J. Solà‐Morales


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Long-time behaviour of the correlated random walk system 2025 Joaquín Menacho
Marta Pellicer
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Long-time behaviour of the correlated random walk system 2025 Joaquín Menacho
Marta Pellicer
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat A New Example on Lyapunov Stability 2021 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ An example on Lyapunov stability and linearization 2020 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Stability problems in nonautonomous linear differential equations in infinite dimensions 2020 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
G. K. Nakassima
+ A new example on Lyapunov stability 2020 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Safe trajectory of a piece moved by a robot 2020 Ernest Benedito
Oliver Bond
Thomas Babb
Juan Ramón Pacha Andújar
Sandeep Kumar
J. Solà‐Morales
+ An example on Lyapunov stability and linearization 2019 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Stability problems in non autonomous linear differential equations in infinite dimensions 2019 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
G. K. Nakassima
+ PDF Chat Optimal scalar products in the Moore-Gibson-Thompson equation 2019 Marta Pellicer
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Differentiability with respect to parameters in global smooth linearization 2016 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Curves and surfaces with constant nonlocal mean curvature: Meeting Alexandrov and Delaunay 2016 Xavier Cabré
Mouhamed Moustapha Fall
J. Solà‐Morales
Tobias Weth
+ PDF Chat Instability and Bifurcation in a Trend Depending Price Formation Model 2016 María del Mar González
Maria Pia Gualdani
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Curves and surfaces with constant nonlocal mean curvature: meeting Alexandrov and Delaunay 2015 Xavier Cabré
Mouhamed Moustapha Fall
J. Solà‐Morales
Tobias Weth
+ PDF Chat Optimal scalar products in the Standard Linear Viscoelastic Model 2015 Marta Pellicer
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Curves and surfaces with constant nonlocal mean curvature: meeting Alexandrov and Delaunay 2015 Xavier Cabré
Mouhamed Moustapha Fall
J. Solà‐Morales
Tobias Weth
+ Instability and bifurcation in a trend depending price formation model 2013 María del Mar González
Maria Pia Gualdani
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Instability and bifurcation in a trend depending price formation model 2013 María del Mar González
Maria Pia Gualdani
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Known Results and Open Problems on C1 linearization in Banach Spaces 2012 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ On the diffusion algorithm for density‐equalizing maps with piecewise constant initial data 2012 A. Avinyó
J. Solà‐Morales
M. València
+ PDF Chat A Singular Initial Value Problem to Construct Density-Equalizing Maps 2011 A. Avinyó
J. Solà‐Morales
M. València
+ On the Hartman–Grobman Theorem with Parameters 2010 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Optimal decay rates and the selfadjoint property in overdamped systems 2009 Marta Pellicer
J. Solà‐Morales
+ A Note on the Relationship Between Spectral Radius and Norms of Bounded Linear Operators 2008 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Invertible Contractions and Asymptotically Stable ODE’S that are not $$\mathcal{C}^{1}$$ -Linearizable 2006 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Layer solutions in a half‐space for boundary reactions 2005 Xavier Cabré
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat An invertible contraction that is not <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>-linearizable 2005 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Smooth Linearization for a Saddle on Banach Spaces 2004 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Linearization of class C1 for contractions on Banach spaces 2004 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Analysis of a viscoelastic spring–mass model 2004 Marta Pellicer
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat On maps with given Jacobians involving the heat equation 2003 Albert Aviny�
J. Solà‐Morales
Marta Val�ncia
+ PDF Chat Nonreal eigenvalues for second order differential operators on networks with circuits 2002 José A. Lubary
J. Solà‐Morales
+ A result on class-C1 linearization of contractions in infinite dimensions 2002 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Diffeomorphisms with Given Jacobians involving the Heat Equation 2000 Albert Avinyó Andrés
J. Solà‐Morales
Marta València Guitart
+ A Note on the Dynamics of Piecewise-Autonomous Bistable Parabolic Equations 2000 Bernold Fiedler
Carlos Rocha
Domingo Salazar
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Some non-selfadjoint problems on the circle 2000 José A. Lubary
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Stability of Local Minima and Stable Nonconstant Equilibria 1999 Neus Cónsul
J. Solà‐Morales
+ On the number and Indices of equilibria in a space-dependent bistable equation 1999 Domingo Salazar
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Bounded solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations in cylindrical domains 1997 Àngel Calsina
J. Solà‐Morales
Marta València
+ On nonlinear elliptic equations in infinite cylinders 1994 Àngel Calsina
J. Solà‐Morales
Marta València
+ Equadiff 91 1993 Carlos Perelló
Carles Simó
J. Solà‐Morales
+ The Dynamical Approach to Elliptic Problems in Cylindrical Domains, and a Study of Their Parabolic Singular Limit 1993 Àngel Calsina
Xavier Mora
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Asymptotic behavior of solutions of semilinear elliptic equations on an unbounded strip. 1991 P. Brunovský
Xavier Mora
Peter Poláčik
J. Solà‐Morales
+ The singular limit dynamics of semilinear damped wave equations 1989 Xavier Mora
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Inertial manifolds of damped semilinear wave equations 1989 Xavier Mora
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Trend to spatial homogeneity for solutions to semilinear damped wave equations 1987 J. Solà‐Morales
M. València
+ Existence and Non-Existence of Finite-Dimensional Globally Attracting Invariant Manifolds in Semilinear Damped Wave Equations 1987 Xavier Mora
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Global instability and essential spectrum in semilinear evolution equations 1986 J. Solà‐Morales
+ On the continuation of the ? gradE flow ofH 1 (S 1,M) 1980 J. Solà‐Morales
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 1981 Daniel Henry
+ Linearization of class C1 for contractions on Banach spaces 2004 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Existence and Non-Existence of Finite-Dimensional Globally Attracting Invariant Manifolds in Semilinear Damped Wave Equations 1987 Xavier Mora
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ PDF Chat Smooth Linearization for a Saddle on Banach Spaces 2004 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ The hartman-grobman theorem for reversible systems on banach spaces 1997 H. M. Rodrigues
José Gaspar Ruas-Filho
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ General Theory of Banach Algebras. 1961 E. H. Batho
C. E. Rickart
+ PDF Chat On Nonlinear Stabilization of Linearly Unstable Maps 2017 Thierry Gallay
Benjamin Texier
Kevin Zumbrun
+ Local Contractions of Banach Spaces and Spectral Gap Conditions 2001 Mohamed Sami ElBialy
+ PDF Chat Known Results and Open Problems on C1 linearization in Banach Spaces 2012 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ An example on Lyapunov stability and linearization 2020 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Invertible Contractions and Asymptotically Stable ODE’S that are not $$\mathcal{C}^{1}$$ -Linearizable 2006 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 2017 John M. Stewart
+ On the Hartman–Grobman Theorem with Parameters 2010 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ Stability of Solutions of Differential Equations in Banach Space 2002 Ju. Daleckiĭ
M. Г. Крейн
+ On a Theorem of P. Hartman 1969 Charles Pugh
+ PDF Chat An invertible contraction that is not <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>-linearizable 2005 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Dichotomies in Stability Theory 1978 W. A. Coppel
+ Methods of Bifurcation Theory 1982 Shui-Nee Chow
Jack K. Hale
+ Introduction to the Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems on Surfaces 1996 Samuel Aranson
Genrich Belitsky
Е. В. Жужома
+ Some infinite-dimensional Morse-Smale systems defined by parabolic partial differential equations 1985 Daniel Henry
+ Limiting behavior for strongly damped nonlinear wave equations 1983 Paul Massatt
+ On a theorem of Philip Hartman 2004 Brahim Abbaci
+ The Morse-Smale property for a semi-linear parabolic equation 1986 Sigurd Angenent
+ PDF Chat Smooth Linearization Near a Fixed Point 1985 George R. Sell
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert Space Problem Book 1982 Paul R. Halmos
+ σ-Hölder Continuous Linearization Near Hyperbolic Fixed Points in Rn 2000 Bin Tan
+ PDF Chat New extremal domains for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian in flat tori 2009 Pieralberto Sicbaldi
+ A Hartman-Grobman theorem for scalar reaction-diffusion equations 1991 Kening Lu
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ On the spectrum of evolution operators generated by hyperbolic systems 1986 Aloisio Neves
Hermano de Souza Ribeiro
Orlando Lopes
+ A Note on the Relationship Between Spectral Radius and Norms of Bounded Linear Operators 2008 Hildebrando M. Rodrigues
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal minimal surfaces 2010 Luis Caffarelli
Jean -Michel Roquejoffre
Ovidiu Savin
+ PDF Chat On maps with given Jacobians involving the heat equation 2003 Albert Aviny�
J. Solà‐Morales
Marta Val�ncia
+ PDF Chat On a Boltzmann-type price formation model 2013 Martin Burger
Luis Caffarelli
Peter A. Markowich
Marie-Thérèse Wolfram
+ PDF Chat Classical Solutions for a Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equation Arising in Computational Neuroscience 2012 José A. Carrillo
María del Mar González
Maria Pia Gualdani
María E. Schonbek
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ PDF Chat Regularity of nonlocal minimal cones in dimension 2 2012 Ovidiu Savin
Enrico Valdinoci
+ Stability of Local Minima and Stable Nonconstant Equilibria 1999 Neus Cónsul
J. Solà‐Morales
+ PDF Chat Semilinear parabolic problems define semiflows on 𝐶^{𝑘} spaces 1983 Xavier Mora
+ Regularity properties of nonlocal minimal surfaces via limiting arguments 2013 Luis Caffarelli
Enrico Valdinoci
+ Upper semicontinuity of the attractor for a singularly perturbed hyperbolic equation 1988 Jack K. Hale
Geneviève Raugel
+ Dynamics of a class of ODEs more general than almost periodic 2011 Peter E. Kloeden
H. M. Rodrigues
+ An abstract semigroup approach to the third‐order Moore–Gibson–Thompson partial differential equation arising in high‐intensity ultrasound: structural decomposition, spectral analysis, exponential stability 2012 R. Marchand
Timothy McDevitt
Roberto Triggiani
+ Smooth Dynamical Systems 2001 M. C. Irwin
+ Sturm‐Liouville eigenvalue problems on networks 1988 Joachim von Below
+ Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Differential Equations. 1968 F. S. Van Vleck
W. A. Coppel
+ Uniform estimates and limiting arguments for nonlocal minimal surfaces 2010 Luis Caffarelli
Enrico Valdinoci