Peter Teichner


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Homotopy versus isotopy: 2-spheres in 5-manifolds 2024 Danica Kosanović
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ A space level light bulb theorem in all dimensions 2024 Danica Kosanović
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Embedding surfaces in 4–manifolds 2024 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Arunima Ray
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat A new approach to light bulb tricks: Disks in 4-manifolds 2024 Danica Kosanović
Peter Teichner
+ Homotopy versus isotopy: 2-spheres in 5-manifolds 2023 Danica Kosanović
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Homotopy versus isotopy: Spheres with duals in 4-manifolds 2022 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Four-manifolds up to connected sum with complex projective planes 2022 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ Embedding surfaces in 4-manifolds 2022 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Arunima Ray
Peter Teichner
+ Immersions of punctured 4-manifolds 2022 Michael Freedman
Daniel Kasprowski
Matthias Kreck
Alan W. Reid
Peter Teichner
+ A new approach to light bulb tricks: Disks in 4-manifolds 2022 Danica Kosanović
Peter Teichner
+ The Schoenflies Theorem after Mazur, Morse, and Brown 2021 Stefan Behrens
Allison N. Miller
Matthias Nagel
Peter Teichner
+ A space level light bulb theorem for disks. 2021 Danica Kosanović
Peter Teichner
+ The Kervaire-Milnor invariant in the stable classification of spin 4-manifolds 2021 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat ℂℙ2-stable classification of 4-manifolds with finite fundamental group 2021 Daniel Kasprowski
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Round handle problem 2021 Min Hoon Kim
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ The Kervaire-Milnor invariant in the stable classification of spin 4-manifolds 2021 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ A space level light bulb theorem in all dimensions 2021 Danica Kosanović
Peter Teichner
+ Algebraic criteria for stable diffeomorphism of spin 4-manifolds 2020 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ Clasper Concordance, Whitney towers and repeating Milnor invariants 2020 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ The 4-dimensional disc embedding theorem and dual spheres 2020 Mark Powell
Arunima Ray
Peter Teichner
+ Algebraic criteria for stable diffeomorphism of spin 4-manifolds 2020 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat The group of disjoint 2-spheres in 4-space 2019 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Homotopy versus isotopy: spheres with duals in 4--manifolds 2019 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Homotopy versus isotopy: spheres with duals in 4-manifolds 2019 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Four-manifolds up to connected sum with complex projective planes 2018 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ Four-manifolds up to connected sum with complex projective planes 2018 Daniel Kasprowski
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Stable classification of 4-manifolds with 3-manifold fundamental groups 2017 Daniel Kasprowski
Markus Land
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ The Group of Disjoint 2-Spheres in 4-Space 2017 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ The round handle problem 2017 Min Hoon Kim
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ Factorization Algebras and Functorial Field Theories 2017 Owen Gwilliam
Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
Mahmoud Zeinalian
+ The Group of Disjoint 2-Spheres in 4-Space 2017 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ The round handle problem 2017 Min Hoon Kim
Mark Powell
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Cochran's βi-invariants via twisted Whitney towers 2016 Jim Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Cochran's $\beta^i$ invariants via twisted Whitney towers 2016 Jim Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Geometric filtrations of string links and homology cylinders 2016 James Conant
Robert Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Cochran's $β^i$ invariants via twisted Whitney towers 2016 Jim Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Pulling apart 2-spheres in 4-manifolds 2014 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Milnor invariants and twisted Whitney towers 2013 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Pulling Apart 2-spheres in 4-manifolds 2012 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Universal quadratic forms and Whitney tower intersection invariants 2012 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Cohomotopy sets of 4–manifolds 2012 Robion Kirby
Paul Melvin
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Whitney tower concordance of classical links 2012 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Tree homology and a conjecture of Levine 2012 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Traces in monoidal categories 2012 Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ Geometric filtrations of string links and homology cylinders 2012 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Geometric filtrations of string links and homology cylinders 2012 James Β. Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Pulling Apart 2-spheres in 4-manifolds 2012 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Higher-order intersections in low-dimensional topology 2011 Jim Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Geometric Filtrations of Classical Link Concordance 2011 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Differential forms and 0-dimensional supersymmetric field theories 2011 Henning Hohnhold
Matthias Kreck
Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ Universal Quadratic Forms and Untwisting Whitney Towers 2011 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric field theories and generalized cohomology 2011 Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ Geometric Filtrations of Classical Link Concordance 2011 James Β. Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Supersymmetric field theories and generalized cohomology 2011 Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ Traces in monoidal categories 2010 Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat From minimal geodesics to supersymmetric field theories 2010 Henning Hohnhold
Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ Traces in monoidal categories 2010 Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat New constructions of slice links 2009 Tim D. Cochran
Stefan Friedl
Peter Teichner
Matthias Kreck
Peter Teichner
+ Positivity of topological field theories in dimension at least 5 2008 Matthias Kreck
Peter Teichner
+ Topological 4-manifolds with geometrically 2-dimensional fundamental groups 2008 Ian Hambleton
Matthias Kreck
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Jacobi identities in low-dimensional topology 2007 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Knot concordance and von Neumann ρ -invariants 2007 Tim D. Cochran
Peter Teichner
+ Positive topological field theories and manifolds of dimension 5 2007 Matthias Kreck
Peter Teichner
+ New Constructions of Slice Links 2007 Tim D. Cochran
Stefan Friedl
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Non-smoothable Four-manifolds with Infinite Cyclic Fundamental Group 2007 Stefan Friedl
Ian Hambleton
Paul Melvin
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Correction to ‘New topologically slice knots’ 2006 Stefan Friedl
Peter Teichner
+ Geometric Topology and Connections with Quantum Field Theory 2006 Peter Teichner
Stephan Stolz
+ Non-smoothable four-manifolds with cyclic fundamental group 2006 Stefan Friedl
Ian Hambleton
Paul Melvin
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat New topologically slice knots 2005 Stefan Friedl
Peter Teichner
+ Knot concordance and von Neumann $\rho$-invariants 2004 Tim D. Cochran
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Whitney towers and the Kontsevich integral 2004 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ What is an elliptic object? 2004 Stephan Stolz
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat On Knots with trivial Alexander polynomial 2004 Stavros Garoufalidis
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Structure in the classical knot concordance group 2004 Tim D. Cochran
Kent E. Orr
Peter Teichner
+ Jacobi identities in low-dimensional topology 2004 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Jacobi identities in low-dimensional topology 2004 James Β. Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Whitney towers and the Kontsevich integral 2004 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Knot concordance and von Neumann $ρ$-invariants 2004 Tim D. Cochran
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Grope cobordism and feynman diagrams 2003 James Conant
Peter Teichner
+ Grope cobordism of classical knots 2003 James Conant
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Knot concordance, Whitney towers and L<sup>2</sup>-signatures 2003 Tim D. Cochran
Kent E. Orr
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Flatness and the Ore condition for rings 2003 Peter Teichner
+ Knots, von Neumann signatures, and grope cobordism 2003 Peter Teichner
+ Grope Cobordism and Feynman Diagrams 2002 James Conant
Peter Teichner
+ Structure in the classical knot concordance group 2002 Tim D. Cochran
Kent E. Orr
Peter Teichner
+ On Knots with trivial Alexander polynomial 2002 Stavros Garoufalidis
Peter Teichner
+ Grope Cobordism and Feynman Diagrams 2002 James Β. Conant
Peter Teichner
Richard Hain
Peter Teichner
+ Grope cobordism of classical knots 2000 Jim Conant
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Higher order intersection numbers of 2–spheres in 4–manifolds 2000 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Grope cobordism of classical knots 2000 Jim Conant
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat All two dimensional links are null homotopic 1999 Arthur Bartels
Peter Teichner
+ Knot concordance, Whitney towers and L^2 signatures 1999 Tim D. Cochran
Kent E. Orr
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Alexander duality, gropes and link homotopy 1997 Vyacheslav Krushkal
Peter Teichner
Richard Hain
Peter Teichner
+ A non-extended hermitian form over ℤ[ℤ] 1997 Ian Hambleton
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Maximal Nilpotent Quotients of $3$-Manifold Groups 1997 Peter Teichner
+ Stable Prime Decompositions of Four-Manifolds 1996 Matthias Kreck
Wolfgang LĂźck
Peter Teichner
+ Maximal Nilpotent Quotients of 3-Manifold Groups 1996 Peter Teichner
+ Maximal Nilpotent Quotients of 3-Manifold Groups 1996 Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples to the Kneser conjecture in dimension four 1995 Matthias Kreck
Wolfgang LĂźck
Peter Teichner
+ 4-Manifold topology II: Dwyer's filtration and surgery kernels 1995 Michael Freedman
Peter Teichner
+ 4-Manifold topology I: Subexponential groups 1995 Michael Freedman
Peter Teichner
+ 6-Dimensional Manifolds without Totally Algebraic Homology 1995 Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat 6-dimensional manifolds without totally algebraic homology 1995 Peter Teichner
+ Nonorientable 4-Manifolds with Fundamental Group of Order 2 1994 Ian Hambleton
Matthias Kreck
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Nonorientable $4$-manifolds with fundamental group of order $2$ 1994 Ian Hambleton
Matthias Kreck
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Van Kampen’s embedding Obstruction is incomplete for $2$-Complexes in $\rz^{4}$ 1994 Michael Freedman
Vyacheslav Krushkal
Peter Teichner
+ On the signature of four-manifolds with universal covering spin 1993 Peter Teichner
+ Topological four-manifolds with finite fundamental group 1992 Peter Teichner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The topology of four-dimensional manifolds 1982 Michael Freedman
+ The topology of 4-manifolds 1989 Robion Kirby
+ PDF Chat Knot concordance, Whitney towers and L<sup>2</sup>-signatures 2003 Tim D. Cochran
Kent E. Orr
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Claspers and finite type invariants of links 2000 Kazuo Habiro
+ PDF Chat Surgery on Compact Manifolds 1999 C. T. C. Wall
+ PDF Chat Whitney tower concordance of classical links 2012 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Topology of 4-manifolds 1990 Michael Freedman
Frank Quinn
+ PDF Chat Higher order intersection numbers of 2–spheres in 4–manifolds 2000 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ 4-Manifold topology I: Subexponential groups 1995 Michael Freedman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Milnor invariants and twisted Whitney towers 2013 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Foundational Essays on Topological Manifolds, Smoothings, and Triangulations. 1977 Robion Kirby
Laurence C. Siebenmann
+ PDF Chat Higher-order intersections in low-dimensional topology 2011 Jim Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ Grope cobordism of classical knots 2003 James Conant
Peter Teichner
+ Homology and central series of groups 1965 John R. Stallings
+ Whitney towers and gropes in 4–manifolds 2005 Rob Schneiderman
+ PDF Chat Whitney towers and the Kontsevich integral 2004 Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ The Kontsevich integral and Milnor’s invariants 2000 Nathan Habegger
Gregor Masbaum
+ PDF Chat Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds 2001 Stavros Garoufalidis
Mikhail Goussarov
Michael Polyak
+ Derivatives of links: Milnor’s concordance invariants and Massey’s products 1990 Tim D. Cochran
+ PDF Chat Whitney’s trick for three $2$-dimensional homology classes of $4$-manifolds 1979 Masayuki Yamasaki
+ A Certain Exact Sequence 1950 J. H. C. Whitehead
+ The Self-Intersections of a Smooth n-Manifold in 2n-Space 1944 Hassler Whitney
+ Surgery and Duality 1999 Matthias Kreck
+ 4-Manifold topology II: Dwyer's filtration and surgery kernels 1995 Michael Freedman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Subexponential groups in 4–manifold topology 2000 Vyacheslav Krushkal
Frank Quinn
+ On the classification of topological 4-manifolds with finite fundamental group 1988 Ian Hambleton
Matthias Kreck
+ PDF Chat Addendum and correction to: “Homology cylinders: an enlargement of the mapping class group” 2002 Jerome Levine
+ PDF Chat Grope cobordism and feynman diagrams 2003 James Conant
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Simple Whitney towers, half-gropes and the Arf invariant of a knot 2005 Rob Schneiderman
+ Knot concordance, Whitney towers and L^2 signatures 1999 Tim D. Cochran
Kent E. Orr
Peter Teichner
+ Link Groups 1954 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Jacobi identities in low-dimensional topology 2007 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Structure in the classical knot concordance group 2004 Tim D. Cochran
Kent E. Orr
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Labeled binary planar trees and quasi-Lie algebras 2006 Jerome Levine
+ PDF Chat Bounds on the von Neumann dimension of $L\sp 2$-cohomology and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for open manifolds 1985 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Homology surgery and invariants of 3–manifolds 2001 Stavros Garoufalidis
Jerome Levine
+ Princeton Mathematical Series 1948 6
+ PDF Chat Existence of 𝜋₁-negligible embeddings in 4-manifolds. A correction to Theorem 10.5 of Freedmann and Quinn 1994 Richard Stong
+ PDF Chat An application of gauge theory to four-dimensional topology 1983 Simon Donaldson
+ PDF Chat On the Vassiliev knot invariants 1995 Dror Bar-Natan
+ Homology, massey products and maps between groups 1975 W. G. Dwyer
+ PDF Chat New topologically slice knots 2005 Stefan Friedl
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat On Knots with trivial Alexander polynomial 2004 Stavros Garoufalidis
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Alexander duality, gropes and link homotopy 1997 Vyacheslav Krushkal
Peter Teichner
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative knot theory 2004 Tim D. Cochran
+ Knot cobordism groups in codimension two 1969 Jerome Levine
+ PDF Chat Universal quadratic forms and Whitney tower intersection invariants 2012 James Conant
Rob Schneiderman
Peter Teichner
Matthias Kreck
Peter Teichner
+ The 4-dimensional light bulb theorem 2019 David Gabai
+ Finite type invariants and n-equivalence of 3-manifolds 1999 Mikhail Goussarov