R. B. Killgrove


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Regular Polygons with Rational Area or Perimeter 1991 R. B. Killgrove
D. W. Koster
+ Regular Polygons with Rational Area or Perimeter 1991 R. B. Killgrove
D. W. Koster
+ Nonexistence of new order-9 projective plane with order-13 collineation 1980 E. T. Parker
R. B. Killgrove
+ A planar latin square lacking automorphism 1979 E. T. Parker
R. B. Killgrove
+ The Sum of Two Powers is a Third, Sometimes 1976 R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat A Geometric Approach to the Heine-Borel Theorem 1971 R. B. Killgrove
Jason L. Frand
William B. Giles
Henry Bray
+ Unusual Binary Operations for Defining Lines 1969 R. B. Killgrove
+ Extensions of the Schnirelmann Density to Higher Dimensions 1966 Betty Kvarda
R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat Completions of Quadrangles in Projective Planes II 1965 R. B. Killgrove
+ A Note on Projective Planes of Order Nine 1964 E. T. Parker
R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat A note on projective planes of order nine 1964 E. T. Parker
R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat Completions of Quadrangles in Projective Planes 1964 R. B. Killgrove
+ A Use of Inequalities for Loci in Analytic Geometry 1962 Robert I. Jennrich
R. B. Killgrove
+ A Use of Inequalities for Loci in Analytic Geometry 1962 Robert I. Jennrich
R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat A note on the nonexistence of certain projective planes of order nine. 1960 R. B. Killgrove
+ A Note on the Nonexistence of Certain Projective Planes of Order Nine 1960 R. B. Killgrove
+ On Projective Planes of Order Nine 1959 Marshall Hall
J. D. Swift
R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture concerning the primes 1959 R. B. Killgrove
K. E. Ralston
+ On a Conjecture Concerning the Primes 1959 R. B. Killgrove
K. E. Ralston
+ PDF Chat On projective planes of order nine 1959 Marshall Hall
J. D. Swift
R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat On a Conjecture Concerning the Primes 1959 R. B. Killgrove
K. E. Ralston
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On Projective Planes of Order Nine 1959 Marshall Hall
J. D. Swift
R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat On projective planes of order nine 1959 Marshall Hall
J. D. Swift
R. B. Killgrove
+ Recent Advances in the Foundations of Euclidean Geometry 1955 R. H. Bruck
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of the projective plane with 57 points 1953 Marshall Hall
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of the projective plane of order eight 1956 Marshall Hall
J. D. Swift
Robert J. Walker
+ A Class of Non-Desarguesian Projective Planes 1957 D. Hughes
+ Projektive Ebenen 1955 GĂĽnter Pickert
+ Finite Fano Planes 1956 Andrew M. Gleason
+ On finite non-desarguesian planes generated by 4 points 1956 Andreas Wagner
+ Uniqueness of the Projective Plane of Order Eight 1956 Marshall Hall
J. Dean Swift
Robert J. Walker
+ PDF Chat Non-Desarguesian and Non-Pascalian Geometries 1907 Oswald Veblen
J. H. Maclagan-Wedderburn
+ PDF Chat Non-Desarguesian and non-Pascalian geometries 1907 Oswald Veblen
J. H. Maclagan-Wedderburn
+ PDF Chat An introduction to the theory of numbers 1960 G. H. Hardy
+ A Modern View of Geometry. 1964 Claude Springer
Leonard M. Blumenthal
+ On Projective Planes Transitive on Quadrangles 1958 Ascher Wagner
+ Projective Planes and Isotopic Ternary Rings 1967 George E. Martin
+ A Simple Proof that, For Odd p > 1, arc cos1/p and π are Incommensurable 1949 B. H. Arnold
Howard Eves
+ Rational Values of Trigonometric Functions 1945 John M. H. Olmsted
+ Recent Advances in the Foundations of Euclidean Plane Geometry 1955 R. H. Bruck
+ PDF Chat Completions of Quadrangles in Projective Planes 1964 R. B. Killgrove
+ Foundations of Geometry 1971 David Hilbert
Paul Bernays
+ Discussions: Supplementary Note on the Irrationality of Certain Trigonometric Functions 1922 R. S. Underwood
+ A canonical form for incidence matrices of finite projective planes and their associated latin squares 1953 Lowell J. Paige
Charles Wexler
+ Sui gruppi di collineazioni dei piani di Hughes. 1957 Guido Zappa
+ On the Equations xn±yn = zm 1970 R. G. Beerensson
+ A Note on the Nonexistence of Certain Projective Planes of Order Nine 1960 R. B. Killgrove
+ PDF Chat An Introduction to the Theory of Groups of Finite Order 1908 G. B. M.
+ History of the Theory of Numbers 1924 1
+ Correction to "Uniqueness of the Projective Plane with 57 Points" 1954 Marshall Hall
+ History of the theory of numbers 1919 L. E. Dickson
+ PDF Chat On homomorphisms of projective planes 1960 D. R. Hughes
+ A Note on Trigonometric Algebraic Numbers 1933 D. H. Lehmer
+ The Real Projective Plane 1992 H. S. M. Coxeter
George R. Beck
+ Non-Euclidean geometry 1961 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ The foundations of Euclidean geometry 1927 H. G. Forder
+ Piani grafici a caratteristica 3 1960 Guido Zappa
+ PDF Chat Correction to “Uniqueness of the projective plane with 57 points.” 1954 Marshall Hall
+ PDF Chat A note on the nonexistence of certain projective planes of order nine. 1960 R. B. Killgrove
+ The Foundations Of Geometry 1902 David Hilbert
+ A latin square with orthogonal mate and no automorphism 1974 E. T. Parker
+ Combinatorial Geometry in the Plane. 1965 G. P. Johnson
H. Hadwiger
Hans Debrunner
Victor Klee
+ A First Course in Abstract Algebra. 1969 Kenneth P. Bogart
George Grätzer
John B. Fraleigh
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers. 1961 W. J. LeVeque
Ivan Niven
Herbert S. Zuckerman