S. Kataoka


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Momentum-Space Renormalization Group Transformation in Bayesian Image Modeling by Gaussian Graphical Model 2018 Kazuyuki Tanaka
Masamichi Nakamura
S. Kataoka
Masayuki Ohzeki
Muneki Yasuda
+ PDF Chat Linear-Time Algorithm in Bayesian Image Denoising based on Gaussian Markov Random Field 2018 Muneki Yasuda
Junpei Watanabe
S. Kataoka
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Solving Non-parametric Inverse Problem in Continuous Markov Random Field Using Loopy Belief Propagation 2017 Muneki Yasuda
S. Kataoka
+ PDF Chat Community Detection Algorithm Combining Stochastic Block Model and Attribute Data Clustering 2016 S. Kataoka
Takuto Kobayashi
Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Statistical analysis of loopy belief propagation in random fields 2015 Muneki Yasuda
S. Kataoka
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ Statistical Analysis of Loopy Belief Propagation based on Replica Cluster Variation Method. 2015 Muneki Yasuda
S. Kataoka
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Inverse Renormalization Group Transformation in Bayesian Image Segmentations 2015 Kazuyuki Tanaka
S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Masayuki Ohzeki
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Reconstruction of Missing Observations 2015 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Image Segmentations by Potts Prior and Loopy Belief Propagation 2014 Kazuyuki Tanaka
S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Yuji Waizumi
Chiou-Ting Hsu
+ Composite Likelihood Estimation for Restricted Boltzmann machines 2014 Muneki Yasuda
S. Kataoka
Yuji Waizumi
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Traffic data reconstruction based on Markov random field modeling 2014 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Cyril Furtlehner
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ Composite Likelihood Estimation for Restricted Boltzmann machines 2014 Muneki Yasuda
S. Kataoka
Yuji Waizumi
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ Bayesian Reconstruction of Missing Observations 2014 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ Statistical Analysis of Gaussian Image Inpainting Problems 2012 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ Statistical analysis of the expectation-maximization algorithm with loopy belief propagation in Bayesian image modeling 2011 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
D. M. Titterington
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Statistical-mechanical approach to image processing 2002 Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Cluster variation method in statistical physics and probabilistic graphical models 2005 Alessandro Pelizzola
+ A Theory of Cooperative Phenomena 1951 Ryoichi Kikuchi
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Bayesian Image Modeling by Means of a Generalized Sparse Prior and Loopy Belief Propagation 2012 Kazuyuki Tanaka
Muneki Yasuda
D. M. Titterington
+ PDF Chat Replica Cluster Variational Method 2010 Tommaso Rizzo
Alejandro Lage-Castellanos
Roberto Mulet
Federico Ricci‐Tersenghi
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman
+ PDF Chat Traffic data reconstruction based on Markov random field modeling 2014 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Cyril Furtlehner
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of image restoration and error-correcting codes 1999 Hidetoshi Nishimori
K. Y. Michael Wong
+ Statistical Analysis of Gaussian Image Inpainting Problems 2012 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks 1999 Albert‐László Barabási
RĂ©ka Albert
+ Variational principle for the distribution function of the effective field for the random Ising model in the Bethe approximation 1979 T. Morita
+ PDF Chat Community detection as an inference problem 2006 M. B. Hastings
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of community detection 2006 Juergen Reichardt
Stefan Bornholdt
+ Triangular approximation for Ising model and its application to Boltzmann machine 2006 Muneki Yasuda
Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
+ Frustration effect on the d-dimensional Ising spin glass. II. Existence of the spin glass phase 1980 Satoshi Fujiki
Seiichiro Katsura
+ PDF Chat Approximate inverse Ising models close to a Bethe reference point 2013 Cyril Furtlehner
+ PDF Chat Model selection for degree-corrected block models 2014 Xiaoran Yan
Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
Jacob E Jensen
Florent KrząkaƂa
Cristopher Moore
Lenka ZdeborovĂĄ
Pan Zhang
Yaojia Zhu
+ Accuracy of the Bethe approximation for hyperparameter estimation in probabilistic image processing 2004 Kazuyuki Tanaka
Hayaru Shouno
Masato Okada
D. M. Titterington
+ Finding community structure in very large networks 2004 Aaron Clauset
M. E. J. Newman
Cristopher Moore
+ PDF Chat Image restoration using the chiral Potts spin glass 1999 Domenico Carlucci
Jun‐ichi Inoue
+ PDF Chat Statistical field theory 1989 R. F. Bishop
+ Random-field instability of the ferromagnetic state 1977 T. Schneider
E. Pytte
+ Statistical analysis of the expectation-maximization algorithm with loopy belief propagation in Bayesian image modeling 2011 S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
D. M. Titterington
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Approximation for Fields of Experts 2013 Muneki Yasuda
Kazuyuki Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks 2004 M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Finding and evaluating community structure in networks 2004 Michelle G. Newman
Michelle Girvan
+ PDF Chat Small-correlation expansions for the inverse Ising problem 2009 Vitor Sessak
RĂ©mi Monasson
+ PDF Chat Statistical physics of pairwise probability models 2009 Yasser Roudi
Erik Aurell
Erik Aurell
John Hertz
John Hertz
+ PDF Chat Variational Bayes for estimating the parameters of a hidden Potts model 2008 Clare A. McGrory
D. M. Titterington
R. Reeves
A. N. Pettitt
+ PDF Chat Cooperative Game Theory Approaches for Network Partitioning 2017 Konstantin Avrachenkov
Aleksei Y. Kondratev
Vladimir V. Mazalov
+ PDF Chat Stochastic blockmodels and community structure in networks 2011 Brian Karrer
M. E. J. Newman
+ PDF Chat Community detection in graphs 2009 Santo Fortunato
+ PDF Chat Fast unfolding of communities in large networks 2008 Vincent D. Blondel
Jean‐Loup Guillaume
Renaud Lambiotte
Etienne Lefebvre
+ Probabilistic image processing by means of the Bethe approximation for the<i>Q</i>-Ising model 2003 Kazuyuki Tanaka
Jun-ichi Inoue
D. M. Titterington
+ PDF Chat Clustering based on random graph model embedding vertex features 2010 Hugo Zanghi
Stevenn Volant
Christophe Ambroise
+ Model Selection Through Sparse Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Multivariate Gaussian or Binary Data 2008 Onureena Banerjee
Laurent El Ghaoui
Alexandre d’Aspremont
+ Inductive Principles for Restricted Boltzmann Machine Learning 2010 Benjamin M. Marlin
Kevin Swersky
Bo Chen
Nando de Freitas
+ PDF Chat Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform 2015 Giulia Fracastoro
Enrico Magli
+ PDF Chat Approximating the XY model on a random graph with a<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mml:mi>q</mml:mi></mml:math>-state clock model 2017 Cosimo Lupo
Federico Ricci‐Tersenghi
+ Composite Likelihood Methods 2012 Harry Joe
Nancy Reid
Peter Xuekun
David Firth
+ Statistical Analysis of Non-Lattice Data 1975 Julian Besag
+ PDF Chat Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform 2016 Giulia Fracastoro
Sophie M. Fosson
Enrico Magli
+ PDF Chat Constraint satisfaction problems and neural networks: A statistical physics perspective 2009 Marc MĂ©zard
Thierry Mora
+ PDF Chat Replica cluster variational method: the replica symmetric solution for the 2D random bond Ising model 2013 Alejandro Lage-Castellanos
Roberto Mulet
Federico Ricci‐Tersenghi
Tommaso Rizzo
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Image Segmentations by Potts Prior and Loopy Belief Propagation 2014 Kazuyuki Tanaka
S. Kataoka
Muneki Yasuda
Yuji Waizumi
Chiou-Ting Hsu
+ PDF Chat Gaussian belief propagation solver for systems of linear equations 2008 Ori Shental
Paul H. Siegel
Jack K. Wolf
Danny Bickson
Danny Dolev
+ PDF Chat Bethe–Peierls approximation and the inverse Ising problem 2012 H. Chau Nguyen
Johannes Berg
+ PDF Chat An Information Flow Model for Conflict and Fission in Small Groups 1977 Wayne Zachary
+ PDF Chat Community Detection in Networks with Node Attributes 2013 Jaewon Yang
Julian McAuley
Jure Leskovec