Travis Norsen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Comparison of the mean field and Bohmian semi-classical approximations to the Rabi model 2021 Dirk-André Deckert
Leopold Kellers
Travis Norsen
Ward Struyve
+ PDF Chat Lapsing Quickly into Fatalism: Bell on Backward Causation 2021 Travis Norsen
Huw Price
+ Lapsing Quickly into Fatalism: Bell on Backward Causation 2021 Travis Norsen
Huw Price
+ Lapsing Quickly into Fatalism: Bell on Backward Causation 2021 Travis Norsen
Huw Price
+ Comparison of semi-classical approximations to the Rabi model 2020 Dirk-André Deckert
Leopold Kellers
Travis Norsen
Ward Struyve
+ Are there really two different Bell's theorems? 2015 Travis Norsen
+ Are there really two different Bell's theorems? 2015 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Can the wave function in configuration space be replaced by single-particle wave functions in physical space? 2014 Travis Norsen
Damiano Marian
Xavier Oriols
+ Can the wave function in configuration space be replaced by single-particle wave functions in physical space? 2014 Travis Norsen
Damiano Marian
Xavier Oriols
+ PDF Chat Weak measurement and Bohmian conditional wave functions 2014 Travis Norsen
Ward Struyve
+ PDF Chat The pilot-wave perspective on spin 2014 Travis Norsen
+ Can the wave function in configuration space be replaced by single-particle wave functions in physical space? 2014 Travis Norsen
Damiano Marian
Xavier Oriols
+ PDF Chat Can Bohmian mechanics be made relativistic? 2013 Detlef Dürr
Sheldon Goldstein
Travis Norsen
Ward Struyve
Nino Zanghı̀
+ Yet Another Snapshot of Foundational Attitudes Toward Quantum Mechanics 2013 Travis Norsen
Sarah Nelson
+ PDF Chat The pilot-wave perspective on quantum scattering and tunneling 2013 Travis Norsen
+ Yet Another Snapshot of Foundational Attitudes Toward Quantum Mechanics 2013 Travis Norsen
Sarah J. Nelson
+ PDF Chat John S. Bell’s concept of local causality 2011 Travis Norsen
+ Parameter Independence and Outcome Independence in Dynamical Collapse Theories 2010 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat The Theory of (Exclusively) Local Beables 2010 Travis Norsen
+ Parameter Independence and Outcome Independence in Dynamical Collapse Theories 2010 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Local Causality and Completeness: Bell vs. Jarrett 2009 Travis Norsen
+ Wave Packets and Scattering Probabilities 2009 Travis Norsen
+ How and why to think about scattering in terms of wave packets instead of plane waves 2008 Travis Norsen
J. Landé
Sarah B. McKagan
+ PDF Chat Against ‘Realism’ 2007 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Bell Locality and the Nonlocal Character of Nature 2006 Travis Norsen
+ Comment on ``Experimental realization of Wheeler's delayed-choice GedankenExperiment'' 2006 Travis Norsen
+ Intelligent Design in the Physics Classroom? 2006 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat EPR and Bell Locality 2006 Travis Norsen
+ Counter-Factual Meaningfulness and the Bell and CHSH Inequalities 2006 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Einstein’s boxes 2005 Travis Norsen
+ Quantum Theory: Interpretation Cannot be Avoided 2004 Eric Dennis
Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Mixed kaon condensation in color-flavor locked matter 2002 Andrei Kryjevski
Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Strangeness nucleation in neutron star matter 2002 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat First order kaon condensation in neutron stars: Finite size effects in the mixed phase 2001 Travis Norsen
Sanjay Reddy
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Hidden variables and the two theorems of John Bell 1993 N. David Mermin
+ PDF Chat Quantum equilibrium and the origin of absolute uncertainty 1992 Detlef D�rr
Sheldon Goldstein
Nino Zangh�
+ PDF Chat A Relativistic Version of the Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber Model 2006 Roderich Tumulka
+ PDF Chat Einstein’s boxes 2005 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat The Theory of (Exclusively) Local Beables 2010 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Quantum Equilibrium and the Role of Operators as Observables in Quantum Theory 2004 Detlef Dürr
Sheldon Goldstein
Nino Zanghı̀
+ PDF Chat On the Role of Density Matrices in Bohmian Mechanics 2005 Detlef D�rr
Sheldon Goldstein
Roderich Tumulka
Nino Zangh�
+ PDF Chat Applied Bohmian Mechanics 2019 Xavier Oriols
J. Mompart
+ PDF Chat First order kaon condensate 1999 Norman K. Glendenning
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Violation of Bell's Inequality under Strict Einstein Locality Conditions 1998 Gregor Weihs
Thomas Jennewein
Christoph Simon
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat A Neglected Route to Realism about Quantum Mechanics 1994 Huw Price
+ PDF Chat Bell Locality and the Nonlocal Character of Nature 2006 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat On the reality of the quantum state 2012 Matthew F. Pusey
Jonathan Barrett
Terry Rudolph
+ PDF Chat Opposite arrows of time can reconcile relativity and nonlocality 2003 Sheldon Goldstein
Roderich Tumulka
+ PDF Chat From Einstein's theorem to Bell's theorem: a history of quantum non-locality 2006 Howard M. Wiseman
+ PDF Chat Surface tension between a kaon condensate and the normal nuclear matter phase 2000 Michael B. Christiansen
Norman K. Glendenning
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat Semi-classical approximations based on Bohmian mechanics 2020 Ward Struyve
+ PDF Chat Does time-symmetry imply retrocausality? How the quantum world says “Maybe”? 2012 Huw Price
+ PDF Chat Local Causality and Completeness: Bell vs. Jarrett 2009 Travis Norsen
+ PDF Chat Einstein, Incompleteness, and the Epistemic View of Quantum States 2010 Nicholas Harrigan
Robert W. Spekkens
+ PDF Chat The Operational Choi–Jamiołkowski Isomorphism 2020 Emily Adlam
+ PDF Chat The properties of K̄ in the nuclear medium 2000 À. Ramos
E. Oset
+ Bohmian Mechanics and the Meaning of the Wave Function 1995 Detlef Dürr
Sheldon Goldstein
Nino Zanghı̀
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i> : Bell’s theorem and locally mediated reformulations of quantum mechanics 2020 K. B. Wharton
Nathan Argaman
+ PDF Chat Cosmic Bell Test: Measurement Settings from Milky Way Stars 2017 Johannes Handsteiner
Andrew S. Friedman
Dominik Rauch
Jason Gallicchio
Bo Liu
Hannes Hosp
Johannes Kofler
David Bricher
Matthias Fink
Calvin Leung
+ PDF Chat Towards a Novel Approach to Semi-Classical Gravity 2017 Ward Struyve
+ PDF Chat Significant-Loophole-Free Test of Bell’s Theorem with Entangled Photons 2015 Marissa Giustina
Marijn A. M. Versteegh
Sören Wengerowsky
Johannes Handsteiner
Armin Hochrainer
K. Phelan
Fabian Steinlechner
Johannes Kofler
Jan-Åke Larsson
Carlos Abellán
+ PDF Chat Causally symmetric Bohm model 2008 Roderick Sutherland
+ PDF Chat Robust weak-measurement protocol for Bohmian velocities 2013 Fabio L. Traversa
Guillermo Albareda
Massimiliano Di Ventra
Xavier Oriols
+ Time Symmetric Quantum Theory Without Retrocausality? A Reply to Tim Maudlin 2017 Matthew Leifer
+ Schrödinger's route to wave mechanics 1979 Linda Wessels
+ PDF Chat Hypersurface Bohm-Dirac models 1999 Detlef Dürr
Sheldon Goldstein
K. Münch-Berndl
Nino Zanghı̀
+ Forces and Fields: The Concept of Action at a Distance in the History of Physics 1965 Mary Hesse
+ PDF Chat Can the wave function in configuration space be replaced by single-particle wave functions in physical space? 2014 Travis Norsen
Damiano Marian
Xavier Oriols
+ PDF Chat Composition and structure of protoneutron stars 1997 Madappa Prakash
Ignazio Bombaci
M. Prakash
P.J. Ellis
James M. Lattimer
Roland Knorren
+ General Propositions and Causality 1931 Frank Plumpton Ramsey
+ PDF Chat Kaon Condensation and Dynamical Nucleons in Neutron Stars 1998 Norman K. Glendenning
Jürgen Schaffner‐Bielich
+ PDF Chat John S. Bell’s concept of local causality 2011 Travis Norsen
+ Locality, Independence and the Pro-Liberty Bell 1996 Huw Price
+ PDF Chat New Slant on the EPR-Bell Experiment 2012 Peter William Evans
Huw Price
K. B. Wharton
+ PDF Chat Neutron Star Masses and Radii as Inferred from Kilohertz Quasi-periodic Oscillations 1997 W. Zhang
Tod E. Strohmayer
J. H. Swank
+ PDF Chat Is the Quantum State Real? An Extended Review of ψ-ontology Theorems 2014 Matthew Leifer
+ PDF Chat Kaon condensation in proto-neutron star matter 2000 J. A. Pons
Sanjay Reddy
P.J. Ellis
Madappa Prakash
James M. Lattimer
+ PDF Chat Is a time symmetric interpretation of quantum theory possible without retrocausality? 2017 Matthew Leifer
Matthew F. Pusey
+ Nonlocality and Bohr's reply to EPR 1997 N. David Mermin
+ PDF Chat First order kaon condensation in neutron stars: Finite size effects in the mixed phase 2001 Travis Norsen
Sanjay Reddy
+ PDF Chat Computation of many-particle quantum trajectories with exchange interaction: application to the simulation of nanoelectronic devices 2013 A. Alarcón
Simeón Moisés Yaro
Xavier Cartoixà
Xavier Oriols
+ PDF Chat Predictions and Primitive Ontology in Quantum Foundations: A Study of Examples 2014 Valia Allori
Sheldon Goldstein
Roderich Tumulka
Nino Zanghı̀
+ PDF Chat Bell's conspiracy, Schrödinger's black cat and global invariant sets 2015 T. N. Palmer
+ PDF Chat Pilot-wave theory and quantum fields 2010 Ward Struyve