Guofang Wei


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Singular metrics with nonnegative scalar curvature and RCD 2024 Xianzhe Dai
Changliang Wang
Lihe Wang
Guofang Wei
+ Finite diffeomorphism theorem for manifolds with lower Ricci curvature and bounded energy 2024 Wenshuai Jiang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Volume entropy and rigidity for RCD-spaces 2024 Chris Connell
Xianzhe Dai
JesĂșs NĂșñez‐ZimbrĂłn
Raquel Perales
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic method to fundamental gap problems on the sphere 2024 Gunhee Cho
Guofang Wei
Guang Yang
+ PDF Chat Finite Diffeomorphism Theorem for manifolds with lower Ricci curvature and bounded energy 2024 Wenshuai Jiang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Singular Weyl’s law with Ricci curvature bounded below 2023 Xianzhe Dai
Shouhei Honda
Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat None 2023 Xianzhe Dai
Shouhei Honda
Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Integral Ricci curvature and the mass gap of Dirichlet Laplacians on domains 2023 Xavier Ramos Olivé
Christian Rose
Lili Wang
Guofang Wei
+ Modulus of Concavity and Fundamental Gap Estimates on Surfaces 2023 Gabriel Khan
Malik Tuerkoen
Guofang Wei
+ Probabilistic Method to Fundamental gap problems on the sphere 2023 Gunhee Cho
Guofang Wei
Guang Yang
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue estimates for Kato-type Ricci curvature conditions 2022 Christian Rose
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Examples of Ricci limit spaces with non-integer Hausdorff dimension 2022 Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Ancient solutions for flow by powers of the curvature in $${\mathbb {R}}^2$$ 2022 Theodora Bourni
Julie Clutterbuck
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
Valentina‐Mira Wheeler
+ Semi-local simple connectedness of non-collapsing Ricci limit spaces 2022 Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ Examples of open manifolds with positive Ricci curvature and non-proper Busemann functions 2022 Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ Ricci Flow and Gromov Almost Flat Manifolds 2022 Eric Chen
Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
+ Log-Concavity and Fundamental Gaps on Surfaces of Positive Curvature 2022 Gabriel Khan
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Malik Tuerkoen
Guofang Wei
+ Singular Weyl's law with Ricci curvature bounded below 2022 Xianzhe Dai
Shouhei Honda
Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Improved Relative Volume Comparison for Integral Ricci Curvature and Applications to Volume Entropy 2021 Lina Chen
Guofang Wei
+ Ricci flow and a sphere theorem for L/2-pinched Yamabe metrics 2021 Eric Chen
Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
+ PDF Chat The Vanishing of the Fundamental Gap of Convex Domains in $$\mathbb {H}^n$$ 2021 Theodora Bourni
Julie Clutterbuck
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
Valentina‐Mira Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Fundamental gaps of spherical triangles 2021 Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
Xuwen Zhu
+ The Fundamental Gap of Horoconvex Domains in ℍ<i>n</i> 2021 Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Maximal volume entropy rigidity for RCD∗(−(N−1),N) spaces 2021 Chris Connell
Xianzhe Dai
JesĂșs NĂșñez‐ZimbrĂłn
Raquel Perales
Pablo Suárez‐Serrato
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Explicit fundamental gap estimates for some convex domains in $\mathbb{H}^2$ 2021 Theodora Bourni
Julie Clutterbuck
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
Valentina‐Mira Wheeler
+ The fundamental gap of horoconvex domains in $\mathbb H^n$ 2021 Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Fundamental gap estimate for convex domains on sphere — the case $n=2$ 2021 Xianzhe Dai
Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
+ Examples of Ricci limit spaces with non-integer Hausdorff dimension 2021 Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ Integral Ricci curvature and the mass gap of Dirichlet Laplacians on domains 2021 Xavier Ramos Olivé
Christian Rose
Lili Wang
Guofang Wei
+ Universal Covers of Ricci Limit and RCD Spaces 2020 Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of Minimal Submanifolds in Space Forms 2020 Hang Chen
Guofang Wei
+ The vanishing of the fundamental gap of convex domains in $\mathbb H^n$ 2020 Theodora Bourni
Julie Clutterbuck
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
Valentina‐Mira Wheeler
+ On the volume of orbifold quotients of symmetric spaces 2020 Ilesanmi Adeboye
McKenzie Wang
Guofang Wei
+ Fundamental Gap of Convex Domains in the Spheres 2020 Chenxu He
Guofang Wei
Qi S. Zhang
+ Fundamental gaps of spherical triangles 2020 Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
Xuwen Zhu
+ The vanishing of the fundamental gap of convex domains in $\mathbb H^n$ 2020 Theodora Bourni
Julie Clutterbuck
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
Valentina‐Mira Wheeler
+ Ancient solutions for flow by powers of the curvature in $\mathbb R^2$ 2020 Theodora Bourni
Julie Clutterbuck
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
Valentina‐Mira Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Zhong–Yang type eigenvalue estimate with integral curvature condition 2019 Xavier Ramos OlivĂ©
Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
Qi S. Zhang
+ Local Sobolev constant estimate for integral Bakry–Émery Ricci curvature 2019 Lili Wang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Sharp fundamental gap estimate on convex domains of sphere 2019 Shoo Seto
Lili Wang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Reilly-type inequalities for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" overflow="scroll" id="d1e19" altimg="si10.gif"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-Laplacian on submanifolds in space forms 2019 Hang Chen
Guofang Wei
+ Semi-local simple connectedness of non-collapsing Ricci limit spaces 2019 Jiayin Pan
Guofang Wei
+ Explicit fundamental gap estimates for some convex domains in $\mathbb H^2$ 2019 Theodora Bourni
Julie Clutterbuck
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Alina Stancu
Guofang Wei
Valentina‐Mira Wheeler
+ Zhong-Yang type eigenvalue estimate with integral curvature condition 2018 Xavier Ramos Olivé
Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
Qi S. Zhang
+ Volume entropy estimate for integral Ricci curvature 2018 Lina Chen
Guofang Wei
+ Relative volume comparison for integral Ricci curvature and some applications 2018 Lina Chen
Guofang Wei
+ Fundamental gap estimate for convex domains on sphere -- the case $n=2$ 2018 Xianzhe Dai
Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Neumann isoperimetric constant estimate for convex domains 2018 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
Zhenlei Zhang
+ Reilly-type inequalities for $p$-Laplacian on submanifolds in space forms 2018 Hang Chen
Guofang Wei
+ On the volume of orbifold quotients of symmetric spaces 2018 Ilesanmi Adeboye
McKenzie Wang
Guofang Wei
+ Zhong-Yang type eigenvalue estimate with integral curvature condition 2018 Xavier Ramos Olivé
Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
Qi S. Zhang
+ Fundamental gap estimate for convex domains on sphere -- the case $n=2$ 2018 Xianzhe Dai
Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
+ Improved relative volume comparison for integral Ricci curvature and applications to volume entropy 2018 Lina Chen
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Local Sobolev constant estimate for integral Ricci curvature bounds 2017 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
Zhenlei Zhang
+ First eigenvalue of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" id="mml1" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:math>-Laplacian under integral curvature condition 2017 Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
+ Fundamental Gap of Convex Domains in the Spheres (with Appendix B by Qi S. Zhang) 2017 Chenxu He
Guofang Wei
+ First eigenvalue of the $p$-Laplacian under integral curvature condition 2017 Shoo Seto
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On the universal cover and the fundamental group of an RCD<sup>*</sup>(<i>K</i>,<i>N</i>)-space 2016 Andrea Mondino
Guofang Wei
+ Local Sobolev Constant Estimate for Integral Ricci Curvature Bounds 2016 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
Zhenlei Zhang
+ Sharp Fundamental Gap Estimate on Convex Domains of Sphere 2016 Shoo Seto
Lili Wang
Guofang Wei
+ Neumann Isoperimetric Constant Estimate for Convex Domains 2016 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
Zhenlei Zhang
+ PDF Chat Various covering spectra for complete metric spaces 2015 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Monotonicity Formulas for the Bakry–Emery Ricci Curvature 2014 Song Bing-yu
Guofang Wei
Guoqiang Wu
+ On volumes of complex hyperbolic orbifolds 2014 Ilesanmi Adeboye
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On volume growth of gradient steady Ricci solitons 2013 Guofang Wei
Peng Wu
+ Math 241A | Topics in geometry Topology of Manifolds with Ricci Curvature Bounded from Below Course Outline and Information 2013 Guofang Wei
+ Monotonicity Formulas for Bakry-Emery Ricci Curvature 2013 Song Bing-yu
Guofang Wei
Guoqiang Wu
+ PDF Chat On volumes of hyperbolic orbifolds 2012 Ilesanmi Adeboye
Guofang Wei
+ Various Covering Spectra for Complete Metric Spaces 2012 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ On volumes of complex hyperbolic orbifolds 2012 Ilesanmi Adeboye
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Describing the universal cover of a noncompact limit 2010 John M. Ennis
Guofang Wei
+ Rigidity of quasi-Einstein metrics 2010 Jeffrey S. Case
Yu-Jen Shu
Guofang Wei
+ The cut-off covering spectrum 2009 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Comparison geometry for the Bakry-Emery Ricci tensor 2009 Guofang Wei
William Wylie
+ PDF Chat A Neumann Type Maximum Principle for the Laplace Operator on Compact Riemannian Manifolds 2009 Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
William Wylie
+ Rigidity of Quasi-Einstein Metrics 2008 Jeffrey S. Case
Yujen Shu
Guofang Wei
+ Comparison Geometry for Ricci Curvature 2008 Guofang Wei
+ Hitchin–Thorpe inequality for noncompact Einstein 4-manifolds 2007 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
+ Comparison Geometry for the Smooth Metric Measure Spaces 2007 Guofang Wei
William Wylie
+ PDF Chat On the variational stability of KĂ€hler-Einstein metrics 2007 Xianzhe Dai
Xiaodong Wang
Guofang Wei
+ The Cut-off Covering Spectrum 2007 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ Comparison Geometry for the Bakry-Emery Ricci Tensor 2007 Guofang Wei
William Wylie
+ A Neumann Type Maximum Principle for the Laplace Operator on Compact Riemannian Manifolds 2007 Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: "The covering spectrum of a compact length space'' 2006 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ Describing the universal cover of a compact limit 2006 John M. Ennis
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Manifolds with a lower Ricci Curvature Bound 2006 Guofang Wei
+ Hitchin-Thorpe Inequality for Noncompact Einstein 4-Manifolds 2006 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
+ Manifolds with A Lower Ricci Curvature Bound 2006 Guofang Wei
+ On the Stability of K\"ahler-Einstein Metrics 2005 Xianzhe Dai
Xiaodong Wang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On the stability of Riemannian manifold with parallel spinors 2005 Xianzhe Dai
Xiaodong Wang
Guofang Wei
+ On the Stability of KĂ€hler-Einstein Metrics 2005 Xianzhe Dai
Xiaodong Wang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat The covering spectrum of a compact length space 2004 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat A heat kernel lower bound for integral Ricci curvature 2004 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
+ None 2004 Igor Belegradek
Guofang Wei
+ Universal covers for Hausdorff limits of noncompact spaces 2003 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ The covering spectrum of a compact length space 2003 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ On the Stability of Riemannian Manifold with Parallel Spinors 2003 Xianzhe Dai
Xiaodong Wang
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Metrics of positive Ricci curvature on vector bundles over nilmanifolds 2002 Igor Belegradek
Guofang Wei
+ Universal Covers for Hausdorff Limits of Noncompact Spaces 2002 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff convergence and universal covers 2001 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ Metrics of positive Ricci curvature on bundles 2001 Igor Belegradek
Guofang Wei
+ Metrics of positive Ricci curvature on vector bundles over nilmanifolds 2001 Igor Belegradek
Guofang Wei
+ Analysis and geometry on manifolds with integral Ricci curvature bounds. II 2000 Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
+ Integral pinching theorems 2000 Xianzhe Dai
Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
+ Hausdorff Convergence and Universal Covers 2000 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Controlled Geometry via Smoothing 1999 Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
R. Ye
+ A Heat Kernel Lower Bound for Integral Ricci Curvature 1998 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
+ Relative Volume Comparison with Integral Curvature Bounds 1997 Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
+ Comparison Geometry with Integral Curvature Bounds 1997 P A Peterson
Semion Shteingold
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature and betti numbers 1997 Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Smoothing Riemannian metrics with Ricci curvature bounds 1996 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
+ A comparison-estimate of Toponogov type for Ricci curvature 1995 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
+ Controlled Geometry via Smoothing 1995 Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
+ Controlled Geometry via Smoothing 1995 Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
+ Negative Ricci curvature and isometry group 1994 Xianzhe Dai
Zhongmin Shen
Guofang Wei
+ Ricci Curvature and Betti Numbers 1994 Guofang Wei
+ Smoothing Riemannian Metrics with Ricci Curvature Bounds 1994 Xianzhe Dai
Guofang Wei
Rugang Ye
+ Volume growth and finite topological type 1993 Zhong Min Shen
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On the Fundamental Groups of Manifolds with Almost-Nonnegative Ricci Curvature 1990 Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On the fundamental groups of manifolds with almost-nonnegative Ricci curvature 1990 Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Examples of complete manifolds of positive Ricci curvature with nilpotent isometry groups 1988 Guofang Wei
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the structure of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below. I 1997 Jeff Cheeger
Tobias Colding
+ PDF Chat A note on curvature and fundamental group 1968 John Milnor
+ Relative Volume Comparison with Integral Curvature Bounds 1997 Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Examples of complete manifolds of positive Ricci curvature with nilpotent isometry groups 1988 Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat Integral curvature bounds, distance estimates and applications 1998 Peter Petersen
Chadwick Sprouse
+ PDF Chat On complete manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature 1990 Uwe Abresch
Detlef Gromoll
+ PDF Chat The splitting theorem for manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature 1971 Jeff Cheeger
Detlef Gromoll
+ PDF Chat Nonnegative Ricci curvature, small linear diameter growth and finite generation of fundamental groups 2000 Christina Sormani
+ Lower Bounds on Ricci Curvature and the Almost Rigidity of Warped Products 1996 Jeff Cheeger
Tobias Colding
+ Finiteness of π1π1 and geometric inequalities in almost positive Ricci curvature 2007 Erwann Aubry
+ Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces 2007 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat On loops representing elements of the fundamental group of a complete manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature 2001 Christina Sormani
+ Proof of the fundamental gap conjecture 2011 Ben Andrews
Julie Clutterbuck
+ PDF Chat Convergence of riemannian manifolds with integral bounds on curvature. I 1992 Deane Yang
+ The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications 2002 Grisha Perelman
+ Analysis and geometry on manifolds with integral Ricci curvature bounds. II 2000 Peter Petersen
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On the structure of spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below. III 2000 Jeff Cheeger
Tobias Colding
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff convergence and universal covers 2001 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ A Course in Metric Geometry 2001 Dmitri Burago
Yuri Burago
S. V. Ivanov
+ Convergence and rigidity of manifolds under Ricci curvature bounds 1990 Michael T. Anderson
+ Curvature, diameter and betti numbers 1981 Michael Gromov
+ Universal covers for Hausdorff limits of noncompact spaces 2003 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of metric measure spaces. II 2006 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ On the topology of complete manifolds of non-negative Ricci curvature 1990 Michael T. Anderson
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Ricci curvature for metric-measure spaces via optimal transport 2009 John Lott
CĂ©dric Villani
+ Ricci Curvature and Volume Convergence 1997 Tobias Colding
+ PDF Chat Sharp fundamental gap estimate on convex domains of sphere 2019 Shoo Seto
Lili Wang
Guofang Wei
+ Some New Results on Eigenvectors via Dimension, Diameter, and Ricci Curvature 2000 Dominique Bakry
Zhongmin Qian
+ On fundamental groups of manifolds of nonnegative curvature 2000 Burkhard Wilking
+ PDF Chat Some geometric properties of the Bakry-ïżœmery-Ricci tensor 2003 John Lott
+ PDF Chat Noncompact manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature 2006 William Wylie
+ A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology 1991 William S. Massey
+ PDF Chat Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature 1982 Richard S. Hamilton
+ Differential equations on riemannian manifolds and their geometric applications 1975 Sheng Yao Cheng
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ On the Fundamental Group of Open Manifolds with Nonnegative Ricci Curvature 2003 Sen-Lin Xu
Zuoqin Wang
Fangyun Yang
+ A Lower Bound for the Smallest Eigenvalue of the Laplacian 2015 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Chat Sharp Hölder continuity of tangent cones for spaces with a lower Ricci curvature bound and applications 2012 Tobias Colding
Aaron Naber
+ PDF Chat Sharp modulus of continuity for parabolic equations on manifolds and lower bounds for the first eigenvalue 2013 Ben Andrews
Julie Clutterbuck
+ Examples with bounded diameter growth and infinite topological type 2000 X. Menguy
+ Eigenvalue comparison theorems and its geometric applications 1975 Shiu‐Yuen Cheng
+ On the ricci curvature of a compact kĂ€hler manifold and the complex monge‐ampĂ©re equation, I 1978 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ On manifolds of positive Ricci curvature with large diameter 1991 Yukio Otsu
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Complete Manifolds of Nonnegative Curvature 1972 Jeff Cheeger
Detlef Gromoll
+ PDF Chat A second eigenvalue bound for the Dirichlet Laplacian in hyperbolic space 2007 Rafael D. Benguria
Helmut Linde
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ A lower bound for the heat kernel 1981 Jeff Cheeger
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The covering spectrum of a compact length space 2004 Christina Sormani
Guofang Wei
+ Comparison Geometry for the Smooth Metric Measure Spaces 2007 Guofang Wei
William Wylie
+ Riemannian manifolds with positive mean curvature 1941 S. B. Myers