational wave energy loss in hyperbolic encounters. 2021 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ Radiative contributions to gravitational scattering 2021 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Investigating new forms of gravity-matter couplings in the gravitational field equations 2021 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Gravitational scattering at the seventh order in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>G</mml:mi></mml:math> : Nonlocal contribution at the sixth post-Newtonian accuracy 2021 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
S. Laporta
Pierpaolo Mastrolia
+ PDF Chat Einstein, Planck and Vera Rubin: Relevant Encounters Between the Cosmological and the Quantum Worlds 2021 P. Salucci
Giampiero Esposito
Gaetano Lambiase
Emmanuele Battista
Micol Benetti
Donato Bini
Lumen Boco
Gauri Sharma
V. Bozza
Luca Buoninfante
+ Petrov type I spacetime curvature: principal null vector spanning dimension 2021 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Sixth post-Newtonian nonlocal-in-time dynamics of binary systems 2020 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ Gravitational dynamics at $O(G^6)$: perturbative gravitational scattering meets experimental mathematics 2020 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
S. Laporta
Pierpaolo Mastrolia
+ PDF Chat Gödel spacetime, planar geodesics and the Möbius map 2020 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
W. Plastino
+ PDF Chat Detweiler’s redshift invariant for extended bodies orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole 2020 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Jan Steinhoff
+ PDF Chat Binary dynamics at the fifth and fifth-and-a-half post-Newtonian orders 2020 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Sixth post-Newtonian local-in-time dynamics of binary systems 2020 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat New solutions of the Ermakov–Pinney equation in curved space-time 2020 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Comparing effective-one-body Hamiltonians for spin-aligned coalescing binaries 2020 P. Rettegno
Fabio Martinetti
Alessandro Nagar
Donato Bini
G. Riemenschneider
Thibault Damour
+ G\"odel spacetime, planar geodesics and the M\"obius map 2020 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
W. Plastino
+ PDF Chat Scattering of tidally interacting bodies in post-Minkowskian gravity 2020 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ Gödel spacetime, planar geodesics and the Möbius map 2020 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
W. Plastino
+ Gravitational dynamics at $O(G^6)$: perturbative gravitational scattering meets experimental mathematics 2020 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
S. Laporta
Pierpaolo Mastrolia
+ PDF Chat Comparing Effective One Body Hamiltonians for spin-aligned coalescing binaries 2019 P. Rettegno
Fabio Martinetti
Alessandro Nagar
Donato Bini
G. Riemenschneider
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Analytical determination of the periastron advance in spinning binaries from self-force computations 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Novel Approach to Binary Dynamics: Application to the Fifth Post-Newtonian Level 2019 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole: Gyroscope precession 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole: Redshift invariant 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Scattering of uncharged particles in the field of two extremely charged black holes 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Gabriele Gionti
W. Plastino
Nelson Velandia
+ PDF Chat Gödel spacetime: Planar geodesics and gyroscope precession 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
W. Plastino
+ Gauge-fixing for the completion problem of reconstructed metric perturbations of a Kerr spacetime 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Black hole geodesic parallel transport and the Marck reduction procedure 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Cylindrical gravitational waves: C-energy, super-energy and associated dynamical effects 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
W. Plastino
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear-in-spin effects in effective-one-body waveform models of spin-aligned, inspiralling, neutron star binaries 2019 Alessandro Nagar
Francesco Messina
P. Rettegno
Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
Sarp Akçay
Sebastiano Bernuzzi
+ Gauge-fixing for the completion problem of reconstructed metric perturbations of a Kerr spacetime 2019 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gravitational wave effects on astrometric observables 2018 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force corrections to gyroscope precession along circular orbits in the Kerr spacetime 2018 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
Chris Kavanagh
Maarten van de Meent
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for spinning particles on circular orbits in a Schwarzschild spacetime 2018 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for particles on circular orbits in a Kerr spacetime 2018 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Twisted gravitational waves of Petrov type <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi></mml:math> 2018 Kjell Rosquist
Donato Bini
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force corrections to tidal invariants for particles on eccentric orbits in a Schwarzschild spacetime 2018 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gravitational spin-orbit coupling in binary systems at the second post-Minkowskian approximation 2018 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat On the local isometric embedding of trapped surfaces into three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds 2018 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat High-energy hyperbolic scattering by neutron stars and black holes 2018 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Spinning particles in twisted gravitational wave spacetimes 2018 Donato Bini
Carmen Chicone
Bahram Mashhoon
Kjell Rosquist
+ PDF Chat On the energy content of electromagnetic and gravitational plane waves through super-energy tensors 2018 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit precession along eccentric orbits: Improving the knowledge of self-force corrections and of their effective-one-body counterparts 2018 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Detweiler’s redshift invariant for spinning particles along circular orbits on a Schwarzschild background 2018 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
Chris Kavanagh
+ PDF Chat Twisted gravitational waves 2018 Donato Bini
Carmen Chicone
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Relative-observer definition of the Simon tensor 2018 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gravitational spin-orbit coupling in binary systems, post-Minkowskian approximation, and effective one-body theory 2017 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Is there a quantum gravity effect on the cosmic microwave background power spectrum? 2017 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Position determination and strong field parallax effects for photon emitters in the Schwarzschild spacetime 2017 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic scattering of spinning particles by a Kerr black hole 2017 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Justin Vines
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic gravitational collapse and cosmic jets 2017 Donato Bini
Carmen Chicone
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Gravitational scattering of two black holes at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation 2017 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit precession along eccentric orbits for extreme mass ratio black hole binaries and its effective-one-body transcription 2017 Chris Kavanagh
Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Seth Hopper
Adrian C. Ottewill
Barry Wardell
+ Anisotropic Gravitational Collapse and Cosmic Jets 2017 Donato Bini
Carmen Chicone
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Gyroscope precession along general timelike geodesics in a Kerr black hole spacetime 2017 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic-like elastic scattering of spinning particles by a Schwarzschild black hole 2017 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Deviation and precession effects in the field of a weak gravitational wave 2017 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
A. Ortolan
+ PDF Chat Relativistic tidal acceleration of astrophysical jets 2017 Donato Bini
Carmen Chicone
Bahram Mashhoon
+ A concise introduction to trapped surface formation in general relativity 2017 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ A concise introduction to trapped surface formation in general relativity 2017 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Scalar field self-force effects on a particle orbiting a Reissner-Nordström black hole 2016 Donato Bini
Gabriel G. Carvalho
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gyroscope precession along unbound equatorial plane orbits around a Kerr black hole 2016 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Gyroscope precession along bound equatorial plane orbits around a Kerr black hole 2016 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat High post-Newtonian order gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric equatorial orbits around a Kerr black hole 2016 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Scattering by a Schwarzschild black hole of particles undergoing drag force effects 2016 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Conservative second-order gravitational self-force on circular orbits and the effective one-body formalism 2016 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Schwarzschild black hole embedded in a dust field: scattering of particles and drag force effects 2016 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat New gravitational self-force analytical results for eccentric orbits around a Schwarzschild black hole 2016 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal gravity: Conformally flat spacetimes 2016 Donato Bini
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat General relativistic considerations of the field shedding model of fast radio bursts 2016 Brian Punsly
Donato Bini
+ PDF Chat Confirming and improving post-Newtonian and effective-one-body results from self-force computations along eccentric orbits around a Schwarzschild black hole 2016 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Late-time evolution of cosmological models with fluids obeying a Shan-Chen-like equation of state 2016 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
Andrea Geralico
+ Relativistic Gravity Gradiometry: The Mashhoon--Theiss Effect 2016 Donato Bini
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Spin-dependent two-body interactions from gravitational self-force computations 2015 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime with spin-induced quadrupole tensor 2015 Donato Bini
Guillaume Faye
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Orbital effects due to gravitational induction 2015 Donato Bini
Lorenzo Iorio
D. Giordano
+ PDF Chat Massless Dirac particles in the vacuum <i>C</i> -metric 2015 Donato Bini
Eduardo Bittencourt
Andrea Geralico
+ Dynamics of extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime with spin-induced quadrupole tensor 2015 Donato Bini
Guillaume Faye
Andrea Geralico
+ Is there a quantum gravity effect on the cosmic microwave background power spectrum 2015 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Effect of an arbitrary spin orientation on the quadrupolar structure of an extended body in a Schwarzschild spacetime 2015 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Weitzenböck’s torsion, Fermi coordinates, and adapted frames 2015 Donato Bini
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Tidal invariants along the worldline of an extended body in Kerr spacetime 2015 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Slicing black hole spacetimes 2015 Donato Bini
Eduardo Bittencourt
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Analytic determination of high-order post-Newtonian self-force contributions to gravitational spin precession 2015 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Detweiler’s gauge-invariant redshift variable: Analytic determination of the nine and nine-and-a-half post-Newtonian self-force contributions 2015 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
Andrea Geralico
+ Is there a quantum gravity effect on the cosmic microwave background power spectrum? 2015 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ Dynamics of extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime with spin-induced quadrupole tensor 2015 Donato Bini
Guillaume Faye
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Gravitational self-force corrections to two-body tidal interactions and the effective one-body formalism 2014 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Particles under radiation thrust in Schwarzschild space–time from a flux perpendicular to the equatorial plane 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
O. Semerák
+ PDF Chat Radiation drag in the field of a non-spherical source 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Andrea Passamonti
+ PDF Chat What can we extract from quasiperiodic oscillations? 2014 Kuantay Boshkayev
Donato Bini
J. A. Rueda
Andrea Geralico
Marco Muccino
I. A. Siutsou
+ Observer-dependent optical properties of stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 2014 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Inertial effects in accelerating spacetimes 2014 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ The Kerr-Schild ansatz revised 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
R. P. Kerr
+ PDF Chat Scalar field inflation and Shan-Chen fluid models 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Daniele Gregoris
Sauro Succi
+ PDF Chat Two-body gravitational spin-orbit interaction at linear order in the mass ratio 2014 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Peculiar velocities in dynamic spacetimes 2014 Donato Bini
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Analytic determination of the eight-and-a-half post-Newtonian self-force contributions to the two-body gravitational interaction potential 2014 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Particle dynamics and deviation effects in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
M. Haney
A. Ortolan
+ PDF Chat Perturbative evaluation of the scalar two-point function in the cosmic microwave background power spectrum 2014 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat High-order post-Newtonian contributions to the two-body gravitational interaction potential from analytical gravitational self-force calculations 2014 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Extended bodies in a Kerr spacetime: exploring the role of a general quadrupole tensor 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Deviation of quadrupolar bodies from geodesic motion in a Kerr spacetime 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ Shan-Chen cosmological fluids and inflationary models 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Daniele Gregoris
Sauro Succi
+ Observers, Observables and Measurements in General Relativity 2014 Donato Bini
+ The Kerr-Schild ansatz revised 2014 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
R. P. Kerr
+ Observer-dependent optical properties of stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 2014 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Observer-dependent optical properties of stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 2013 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Refraction index analysis of light propagation in a colliding gravitational wave spacetime 2013 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
M. Haney
+ PDF Chat Dark energy from cosmological fluids obeying a Shan-Chen nonideal equation of state 2013 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Daniele Gregoris
Sauro Succi
+ Equatorial Circular Geodesics in the Hartle-Thorne Spacetime 2013 Donato Bini
Kuantay Boshkayev
R. Ruffini
I. A. Siutsou
+ PDF Chat Analytical determination of the two-body gravitational interaction potential at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation 2013 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat On the modification of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy spectrum from canonical quantum gravity 2013 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
Claus Kiefer
Manuel Krämer
Francesco Pessina
+ PDF Chat Light scattering by radiation fields: The optical medium analogy 2013 Donato Bini
P. Fortini
Andrea Geralico
M. Haney
A. Ortolan
+ PDF Chat Friction forces in cosmological models 2013 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Daniele Gregoris
Sauro Succi
+ PDF Chat The Erez–Rosen metric and the role of the quadrupole on light propagation 2013 Donato Bini
M. Crosta
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
Alberto Vecchiato
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of quadrupolar bodies in a Schwarzschild spacetime 2013 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ Equatorial Circular Geodesics in the Hartle-Thorne Spacetime 2013 Donato Bini
I. A. Siutsou
R. Ruffini
Kuantay Boshkayev
+ PDF Chat Gravitational radiation reaction along general orbits in the effective one-body formalism 2012 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Scattering of particles by radiation fields: A comparative analysis 2012 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
M. Haney
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Effective action approach to higher-order relativistic tidal interactions in binary systems and their effective one body description 2012 Donato Bini
Thibault Damour
Guillaume Faye
+ PDF Chat Tidal indicators in the spacetime of a rotating deformed mass 2012 Donato Bini
Kuantay Boshkayev
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Spacetime splitting, admissible coordinates, and causality 2012 Donato Bini
Carmen Chicone
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Particle scattering by a test fluid on a Schwarzschild spacetime: the equation of state matters 2012 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Sauro Succi
+ PDF Chat The signal from an emitting source moving in a Schwarzschild spacetime under the influence of a radiation field 2012 Donato Bini
M. Falanga
Andrea Geralico
L. Stella
+ PDF Chat Observer-dependent tidal indicators in the Kerr spacetime 2012 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Scattering by an electromagnetic radiation field 2012 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ Radiation pressure vs. friction effects in the description of the Poynting-Robertson scattering process 2012 Donato Bini
Daniele Gregoris
Sauro Succi
+ Special frames in General Relativity: applications to the 1PN approximation 2012 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Effect of radiation flux on test-particle motion in the Vaidya spacetime 2011 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
O. Semerák
+ PDF Chat Separable geodesic action slicing in stationary spacetimes 2011 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Spin-geodesic deviations in the Kerr spacetime 2011 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat de Sitter spacetime: effects of metric perturbations on geodesic motion 2011 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Accelerated orbits in black hole fields: the static case 2011 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Fermi coordinates in Schwarzschild spacetime: closed form expressions 2011 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat The general relativistic Poynting–Robertson effect: II. A photon flux with nonzero angular momentum 2011 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
O. Semerák
L. Stella
+ PDF Chat Spin-geodesic deviations in the Schwarzschild spacetime 2010 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Effective geometry of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:math>uniformly rotating self-gravitating polytrope 2010 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Simonetta Filippi
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Spinning bodies and the Poynting–Robertson effect in the Schwarzschild spacetime 2010 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Andrea Geralico
R. P. Kerr
+ Generalized Kerr spacetime with an arbitrary mass quadrupole moment: geometric properties versus particle motion 2009 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Orlando Luongo
Hernando Quevedo
+ PDF Chat Solution of Maxwell’s equations on a de Sitter background 2009 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
Roberto Valentino Montaquila
+ PDF Chat Extended bodies with quadrupole moment interacting with gravitational monopoles: reciprocity relations 2009 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Simonetta Filippi
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat The general relativistic Poynting–Robertson effect 2009 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
L. Stella
+ PDF Chat Electrocardiogram of the Mixmaster universe 2009 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ The vector wave equation in de Sitter space-time 2008 Donato Bini
Giampiero Esposito
Roberto Valentino Montaquila
Salvatore Capozziello
Giampiero Esposito
+ PDF Chat Gravitational induction 2008 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Carmen Chicone
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Emission versus Fermi coordinates: applications to relativistic positioning systems 2008 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Matteo Luca Ruggiero
Angelo Tartaglia
+ PDF Chat Dixon's extended bodies and impulsive gravitational waves 2008 Donato Bini
P. Fortini
Andrea Geralico
A. Ortolan
+ PDF Chat Dixon’s extended bodies and weak gravitational waves 2008 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
A. Ortolan
+ Quadrupole effects on the motion of extended bodies in Kerr spacetime 2008 Donato Bini
P. Fortini
Andrea Geralico
A. Ortolan
+ PDF Chat Massless field perturbations of the spinning C metric 2008 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Charged massive particle at rest in the field of a Reissner-Nordström black hole. II. Analysis of the field lines and the electric Meissner effect 2008 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
R. Ruffini
+ Quadrupole effects on the motion of extended bodies in Schwarzschild spacetime 2008 Donato Bini
P. Fortini
Andrea Geralico
A. Ortolan
+ PDF Chat Spin–rotation couplings: spinning test particles and Dirac field 2008 Donato Bini
Luca Lusanna
+ PDF Chat Physical frames along circular orbits in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 2008 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Strains and Jets in black hole fields 2008 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ The Lifshitz-Khalatnikov Kasner index parametrization and the Weyl Tensor 2007 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ Space-Time Geometry and Relativistic Kinematics 2007 G. Ferrarese
Donato Bini
+ Elements of Relativistic Thermodynamics of a Continuum 2007 G. Ferrarese
Donato Bini
+ PDF Chat Strains and axial outflows in the field of a rotating black hole 2007 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Charged massive particle at rest in the field of a Reissner-Nordström black hole 2007 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
R. Ruffini
+ The Lifshitz-Khalatnikov Kasner index parametrization and the Weyl Tensor 2007 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Strains in general relativity 2006 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat On the equilibrium of a charged massive particle in the field of a Reissner–Nordström black hole 2006 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
R. Ruffini
+ PDF Chat Frenet–Serret formalism for null world lines 2006 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Spin precession along circular orbits in the Kerr spacetime: the Frenet–Serret description 2006 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat C metric: the equatorial plane and Fermi coordinates 2005 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Simonetta Filippi
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Kerr metric, static observers and Fermi coordinates 2005 Donato Bini
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
Andrea Geralico
F. de Felice
Luca Lusanna
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Periastron shift in Weyl class spacetimes 2005 Donato Bini
F. De Paolis
Andrea Geralico
G. Ingrosso
A. A. Nucita
+ PDF Chat Spin precession in the Schwarzschild spacetime: circular orbits 2005 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat The speciality index as invariant indicator in the BKL mixmaster dynamics 2005 C. Cherubini
Donato Bini
Marco Bruni
Zoltán Perjés
+ PDF Chat Spinning particles in the vacuum C metric 2005 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Andrea Geralico
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Spinning test particles in Weyl spacetimes 2005 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
Andrea Lunari
+ PDF Chat Inertial effects of an accelerating black hole 2005 Donato Bini
+ PDF Chat Spinning test particles and clock effect in Schwarzschild spacetime 2004 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat Spinning test particles and clock effect in Kerr spacetime 2004 Donato Bini
F. de Felice
Andrea Geralico
+ Stationary spacetimes and the Simon tensor 2004 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Petrov classification of perturbed spacetimes: the Kasner example 2004 C. Cherubini
Donato Bini
Marco Bruni
Zoltán Perjés
C. Cherubini
Gianluca Cruciani
Robert T. Jantzen
+ Limitations of Radar Coordinates for Accelerated Observers 2004 Donato Bini
Luca Lusanna
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Vacuum<i>C</i>metric and the gravitational Stark effect 2004 Donato Bini
Christian Cherubini
B. Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Spin, acceleration and gravity 2004 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Bahram Mashhoon
Andrea Geralico
+ PDF Chat The Simon and Simon–Mars tensors for stationary Einstein–Maxwell fields 2004 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Robert T. Jantzen
G. Miniutti
+ PDF Chat The Origins of Causality Violations in Force-free Simulations of Black Hole Magnetospheres 2004 Brian Punsly
Donato Bini
+ Stationary spacetimes and the Simon tensor 2004 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
C. Cherubini
Gianluca Cruciani
Andrea Lunari
Robert T. Jantzen
A. Merloni
+ PDF Chat Massless field perturbations and gravitomagnetism in the Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime 2003 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Robert T. Jantzen
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Gravitomagnetism in the Kerr Newman Taub NUT spacetime 2003 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Robert T. Jantzen
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat Test particle motion in a gravitational plane wave collision background 2003 Donato Bini
Gianluca Cruciani
Andrea Lunari
+ PDF Chat Circular holonomy in the Taub NUT spacetime 2002 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Robert T. Jantzen
Donato Bini
Salvatore Capozziello
R. Ruffini
+ PDF Chat Teukolsky Master Equation: de Rham Wave Equation for Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields in Vacuum 2002 Donato Bini
C. Cherubini
Robert T. Jantzen
R. Ruffini
+ Circular Holonomy, Clock Effects and Gravitoelectromagnetism: Still Going Around in Circles After All These Years 2002 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ Circular Holonomy, Clock Effects and Gravitoelectromagnetism: Still Going Around in Circles After All These Years 2002 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Circular holonomy and clock effects in stationary axisymmetric spacetimes 2001 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
Bahram Mashhoon
+ PDF Chat The Cotton, Simon–Mars and Cotton–York tensors in stationary spacetimes 2001 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
G. Miniutti
Cristiano Germani
Robert T. Jantzen
Robert T. Jantzen
+ Gravitoelectromagnetism: Just a Big Word? 2001 Robert T. Jantzen
Paolo Carini
Donato Bini
+ PDF Chat Gravitomagnetism and relative observer clock effects 2001 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
Bahram Mashhoon
+ A Classical Interpretation of Maxwell's Equations in Curved Spacetime 2001 Cristiano Germani
Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ Gravitomagnetic Clock Effects in Black Hole Spacetimes 2001 Donato Bini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ Gravitoelectromagnetism: Just a Big Word? 2001 Robert T. Jantzen
Paolo Carini
Donato Bini
+ Global Existence and Relaxation Limit for Smooth Solutions to the Euler--Poisson Model for Semiconductors 2000 Giuseppe Alı̀
Donato Bini
Salvatore Rionero
+ PDF Chat On gravitomagnetic precession around black holes 1999 A. Merloni
M. Vietri
L. Stella
Donato Bini
+ Adapted frames for space-time splittings with an additional observer family 1998 Donato Bini
A. Merloni
Robert T. Jantzen
+ The Inertial Forces / Test Particle Motion Game 1997 Robert T. Jantzen
Donato Bini
Paolo Carini
+ PDF Chat The Intrinsic Derivative and Centrifugal Forces in General Relativity: II. Applications to Circular Orbits in Some Familiar Stationary Axisymmetric Spacetimes 1997 Donato Bini
Paolo Carini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat The Intrinsic Derivative and Centrifugal Forces in General Relativity: I. 1997 Donato Bini
Paolo Carini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ The Inertial Forces / Test Particle Motion Game 1997 Donato Bini
Paolo Carini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat The many faces of gravitoelectromagnetism 1992 Robert T. Jantzen
Paolo Carini
Donato Bini
+ Gravitoelectromagnetism: relativity of splitting formalisms. 1992 Robert T. Jantzen
Paolo Carini
Donato Bini
+ Kinematics of relativistic deformations and Thomas precession 1990 G. Ferrarese
L. Stazi
Carlo Cattani
Donato Bini
+ On the integrability of the Ernst equation 1988 Donato Bini
Valeria Ferrari
+ On the evaluation of the eigenvalues of the finite differences laplacian over a hexagon 1987 Donato Bini
A. Fontani
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The many faces of gravitoelectromagnetism 1992 Robert T. Jantzen
Paolo Carini
Donato Bini
+ PDF Chat Effective one-body approach to general relativistic two-body dynamics 1999 Alessandra Buonanno
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat The Intrinsic Derivative and Centrifugal Forces in General Relativity: II. Applications to Circular Orbits in Some Familiar Stationary Axisymmetric Spacetimes 1997 Donato Bini
Paolo Carini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Transition from inspiral to plunge in binary black hole coalescences 2000 Alessandra Buonanno
Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat The Intrinsic Derivative and Centrifugal Forces in General Relativity: I. 1997 Donato Bini
Paolo Carini
Robert T. Jantzen
+ PDF Chat Coalescence of two spinning black holes: An effective one-body approach 2001 Thibault Damour
+ PDF Chat Consequence of the gravitational self-force for circular orbits of the Schwarzschild geometry 2008 Steven Detweiler
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P. Jaranowski
Gerhard Schäfer
+ PDF Chat Analytical determination of the two-body gravitational interaction potential at the fourth post-Newtonian approximation 2013 Donato Bini
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+ PDF Chat Frenet-Serret description of gyroscopic precession 1993 B. R. Iyer
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+ PDF Chat Analytic Solutions of the Regge-Wheeler Equation and the Post-Minkowskian Expansion 1996 S. Mano
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+ PDF Chat Spinning test particles and clock effect in Schwarzschild spacetime 2004 Donato Bini
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